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Married Fun has all the date ideas! Read on to see all our date ideas tagged with
"practical". Mix up your next date night with these awesome activities. For the full experience make sure you check out the
Married Fun Date Planner.
Martial arts are a great thing to know because you can use them to protect yourself. Beyond self-protection, martial arts are a great form of exercise. Many martial arts enthusiasts live to a ripe old age, and it's because of all the exercise and healthy life choices involved. You can attend classes as a couple and learn together. If you're an adventurous couple, you can do a little martial arts on each other. You can teach each other some moves or do some wrestling. Your martial arts dates will be unique in that you're learning something new that will last a lifetime. The maneuvers and exercises that you learn during your martial arts training will stick with you for the rest of your life. You can turn your martial arts date into something even more spectacular by practicing what you learn at home on future dates.
A date of sewing may not be what it seems at first. You can sew things such as homemade teddy bears and give them to charity. You can obviously turn mending your clothes into a great cost-saving date. You can buy patterns and material to make almost anything on your sewing date. If you don't have a sewing machine, don't sweat it, sewing is something you can also do by hand. You might find that sewing together not using a machine is a much more enjoyable date. If you're new to sewing, it's best to buy a couple of thimbles to save your fingers from getting poked. You don't want your fingers to turn into a pin cushion during your date!
Classes & Workshops
It seems that everyone wants to learn how to play guitar. Almost every music shop has guitar classes. You can call, go online, or visit the shop where you bought your guitar and ask if they give lessons. You and your spouse can attend the classes together. It's best that you both have your own guitar, but you can take turns learning if you only have one. After your guitar class, the really fun thing to do is to go home and jam together with what you just learned. A couple of classes are all it takes to learn the basics and be able to strum a tune on your guitar.
There are quite a few online streaming services that allow you to make playlists. Spotify is by far the largest of the sites that allow you to make and share your playlists with everyone and to build off of the existing playlists made by others. The fun thing about turning making playlists into a date is that you can share them. If your spouse has different musical tastes than you, it will be exciting to listen to what they think is good. Don't think that your playlist is limited to music since some sites allow you to make playlists of podcast clips, stand up comedy, and even nature sounds. Be creative, and try your best to create playlists that are as unique as your interests are.
Romance & Relationship

Communication is always an issue in a marriage. Setting aside a little time for something like learning about "love languages" is a must. Author Gary Chapman wrote in his book The Five Love Languages about the ways that people express and receive love. Taking the surveys can be eye opening as you gain insight into how your spouse (and yourself) prefers to be shown love. After you've determined your love languages you'll be more aware of the way you express love within your relationship. Sitting down next to each other and speaking about what makes you feel loved is a great way to express your feelings. It's not always easy to get mushy, but let the words flow. Allow your heart to do all the talking, and you'll find the right words to say. It's okay to feel uncomfortable talking about you feel on the inside, what isn't okay is bottling it up. Allow your heart to gush and say whatever it is that your feeling. Love is a beautiful thing but it requires nurture and attention. You need to educate yourselves on the 5 love languages to ensure that you're expressing love in the ways that your spouse cherishes most.
Classes & Workshops
You can't be a happy couple if both of you aren't healthy. The first step to becoming healthy is by being active and exercising. Going to fitness classes on your date nights is a great idea since they will help you get fit. You'll also remember the exercises they teach you, and you'll be able to do them at home. If you have fitness classes once or twice a week, you can have exercise dates at home for the rest of the week. Just a handful of fitness class sessions paired with other healthy life choices can spur into something so much bigger in a short period.
Have you ever wondered what happens to the organic matter that you throw away in the trash? It goes to the landfill and rots. Every day you throw away things that shouldn't end up in a landfill. A great thing to do is to start composting, and you can turn it into a date. Getting everything ready might take a couple of dates. First you need to make the composting bin. You can buy the bin already made or make your own from scratch using plans found on the internet. Once everything is ready, every day you simply toss the things able to be composted in a special container inside your kitchen and you eventually take it outside to your bin. Your composting bin will need to be occasionally turned, and you can turn that into a date along with any gardening that you do with the compost.
