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Married Fun has all the date ideas! Read on to see all our Arts & Culture date ideas. Mix up your next date night with these awesome activities. For the full experience make sure you check out the
Married Fun Date Planner.

You've probably heard the song The 12 Days of Christmas before. If celebrating Christmas is a tradition you follow then 12 days of Christmas can be a great date activity. Traditionally the 12 Days of Christmas mark the Christmas celebration beginning on Christmas day. Each day celebrates an important event in Christianity. For your date activity you can learn about or celebrate these events. There are several additional takes on this tradition including the popular song. For this date activity you could use the theme of the gifts in the song in some way. See who can sing the song from start to finish without making any mistakes. Record yourselves singing the song so you can preserve the hilarity for years to come. Or why not try acting out the song or finding the items in your home or online? Turn the song into a scavenger hunt to see who can find the most items. There's also a way to use this theme to leave gifts for others on their doorsteps for each of the 12 nights leading up to Christmas. Make it more fun by being anonymous and trying to run away after ringing the doorbell without being caught. There are a lot of fun ways to enjoy the season. Above all else, enjoy the season and be thankful for the person you love.
The world of 3D printing is exploding right now, and it's such a fascinating time. Your 3D printing date could be broken down into two dates. The first date you design your product and find someone to make it for you. If you go the local route, you can pick up your design during your second date. The fascinating thing about 3D printing is, you can make almost anything. You can create something functional or a piece that is pure art. Who knows, maybe what you make will turn out to be great gifts for those you love, or you might even decide to turn it into a business. The cost of buying a 3D printer has come down significantly, so if you enjoy it enough you might consider purchasing your own.
Everyone watches TV and movies and thinks that they can act as well as their favorite actors. An acting date will enable you to put your acting chops to the test. If you want to take your acting date to the next level, record the two of you acting, and share it on YouTube. If you're not feeling so adventurous, you can share what happened during your date with people you know. You can act out scenes from your favorite movies, go a notch higher and read Shakespeare, or make up your own script. Acting enables you to get in touch with your inner artist, and it also allows you to see another side of your spouse that you may have never seen before.
Shooting a bow and arrow usually requires you to go an archery range or out into the wilderness. Going out in the woods is a great date idea for those who want to escape the hustle and bustle of city life. If you're country folks, then you already know the value of enjoying nature. You don't have to go hunting or anything like that to have fun. Target practice can be fun if you have all the equipment necessary. Even if you don't, then shooting arrows into a tree can be just as fun. Always remember safety is crucial if you want to have a good time and be able to talk about it later.
The perfect date for art lovers and art novices alike is a local art exhibit. Exhibits expose you to new artists and their view of life. Walk around the exhibit and discuss with your spouse what you think the meaning behind the art is. Ask each other what your favorite pieces were and what you think inspired the artist. Trying to understand the art will teach the two of you how the other perceives things. Also, the things they pick up about the art may be totally different from how you process it.
Allowing your creative side to flourish by doing arts & crafts is a fantastic date idea. Take it one step further by turning your love of arts & crafts into a business. A fun way to kick off your date is by walking through a craft store and seeing what piques your interest. By the time you're ready to leave the store, you'll have a clear idea as to what you want to make when you're at home. Be as zany and creative as you want to be when creating your crafts. It's great to watch your spouse's imagination come alive and explore their inner self. You don't know who you're married to until you see their creativity open like a flower blossoming in the morning.
The ballet is an extra special treat for any couple who loves dance and live music. Discuss with your spouse after the ballet what you think they were trying to get across. Usually, art has a message, and it's sometimes more subtle than others. Also, talk about which scenes you enjoyed the most. It will be fun to see if the two of you enjoyed the same scenes or different ones. Dance is a complicated art form, and it can be interpreted in many different ways. The more complex the ballet is, the more room there is for each of you to interpret it differently.
Belly-dancing is one of the oldest and most exciting ways women have been enticing men for who knows how long. Ladies, belly-dancing is still super hot, and your husband will love it. Your date will begin long before your husband suspects anything. You will have to learn how to do some basic belly-dancing and you can make it even better if you get a little gear. You can then surprise him with a belly-dancing date that will knock his socks off. The look on his face will be priceless as you're swaying back and forth while reminding him why he finds you so attractive.
Back in the old days blacksmithing was a way of life for many people. Today, blacksmithing is a fun hobby that can be turned into a great date. You're probably going to want to go to a blacksmith and ask if you can try your hand at it. Make sure you educate yourself on how to safely do blacksmithing before attempting it. If you're really seeking out adventure, you can try heating up metal and pounding it out yourself. You both can take turns pounding the hot metal to make whatever you want out of it. Keep the item that you make during your blacksmithing date, so you always have a memento of the great time both of you shared.
A once in a lifetime experience is what attending a broadway show is for many couples. You can turn this date into something even more special by eating dinner before you go out. Broadway has shows for every taste, and being in one of the most iconic entertainment areas of the world is reason enough to go there on a date. Attending a Broadway show is the perfect getaway if you live far away from New York City, or it's the ideal place to go for live entertainment if you live in or near the Big Apple. Or if you live further away see what shows may be touring near you.
