There's an App for That?! - Intimacy - Married Fun!

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With all the advancements of modern technology and the increased use of smartphones, life has become easier for us. There is an app for just about everything and marriage is no exception. Couples who want to enjoy their married life and take it to the next level should to try out marriage apps. The use of apps like Uber, Instagram and SnapChat have made life so much easier and fun and that it is the same thing with marriage apps.

You might have not thought about it but there are many marriage apps which have been designed specifically to enhance your married life. Here are a few popular and useful marriage apps available today:

1. Couple

Couple is a free app available for both iPhone and Android devices. The app is a beautifully designed social media app for couples. The Couple app is dedicated to ensuring that you make memories which last ages. You will be able to make phone calls, exchange messages, face time, and express your feelings with the many doodles and cute stickers that are available. You can even send private messages to your partner which will remain on the app and disappear in a short amount of time so it is perfect for naughty couples who went to give sexting a try.

You can even add events on the calendar and get notified when it is your anniversary or your partner's birthday. You will never forget anything ever again with the Couple app.

2. Simply Us

Another app which is perfect for married couples to use in order to enjoy their married life is Simply Us. The app is available for iOs users and it is also free. Simply Us has been designed to organize your life together.  It does a lot of work and makes everything more fun.

It can be difficult for you and your partner to meet at the right place or book the movie that you both want to watch and that's what makes this app so helpful. You can set up to-do lists; sync the special calendar on the app and much more.

3. Where Are You App

Sometimes it can be difficult for you to answer your phone to let your spouse know where you are or you might not hear the sound of your phone ringing when watching TV with your buddies or driving in your car.  That's where Where Are You App comes handy.

You might even be planning on meeting up with your husband or wife and they might have ended up going the wrong way so what can they do? Well all they have to do is use the Where Are You app on their phone to track you and find you easily. The app is a life saver and will help a worried spouse. It is a free download in the Google or Apple app stores.

4. Married Fun

The drawback to most of the marriage and relationship apps out there is that they're just OK, or only good at one thing. Here at Married Fun we believe we provide a great alternative to that, offering a complete toolkit for the married couple, whether newly-wed or well-established. Check out our articles, advice and tips for married couples to improve their relationship. We provide a date planner, intimacy tracker, fun bedroom games and even sex positions. Everything is tastefully done. If you'd like to make your marriage better, spend some time with Married Fun.

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Been There, Done That!

Looking for a fun new way to connect? Take a look at our new couples challenge Been There, Done That!. This is a fun intimacy challenge that every couple can get started on right away. How many places can you mark off? Let the challenge begin!

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