When Should We Seek Out Sex Therapy? - Marriage Counseling
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When married couples have problems or issues related to their sex lives, they can turn to sex therapy in order to improve their married sex life and in turn, help strengthen their marriage. In some instances, sex therapy is one of the best ways to make a genuine improvement in your sex life. The following guide will help you learn more about sex therapy and decide whether or not it is best for you and your spouse.

What is Sex Therapy?

Sex therapy is therapy designed to handle various conflicts related to sex, sexual intimacy and anything of a sexual nature in relation to your marriage and relationship. Sex therapy is designed to help you recover from past sexual conflicts, work through current sexual conflicts, and promote a healthier outlook on your married sex life in the future.

Sex therapy can include many different types of therapeutic techniques and activities. The most common technique used is traditional talk therapy, in which a therapist will encourage you and your spouse to talk about your conflicts so that they can be resolved. Other techniques may include writing or journal exercises, though this will depend on the therapist you see as well as the conflicts being discussed.

Sex therapy can cover specific conflicts and issues or it can be used to promote a generally healthier outlook on your sex life as a married couple - or even both.

Do My Spouse and I Need Sex Therapy? What to Consider

Whether or not you and your spouse may need sex therapy will depend on certain factors, such as the nature of the conflict, how long it has been going on, and whether or not you have tried other ways of resolving your problems.

You may need sex therapy if:

You have attempted to resolve your conflict on your own but couldn’t. A professional therapist may be able to help you resolve your conflict if attempting it by yourselves didn’t work, as they will have the knowledge and experience necessary to help you.

Your sex-related conflict has been going on for a long time. If you have been experiencing sexual problems in your marriage for months or even years, then it’s time to seek out the help of sex therapy sessions which may be able to help you get to the root of the problem and resolve it. When something is this long-lasting, it needs a professional’s help.

The problem is impacting your marriage. If the problem in your sex lives is impacting your marriage, then there is no doubt that you and your spouse need sex therapy. Sexual incapability and conflicts is a leading contributor to divorce, so it’s important not to let these types of problems fester for very long.

Remember, sex therapy can be a way for you and your spouse to improve your sex life, resolve conflicts related to your sex life, and generally promote a happier and much healthier sex life in the future.

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