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"creative". Mix up your next date night with these awesome activities. For the full experience make sure you check out the
Married Fun Date Planner.
Fun & Games
You don't need an excuse to turn anything into a celebration. You could be celebrating a holiday, a birthday, or anything. Turn your celebration into a date to make it even more enjoyable. How do you celebrate? That's the fun part, and you can make it up as you go along. Why not create your own holiday and be creative in how you celebrate it. What you want to do more than anything is to have a good time. Any excuse to get together and set aside some time is well worth it in the end. Turn Saturday or the full moon into a holiday and celebrate it until you're out of energy. You might just invent some fun traditions for you to share with your family and friends.
Arts & Culture

Reading poetry can be a fun addition to any date or could be a date all by itself. You can read poems written by others that you find online or in books. Each of you should search the internet for poems that you find enjoyable. For fun, try to convey what the poem is saying with your voice and body language. Act out parts of the poem to emphasize the meaning behind certain parts of it. Share them by standing up and reading the poems to each other. Try to capture the spirit of the written word and act out what you feel the poet had in mind. It's also fun to have a themed poetry reading night. For example, love might be a theme for one night, while sadness could be a theme for your next poetry reading date. Reading poetry can open up your emotions as nothing else can. A poetry reading date is about so much more than the poems; it's about how they make you feel. Get in contact with your inner selves during this date, and the two of you will grow as a couple. Literature can be a beautiful thing to experience together as a couple.
Events & Attractions
Poetry conveys a message as nothing else can. Reading the poetry of others you often wonder what the meaning the poet was trying to convey. If you're fortunate enough, there might be a poetry reading by the author near you that you can attend. Hearing the words out of a poet's mouth can be so much more impactful to you. Check for events at the largest book stores in the area to see if there are any upcoming author readings. If you're lucky you might get a signature or a selfie with the author at such an event. Reading poetry to yourselves is great, but listening to the words as delivered by the actual authors can be a real treat.
Romance & Relationship

Communication is always an issue in a marriage. Setting aside a little time for something like learning about "love languages" is a must. Author Gary Chapman wrote in his book The Five Love Languages about the ways that people express and receive love. Taking the surveys can be eye opening as you gain insight into how your spouse (and yourself) prefers to be shown love. After you've determined your love languages you'll be more aware of the way you express love within your relationship. Sitting down next to each other and speaking about what makes you feel loved is a great way to express your feelings. It's not always easy to get mushy, but let the words flow. Allow your heart to do all the talking, and you'll find the right words to say. It's okay to feel uncomfortable talking about you feel on the inside, what isn't okay is bottling it up. Allow your heart to gush and say whatever it is that your feeling. Love is a beautiful thing but it requires nurture and attention. You need to educate yourselves on the 5 love languages to ensure that you're expressing love in the ways that your spouse cherishes most.
Causes & Service
Do you know someone in the hospital, serving in the military or maybe someone lonely or down on their luck? If so, making a care package for them is a great idea. If you belong to a church, you can ask your pastor if there are people who you can make care packages for. Making care packages during a date night will bring you closer together while also doing something great for other people. Any time that you can combine your energy to make lives better for others is a great date. Your compassion for others will improve your life and strengthen your relationship.
Avid readers know how much fun a book club can be. How can you turn your book club membership into a date? You both need to read the same book and then talk about it. Sit around and discuss what you think is going on with the book. Sometimes it's best to talk about the book after both of you are done reading it because you don't want to risk hearing any spoilers. You can also agree to stop at the same place every week and then discuss what you read. Book clubs offer interesting reading suggestions that couples might otherwise overlook, and discussing what you read is always an enjoyable experience. Create your own little club with just the two of you or find another club that you can attend together.
Classes & Workshops
The feeling of the clay in your hands is both relaxing and soothing. Pottery classes are a lot like therapy sessions, and you always feel better afterward. Not only do you feel good and are in a better mood, but you walk out of the place with pottery that you can use. Save your pottery and put it up so you can always remember your date. The classes will teach you a lot, and who knows, pottery might be something that you end up getting into it more regularly. If it is, you might be able to turn your love of pottery into a profitable hobby or even a family business.

