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So, her big day is coming up! It would be a great idea for you to take the initiative and plan a special day or night for you and your sweetheart. You may not know where to start and that’s no problem. Here are 8 questions that you should answer in planning a wonderful date for your wife’s birthday.
1. What do you want to achieve?
First things first. Sit and think about what you are trying to accomplish. This phase of the plan involves considering whether or not the outing will be romantic, adventurous, reflective or just completely packed with fun, fun and more fun. The type of date or outing you will take your special lady on will be guided by this.
Of course, one of the primary things you want to do is to give her a memorable night but if you can answer the overarching question of what you want to achieve or what you want her to experience on the date or outing, your work is half done.
2. What does she like?
You now know what you want to achieve with your wife’s birthday date. It is now time for you to sit and carefully think about what your lady likes. Don’t feel too bad if this step is a little difficult. You can get advice from relatives, her best friends or her co-workers. Her family, close friends and co-workers will be able to supply with information on things she has been expressing interest in. Sometimes at work, women discuss the awesome new restaurants or locations that they want to visit. Don’t feel strange that she didn’t say this to you. Women like to be surprised and like the adventure involved in you discovering what they like and leaving them astonished.
Please be aware of the fact that likes sometimes change or fluctuate. That restaurant that was her absolute favorite and that she would die to go to ten years ago might be bland and boring to her today. This is why it is important to base your plan for your wife’s birthday date on her current interests.
3. Will it be just you two or will it be a group date?
The two previous questions will inform this decision. A birthday outing or date can either be romantic or simply fun and celebratory. Depending on what you are trying to achieve with the date, you will have to decide whether it will be just you two love birds on a romantic date out or if you will have a group of her best friends, family members and co-workers come together to shower her with love, their presence and gifts.
You have to take into consideration her likes and personality when deciding this. A more introverted woman will most likely prefer a silent date out with just you. If that’s your girl’s preference, then work with that and make it the most romantic or adventurous date you can think of. If your significant other is extroverted and loves company, she may really look forward to a gathering dedicated to her special day. If she’s the type of gal that wants friends over for a celebration, you can still plan a romantic after-party moment together with a bubble bath, roses and champagne. This will end the night in fine style.
4. Where will you take her?
This is probably the most critical decision that you will have to make. Again, guided by the previous questions, you will need to consider the previous questions before you can categorically make this decision.
When you are considering where to take her, you must take note of the weather forecast for her special day. You don’t want to decide on a place that is totally contrary to the weather that you will be expecting on that day. You can’t take her to that water park that she always wanted to go in the midst of a thunderstorm. It also would be a great idea to capitalize on her big day falling on a beautiful and sunny day. Plan an outdoor occasion so that she can bask in the lovely weather at the end of a cold or rainy period.
Wherever you decide to take her, be sure that you are aware of the opening a closing hours of these locations. It would be a great embarrassment and disappointment if your significant other gets herself all dolled up to be met with a ‘we are closed’ sign. So, to avoid this, know the operating hours of the place you intend to take her and ensure that you schedule your movements accordingly. Of course, this does not come into play if you intend to have a gathering at home. In this case, you will just have to ensure that the timing of the event is scheduled, and the order of activities are handled in a timely fashion.
5. How much will the date cost?
She deserves the world. She deserves a trip around the world to see the most beautiful beaches and geographic attractions. She deserves a party as big as those held by Gatsby. While this is true, you must be aware of your financial abilities. You want to blow her mind and have her crown you as the king of awesome birthday dates, but do not go into bankruptcy for this. Think about it - if you both have a wonderful day, night or week and deplete all your finances, will you both be happy when the excitement dies down? No! you will both be frustrated and regretful. Stay within a reasonable budget when planning a wonderful date for your wife.
The other extreme is discouraged as well. Don’t be mean and cheap when planning for your wife’s special day. Spending a little more than you normally would will affirm in her mind that you esteem her greatly. Don’t take her to the cheapest place. Don’t buy the cheapest gift. Don’t be too tight on what you get her on the date or what you get for her party.
When all is said and done, it is not the amount you spend or do not spend that makes a birthday special. It is the wealth of thought that you invest in making your lady’s birthday celebration memorable.
6. Who will take care of the kids?
If you are a parent of small children, you will definitely need to consider what you will do with the kids on the day or night of this date. If you decide that you will be taking her out alone, you will have to schedule a babysitter or a relative to take charge of your child or children. This will give your wife a chance to relax and to not have to worry about her motherly responsibilities.
If your children are a little older, there may be a place for them at a group gathering. There are also occasions where it is appropriate for the children to come along. However, this will be informed by what you are trying to achieve with the night, what your wife likes for a birthday date and where you will be taking her.
7. How will you get there?
This may seem like it has an obvious answer, but there might be some things to consider. If you have a car is that the best choice of transportation? Would is make more sense to take public transit, a ride sharing service or something else? If you're planning on drinking alcohol on your date are you volunteering to be the designated driver? You could also spice up the date by using some unconventional mode of transportation to get to your location. This can be as simple as a double seater bicycle or renting segways or electric scooters.
Or maybe you're able to splurge. Rent a sports car, hire a limo or a book a ride in a helicopter if your budget can handle it. Whatever you decide, do not overlook this aspect of the planning.
8. What gift should I get her?
It is rare that a woman does not expect a gift on her birthday. A gift is an awesome way to make her feel super special. Do not overthink this but at the same time do not take this decision too lightly. The wrong gift can ruin an awesome night. On the other hand, a thoughtful and appropriate gift can turn an average date into an incredible moment.
Here, her friends and her family members can be helpful (if you haven't been paying attention throughout the year!) Touch base with them and find out what she has been talking about as possible gifts. Choose something from their recommendations and add your own personal twist to it. Personalized gifts are always winners. Something bearing her name or a picture of her. Remember your budget when making this decision but avoid being cheap in this process. If it's a special anniversary, like your first, 5th, 10th or so on, put in a little extra effort and money if your budget allows. In any case, get her something that communicates to her that you value her and that you have her desires in mind.
Answer these questions and you will be well on your way to giving your wife a super special birthday celebration. Whether you decide to be simple and romantic or fun and adventurous, bear in mind that it is truly about making her feel special and valuable. The outing is about her and not about the outing. If you keep this in focus, you will surely blow her mind.
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