Classes & Workshops
Everyone loves to doodle regardless if you consider yourself an artist or not. By attending drawing classes, you can sharpen your skills while spending some time with your spouse. Allowing your mind's eye to flourish and create new things is always a wonderful experience. Expose your inner artist and see where it takes you by going to a couple of drawing classes. After a couple of classes learning how to draw better, set up a date to draw pictures of each other. It would be interesting to see how your spouse views you, and you'll both laugh at the drawings each of you make.
Your financial future as a married couple is extremely important. Saving and investing are the ways you can financially prepare for old age and to create a lifestyle that you're comfortable with. An exciting date activity would be to choose a handful of possible things to invest in and then do research for them using the internet. For example, you could research investing in Bitcoin, commodities, or lesser-known stocks. Have some takeout food delivered to you and your date will not only benefit your future but will even be more enjoyable. Going over your portfolio's performance is always a great date idea, and it's also something you should do regularly.
Leathercrafting is a lost art, but there's still plenty of date night fun to be had. A cheap way to get into leathercrafting is by buying scraps of leather from your local tannery. Also, local leather workers might be willing to sell you any scraps they have. If all else fails, you can buy leather online to work with at home. You should already have something in mind that you'd like to make out of leather. Maybe you want to make a belt, pants, or a wallet. The two of you will be able to make more advanced things out of leather after you've made several dates out of it. Leatherwork is a unique date idea that can be a lot of fun for the both of you.
Classes & Workshops
You never know if you're going to be in a situation where you need to defend yourself. Going to self-defense classes as a date can be an enjoyable and educational experience. You will learn how to defend yourself if someone were to attack you. These are lifesaving skills that might come in handy one of these days. You can't be too safe these days, and learning how to protect yourself is so crucial. You'll not only learn how to protect yourself but your family as well. If the time ever were to happen when you needed to do something to protect the people you love, you'd have the skills and knowledge to do it.
It seems no matter how much you clean, everything is always dirty. Are you and your spouse neat freaks? If so, a date filled with cleaning is right up your alley. If not, your house could probably use a little extra attention. It will only take you a minute or two to think of all the things in your home that need cleaning. A great idea to turn your date into something spectacular is to offer to clean the home of someone who is disabled, elderly or otherwise could use the help. A cleaning date helping out someone is a great way to spend some time together and to make life better for someone else.
Romance & Relationship
A relationship advice date can take form in many different ways. If you've been married for a while, you are an expert at relationships. You could offer advice through support groups at your church, you could make videos and share them on YouTube, or you could even collectively give advice to couples on Reddit. The avenues for you to give relationship advice are almost endless. Those of you who have been married for a long time know that couples need all kinds of advice to keep them together. There isn't a week that goes by that isn't full of landmines, and you will be able to help other couples avoid the misery that comes along with stepping on one of them. And whether you're newlyweds or been married for decades it's always good to take in relationship advice and look for ways to improve your own relationship.
Those of you who are seeking new ways to improve your health can turn XC running into a regular date activity. XC running is cross country running, and it gets you out of the house and on the move. Busy couples these days have a difficult time squeezing in enough exercise along with trying to spend some time together. An XC running date will enable you to be together and get some much-needed exercise in the process. You don't need much for your XC running other than a comfortable pair of running shoes. Buy each of yourselves a good pair of running shoes, and you can have cross country running dates as long as the weather permits.
Personal Development
Video tutorials can teach you everything from how to create a web page to how to bake a cake from scratch. YouTube is the number one source of free video tutorials. Although there are plenty of paid tutorials that you can get if you want high-quality or hard to find information. If you can watch YouTube on your television, it would make the date an even better viewing event. The possibilities are endless when it comes to snacks and finger foods to eat while you watch the video tutorials. Learning how to do something new is always a great thing, and it's a lot more fun when you're doing it with your spouse. You'll be able to help each other when it comes time to put what you learned in the video to good use.
Health & Wellness
Prepping has taken a life of its own in recent years. Many people take emergency preparedness seriously, and they do everything they can to be prepared in case something happens. How prepared are you for an emergency? A fun date idea is to go through your home and see what you need to improve on. If you don't know where to start, check out or other online resources. You'll be surprised by the areas that you lack preparedness in. You can also make a list of things that you need to buy or do for the next date night when you take things a step further. The world can be a crazy place sometimes, why not put in a little effort getting yourselves prepared?
