Don't Let Substance Abuse Ruin Your Marriage - Avoiding ...
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Substance abuse is one of the most common contributors to divorce. Substance abuse can significantly impact your marriage for the worse, which is why it is important to handle substance abuse problems in your marriage in the right way. The following thoughts will help you understand how substance abuse can ruin your marriage and what you can do to prevent it from destroying your marriage and family relationship.

How Substance Abuse Impacts Your Marriage

Substance abuse can impact your marriage in many ways. When one spouse is dealing with substance abuse, it can lead to all sorts of negative behavior - such as emotional abuse, stealing, lying, financial troubles and even physical abuse. Substance abuse can seriously impact a marriage to the point that it leads to divorce, which is why it’s important to handle the problem as promptly as possible.

How to Prevent Substance Abuse from Ruining Your Marriage

It is possible to prevent substance abuse from ruining your marriage if you know what to do. The following are the two things you need to keep in mind if you want to prevent substance abuse from ruining your marriage.

Know the signs of substance abuse

First, you need to know the signs of substance abuse. Once you know the signs of drug or alcohol abuse, you may be able to spot a problem in your partner. Some of the most common signs of substance abuse include the following:

  • Mood changes, particularly if your spouse comes home from somewhere else or comes out of a room they have been in for a while

  • Physical symptoms such as bloodshot eyes, dizziness, slurred speech, and in cases of certain types of drug use, needle marks

  • Missing funds or irresponsible financial behavior, such as spending money without being able to tell you where exactly it was spent

  • Difficulty performing once-normal errands, such as daily chores, going to work, shopping, etc.

  • Defensiveness if the idea of substance abuse is brought up

  • Presence of drugs in the home (including an abundance of prescription drugs)

  • Doing drugs or alcohol to a significant degree or to a degree that is inappropriate (such as drinking heavy alcoholic drinks every day or smoking marijuana constantly)

These are not the only signs of substance abuse, but they are the most notable signs that you will be able to see as a spouse.

Counseling and recovery programs

Once you have realized that your spouse has a substance abuse problem, it’s time to take it to the professionals. Professional help is required to recovery from substance abuse, especially many types of drugs as well as alcohol. You and your spouse will need to consider the best options based on the length of their addiction and the type of addiction. Common professional solutions include substance abuse counseling, substance abuse recovery groups, as well as hospital programs or rehabilitation programs that go beyond regular counseling.

Remember, substance abuse can have a serious impact on your marriage. It’s important to address substance abuse as soon as you can to prevent it from getting even more out of hand.

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