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Married Fun has all the date ideas! Read on to see all our date ideas tagged with
"adventurous". Mix up your next date night with these awesome activities. For the full experience make sure you check out the
Married Fun Date Planner.
Stuff a backpack with everything you need and go hit the trail. Where are the best places to go backpacking on a date? You could go to a park, a hiking trail, or someplace out in the wilderness. You could also turn backpacking into camping and have a date in the great outdoors. Just remember if you're planning on staying outside for an extended period to make sure that you have food and other supplies. Your date night will end up being a disaster if you are out in the wilderness with no food or water. Done right, backpacking makes a great date.
Time spent 4-wheeling is always quality time in the great outdoors. Every couple in today's modern world finds themselves inside way too much. Sometimes you've got to come up with unique date ideas to ensure that you get some fresh air. 4-wheeling is one of those date ideas, and it will take you as deep into the wilderness as you want to go. It doesn't take much effort to learn how to drive a 4-wheeler, and they can go over almost any type of terrain. If you're feeling adventurous, pack a picnic and take a break along the trail for a bite to eat. By eating lunch out in the forest, it will make your date even that much more enjoyable.
Tree climbing is a date activity that can make you feel like a kid again. Seeing how high up each of you can climb in the tree is the exciting part. How high can you get before looking down is too scary? Snap a couple of pictures of each other while you're high up in the trees. No one will ever believe that the two of you decided to have a tree-climbing date. Big sturdy trees are the best to climb that are healthy and have plenty of branches to grab onto.
Events & Attractions
A volcano is a natural wonder of nature that is as dangerous as it is beautiful. If you've never seen a volcano up close, it makes for a perfect date. Guided tours are the best way to see a volcano since the tour guide can educate you about what you're seeing. It's also fun to ask the tour guide questions and learn about all the details about the volcano. The surrounding area of a volcano can be filled with all kinds of evidence from its last eruption. Pay close attention to the ground you're walking on since it might have been molten lava not that long ago.
Fossil hunting is like going back in time and piecing together what life was like long before you were here. Do a little research beforehand to know what type of fossils you should expect in your area. If you can, travel to an area well known for having fossils. Digging up the fossils is only half the fun because you've got to identify what you dug up. The first thing you do is try to determine what part of the animal you discovered. After that, then you move on to trying to figure out what animal the bones came from. The exciting thing is, you might be holding onto the bones of a dinosaur that hasn't seen the light of day for millions of years.
RV stands for recreational vehicle, but you already know that if you own one. If you don't have an RV of your own you can rent them for reasonable rates. A trip in an RV turns date night into an adventure. Where are you going to go? Maybe you go to a national park and visit for the day. Longer dates might include traveling to several different states and living out of your RV for an extended period. Stock your RV with plenty of supplies and a full tank of gas, and the date night possibilities are endless. You can tailgate, hit the road, or go camping and enjoy a several day-long music festival without worrying about lodging.
Enjoy the view of where you live by going on a helicopter ride. Are there areas in your city that are significant to you and your spouse? Ask the pilot if they can fly over those areas. Check out the place where you had your first date. You might be able to fly over the park where you had your wedding reception. The world looks like such a different place when you're up in the sky. Don't forget to give each other a kiss while you're hovering over your city. A kiss high in the sky always feels so special.
Kitesurfing is one of those sports that is a pure adrenaline rush. If you're the type of couple who likes to live life on the edge, then kitesurfing is right up your alley. For those of you who may not know, kitesurfing is where you surf while holding onto a big kite. It's far more exciting than you can imagine and you've probably seen people at the beach doing it. If you live near the beach, then you don't have to go far to go kitesurfing. If not, consider a two-day weekend date getaway where you fly to a sunny beach destination to do a little kitesurfing. Don't forget to make videos of your kitesurfing adventure so you can someday share your date with your grandkids.
Parasailing combines a love of water, adventure, and the great outdoors. Going parasailing is a marvelous date for those who don't get to be outside enough. Also, if you're the type that seeks an adrenaline rush, there's no better way to get it than when you're high up parasailing. Try to find a parasailing company that can take both of you up at the same time. It will be so much fun to see how the other reacts while you're taking off and going up in the sky. The view from all the way up there is beautiful, and there is no better person to share it with than the person you love.
