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"active". Mix up your next date night with these awesome activities. For the full experience make sure you check out the
Married Fun Date Planner.
Personal Development
Everyone has fears, and you should get over them. Married people probably have different fears, but you might share something similar. Do you both fear heights? If so, it might be a good idea to go to the highest building you can find. Conquering your fears is an important part of personal growth. If you can both conquer the same fear at once, you'll get over a mountain that most don't. You will grow as a couple if the two of you can overcome your fears, and that will have a lasting impact on your relationship. Sit down together and make a list of your fears. Then discuss which ones you'd like to tackle with each other's help.
Fun & Games
Juggling classes are a thing, and you don't need to want to be a clown to attend them. Juggling is a fun activity if you're blessed with great hand-eye coordination. Nothing is funnier than seeing someone try to juggle, and they end up causing all the balls to fall on the ground. A date night filled with laughs is what you should expect if you're planning on taking a juggling class. Don't be surprised if you don't get the hang of juggling right away because it takes quite a bit of time learning to pull off what a clown makes look easy.
Is your house a mess? Does it look like a cyclone has burst through your home? If so, it's time for an organizing date. To make organizing a date, all you have to do is find an area of your home, garage, or shed that needs to be organized. You might have to go through things or simply move them around to make everything neat and tidy. Take breaks and have some snacks prepared to make the date even more enjoyable. You can make your organizing date more fun by making a game plan before you begin. Take before and after pictures so that you can show off your handiwork and brag to each other about the job you did.
A soccer date can be a head to head battle, or you can just kick the ball around. Playing soccer is great exercise, and it also gets you out of the house. Soccer is one of those games that's easy to play but difficult to master. You can have several soccer dates and still have something to learn. Take your soccer ball, go to the park, and have fun kicking it around. Try to learn some footwork or soccer tricks. Bring along with you some water, sports drinks, and a sack lunch and turn it into a date and a picnic.
Personal Development
Everyone has a mental bucket list of sorts, and it's essential to clear off as many items as possible. It's good to express these desires by writing down your bucket list and it's the perfect thing to share with your spouse. As a date, write down individual lists or a shared list that you want to work on. You can even add categories or make separate lists that are themed. Then take your lists and plan dates around checking things off. Your bucket lists are going to change as you age, and you'll have to modify them accordingly. Always keep each other up-to-date as to what's on your bucket list so you can continue planning dates and checking things off together.
Hitting the gym is a fantastic way for a couple to connect. A gym date is a way to work on your bond while also paying close attention to your health. A married couple who works out together has an advantage that most singles don't, and that is they can help each other. You can spot your spouse and also help them with the equipment. Your workout will be much more in-depth if you do it with a partner. Having your spouse right there can also be a great motivation as you work on your shared fitness goals. Treat yourself with a protein shake after your workout so the two of you can relax a little while enjoying the afterglow of the exercise.
Classes & Workshops
You can't be a happy couple if both of you aren't healthy. The first step to becoming healthy is by being active and exercising. Going to fitness classes on your date nights is a great idea since they will help you get fit. You'll also remember the exercises they teach you, and you'll be able to do them at home. If you have fitness classes once or twice a week, you can have exercise dates at home for the rest of the week. Just a handful of fitness class sessions paired with other healthy life choices can spur into something so much bigger in a short period.
Fun & Games
The reason why sledding is such a great date idea is that you don't need anything fancy to do it. All you need is a sled, some snow, and a hill. If you have those three things, you have all the ingredients necessary for a great sledding experience. It's fun to sled together or go down the hill separately. By the time you are at the foot of the hill you'll be smiling and belting out all kinds of laughter. If you want to go all out on your sledding date, fill a thermos full of hot chocolate and have a sweet treat that will warm your bones after being outside in the cold.