Almost everyone these days has a favorite podcast. Why not sit behind the microphone and start your own podcast? You don't need any fancy equipment or audio editing software to create an amateur podcast. You can even use the microphone on a laptop or your smartphone to create a podcast. You can make your podcast a weekly, monthly, or a sporadic thing you do whenever you've got the free time. Your podcast might be only meant to entertain yourselves, friends, and family, or the entire world. The most important aspect here is to have fun. If you can achieve that, your podcasting date will be a success. There are free platforms that will host your podcast, or you can put the audio on YouTube and slap an image on the video so they will host it. Invite your friends and family to listen to your podcast or keep it so you can enjoy listening to it years from now. You don't need to be a professional radio announcer or edit the audio file in any way. Sometimes the best podcasts are those without a net and include all the imperfections that life can throw at us.
Arts & Culture
Drawing on the sidewalk with chalk is so much fun, and you can do it just about anywhere. The great thing about sidewalk chalk is that you can easily wash it away or wait for the rain to make your artwork disappear. You can have a sidewalk chalk drawing date on the sidewalk outside of where you live, you can do it at the park, or anywhere where there is a big slab of cement. Make sure that you have your smartphone handy to take pictures of your sidewalk art and share them online with your friends and family. If you can find sidewalk chalk artists near you be sure to check out their artwork and be amazed at what you can create with just a few sticks of chalk.
There are so many date ideas for letter writing that a book could be written about it. You can write letters to each other, combine your efforts, write a letter to a loved one, or write a letter to a celebrity you are fascinated by. Do you write the letter out by hand or use your computer? It might be more fun to take turns writing the letter by hand to see who has the best handwriting. Writing a letter feels like an old-fashioned way of communicating, and it will get your creative juices flowing. Read the letter back after you're done writing it and enjoy all the hard work you've put into it.
Arts & Culture
Going to a medieval festival is an excellent idea if you're the type of couple that likes to dress up. A knight in shining armor and a princess is what you two were meant to be. If you're not in the mood to dress up, then it's no big deal, you can still go to look at the costumes. Time has a way of harkening back to another era when you walk through the gates of a medieval festival. You'll see what life was like, how people dressed, and maybe even hear some of the old-time lingoes if you're lucky. Check out the shows and displays and pick something out from one of the shops to remember your fun medieval festival date.
Fun & Games
A blanket fort is a lot of fun during those cold wintery days when you don't feel like going outside. Get underneath the blanket and create a fort. It's even more fun if you tell winter-related stories while underneath the blankets. Try to come up with the best coldest story that you can. Holiday-themed stories are fun too if it's near the holidays. It's so nice to be warm and cozy next to the person you love. The stories, the fort, and everything else will magically go away when the two of you are lost in the moment.
Personal Development
There are all kinds of free personality tests that you can take online. It will be so funny to see your spouse's reaction to some of the questions. It'll be even more eye-opening when they see the results of their personality test. Pop some popcorn, pour a glass of soda and see where the questions take you. Usually, the questions take you down a path where the two of you will be chatting it up in no time flat. The real fun of a personality test isn't the test itself; it's spending time with each other. Sometimes you need a little nudge in the right direction to sit down and smell the roses, and a personality test is as good of an excuse as any.
Arts & Culture
Quilting is a fun way to spend some time together while also being productive. What better way to preserve the fun of your date than to have a quilt that you can hold onto forever? You can use your quilt, give it as a gift, or sell it to make money. A great idea would be to make a quilt, sell it on eBay, and donate the money to your favorite charity. Just imagine how a charity could use the money for a good cause. You could rarely turn a date into something that can impact so many people, but quilting is one of the opportunities to do that.
