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What would you say if you were asked to write one hundred things you love about your wife? When ten happily married men were asked to do so, they had more than a hundred things to write and when asked why, one of them said, “I take everything I love about my wife and multiply by ten. She even supports my baseball team even though they lose.” It is dismissive to say that men are simple creatures, because they are actually unbelievably complex, mysterious, and have unique ways of showing their romantic side.
It is often thought that men pack up the romance as soon as a woman commits to them and they feel that they no longer need to serve it out as they did during courtship. This shouldn’t be the case. In fact, withholding the candles, flowers, and chocolate can make a woman feel cheated and deprived of romance, which creates unnecessary strife within a marriage.
A good husband should never let his wife forget how much he loves her and will do all he can to support her, inspire her, and make her feel beautiful. He will also work to gain her trust and make her feel safe. He knows that there are lines that cannot be crossed and he knows that it is the small things that count, such as the following romantic ideas:
Women are emotional beings with the need to stay emotionally connected. Your wife needs to hear you say that you love her and back it up with your actions. Give her a good morning kiss before you get out of bed, look her in the eyes and tell her you love her.
Breakfast in bed should not be reserved for Mother’s Day or Valentine’s Day only. Surprise her with a romantic meal in the morning, especially when she least expects it.
Bringing her flowers at home is fantastic, but she will love you to bits if you send them to her workplace.
Always pay your wife sweet compliments and if one of them makes her blush in a good way, even better.
If you have children, surprise her by finding a babysitter so that you can enjoy some time alone.
Romantic baskets are a hit every time! Especially one that is filled with some of her favorite things and treats - just remember to attach an endearing note.
Tell her she is beautiful and pay her compliments in front of people, especially your children. Telling her she’s a great mom in front of the kids will make sure that they continue respecting and obeying her instead of giving her a hard time.
Call or text her for no reason or for good reason.
Offer to help with her daily chores.
Surprise her with a spa day with her girlfriends or sisters if she has any.
Involve her in all the decision making. She might have everything handled at all times, but it is romantic if she knows that you are involved and committed to sharing your goals.
Always discuss things with her first before you take a course of action. Her input may surprise you.
Always wake up together (especially if you have kids) so that you can have a little time together in the morning before you get the children ready. Use this time to either share breakfast or talk about the day's goings on.
Ask your wife what she needs you to do for her and if she does need something, make it a point to do it. If you can’t, then let her know in advance.
One important romantic thing a man can tell his wife is “baby, I got your back.” It may seem like a simple statement but if he shows her this by his actions it carries a lot of weight. Your wife knows that she can fully depend on you.
Take your wife on a thrill-seeking adventure. Spending all day sitting on a beach somewhere or poetry reading under a waterfall is all fine and well, but there’s something about getting your heart rate up together that gets the romantic juices flowing, plus you get the added benefit of a good workout.
In addition to that, if you both are competitive, arrange for a double date with another couple to do trivia, play board games, sporting activities or have a home cooking challenge.
Read to your wife - if she is into reading.
Take her camping or rent a cabin and cuddle up to the fire and enjoy some time alone.
Satisfy your wife’s sweet tooth by making her favorite dessert instead of buying it. The attempt, however great or disastrous, will be appreciated.
Take her to a cultural event, a food tour, on a train ride or somewhere new.
Prepare a relaxing bubble bath with candles and a finger food such as cheese and crackers for your wife when she gets home from a long day at work.
Walk the dog together or better still ask her to take a walk with you after dinner and hold her hand while at it.
Exercise together.
Once in a while, write down all the things you love about your wife and then let her read it.
Respect your wife both in public and in private.
Offer her your support even when you know she doesn’t really need it.
Meet her at the door with a welcoming kiss and do the same before she leaves in the morning.
Make her a mix CD or playlist of her favorite songs. Or better yet, make her a CD of you singing her favorite songs. The effort will be appreciated or perhaps you will at least get a good laugh out of it.
Always appreciate her efforts and encourage her to be the best that she can be. If she is stressed out, give her some space, but assure her that you are there for her when she needs you.
Catch her eyes in a crowd, then wink and smile at her.
Always let your wife know how much she means to you.
Renew your wedding vows.
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