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Need a great date idea? How about cleaning? This can be a good date activity for you and your spouse. Prices usually range from free to cheap.
A cleaning date can be a fun way to spend time with your husband or wife.
It seems no matter how much you clean, everything is always dirty. Are you and your spouse neat freaks? If so, a date filled with cleaning is right up your alley. If not, your house could probably use a little extra attention. It will only take you a minute or two to think of all the things in your home that need cleaning. A great idea to turn your date into something spectacular is to offer to clean the home of someone who is disabled, elderly or otherwise could use the help. A cleaning date helping out someone is a great way to spend some time together and to make life better for someone else.
HomeCleaning can be a great date idea. Click the links below to learn more, find local deals and plan out your date!
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