Arts & Culture
Back in the old days blacksmithing was a way of life for many people. Today, blacksmithing is a fun hobby that can be turned into a great date. You're probably going to want to go to a blacksmith and ask if you can try your hand at it. Make sure you educate yourself on how to safely do blacksmithing before attempting it. If you're really seeking out adventure, you can try heating up metal and pounding it out yourself. You both can take turns pounding the hot metal to make whatever you want out of it. Keep the item that you make during your blacksmithing date, so you always have a memento of the great time both of you shared.
Personal Development
Everyone has a mental bucket list of sorts, and it's essential to clear off as many items as possible. It's good to express these desires by writing down your bucket list and it's the perfect thing to share with your spouse. As a date, write down individual lists or a shared list that you want to work on. You can even add categories or make separate lists that are themed. Then take your lists and plan dates around checking things off. Your bucket lists are going to change as you age, and you'll have to modify them accordingly. Always keep each other up-to-date as to what's on your bucket list so you can continue planning dates and checking things off together.
Fun & Games
Horoscopes are fun to read and to think about if they are accurate or not. A date of reading your horoscopes can be fun. If you really want to challenge the accuracy of the horoscope, read some of their past predictions. See if the two of you remember any events that they were talking about. It doesn't matter if you believe that your horoscope is accurate or not, what's important is to have fun. Read several of your horoscopes online and see which ones are the funniest. You will stumble upon a few that are so far out there that they will make you bust out in laughter.
Arts & Culture
Couples who enjoy going out and listening to instrumental music will love going to the piano bar on date night. Have a drink or two, and enjoy live music being played on a piano. Piano bars are great alternatives for people who like live music but don't like the wild bar scene. Set aside money for a taxi or have a friend pick you up if you plan on drinking. You can play dress up and wear all kinds of fancy clothes. Make it a theme night, and the two of you wear something similar, like beach vacation night or whatever strikes your fancy.
Going to antique shops is a fun way to spend an afternoon for any couple. You don't need to buy any antiques to make your date a success. Antiquing has grown in popularity over the years, and now there are more shops devoted to collecting items from the past. If the two of you share the same interests, it's even more fun because you can spot items both of you might want to purchase. Try your hand at haggling and do your best to get items for as cheaply as possible. Haggling is a part of the antique shopping experience, and it's sure to add a little flair to your date.
Karaoke is an instant hit if you're the type who loves to have a good time and consider yourself a music lover. You and your spouse will be smiling and laughing up a storm while the two of you sing your favorite songs. Sometimes the best karaoke sessions are when you mess up the song so bad that you can't stop laughing while trying to sing. If you're too shy to sing at a karaoke bar, watch everyone else while they give it a shot. You can also buy the equipment and have fun at home. You can download tracks from the internet to create all kinds of karaoke-themed fun.
Fun & Games
There are so many different ways you can have fun with paper airplanes on a date. The most obvious way to have fun with paper airplanes is to fly them. You can fly them off the roof of where you live or go outside to see how far you can throw your paper airplane, or even throw them inside your home. It's also fun to have a competition to see who can get their plane to fly the furthest or for the longest time. Look up various designs online and learn how to make them. If you want to go the extra mile and have a truly fantastic paper airplane date, decorate your airplane before you throw it. You might even consider not throwing your paper airplane at all and saving it as a memento to remember your date. If either of you are the artistic type, you can share in the decoration of your paper airplane to make it even more fabulous.
Wearing ugly sweaters is a trend, and it's not going to go away anytime soon. How do you turn ugly sweaters into a date? You can go out wearing ugly sweaters and see how people react to them. Also, you can go shopping for ugly sweaters. The ugliest sweaters are usually found online, but you never know what your local second-hand shops are going to have. Sometimes thrift stores are the final destination for a sweater that is so ugly no one wants to wear it. Seek out the ugliest sweaters you can find and then have fun taking pictures of yourselves wearing them in all kinds of situations.