There are many reasons why someone wants to reduce their electric bill from wanting to cut back on carbon emissions to saving money. Every day you waste an enormous amount of electricity. Go through your home and try to identify all of the ways that you're wasting electricity. It won't be long until you've found several things that are draining cold hard cash from your wallet. After identifying which appliances are wasting electricity, come up with a game plan to stop it from happening. The solution may be to turn off the appliance or do a little research to find appliances that use much less energy. Spending a little time upfront can reap benefits month after month that you can put towards your next date night out.
Fun & Games
If there's an event coming up that requires a party, planning for it is a must. Can you really turn party planning into a date? Why not? You can plan the party out longhand on a piece of paper or use an electronic device to make it much easier. You could turn an evening at the park into a party planning date and even have a picnic. You'll have to get together with your spouse to plan the party; you might as well turn it into a date. Even a pan of freshly baked brownies and a glass of milk can turn planning a party into a date that the two of you can enjoy.
Personal Development
There's plenty of money to be made online selling a wide variety of things. You can go to garage sales, flea markets, and closeout stores and find items to sell online. If you're the creative type, you can make stuff and sell it on a place like Etsy. If you prefer the auction route, you can sell almost anything on eBay. You can turn selling online into a family business if you want. It starts with having a couple of dates selling items online, and from there, it's anyone's guess as to how far your business will grow.
We all have to live within our means, and that's why budgets are so important. Why not turn the budgeting process into a date? The two of you do need to sit down and calculate how much money is coming in and where it's going. Spice things up by ordering takeout food and treating yourself to a movie or favorite television show after you're done. Intertwine activities with your budgeting dates so that they don't feel like it's a chore and nothing else. After all, you are spending time with the person you love, and every minute is precious. Make the most of it by adding a little flair to the budgeting date, and you'll look forward to doing it the next time the need arises.
Food & Drink
Going to the farmers market is one of the best ways to eat healthy while maintaining a budget. Also, shopping at a farmers market helps support local farmers who are always in need of more customers. A fun thing to do is to walk through the farmer's market and try to spot things that the other doesn't. You can also try to find one thing that neither of you has ever tried before. Buy the items and try it either on the spot or take it home if it needs to be cooked, peeled or prepared. You can spend several hours at the farmers market, and it's a great place to connect with the people who produce the food you eat. Being as close to farm to table as possible is a great thing, and your farmers market date will enable you to do just that.
A home safety date can include many different things. If you have children or grandchildren who visit, you can childproof your house. Another thing you can do is make sure your smoke alarms work and also the home alarm system. Beyond all that, you can scope out for dangers such as harsh cleaning supplies out in the open, or electrical or fire safety hazards. You should also take a look around your house during the night to make sure there are no dark areas where people can hide and sneak up on you. Home safety is something few people take seriously until there's a problem, and that's why this is one of those dates that you should consider doing sooner rather than later.
Personal Development
Being a mentor is something that so many couples don't see themselves as, but they are. One idea is to become a mentor to young couples who are thinking about getting married. You can also mentor couples who are recently married that might be experiencing a few rough patches in their relationship. If you have experience or expertise in other areas, see how you can share it with others. Your life experiences are valuable, and you can help guide people in many different directions. There are so many people who can benefit from your knowledge, and turning it into a date is a fantastic way to spend some time together while giving back to others. And remember, mentoring is a two-way street. You can mentor others or find a mentor that can help you as well.
Food & Drink
A quick lunch date is a fantastic way to put a little pep in your step during the workday. The two of you can meet up at your favorite restaurant or whatever is close by. If you both work different shifts, that might mean you don't get to see each other very often. A lunch date is perfect because it will allow you to get together and see each other. The best restaurants to go to for a lunch date are those that have lunch specials because those places tend to cater to people in a hurry. The lunch specials are meals that are prepared quickly and are often sold at a great price.

