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Going out on a date seems impossible at times when you're married. Do you have children? If so, then the idea of going out on a date almost sounds ridiculous. Should it sound ridiculous? No, it should not. Somehow you've got to find a little time for the two of you to get out and blow off some steam. A date doesn't have to be expensive, and you need to do it. How often should you go out on a date? The real question is; when can you find the time? For some couples going out once a month on a date is easy enough while for others it can be difficult to go out even a few times a year. No matter how often you go out, you must do the proper date planning to make sure that you have the best time possible.
Here are some tips for planning the perfect date that are super easy to follow
Long gone are the days where you can do anything spontaneously. Everything you do now needs to be planned well in advance. Proper date planning means you plan everything down to the exact time that you're coming and going. It's so much more fun to do something at the spur of the moment, but you can't do that now. If your kids are older, then you already know that going out on a date doesn't pop up like a mushroom after a hard rain. Times like these call for planning well in advance, and if you want to have a good night out on the town, then it's something that you'll have to do.
How to hire a babysitter
Plan to hire a babysitter about a week in advance. Don't have the money for a babysitter? That's what families are for. Even if you don't hire someone to watch your kids, you've still got to find someone. A week in advance is a good amount of time when you're working as a date planner. If you go beyond a week, then it's hit or miss if anyone will still be able to do it. You don't know what you're going to do a month from now, and neither does anyone else. You probably know what you'll be doing next week, so that's why searching for a babysitter seven days in advance is a good idea.
If you've never used a particular babysitter, waiting until date night might not be the best time to give them a try. A teenager from your neighborhood might feel overwhelmed if it's their first time watching children. You also don't know how they're going to treat your children. The first time you allow them to babysit should only for a short period like a quick trip to the store or to help you cover an emergency. Date nights usually require you to be gone for several hours, and you need someone reliable during this time.
Make reservations or buy tickets early
If you're planning on hitting a restaurant you might be better off making reservations. Some people think that reservations are only required for high-end restaurants. If you are planning to go out on a busy day like a weekend, it might be difficult or impossible for you to get a table at your preferred restaurant. Call in advance and ask the person on the other end of the phone if you should make a reservation to guarantee a table. If they say that you should, then make sure that you reserve a table. The worst thing that could happen is that you go there on your date night and there are no tables available. You won't have much fun in the parking lot watching people come and go.
Another problem with having to wait a long time for a table is that you tell your babysitter how long you'll be gone. If you have to wait for a half-hour for a table, then you'll probably be home 30 minutes later than the agreed-upon time. Your babysitter might have school in the morning, or they may have something going on that makes it impossible for them to stay past the scheduled time. So, if there's any doubt about getting a table, reserve one and make sure you have a place to sit.
If you're planning on going to a special event you may need to buy your tickets well in advance. Be sure to plan ahead or you might find that you need a plan B when the tickets are sold out. Even if tickets are still available you might be able to save a few bucks by buying your tickets early.
Choose the restaurant or location in advance
Don't wait until the last minute to choose the restaurant. Do you want to start the date off immediately on the wrong foot? If you do, then don't choose the restaurant until you walk out the door. You'll end up playing one of these games where the two of you go back and forth while trying to decide where to eat. The worst thing you could do is drive around in circles arguing about what you want to eat. If this is something that makes you or your spouse annoyed at the other person, avoid this in advance with a little planning. If both of you are the type who can't settle on one type of food, go to a restaurant that serves many different things. As crazy as it sounds, sometimes a mall food court is the best place to go for couples who can't make up their mind what they want to eat. Sometimes malls have great restaurants, no just fast food, and each person can get whatever they want. Does a trip to the mall sound like the perfect date night to you? If not, then spend a few minutes trying to decide a place that both of you can agree on.
Plan on turning off unnecessary distractions
Being tied to your phone is a major no-no on dates. But make sure at least one of you keeps your phone turned on in case you receive an emergency call. What could possibly go wrong while you're out on a date? Everything could go wrong. You know your kids better than anyone else. You can think of a million things they can get into that would give a babysitter a heart attack. Both of you don't need to keep your phone on, but at least one of you does. If you're worried about other people calling you while you're at the restaurant, then set your phone to vibrate. You won't have to worry about the other diners' meals being interrupted by the sound of your ringtone. You will feel much more at ease knowing that if the babysitter has a problem, that they can get a hold of you.
Forget about everything and allow yourself to enjoy the moment
You deserve to have a good time. Don't overcomplicate date night by making it more difficult than it needs to be. Maybe you don't want to go to a restaurant. Perhaps instead you would prefer to go to a movie. Date night is all about you getting out together and enjoying some time with just the two of you. Whatever it is that you think is fun, then go with it. If you're an oddball couple that likes to play miniature golf, then tee up and have some fun. Sometimes the strangest dates are the ones that are the most fun. Why not go horseback riding if you've never done it before?
Leave room in your budget for date night or plan on low-cost dates
Don't allow a lack of money to keep you from going out on dates. Let's say you can only rarely go out on expensive dates. It's not uncommon for newlyweds or couples with kids to not a lot of extra money for going out all the time. But that doesn't mean you can't go out on a date and have some fun! Why not go for a stroll in the park or have a picnic somewhere? A simple walk down the street while holding hands can be more romantic than sitting in a five star restaurant with a candle flickering on your table. The whole point of date night is to get you out of the house while spending some time with the person you love. A date could be walking through a free museum or looking over at what people are selling at a flea market.
Importance of good planning
Sometimes you've got to treat yourself. Going out on a date isn't about sitting in a restaurant or going to a movie theater and watching a movie. It's all about you working to strengthen the relationship you have with your spouse. Planning good dates that happen regularly is key to a healthy love and friendship. Putting in some effort beforehand helps your dates be fun and fulfilling for both of you. Date night is one of the few opportunities you have to spend some precious time with each other. Communication is something couples sometimes struggle with, and having a routine date night every week or month, talking becomes easier. We are social creatures who want to know that our spouses care about us. Set aside a few hours every so often so that the two of you can be together and share a few precious moments with the person you love more than anyone else.
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