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Married Fun has all the date ideas! Read on to see all our date ideas starting with
"L". Mix up your next date night with these awesome activities. For the full experience make sure you check out the
Married Fun Date Planner.
Lacrosse is a unique game that takes quite a bit of skill to pull off. The basics of the game are simple, and you can learn it quite quickly. A lacrosse date can be you two learning how to scoop the ball up and how to pass it. Or maybe there's a game somewhere that you can watch in person or on TV. If you get good at lacrosse, you can invite other couples to play along. Lacrosse is a sport that many people have no experience playing which can make it even more fun. You and your spouse will be challenged to do something new that you find both exciting and a great source of exercise.
A beautiful yard is something that always makes a husband and wife proud. No one likes to see people rubbernecking while driving by a yard more than the homeowner does. Don't think that landscaping is only about keeping your yard mowed and all that. It's the entire grounds of your home that you've got to work with. If the two of you don't mind getting sweaty and dirty, turning landscaping chores into a date is a great way to spend time together. Make sure you have plenty of refreshments handy because you're going to get plenty hot and work up a thirst while landscaping. You'll quickly see that with a little hard work how beautiful you can make your own yard.
Fun & Games
If you know what LARPing is, then you already know it's a great date idea. For those of you who don't know what LARPing is, it's a live action role-playing game where you can create your own characters. You create the character from the ground up, and that's what makes it so much fun to play. It will be interesting to see what kind of character your spouse comes up with. You might want to hold off showing the other what your characters look like until you're done creating them. The look on your spouse's face when you reveal the character will be priceless. The expression on their face will make you want to create an even wilder character the next time you do LARPing as a date.
Laser shows are always amazing, and it's stunning to see what they can do with lasers. Usually, laser shows and music go together hand in hand. Laser shows are best viewed at night, so you might want to turn this into a dinner and evening event. Whisper into each other's ear when you see a new shape and say what you think it is. It'll be next to impossible not to bust out laughing when your spouse observes something utterly different than what you do.
Fun & Games
If you're searching for a date idea to get your blood flowing, laser tag is it. You run around an obstacle course while trying to shoot a laser gun at each other. The goal is to hit the other as many times as possible without you getting hit. It takes creativity, a little luck, and a whole lot of agility to pull this off. You'll need to hide behind corners, be sneaky, and have good aim. The look on your spouse's face when you zap them will make playing laser tag worthwhile. Allow your animal instincts to kick in as you hunt for each other in this high tech shooting game.
Fun & Games
The summer months were made for outdoor activities such as lawn darts. If you have a yard, then lawn darts are the ultimate outdoor game. If you don't have a yard, it might be possible to play at a friend's house or a park. It's important to point out that the lawn darts you may have seen or played in the past might be illegal in your area. They used to make the darts with metal tips but have since switched them to have flatter tips to prevent injuries. The surprising thing about lawn darts is how easy it is to play the game. The game itself is easy to learn but difficult to master. The skill required to get the highest score at lawn darts is what makes the game so much fun. The two of you will have all kinds of fun while you're trying to toss the dart into the circle. If you want to kick your lawn darts game up to notches unknown, you can make a little bet and say the loser has to do a household chore the other hates doing.
Personal Development
You're not going to learn a new language in one date. However, you can learn a few words. If the two of you like learning a new language, it can become a regular date night event. There are more than enough resources online to learn a language. If you learn a language like Spanish, you can visit your local Mexican restaurant and talk to the people working there. It begins with you learning a handful of words and then using them in real-world situations. It's also a lot of fun to use the words you learn at home throughout the day.
Arts & Culture
Everyone always dreams of what it would be like to learn how to play an instrument. There are several different ways you can turn learning how to play an instrument into a date. You could always buy a second-hand instrument and learn how to play it by watching YouTube videos. If you have the money to buy each of you an instrument, that would be better. It would be best if you both could get lessons from a professional and learn how to play. It's up to you how serious you want to take it. Don't forget to make videos of your progression and the two of you playing a song.
Leathercrafting is a lost art, but there's still plenty of date night fun to be had. A cheap way to get into leathercrafting is by buying scraps of leather from your local tannery. Also, local leather workers might be willing to sell you any scraps they have. If all else fails, you can buy leather online to work with at home. You should already have something in mind that you'd like to make out of leather. Maybe you want to make a belt, pants, or a wallet. The two of you will be able to make more advanced things out of leather after you've made several dates out of it. Leatherwork is a unique date idea that can be a lot of fun for the both of you.
There are so many date ideas for letter writing that a book could be written about it. You can write letters to each other, combine your efforts, write a letter to a loved one, or write a letter to a celebrity you are fascinated by. Do you write the letter out by hand or use your computer? It might be more fun to take turns writing the letter by hand to see who has the best handwriting. Writing a letter feels like an old-fashioned way of communicating, and it will get your creative juices flowing. Read the letter back after you're done writing it and enjoy all the hard work you've put into it.
Fun & Games
For those of you who don't know, letterboxing is like a version of hide and seek where you try to find boxes out in the wilderness and other places. The clues to where the boxes are located can be found on the Internet or in magazines. If you don't wish to use the Internet to find the boxes, you can set up your own search. How you would go about this is you would hide the box and give your spouse clues as to where they can find it. It will be exciting to see if your spouse can find the box with your hints. You might want to hide your first box in an easily accessible place so that the two of you can get the hang of playing this game. Future dates can be more thrilling by placing the box in a harder to find place once you have a full grasp of the gameplay.