Almost everyone these days has a favorite podcast. Why not sit behind the microphone and start your own podcast? You don't need any fancy equipment or audio editing software to create an amateur podcast. You can even use the microphone on a laptop or your smartphone to create a podcast. You can make your podcast a weekly, monthly, or a sporadic thing you do whenever you've got the free time. Your podcast might be only meant to entertain yourselves, friends, and family, or the entire world. The most important aspect here is to have fun. If you can achieve that, your podcasting date will be a success. There are free platforms that will host your podcast, or you can put the audio on YouTube and slap an image on the video so they will host it. Invite your friends and family to listen to your podcast or keep it so you can enjoy listening to it years from now. You don't need to be a professional radio announcer or edit the audio file in any way. Sometimes the best podcasts are those without a net and include all the imperfections that life can throw at us.
Every car gets dirty, and not everyone has the money to take it to the car wash. You might not like the idea of someone else fooling around with the inside of your car. Washing your car is the perfect outdoor activity for a married couple. Don't be surprised if tempers start to flare if it's a hot day, and you're both covered in suds. But don't get feisty, have a little fun, and get each other wet. Washing the car can be fun if you make it fun. It doesn't matter how clean the car gets, what's most important is that the two of you have fun.
Food & Drink
Going out to eat on a breakfast date is a nice change of pace. Sometimes married couples are so busy they don't have time to spend with each other in the evening. If both of you go to work at the same time, a breakfast date makes perfect sense. If you can't do it during the week, going during the weekend on a day you both have off is a great alternative. Breakfast is served at so many restaurants these days, from fast food joints to sit down places with a menu. There is no better way to start the day than to share a meal with the person who you love more than anyone in the world. Breakfast dates are a fantastic way to sneak in some time for bonding during a period of the day most people overlook.
Health & Wellness
Detoxing and cleansing is a vital part of your health. Your body needs to cleanse itself from time to time. Why not turn your detox into a date? Both of you can detox at the same time - that will come in handy if you feel any unwanted side effects. You can help each other out and encourage your spouse if they hit any rough patches. Detoxing isn't the easiest thing to put your body through, but you feel so much better afterward. Turn your cleansing date into something you do every few months for optimal health.
Food & Drink
A dinner date can be as low key or as fantastic as you want it to be. You can head to your favorite fast-food restaurant or go someplace that has tablecloths. Food courts at shopping malls can make for an awesome dinner date because both of you can choose what food you want. A dinner date can be a functional event where the two of you enjoy a meal after a hard day of work, or it can be a reason to celebrate. The important thing is that you're setting aside time that both of you can get together and enjoy the other's company. Eating a sack of burgers at the park can be just as enjoyable as dining in a bistro with a snooty waiter. Have fun, enjoy the meal, and allow the sparks to fly between the two of you.
Causes & Service
Have you ever thought about becoming an organ donor? If not, it's something that everyone needs to talk about. The discussion would make for a perfect date night activity. It's a conversation every couple needs to have. Why not make a list of the pros and cons of donating your organs? It will be interesting to see which one of you wants to donate their organs. You might find out that both of you either want to donate or don't want to. The conversation will go into all sorts of unexpected areas, which is good because it'll give you a chance to get to know your spouse better.
Carving usually is done with wood, and it's something that everyone reading this can easily get their hands on. Carving is a skill that takes quite a bit of time to master, but anyone can pick up a piece of wood and begin to carve. A great way to turn carving into a date is by taking turns carving on the same wood piece. Also, one of you might enjoy painting or decorating the final product more than you do carving. A fun thing to do after your carving date is to give your artwork away as gifts. If you have several carving dates and you both get the skill down pat, you can sell your carvings on places like eBay or Etsy to make a little spending money for future dates.
Causes & Service
It always seems like there's an election right around the corner. Have you ever thought about turning voting day into a date? Most people vote close to home, so you're never too far away from the voting booth. You can walk to the polling station and get a little fresh air. Why not go out to eat after you're done voting? If that isn't your cup of tea, then bring a picnic and find someplace to eat. The act of voting itself can be turned into a date. Voting is a duty that doesn't have to be dull and boring. You can turn it into a fun date, and the two of you can talk about the issues on the way to vote and after you've voted. The debate the two of you have may end up being more entertaining than what you see on those cable news channels.