For those of you who don't know, zorbing is when you roll down a hill in an orb or a big balloon-like ball. You can go down a hill or a slightly sloped area. Sure, you can go flat, but it's best to go a little downgrade to make it easier. Zorbing is one of those things that you can only do by yourself. Still, it's a whole lot of fun while you're on a date. If you're thinking that rolling around in a plastic ball is ridiculous you're right - and that's part of why it's so much fun. Each of you can take turns zorbing while the other makes a video of it. At first, it feels a little weird being inside such a massive plastic bubble, but before long, you'll be rolling down the grass while having the time of your life. The best time is always after you're done zorbing and talking to each other about your experience.
Snow skiing is an excellent way for a married couple to enjoy winter together. Hitting the slopes is a fun way to get a healthy dose of excitement in your lives. Also, going to a resort is a fun way to take a weekend trip and enjoy yourselves. There's something extra fun about going into a resort for a cup of hot chocolate after you've been out in the cold. If you really want to have a good time, race while going down the hill. You'll end up having several races because the loser won't want to stay the loser for long. Before the two of you know it, you'll both have gone down the hill several times, and the day will be all but over.
The entire goal of paintball is to see how many times you can hit your target. Who is your target? Well, it's you and your spouse! If shooting each other is too much for either of you to handle, then you can do a little target practice. It will be fun to see who can hit the target the most with the paintballs. If you're feeling adventurous, then hunt each other in a warlike manner until all of your paintballs are gone. The winner will be the person who has the least amount of paint on them. There's something so fun about shooting each other with paintballs that it might become a regular date night activity. If you have your own equipment you can play with just the two of you or a small group of friends. Or if not, find a place that offers paintball and provides everything you need including the venue itself.
Causes & Service
Churches, soup kitchens, and food banks all need volunteers. Your next date night could help those in need while also increasing your bond. The two of you could volunteer to clean a soup kitchen or to stock the shelves of a food bank. If you're an animal lover, contact your local animal shelter and see if they need volunteers. The love that you share for each other can impact your community by turning your date night into something that helps those who are less fortunate. Make yourself available during times when most people can't volunteer on days such as weekends to increase your odds of being able to help out.
Archaeology enables history buffs to take things one step further and touch the historic landmarks and items of the era. An archaeology date can be as simple as the two of you going to an area and digging for things like glass bottles in an old trash pit. If you're feeling adventurous, you can team up with a group of researchers trying to uncover a secret hidden past. Archaeology allows you to experience history in a way that nothing else can. You will be able to see and feel the past, and it will come to life in your hands.
Fun & Games
Setting up an Easter egg hunt is a fantastic date idea that you can share with others as well. You can hide Easter eggs while allowing neighbors or the children of members of your family to find them. You and your spouse will excitedly watch as the children try to find the eggs that you hide. You can also have an Easter egg hunt just for the two of you, and that would entail you hiding eggs so that your spouse can find them. However, a holiday like Easter is best enjoyed with other people, and that's why it is far more fun to invite others to hunt the eggs that you hide or to find another Easter egg hunt that you can attend.
A beautiful yard is something that always makes a husband and wife proud. No one likes to see people rubbernecking while driving by a yard more than the homeowner does. Don't think that landscaping is only about keeping your yard mowed and all that. It's the entire grounds of your home that you've got to work with. If the two of you don't mind getting sweaty and dirty, turning landscaping chores into a date is a great way to spend time together. Make sure you have plenty of refreshments handy because you're going to get plenty hot and work up a thirst while landscaping. You'll quickly see that with a little hard work how beautiful you can make your own yard.
Riding quads brings the great outdoors to you. Riding a quad on a path is the modern-day equivalent to riding a horse. The two of you can go down the path side by side or single file. Enjoy the beautiful scenery, the sounds of the wilderness, and the wonderful feeling of being together. A quad ride can quickly turn into an adventure if you allow yourselves to roam freely. By going off the beaten path, you explore the world around you while also getting away from all the hustle and bustle that life has to offer.
Playing tetherball is a date that will bring you back to your childhood instantly. Almost no one these days has a tetherball in their backyard, and that means you will have to go to a playground or a park to play. The fun thing about tetherball is that it takes nearly no skill to play, but it is so much fun to hit the ball and watch it go around. The simplicity of the game ensures that everyone will have a good time, and both of you will be able to play without any problems. No one has to be an experienced tetherball player to have a fantastic date playing the game. After you're done playing tetherball, a great add-on to your date is to either go to a restaurant or treat yourself to some dessert afterward.
