Fun Things to Do On a Date - Dating - Married Fun!
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A fun date doesn't have to be a fantasy when you're married. Some think as soon as you walk down the aisle, the dates dry up. Date night is different when you're married, but that doesn't mean it has to be less fun. Why not go out and have yourself a good time? Going out on a date is a way for the two of you to keep your relationship fresh and to spend some time with each other. Every day both of you bust your backs working or taking care of the kids, and the two of you rarely get to see each other. Use these fun date ideas to pause and to enjoy each other's company a little. Sometimes you've got to stop and smell the roses to know how sweet life is.

Turn a trip to the county fair into a date

Going to a county or state fair is one of those date activities that are always a blast. Get yourself some cotton candy, a sausage sandwich, or whatever you like to eat and enjoy it while walking around. The fair usually costs a couple of bucks to get in, but you don't have to buy anything. Who are we fooling? You have to buy at least one delicious thing to eat since everything smells so good. If you're low on funds, don't go to the fair hungry. There are plenty of things that you can do at the fair for free, like walk around and look at everything, watch people play games, and check out the rides. Sometimes seeing how people act on the rides is worth going to the fair for alone.

Visit people from your church who are in nursing homes

If the church you go to is big enough, there are probably members who are in nursing homes. Imagine how happy they will feel when you go to visit them? Some churches have a day of the week where they go and visit people in nursing homes. If your church doesn't have such a day, then ask the pastor about who is in a nursing home. You might find someone there who was a long time friend. It would do both of you so much good to talk to them. Your life becomes filled with happiness when you spread love to those who need it the most.

Go to a club and listen to stand up comedy

If you're looking for stuff to do on a date and none of the things here seem interesting, then go to a comedy club. If you've never been to a comedy club before, give it a try - they're a total blast. However, you should be aware that sometimes stand up comics have a way of becoming very raunchy. Off-color jokes are the norm at such clubs, and you need to be well aware of it. If it bothers you, try to find a more family-friendly venue or performer.  Hit up a comedy club and prepare to laugh until your sides hurt.

Go hiking and try to identify wildflowers

Most people don't get enough exercise these days. Going for a hike in the wilderness or even around town is an excellent way of getting some fresh air while putting your body into motion. Does either of you know anything at all about wildflowers? If not, then don't worry, it'll still be fun to find the wildflowers and you can try to learn about them while you're at it. You might want to hold off on taking any of the flowers home if you don't know if they're poisonous or not. Enjoy the flowers, take pictures of them using your smartphone, but, more importantly, enjoy the time together outside while breathing in the fresh air.

Pay for a single visit to the gym and work out together

Did you know that many gyms have the option to pay for only one visit? It might cost you a couple of dollars each to work out in the gym for a day. You can just have fun for a single visit or if you like it enough, start a healthy habit and get yourselves a monthly or yearly membership. If you're currently not a member of a gym, the likelihood of you continuing to go is very unlikely. If neither of you has ever been to a gym, then you don't know if you'll like it until you try it. Give working out at the gym a try - if nothing else, the two of you can work up a sweat and say you've worked out at a gym before.

Enjoy a long walk while holding hands and talking to each other

Sometimes a relationship needs to get back to the basics. Do you remember those long walks that you used to take while holding hands? You talked about the future and what you hoped to do later on in life. Now you might have kids, pets, or jobs that take you away from some of the things you had dreamt of. Take a moment and be close to each other and enjoy who you fell in love with. Allow the conversation to go where it may and see where it goes. Who knows, the two of you may want to end up getting an ice cream cone while you're out. Allow for a little spontaneity, and things will have a way of going with the flow.

Go to a bookstore and try to pick out the perfect book for your spouse

How well do you know the reading habits of your spouse? Do you know your spouse well enough to buy a book that they would like to read? Before you go wasting any money, make sure that you ask your spouse what they think of the book before hitting the checkout aisle. Books can be expensive, especially hardbacks, and you'll want to buy something they will read. It'll be fun to see what your spouse thinks you like to read. Do they pay attention to you enough to know who your favorite authors are? You'll find out after one trip to your favorite bookstore.

Take a mini road trip to someplace you've never been to before

Get in the car and go someplace totally new to the two of you. You don't need to drive across the country to go somewhere that you've never been to before. A thirty-minute drive is probably more than enough to turn up some interesting places that you've never been to. Go to a small town and walk around to see what's going on there. Stop in some stores, get a bite to eat at a restaurant, enjoy the local flare while discovering a whole new world that's not far away from you. Don't worry about getting lost, most smartphones have GPS, and you can use it to get back home.

Take a painting class

Here's one of those date activities that might bring about a new life long passion. If taking a painting class doesn't result in you becoming a best selling painter, don't worry about it. Not everyone has the skills or talents to become a well-known artist, but what you're trying to do here is have some fun. Wouldn't it be funny if the two of you painted something that looked awful? You'll have the paintings to think back to the fun you had. Don't go into it thinking that you'll learn much of anything. Instead, try to have some fun and be lighthearted during the entire process.

Sing to your heart's content at a karaoke bar

Have you ever sung karaoke? If not, then why not give it a try? The two of you can sing a duet and have the time of your lives. It doesn't matter if you're good at singing. Your singing voices can sound like sick cats, and it doesn't matter. You'll understand why it doesn't matter if you're good at singing when you hear the other people sing. Belt out your favorite song like you're in the shower and have a good time.  Even if you don't enjoy singing yourself you're sure to have a good time watching others make fools of themselves.

Hit up your local bowling alley

Bowling is one of those fun date activities that seems to be overlooked. When's the last time you've been bowling? If it's been a while or you've never been, no worries, you're in for a real treat. It doesn't matter how many pins you knock down. You're here to have some fun. Try not to think about how many feet have been in your rented shoes and go have some fun. It's also fun to watch people in the other lanes near you bowl. And you don't even have to worry about the score; just have some fun and try not to get the ball in the gutter.  Add a few friendly wagers to your game to make it even more interesting.

The best dates happen after you're married

Anyone who isn't married has no idea how true these words are. You know your spouse better now than you did before getting married. The more you know someone, the higher the likelihood that you're familiar with their likes and dislikes. Above all else, have yourself a good time. You shouldn't need to spend lavish amounts of money or go to an extreme to have a good time with your spouse. You married them because they're the person who you enjoy being around the most. Take this rare opportunity and spend it with the person you love and try your best to create memories that will last a lifetime.

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