Arts & Culture
Everyone always dreams of what it would be like to learn how to play an instrument. There are several different ways you can turn learning how to play an instrument into a date. You could always buy a second-hand instrument and learn how to play it by watching YouTube videos. If you have the money to buy each of you an instrument, that would be better. It would be best if you both could get lessons from a professional and learn how to play. It's up to you how serious you want to take it. Don't forget to make videos of your progression and the two of you playing a song.
Fun & Games
A Halloween party is a date that enables you to show off your creative side. If you're throwing the party yourselves start with making some spooky invitations. Search online or even make up your own Halloween games. If you're the type of couple who likes to make your own costumes, your party will even be more exciting. It doesn't matter if you buy or make your costume, what does matter is that you're enjoying this fabulous time of year. Make sure to snap a few photographs of both of you in your costumes to remember this date for years to come. It might also be a good idea to take pictures of everyone so you can always remember the party you threw on Halloween.
Events & Attractions
The renaissance faire is a blast from the past like few people ever experience. You can dress up as someone from medieval days or just go for the show. A renaissance faire date is a blast for those into this time period and those couples who like to experience new things. Every time you go to a renaissance faire, you notice something new about the time period that takes you by surprise. Some people really go over the top, and you can too with your costume and even your accent if you're in the mood to make it more fun.
Fun & Games
The world of robotics is ever increasing and becoming more exciting. You can build simple robots at home with kits that are easily found online. You could take your love of robotics to a whole new level by going on a factory tour and seeing robots in action. A fun robotics date idea might be for each of you to search YouTube for the best robot videos you can find and then share them. Watch the videos you stumble upon over a hot fudge sundae while the two of you talk about why the videos are so incredible. If your spouse loves robotics as much as you do, you'll melt faster than the ice cream while watching the videos.
Cloud watching is a free activity that gives you an insight into the inner working of your spouse's mind. All you do is find a comfortable place to sit or lay and look up towards the heavens. Each of you says the first thing that comes to mind when you look at the clouds. Use this moment to get close to each other and to enjoy being in their arms. It's less about the clouds than it is about being together. Turn your cloud watching into a picnic and enjoy an even longer time outside together. Cloud watching dates tend to be spontaneous and don't be surprised if it morphs into something else entirely.
The thing that makes refinishing furniture such a satisfying date is that you can look back at the product of your hard work and enjoy it. You can set up an initial date looking for the furniture that you will be refinishing. Some of you might be surprised that you can find furniture sitting out on the street waiting for the trash to pick it up or a great place to find inexpensive pieces of furniture to refinish is flea markets or thrift stores. You will always remember your furniture refinishing date every time you look at the furniture that the two of you worked so hard to refinish. You can also resell your refinished furniture for a profit or donate it to charity to help out local causes.
Classes & Workshops
A picture is worth a thousand words, and a photo lasts a lifetime. A date that includes photography classes is sure to stay with you for the rest of your life. By taking photography classes during your date, you will be able to capture moments in time like never before. You can have one photography class date or several. Those of you who are seeking more advanced photography skills will want to take more than one class. That's okay; every couple can use a few more dates.
Food & Drink
Building a gingerbread house is a delicious activity that produces excitement as no other date can. You can share your gingerbread house with friends and family after you're done building it. Your gingerbread house can be as elaborate or as simple as you want it to be. The most fun thing about building a gingerbread house might be eating your final product. Make sure to take quite a few pictures of your gingerbread house to remember how delicious your date was. Share the photos on social media to make everyone jealous about your confectionary filled date.
If you and your spouse are movie buffs, then a film festival is right up your alley. By attending a film festival, you'll get to watch many different movies. Quite a few of those movies may never see the light of day outside of the festival. Film festivals are also places where movie producers and fans get to meet each other. Don't be surprised if you end up rubbing shoulders with legendary producers and actors who you've admired your whole life. Sometimes the smaller festivals are the best because they get less attention and that means you'll have more access to celebrities.