Whale watching requires andvanced planning and you usually need to order a package through a tour company. Whales never swim near the beach, and you've got to get a little far out there to see the action. A date out on the open water can be as thrilling as it is romantic. The smell of the saltwater, the sun beating down on you, and the sight of one of nature's most incredible species are all things that combine to create an atmosphere for the perfect date. Don't forget to bring your camera along so you can preserve the memories of your whale watching for years to come. If you're not sure if you might get sea sick you might want to try shorter boating excursions before attempting to go whale watching.
A mountaineering date is where you climb a mountain. It sounds simple enough, but depending on the mountain, it can be one of life's greatest challenges. If you're new to mountaineering, it's best to start small and work your way up to the big mountains. It's also a good idea to have an experienced climber with you, so you don't risk your life going up or down the mountain. Climbing a mountain can be one of life's greatest, most exhilarating challenges, and it's something that can bring you closer as a couple. Something happens when you're high up on a mountain, and you get to experience nature on a level that most people can only dream of.
Romance & Relationship
Almost every couple needs to spend more time in the bedroom. Let's face it, time in the bedroom is precious, and most couples don't get enough of it. Games are a fun way to create the type of sparks needed to turn your love life into a wildfire. The game itself is only a vehicle for allowing each other to feel closer to each other. Take some time out to laugh, have fun, and enjoy each other's company. Allow the conversation to flow and see where things go. You'll be surprised by how quickly the moment will heat up, and you'll feel like you were just married all over again.
Petting zoos tend to have cute furry animals that are so much fun to pet. Usually, the cost of entry into a petting zoo is a few dollars at the most. Going to a petting zoo is a great date idea if one or both of you are an animal lover. Make sure to take plenty of pictures of each other with the animals during your date. Looking back at the photos of you having so much fun at the petting zoo will be a total blast later on. The zoo's wide variety of animals ensures there is something that both of you will enjoy petting.

Almost everyone these days has a favorite podcast. Why not sit behind the microphone and start your own podcast? You don't need any fancy equipment or audio editing software to create an amateur podcast. You can even use the microphone on a laptop or your smartphone to create a podcast. You can make your podcast a weekly, monthly, or a sporadic thing you do whenever you've got the free time. Your podcast might be only meant to entertain yourselves, friends, and family, or the entire world. The most important aspect here is to have fun. If you can achieve that, your podcasting date will be a success. There are free platforms that will host your podcast, or you can put the audio on YouTube and slap an image on the video so they will host it. Invite your friends and family to listen to your podcast or keep it so you can enjoy listening to it years from now. You don't need to be a professional radio announcer or edit the audio file in any way. Sometimes the best podcasts are those without a net and include all the imperfections that life can throw at us.
Fun & Games
Blobbing is a date idea that many of you probably have never done before. What is blobbing? Blobbing is where you sit on the edge of an inflatable airbag, and someone jumps on it. When the person jumps on the airbag, you go flying into the air. After flying in the air, you land in the water. The two of you can take turns jumping onto the airbag to make the other fly through the air. It will be fun to hear your spouse yell in excitement as they fly through the air. The real fun is to see who can make the other fly the highest. Make sure you get some photos!
Extreme sports are high-risk and high-reward activities. Simply put, extreme sports aren't for the faint of heart. If you're the type of couple who loves to go to the extreme, this is right up your alley. Risk takers are a breed all of their own, and a date consisting of extreme sports can be a huge adrenaline rush. Some sports classified as "extreme" might be fairly common and carry a low risk but there are also some downright crazy extreme sports that people get into. You could turn your extreme sports date into a weekend getaway, depending on the type of risky sport you plan to take up. Bring along your smartphone, digital camera or GoPro to show people for years to come how far you were willing to go for some excitement. If you're too afraid or not at all interested in participaing in a particular extreme sport you don't have to - that's what sporting events and tv are for. Just watching extreme sports can be a thrill.