Romance Ideas for Women - Love & Romance - Married Fun!
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What does romance mean to you? Is it going out to dinner with your better half and then taking both your favorite desserts to-go so that the two of you can eat it at home while watching your favorite tv show or movie? Or is it breakfast in bed? Maybe it’s taking a walk to your favorite marina hand in hand with your man on a clear summer day? Whatever your idea of romance is, it does feel good when it makes you both happy, and you know you have a good thing going. Romance is, after all, the big-ticket item when it comes to a long-lasting relationship and you can’t hope for a loving, happy and successful relationship without it.

It is also true that when you are with the right person, you feel a combination of all attractions. Your relationship feels stronger and real when you feel emotionally connected, when you are still drawn to your better half romantically, you value his opinion, you want to be close to him at all times even in a non-sexual way.

Also, you know that the romance in your relationship hasn’t fizzled out when they can still make you smile or laugh even after years of being together. Another sign of romantic attraction and perhaps the most significant one is that you find value in your partner's thoughts, views, opinions, and because you are attracted to the way their mind works, your life becomes richer with them in it. 

If this describes your loving relationship, then everyday romantic gestures shouldn’t be hard to come up with, nor do they need to be extravagant shows of affection (though there's nothing wrong with that). One sweet romantic gesture, even done in the smallest way can make your husband's day. What matters is that you care enough to create little ways to remind him that you care. Here are a few romantic ideas:

  • It is very romantic to look into your husband's eyes and tell him you love him. You can also write him cute love notes and slip them into his pockets. Wherever he will be when he finds the note, you will certainly be on his mind, and he will know that you love and think of him.

  • Spend time with your husband now and then when he is enjoying his favorite hobby, even if it doesn’t interest you much. Showing interest in your husband's unique personality and interests means that you care enough to learn more about him and it may lead to you both enjoying the same hobby.

  • Encourage him to hang out with his boys or even cook and invite them over to the house as a surprise.

  • Make it a habit of wrapping your arms around him or holding his hand, whether indoors or outdoors - especially when he least expects it. This makes him know that you feel safe with him and that you trust him. Trust is a reaction to love, and there is certainly no fear in love.

  • Sex is just one facet of marriage, but it can affect the health of your relationship if it’s not made a priority. Discover new sexual skills together and make your sexual playfulness alluring.

  • Turn your bedroom into a boudoir - nothing pink and girly, just something with a romantic feel to it. Light some candles. Ditch the comfy PJs in favor of some sexy lingerie. Why stop there? Go a step further and just slip into bed naked and surprise him.

  • Giving your husband a good morning kiss reminds him that he is the first person on your mind when you wake up and when you sleep at night.

  • Play together. It will bring you close, and it will also offer an escape from the ordinary and a time to focus on each other.

  • Compliment him in front of others. Public attacks are not only humiliating, but they destroy respect and subsequently, romance.

  • Spoil your husband with a little TLC after a long day. Maybe make a spontaneous romantic dinner, fill the tub with relaxing bath salts when he comes back from a long day at work or give him a relaxing massage.

  • Prepare a surprise picnic at the place where you first met and instead of leaving the house together, ask him to meet you. Seeing you there is bound to bring up nostalgic feelings of that special day.

  • Compliment him, tell him that you respect him, that you are proud of him - it is especially romantic when you whisper such affirming words in his ears or write it in a letter.

  • Even when times are tough, expect great things from your better half and encourage him to be the best he can be.

  • Avoid being too pushy or controlling even when situations call for it. It is important that you give him the respect he deserves as the head of the household and trust that he is going to find his footing one way or the other.

  • Last but certainly not least, identify your husband's strengths and the things you love about him. Men benefit immensely from a good woman’s belief that they have what it takes to succeed and be great. Being supportive, and encouraging, is not only romantic but it also means that you are compelled by love.

We have come to expect the men to make all the romantic gestures and despite their tough guy exteriors, you would be surprised to know that most men desire romance even though they have different definitions of it. Candlelight dinners and long walks on the beach may be your idea of romance, but your husband may have some ideas of his own. Just as you want your husband to love you in a special way, you will be delighted to know that he does too. At the end of it all, you are ultimately the best gift to give your husband.

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