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Need a great date idea? How about going to estate sales? This can be a good date activity for you and your spouse. Prices usually range from free to very expensive.
An estate sales date can be a fun way to spend time with your husband or wife.
Estate sales are well known for having a little bit of everything. An estate sale is an auction where you bid on the items that come from someone's home. You're going through every little thing to see if there's something you want. Most people accumulate quite a bit of stuff over their lifetime, which usually means there's a wide variety of items to bid on. Sometimes walking around and looking at all the stuff is the most enjoyable part of the date. Though, if you have a few bucks to spare, the bidding process can be exciting. It's also a lot of fun to watch bidding wars between different people who want the same item. After you're done with checking out what's for sale head over to grab a quick bite to eat at a nearby restaurant you've never tried and talk about the cool stuff you saw or maybe even purchased.
ShoppingGoing to estate sales can be a great date idea. Click the links below to learn more, find local deals and plan out your date!
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Just released - our sexy new Bingo game called O-69 (requires premium membership). Try it out together tonight, it's sure to be a bedroom hit!
Looking for a fun new way to connect? Take a look at our new couples challenge Been There, Done That!. This is a fun intimacy challenge that every couple can get started on right away. How many places can you mark off? Let the challenge begin!