Fun & Games
There are two ways you can turn caricatures into a date. The first way is to make caricatures of each other. If you go that route, try your best to make caricatures that are as funny as possible. It's always a good laugh to see your spouse's reaction when seeing themselves in a silly looking picture. You can take your caricature date a step further by finding a caricature artist at many large events to draw your pictures. During the summer months and when it's not cold outside, artists sometimes hang out at parks and draw caricatures of people for money. A professional can make you both look funny, and you'll have your caricature to remember your fun-filled park adventure.
Personal Development
Mind mapping is creating a diagram where you have something in the center, and you have things pointing to it that are similar. Mind mapping focuses on correlations between different things and what's at the center. You start with the center of focus and build up everything around it. Mind mapping can be a fun date because it can help you become more organized, and it can also give you an insight into how your spouse thinks. Sometimes it's fun to have a mind mapping date and see how your spouse puts together thought processes to understand how they compute things.
Fun & Games
If there's an event coming up that requires a party, planning for it is a must. Can you really turn party planning into a date? Why not? You can plan the party out longhand on a piece of paper or use an electronic device to make it much easier. You could turn an evening at the park into a party planning date and even have a picnic. You'll have to get together with your spouse to plan the party; you might as well turn it into a date. Even a pan of freshly baked brownies and a glass of milk can turn planning a party into a date that the two of you can enjoy.
Magic shows aren't just for kids, and they are the perfect date for the couple who needs to get out of the house. You will love seeing the look of surprise on your spouse's face when something outrageous happens. If you want to have a really exciting time, sit in the front row of the magic show. Magicians often ask for volunteers out of the front row. All the way home, you both will ask each other how the magician performed their tricks. All of the tricks that you see will be on the tip of your tongue for quite some time until you learn how they pulled them off.
If you have videos of friends or family, they might benefit from a little editing. Holiday videos are fun to share, but they can have quite a bit of dead air. Why not set up a date where you go through the videos and edit them? Pop yourself a bowl of popcorn, plop down in front of the computer, and have a good time going back and watching how much fun you had. You'll get to relive the moments while also preserving them for others to enjoy. You don't need to be a video editing whiz, do your best to present the fun you had while recording it.
Blogging is a date activity that can quickly turn into a passion, or better yet, a career. You can start a free blog or use a paid host, so you have total control over it. The first thing you need to do is decide what you want to blog about. Maybe you want a family blog where you talk about everything that's going on. The blog's purpose may only be to connect your family members, so they know what's happening in your life. Set aside one evening a week or a month and create a blog post together. Blogging can be quite an enjoyable experience, and it can also be profitable, depending on the topic you're writing about.
Fun & Games
There's no time of year better than Christmas. It's such a wonderful time, and you can make it even better by throwing a Christmas party. Invite some friends and family over and turn your date into something that everyone can enjoy. You might also consider throwing a party for those who are less fortunate. A Christmas party for people in a nursing home or homeless people can bring a lot of holiday cheer to those who need it the most. A date celebrating Christmas by throwing a party is a fantastic way to bring yourselves together as a couple and bring happiness to others.
Arts & Culture
A musical theatre date can be something as fancy as catching a Broadway show or watching a play put on by your local church. No matter if you live in a small town or a major metropolitan city, there is always some kind of theatre going on. You might have to pay attention to the local showtimes more closely if you live in a small town because musical theatre could only be a once a year type of thing. If you want to really make your musical theatre date even more special, go out to eat before or after the performance. Dates featuring musical theatre are often memorable because you'll talk about what you saw for years to come.
Fun & Games
A murder mystery is a real who-done-it. You can watch a murder mystery on TV, read a book, or go on a chilling haunted tour of a crime scene. There are also games you can play and dinner theaters that focus on murder mysteries. How can you have fun while pursuing a murder mystery? The real fun happens when you try to solve the murder together. Put your heads together and ask each other who you think did it. Go back and forth and try your best to come up with different scenarios. It will be interesting to see which one of you is right when you learn who was the person behind the murder.