Libraries are about so much more than only books these days. You can read newspapers, magazines, and use the internet. Sometimes sitting at the library is an excellent way to relax and not be disturbed. What would you do on a date at the library? A fun thing to do is to try to find a book that you think your spouse will like. Be creative and find an author that you don't think that they've ever read before. You'll learn so much about your spouse when you're at the library and seeing what they like to read.
Health & Wellness
Learning CPR, the Heimlich maneuver or other lifesaving skills could very well save someone's life. Every person should know CPR, and that's why it's such a great date idea. Your local Red Cross, fire department or another organization, more than likely, has CPR classes or workshops that you can take or attend. You don't want to learn CPR from watching videos or by practicing on each other. You must have the dummy to practice on as well as qualified instructors, and whoever has the classes will have one of them. CPR isn't challenging to learn, and it will take you less than an hour to get it down pat. By the time you're done with the CPR class, you'll have a firm grasp on how to do it, and you'll also more than likely be certified as well.
Events & Attractions
If you live near the ocean, you have plenty of lighthouses all around. It's funny how many people who live near the coast have never been inside a lighthouse. Visiting a lighthouse is a great idea for those who live near the coast. What if you don't live anywhere near the coast? Hop on a plane and enjoy a weekend getaway date near the ocean. Not only will you get away from it all, but you'll get to tour one of the most fascinating things that's near the sea. People don't realize it, but lighthouses are still a vital part of the transportation of people and goods, and that's what makes them so interesting. If you're able to tour the lighthouse and climb to the top bring your camera - you might have a rare opportunity to get some great photos.
Romance & Relationship
If you're looking for a steamy date idea, put on your own lingerie fashion show. This is super fun even though there's only one model and one spectator. Sometimes it takes a little spark to make your love life interesting. A fashion show will do just that if it features the right lingerie. Suppose you turn your show into a date, who knows what's going to happen afterward. To make it more interesting, have her be in charge of what outfits (and accessories) to wear. His job will be to come up with the rules for how to rate the different outfits. Then once the show begins, have fun with it! It's always nice when your spouse finds you attractive, and there's no better way to get their attention than to wear an outfit that sizzles from head to toe. It's always exciting to see how your husband reacts when you're all dolled up and looking incredible.
Romance & Relationship
Lingerie shopping is as fun for him as it is for her. Can shopping for lingerie be considered a date? Sure. In all fairness, the guy might feel a little uneasy about being in a store that sells nothing but frilly underwear. If you're searching for a date night to remember, this is it. Go into the lingerie store, and each of you pick out what you think is the sexiest outfit. Both the husband and the wife will be shocked when they see what the other thinks of as being sexy. Get both outfits if you can afford them and take them home for a little added excitement. Remember, lingerie shopping is always a 2-part date!
You and your spouse probably have slightly different tastes in music. You also probably listen to different music in the car or on your phone while doing various activities. A good date idea is to settle down for the evening and listen to music. Take turns playing songs that each of you enjoys. It will be fun to see if your spouse has any new musical interests or is still listening to the stuff you're familiar with. You might also want to try to venture off into different genres of music to see if there's anything new that both of you find enjoyable. YouTube is a great free site to explore music since you can listen to almost everything there. Familiarize yourselves with each other's favorites and explore new music together. If you're using a streaming service why not create a playlist of music that you both love and can listen to again and again?
Arts & Culture
Festivals come around every year, and they offer an excellent opportunity for the perfect date. Set aside a few dollars to have yourself a good time when the festival is in town. Sometimes festivals are free, which means you won't need to shell out any money to go on a date there. But, you'll probably want to buy something to eat or at the very least a souvenir. Make sure to wear comfortable shoes since you'll probably do quite a bit of walking while you're at the festival. Local festivals are great because you get to enjoy everything that makes your community the wonderful place that it is.
Logrolling tests your stamina, agility, and your athleticism in a sport that is quite like no other. For those of you who don't know what logrolling is, it's where you stand on a log and roll with your feet while trying your best not to fall into the water. You have probably seen logrolling on television in cartoons in a lighthearted and funny way. Those of you who enjoy going out on dates in the great outdoors will enjoy the challenge of logrolling. If you're going to go on a logrolling date, it's best to bring along a change of clothes for when you fall into the water and get drenched.
Romance & Relationship

Communication is always an issue in a marriage. Setting aside a little time for something like learning about "love languages" is a must. Author Gary Chapman wrote in his book The Five Love Languages about the ways that people express and receive love. Taking the surveys can be eye opening as you gain insight into how your spouse (and yourself) prefers to be shown love. After you've determined your love languages you'll be more aware of the way you express love within your relationship. Sitting down next to each other and speaking about what makes you feel loved is a great way to express your feelings. It's not always easy to get mushy, but let the words flow. Allow your heart to do all the talking, and you'll find the right words to say. It's okay to feel uncomfortable talking about you feel on the inside, what isn't okay is bottling it up. Allow your heart to gush and say whatever it is that your feeling. Love is a beautiful thing but it requires nurture and attention. You need to educate yourselves on the 5 love languages to ensure that you're expressing love in the ways that your spouse cherishes most.