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If you are looking for the perfect gift for any occasion, consider gifting a family picture to friends and family. Not only are family pictures a great way to share joy with everyone you know, they are also great ways to document the life of a family. Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, and anyone else are sure to love a photograph hanging on their wall.
Typically, when picture day rolls around, everyone will want to wear something different. Before you decide to have your photograph taken, consider the dress code of the day. Since you will probably have more than one person in your photograph, consider all aspects of the wardrobe. Some families prefer matching outfits, while others choose to carefully coordinate. One great idea is to have everyone wear the same color, but express themselves in their outfit of choice. Another great idea is to purchase matching outfits in different colors. For example, dress your family in matching sweaters, but have each sweater be in a different shade. This creates a unique and interesting look for your family photograph.
Most family pictures are taken in a studio setting. This typically means traveling to the space of a professional photographer. In a studio, the photographer has complete control of all elements in the space, including the lighting, angle of the light, and the amount of breeze. Ask your photographer about the different backdrops available for your photograph. This is especially important for planning the wardrobe of your family as well, since the clothing you choose should also coordinate with the backdrop. Most photographers have a variety of backdrops from which to choose, so that you can take several pictures with different backdrops to achieve different looks.
However, the trend of destination pictures is increasingly popular, especially with family pictures. Instead of traveling to a studio, you and the photographer meet in a unique setting. Many families prefer to have their photographs taken in their home or somewhere on their property. This is a great way to further personalize your picture, since you have the opportunity to use your own belongings instead of a flat backdrop. Additionally, the trend of outdoor photography is especially popular and can potentially result in beautiful pictures. However, whenever you deal with the great outdoors, be prepared for ill weather, high winds, and extreme temperatures. Speak with your photographer in order to establish an alternative plan in case the weather prohibits your portrait.
When it comes to displaying your family’s portrait, there are numerous options. Consider creating a special wall in your home and dedicate it only for family photographs. This way, you will be able to see the progression of your family through the years. Also, you may want to have your new picture as a focal point in a room, so consider hanging it over a fireplace or major piece of furniture in your home. You may also want to create a special album to hold your family portraits over the years as well.
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