A trip to a national park is a great adventure. After you get to the park, that's when the real fun begins. There's hiking, fishing, rafting, bird watching and other outdoor activities that are enjoyable at a national park. Some parks even allow you to go camping. The fun you have in a national park can last a few hours or even a few days. Bring along a picnic for a short stay or camping gear for a weekend adventure. National parks usually have free or low-cost entry fees. Be sure to follow all the laws and rules for any activities that you may be doing. The fresh air, nature, and togetherness that you share will make for such an enjoyable experience. Nature has a way of bringing people together and stripping away all the negative things about life, so you can enjoy each other for who you are.
Going bowling allows you to roll a ball towards pins while wearing funny looking shoes. Don't worry if you're the type who only throws gutter balls; the score doesn't matter when you're bowling. Somehow a game of bowling always turns into lots of laughs by the time the game is done. Also, bowling alleys are famous for having all kinds of snacks like nachos and deliciously greasy food. You can throw a few strikes and have a guilty pleasure all on the same date. Check with your local bowling alley if they have discounts during the day or other times. You may also want to avoid playing during the times when leagues are there since it might be difficult to get a lane. Many alleys also offer cosmic or other types of bowling with black lights, popular music and more.
Fun & Games
Unleash your competitive side by going go-kart racing. Many of the places that have go-kart racing also have restaurants and video games. Why not turn your go-kart racing adventure into a day-long date? Eat pizza, race cars, and play a few games afterward. It's so much fun to drive side by side in the go-karts. You'll have a blast when one passes the other in their kart. Don't be surprised if you want to keep the fun going and race several times in a row. It's next to impossible to stop racing once you get it into your system.
Fun & Games
A good old-fashioned pillow fight is a fun date activity that can quickly turn into something far more exciting. How can you not laugh like a hyena while pillow fighting? The goal here isn't to hurt each other; it's to see how many good hits you can get in. Before you know it, you'll be laughing and having a ball. The best pillow fights always happen when you're in pajamas. Set aside a few minutes before bed to have a pillow fight, and don't be surprised if you end up laughing so hard you turn red in the face.
The thrill of being high in the sky and jumping out of a plane is something that the two of you will never forget. A skydiving date is one that you'll always remember. If it's your first time jumping out of a plane, you'll probably have to jump with instructors. Skydiving is an adrenaline junkie's dream come true, and it also gives you a view of the planet that most people never see. The period of free-floating is one of the most beautiful things a person can experience, and you'll get to share it with the person you love the most.
DIY projects often require two people, and that's what makes them perfect for date nights. You can build your DIY projects from the ground up, or you can go to a place like Ikea and buy boxed projects that only need to be assembled. Look online for inspiration and tips on how to accomplish your plans. It's good to do DIY projects to strengthen your bond as a couple and also to spruce up your living quarters. A new dresser or a fresh coat of paint on the walls can make a huge difference in how you feel when you're at home. You'll save money by doing it yourself, and you'll also have a sense of accomplishment. If you want to turn your DIY date into something phenomenal, treat yourself with pizza or other takeout food after your project is complete.
Fun & Games
Blobbing is a date idea that many of you probably have never done before. What is blobbing? Blobbing is where you sit on the edge of an inflatable airbag, and someone jumps on it. When the person jumps on the airbag, you go flying into the air. After flying in the air, you land in the water. The two of you can take turns jumping onto the airbag to make the other fly through the air. It will be fun to hear your spouse yell in excitement as they fly through the air. The real fun is to see who can make the other fly the highest. Make sure you get some photos!
Causes & Service
All neighborhoods need cleaning up. Why not get together with your neighbors and have a neighborhood clean-up event? If that's not your cup of tea, try to find an elderly or disabled person who needs some help cleaning up their property. A date helping clean your block will make everyone happy. All of your neighbors will think of you when they see how clean everything is. You have to live in your neighborhood, and if it's clean, you'll enjoy spending more time outside. A clean neighborhood is a happy neighborhood, and that's why this is a fantastic way to spend a date night.