Building a computer from scratch is a surprisingly fun activity. If you've never done it before you'll want to do some research and maybe as a friend for tips on getting the right hardware. You'll love the hands-on approach to building your own machine. It's best to turn building a computer into several dates. The first date can be you going through all of the parts that you need to buy. If you're going to buy the parts online, you can go ahead and do it. If you plan on buying your computer components locally, the trip to the electronics store can be a separate date. After you decide what components you want and get them, you can have your final date of building a computer. You both will be amazed by the computer you build, and you'll always think of the date when using the machine.
A great date idea for a young couple is to plant a tree. Sure, couples of all ages can enjoy planting a tree, but there's something special about it when a young couple does it or when you move to a new place. Just think about how you'll be able to look at the tree years later and watch it grow. The tree will grow just like the love between you and your spouse does. Every year you can plant a new tree to symbolize your love and to make the world a better place. Those trees will be like your love; they will stand the test of time.
Personal Development
Searching for a job can be a tedious thing if you're bummed out about being unemployed. It's also difficult to search all the sites to ensure that you don't miss a job opportunity. Turn your job search into a date to get more eyeballs searching for the career of your dreams and to make it a more enjoyable experience. Each of you needs to break out your smartphone or hop onto the computer and look at what jobs currently are available. Have plenty of snacks and refreshing beverages ready, so the searching doesn't bore you out. Snuggle up next to each other on the couch while searching the job sites and enjoy the warmth and comfort of being together.
Is your house a mess? Does it look like a cyclone has burst through your home? If so, it's time for an organizing date. To make organizing a date, all you have to do is find an area of your home, garage, or shed that needs to be organized. You might have to go through things or simply move them around to make everything neat and tidy. Take breaks and have some snacks prepared to make the date even more enjoyable. You can make your organizing date more fun by making a game plan before you begin. Take before and after pictures so that you can show off your handiwork and brag to each other about the job you did.
Personal Development
Touring a university might not sound like the most exciting date idea, but it can be a practical date idea if either one of you is thinking about going to school. Or if you're not looking for educational opportunities, almost every university has a history that is as unique as its students. You might have lived in your city your entire life and not know all there is to know about your local university. Take a university tour with your spouse and discover the rich heritage of the educational facility or learn about the benefits of pursuing your education there. If you've got some extra cash laying around, buy a sweatshirt or two for each of you to remember your university tour. If either of you went to the university, it would make the tour much more enjoyable. You'll be able to tell your spouse all about what happened when you were in school.
Romance & Relationship
The day you got married changed your life forever. You love your spouse even more today than you did on that wonderful day. No one fully knows when they get married, the impact it will have on them. It is a great way to show your spouse how much they mean to you by renewing your wedding vows. The most important day of your life was the day you exchanged your wedding vows. Renewing your vows doesn't need to be as elaborate as when you got married. What you're trying to do more than anything else is to convey how special your spouse is to you and how much you value your marriage to them.
Causes & Service
Being able to help your local homeless population is something that many people strive to do. Sadly, there will always be homeless people who need a place to stay. Someone has to volunteer to work at the shelters, and it's an excellent opportunity for a date. A date working at a homeless shelter? Why not? You are giving back to the community and also spending time together. There is no better way to enjoy each other's company while doing something positive. Many of the people you help will go on to live productive lives. The help you give them will have a ripple effect that lasts generations. For many, homelessness is the result of circumstances that are out of their control, and your help will change their lives forever.
DIY projects often require two people, and that's what makes them perfect for date nights. You can build your DIY projects from the ground up, or you can go to a place like Ikea and buy boxed projects that only need to be assembled. Look online for inspiration and tips on how to accomplish your plans. It's good to do DIY projects to strengthen your bond as a couple and also to spruce up your living quarters. A new dresser or a fresh coat of paint on the walls can make a huge difference in how you feel when you're at home. You'll save money by doing it yourself, and you'll also have a sense of accomplishment. If you want to turn your DIY date into something phenomenal, treat yourself with pizza or other takeout food after your project is complete.