Are you the type of couple who finds yourselves reading bumper stickers while you're out and about? If so, you're the perfect candidates to make your own bumper stickers! Designing a bumper sticker isn't all that difficult, and you can do it online for free. The fun part is to come up with something funny or witty to say on your bumper sticker. You can give out your finished bumper stickers to your friends, and you can also put them on your car. You'll laugh up a storm while you're creating bumper stickers that you think are funny. Creating bumper stickers is one of those dates that you can enjoy for weeks or even months later, when you look at what you produced.
Calligraphy is a beautiful way of writing. If you don't know how to write calligraphy it's simple and inexpensive to learn. A calligraphy date can turn into something magical if you create something that you can give to someone you love. Why not create a fancy birthday card for someone and surprise them with it? You can also create something with elegant writing on it and put it on your wall. Create a poem together about your love and make it look beautiful by writing it in calligraphy. Or write each other love notes or anniversary notes to deliver later. The words will have more meaning when you take so much time to write them beautifully.
Singing in a choir is an uplifting experience, and it is a wonderful thing to share with your spouse as a date. Churches are the most common places where you can sing in a choir. There are many date opportunities for you to sing in the choir. For example, choir practice, choir at church services, or you could even get together the choir to sing at a place like a nursing home. Practicing at home is also fun if you are in the choir and need to brush up a little bit before singing with everyone else. You will be amazed by how invigorating both of you feel after your choir date because singing enables you to let go of your emotions and temporarily forget about everything in the world around you.
Making your own Christmas cards is a great way to spend some time together as a couple. By making your own Christmas cards, you'll spread holiday cheer in a way that is as unique as you are as a couple. Your friends and family will love receiving your one-of-a-kind Christmas cards. You can turn creating Christmas cards into multiple dates. You can create your Christmas cards and then prepare them to be sent off. Taking your Christmas cards to the post office can be another date. Walk to the post office if weather permits or go out to eat to celebrate sending off your Christmas cards.
Going to a dinner theater as a date is awesome because you get to do two great things simultaneously. You get to enjoy a fantastic meal, and you also get to watch a theatrical production. Most theater dates require you to go to a restaurant first and then go to the theater, which is difficult for those who have limited free time. Couples who rarely get to go out will enjoy being able to eat and enjoy a show together. Choose where you want to sit, depending on how romantic you're feeling. If you're feeling very romantic, try to sit near the back of the venue. Some of you will naturally gravitate towards the front so you can have a better view.
Dying eggs is a lot of fun because you get to eat your artwork after you're done. If you are an artistic couple, you can create all kinds of decorative eggs. A date of dying eggs can result in quite a few gifts that you can give to your friends and family. If Easter is right around the corner, a basket of dyed eggs is a perfect gift. Also, don't forget to take a few pictures of your eggs to share with your friends and family online. If you want to get even more creative, you can dye the eggs and also paint them. Use your imagination and allow it to run while you come up with all kinds of new designs and dye patterns that are sure to amaze anyone who looks at your eggs.
Handicraft allows your creative side to shine while making things that you can cherish. If both of you are the type who loves arts and crafts, a handicraft date is something you should do. Even if only one of you is into crafts, making a date out of handicraft is still a great idea. You can help each other, and it's these types of dates that enables couples to bond. You get to see your partner's creative personality in action, and you get to learn more about them. So, even if you don't think you're the creative type, have a handicraft date and get to know yourself and the person you love better. Something else that's great about doing handicraft is, you can give away the final product as gifts or sell them online at a place like Etsy.
Jewelry making is as much of a skill as it is an art form. It's hard to imagine that it's possible to turn a date into a work of art. You can do just that when you make jewelry. If the two of you are into fashion, then jewelry making is an acceleration of what you already love. Turn your date into profit or show off your hard work when you're out and about. Either way, you'll not only have something you can show from your date, but you'll gain insightful knowledge on how to do something in a highly profitable trade. Making jewelry for each other can be a great way to give each other mementos and fun conversation starters among friends, family and even strangers at the grocery store.
Everyone always dreams of what it would be like to learn how to play an instrument. There are several different ways you can turn learning how to play an instrument into a date. You could always buy a second-hand instrument and learn how to play it by watching YouTube videos. If you have the money to buy each of you an instrument, that would be better. It would be best if you both could get lessons from a professional and learn how to play. It's up to you how serious you want to take it. Don't forget to make videos of your progression and the two of you playing a song.
Festivals come around every year, and they offer an excellent opportunity for the perfect date. Set aside a few dollars to have yourself a good time when the festival is in town. Sometimes festivals are free, which means you won't need to shell out any money to go on a date there. But, you'll probably want to buy something to eat or at the very least a souvenir. Make sure to wear comfortable shoes since you'll probably do quite a bit of walking while you're at the festival. Local festivals are great because you get to enjoy everything that makes your community the wonderful place that it is.