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Marriage is meant to last a life time - but in today's society divorce is all-too-common for many couples who are unprepared for handling the hardships they face during their marriage. The ...
Pornography may or may not seem like a serious issue to you, but pornography can actually have significant negative effects on your marriage and even your sex life. The following are the most ...
Weight gain - whether it is your own or your spouse’s - is unfortunately one of the most common contributors to divorce. Weight gain can cause a variety of problems in your marriage, ranging ...
A lack of commitment in your marriage isn’t just frustrating: it’s actually one of the most common contributors to divorce. Lack of commitment can cause an array of problems in your ...
Substance abuse is one of the most common contributors to divorce. Substance abuse can significantly impact your marriage for the worse, which is why it is important to handle substance abuse ...
Domestic violence is one of the most common contributors to divorce. If there is domestic violence in your married relationship, it is important that you know how to handle the situation. The ...
Friends may grow apart with time - but spouses shouldn’t! Unfortunately, many married couples find themselves growing apart; growing apart is actually one of the most common contributors to ...
Abuse is one of the most common contributors to divorce. If there is abuse in your marriage, you need to know how it can impact your marriage - and what to do if it exists in your marriage. The ...
When married couples have problems or issues related to their sex lives, they can turn to sex therapy in order to improve their married sex life and in turn, help strengthen their marriage. In some ...
Couples therapy can be beneficial to many couples, whether they are actively going through a conflict or they find themselves retreading the same problems every so often, leading to arguments or ...
Marriage counseling can help strengthen your marriage, help you and your spouse resolve problems, and help ensure that your marriage lasts for many long and happy years - hopefully your whole life. ...
As a married couple, you may have heard someone bring up the suggestion of marriage counseling for when you and your spouse are having some problems. But what is marriage counseling, exactly? And do ...
Marital infidelity. It’s a phrase that no married person wants to hear, but it’s an unfortunate reality that some marriages are broken up by acts of infidelity on the part of one or both ...
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