When You're Too Busy for Sex - Sex Issues - Married Fun!
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Sometimes it seems like life is keeping you too busy for anything outside of work, eat, sleep - and repeat. Unfortunately, this type of busy schedule affects more than just your ability to do extracurricular things or vacuum the house: it can keep you and your spouse from having sex as well. What do you do when you’re too busy for sex? The following guide will help you out!

The downsides of being “too busy for sex”

First, a quick detour into exactly why being “too busy for sex” can take such a toll on your marriage. Regular sex is part of a healthy relationship, and when you aren’t able to have regular sex with your spouse, you are missing out on some crucial emotional and physical bonding that can keep your relationship strong. When you are too busy for sex, you are essentially saying that you’re too busy for your spouse.

How to incorporate sex into your busy life

Thankfully, there are multiple ways that you can incorporate sex into your busy life. The following are some key ways that you can resolve the problem of being too busy, too tired, too whatever - for sex.

Create a schedule that includes sex

We know: a schedule is hardly sexy! But a schedule can be the key to integrating regular sex back into your life. Creating a schedule for sex allows you to fit sex into your life, no matter how busy you may be. In addition to actually fitting sex into your schedule, the creation of that schedule will be a message to your spouse (and vice versa) that they are important enough to make time for every week.

Carve out time every day for some type of physical intimacy

In addition to scheduling time for sex in particular, you need to make sure you are spending time every day engaging in some type of physical intimacy. Even if you don’t necessarily have the time for full-blown sex every day, you can still fit in kissing, hugging, cuddling and so on.

Hire babysitters if children are making it difficult to have time alone

If one of the reasons for your declined sex life due to being “too busy” happens to be difficulty finding genuine time alone due to the kids (or as alone as possible when you have children) then this problem can be easily resolved by getting a babysitter so that you and your spouse can carve out time alone for sex. This can mean bringing in a babysitter to your home then heading out to a nice hotel, or asking a relative to babysit for a weekend night so that you and your spouse can be alone at home.

Final Thoughts

Remember, being “too busy for sex” is detrimental to your relationship - but it’s not a permanent problem! The above solutions are all relatively simple ways that you can make sure that you and your spouse are having sex regularly despite your busy work, social life and other elements on your schedule.

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