Budgeting - Articles, Advice, Help for Married Couples
Showing 4 of 4 articles
Image for How to Make a Budget - Steps to Success
How to Make a Budget - Steps to Success

Budgeting money is considered a financially responsible move for married couples who want to not only save money, but have some left over to spend. Unfortunately many people tend to live ...

Image for Budgeting Tips for Newlyweds
Budgeting Tips for Newlyweds

As newlyweds, finances and budgeting may be the last thing on your mind - but it’s important to start your marriage off on the right financial foot if you want to keep your finances strong in ...

Image for Financial Planning Laid Out with a Budget Worksheet
Financial Planning Laid Out with a Budget Worksheet

A budget worksheet is a tactical method for planning a budget that relies upon formulas and outlines. A budget worksheet will vary depending on its purpose. However, no matter what the purpose of the ...

Image for Why Every Married Couple Needs a Budget
Why Every Married Couple Needs a Budget

Chances are if you ask the average person on the street if they follow a budget, they will say "no". Budgeting is not something that comes easily to everyone. Since many people are not ...

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O-69 - A new Bingo game for couples

Just released - our sexy new Bingo game called O-69 (requires premium membership). Try it out together tonight, it's sure to be a bedroom hit!

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