Mountain biking is a lot of fun, and it gets you into the great outdoors. Mountains and hills aren't necessary, but a little rough terrain is nice when riding a mountain bike. A secluded, wooded area works perfectly as a place where you can go mountain biking. Bring a lunch along with you and the wilderness makes for the perfect picnic backdrop. The outdoors is a wonderful place to find yourself while on a bicycle. Take a few breaks along the way and snap a few pictures of your date so you can remember your mountain biking adventure. Renting the bikes is easy and inexpensive if you don't own them. You may just find that mountain biking is so enjoyable that you want to buy your own bikes and go out often.
Health & Wellness
Going for a quick run is a great exercise, and it's also a fantastic way to spend some time with each other. Before your running date, scout out an area that is safe to run. If you're a regular runner, you won't have a problem finding a place to run. If you're living in a big city, a park is probably your best bet to find a safe running space. Bring along some fruit or water bottles and take a break during your running date to spend a little time with each other. If you're feeling up to it, you can have a little competition to see who can run the furthest without getting winded. Running not only is a fantastic one-time date idea but a healthy lifestyle that will reward you for years if you can turn it into a habit.
Classes & Workshops
Attending dance classes is a great date idea for many different reasons. First off, dancing is fun. It's also an excellent exercise, and it's in some cases better than going to the gym. Dancing also promotes intimacy between the two of you. Dancing is something that you and your spouse can do for the rest of your life. What you learn today in the classes you'll be able to do for years down the line. A dancing class date will get you out of the house, you'll be near other couples, and you'll enjoy yourself. The greatest thing about learning how to dance is, it's something you can do at home. Turn on some music, get close, and slow dance while allowing yourselves to live in the moment. Your dance classes will take a life of their own, which is why this is such a fantastic date idea.
Hang gliding and paragliding offer what, for many, is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to explore their wild side. As a couple, there are undoubtedly things you want to cross off the list of things that you want to do. Hang gliding is on the list for many, and it's one of the most exciting things you'll ever do. Seeing the world from above while experiencing the freedom that only a bird enjoys is a thrilling experience. There are few dates that a married couple can go on that produce that type of long-lasting memories that hang gliding can. Find a beautiful location, prepare to be amazed, and take turns enjoying the stunning beauty of the earth.
Couples who need a little adventure in their lives should try driving dune buggies. You can rent a dune buggy and have all the fun in the world. If you're feeling adventurous, then both of you can rent dune buggies. You can race, follow each other, or do whatever you want if both of you have your own vehicle. Many couples will enjoy renting one dune buggy to drive while enjoying the scenery. A little closeness and togetherness are what driving dune buggies are all about.
Going canoeing can be an all-day adventure or something you do for a few hours. For the ultimate canoeing date, bring along a lunch and eat it in the wilderness. The summer months are the best time to go canoeing, but it's an activity that you can do as long as the weather is nice. Each of you will have fun learning how to row in sync with each other. It takes a little practice, but before too long, you'll be rowing together in a matter of no time. Canoeing enables you to connect to the great outdoors while also enjoying a few precious moments together.
Fun & Games
Glowsticking is a fantastic date idea for those who enjoy being outside after dark. It's also possible to use glow sticks inside, but you've got to be careful not to hit anything. To have fun while glowsticking you take the glow stick on a string in swing it around. The stick glows in the dark, and it looks incredible as it moves around. If you want to have even more fun on your glowsticking date, play some music and try to swing the glow stick to the beat. Play with the glow sticks while listening to various styles of music. Choose a style of music that you think goes least with glowsticking and try your best to make it work. Sometimes the most fun day you'll have glowsticking will be when you least expect it, and you discover a new way of playing with your glow sticks. Try to take some photos or videos of the light show that you put on and see what kind of art you can produce.
