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If you’re a newlywed couple, then you’ve probably already been on your honeymoon - and enjoyed all of those intimate evenings, nights and mornings that go along with enjoying some private ...
Sometimes you want to have sex but you don’t exactly feel up to a romp that is akin to a hardy workout or a full-length marathon. When you’re feeling tired from work or simply just too ...
Are you looking to spice up your marriage bedroom? If so, you are not alone: when married couples find that their sex life is getting a bit too routine - in other words, stale and boring! - they can ...
If you’ve ever attempted a sex position with your spouse that didn’t quite work out - maybe it was too uncomfortable, maybe you weren’t flexible enough, one or both of you ...
If you and your spouse are newly married and you are still exploring your sex life in its earliest stages, then you may feel intimidated by some of the more advanced sexual positions that people talk ...
What are the best sex positions? The answer will depend on many different things! It is true that there are no universal best sex positions, as everyone has different preferences in regards to ...
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Looking for a fun new way to connect? Take a look at our new couples challenge Been There, Done That!. This is a fun intimacy challenge that every couple can get started on right away. How many places can you mark off? Let the challenge begin!
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