Valentine's Day Gift Ideas - Gifts - Married Fun!
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Avoid the Valentine’s Day Hassle

Far too often, the thought of Valentine’s Day brings feelings of anxiety and frustration instead of feelings of love and happiness. The great emphasis on Valentine’s Day gifts has caused this special day focused on love and affection to become another hassle in the eyes of many. However, Valentine’s Day does not have to be that way when you consider choosing from unique and inexpensive ideas for gifts on this special day.

Keep it Inexpensive, Keep it Simple

When it comes to Valentine’s Day, the price tag of many of the typical gifts can come as a great surprise. Instead of digging yourself deep into debt in order to surprise your spouse on Valentine’s Day, consider more reasonable options. A box of candy or bouquet of flowers has transformed from the simple to the extravagant. Instead of costly roses, consider more inexpensive flowers to give your sweetheart. The price of roses, especially those much-coveted red long stemmed roses, skyrockets around Valentine’s Day. For this reason, consider a more economical option that will enable you to present your darling with flowers more than once per year.

Homemade Gifts With Feeling

Remember the old adage “it’s the thought that counts?” In the olden days, Valentine’s Day was a day for homemade cards and gifts. Revive this grand old tradition and present your spouse with a bit of yourself rolled into a gift. Instead of expensive cards that often find themselves buried at the bottom of a drawer or a trash can, consider writing your loved one a heartfelt letter. More likely than not, he or she will be much more pleased with a thoughtful letter than he or she would be with a mass produced card. Homemade gifts are also great ideas, and could be far more meaningful than a gift bought from an impersonal store.

Not All Gifts are Physical

You should also remember that not all gifts are physical. Giving your spouse a gift of service is often much better than having something wrapped in shiny paper. For example, you could promise to wash his or her car every week for a month, bring them a fresh cup of coffee every morning, or take care of the week's dinner dishes may be just what your spouse needs. These ideas allow you to personalize the gift that you present, and in many instances, save yourself a great deal of money in the meantime. Use this savings towards something that your spouse will greatly appreciate, for example a new house, car, or dream vacation.

By taking some of the importance off the gift received on Valentine’s Day and placing it on the love that you share with your spouse, the stress and pressure associated with purchasing that often-elusive perfect gift is a great way to begin to enjoy this day of love again.

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