Fun & Games
Tossing horseshoes allows you to get exercise while you enjoy being outside. You'll have a ton of fun while encouraging your spouse to toss the horseshoe onto the spike. Laughing is something that both of you do when you miss the target by a mile. Playing horseshoes doesn't take much skill, but it's a challenging sport to perfect. Take turns tossing the horseshoes and keep score to see who performs better. Before you know it, you'll have to game down pat, and the two of you will become competitors.
Fun & Games
Making igloos and snow forts are the perfect winter dates that are sure to create memories that last forever. Make sure to snap plenty of pictures of your snow creation process as well as the final result so you can look back at it during the warm summer months and remember what you did while the snow was falling. To make your snow date even more satisfying, fill a thermos full of hot chocolate to drink while working in the snow. The hot drink will warm your chilled bones and enable you to spend more time outside working on your snowy project together. Don't be surprised if this activity turns into a snowball fight!
Fun & Games
Feel like a kid again by having a water park date. Make it an all-day date and have even more fun. You might want to map out your adventure before going. If you plan your water park activities in advance, then you might be able to beat the lines. Water parks usually have restaurants where you can eat and enjoy a lazy day away from home. If you really want to splurge, go to a water park that has a hotel. Get a room for the weekend and turn your water park date into a mini weekend vacation. Don't forget your sunscreen, sunglasses and flip flops and just have a blast.
Martial arts are a great thing to know because you can use them to protect yourself. Beyond self-protection, martial arts are a great form of exercise. Many martial arts enthusiasts live to a ripe old age, and it's because of all the exercise and healthy life choices involved. You can attend classes as a couple and learn together. If you're an adventurous couple, you can do a little martial arts on each other. You can teach each other some moves or do some wrestling. Your martial arts dates will be unique in that you're learning something new that will last a lifetime. The maneuvers and exercises that you learn during your martial arts training will stick with you for the rest of your life. You can turn your martial arts date into something even more spectacular by practicing what you learn at home on future dates.
Couples who love to shoot guns will have a lot of fun skeet shooting. Your local gun range might offer skeet shooting for members. If you don't belong to a gun range or a gun club, skeet shooting is something that you can do by yourself. Don't be surprised if the two of you rarely hit any of the clay pigeons if you're not marksmen. The fun here isn't to see how many you can shoot, but to spend time with each other. Go back and forth and give each other the chance to practice shooting and provide tips on how to improve the accuracy of the shot. Be sure to take a class on gun safety first if you aren't experienced in shooting.
Fun & Games
For those of you who don't know, letterboxing is like a version of hide and seek where you try to find boxes out in the wilderness and other places. The clues to where the boxes are located can be found on the Internet or in magazines. If you don't wish to use the Internet to find the boxes, you can set up your own search. How you would go about this is you would hide the box and give your spouse clues as to where they can find it. It will be exciting to see if your spouse can find the box with your hints. You might want to hide your first box in an easily accessible place so that the two of you can get the hang of playing this game. Future dates can be more thrilling by placing the box in a harder to find place once you have a full grasp of the gameplay.
Adventuring is where you go out and do anything adventurous during a date. What do you consider an adventure? Going out on an adventure might mean scouring the countryside for abandoned houses and seeing what's in them for some people. While for others, it might be more urban where you try to find little hole-in-the-wall stores, restaurants, or other establishments that you never knew existed. Try to think outside the box and do things out of your comfort zone to make it even more memorable. You make up the adventure, and it's a date idea that you can switch up every time you do it. What's an adventure to one couple is extreme to another or maybe run of the mill to some. A few adventuring dates are all it takes to make the dates go from mild to mind-blowing.
There's a whole world out there waiting for you to explore. Where will you go exploring? Have you ever thought about searching through caves? Maybe you could hike through forests to find old long-lost buildings. A great exploring date is to try to find run-down mansions in your city that belonged to people who were once rich and powerful. No matter where you are, there's plenty of rich history waiting for you to discover. Exploring is one of those date activities that becomes addictive, and you shouldn't be surprised if it's something that you want to do again.