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Married Fun has all the date ideas! Read on to see all our date ideas starting with
"S". Mix up your next date night with these awesome activities. For the full experience make sure you check out the
Married Fun Date Planner.
Food & Drink
A date at a sports bar is a dream come true for anyone who loves sports. The best time to go to a sports bar is when there's a big game on with the local team. The sports bar will be packed, and everyone will be cheering the action. Get yourself a plate of chicken wings or whatever you're in the mood for since most sports bars have all kinds of delicious foods and snacks. For added fun, wear clothing featuring your favorite team. You'll fit right in since everyone else will be wearing their team's gear also.
The night sky is filled with all kinds of wonders waiting for you to discover. After it gets dark, the two of you can go outside and do a little stargazing together. Try to spot the different stars and constellations that you can see. Sometimes a short ride into the country might provide a better view if you can find an area that's pitch black. Talk to each other about what you see in the sky. Could those stars have planets like earth? Allow the conversation to flow while you look up towards the heavens in amazement at the things humanity can only look at, but barely process its existence.
Personal Development
Can you really start a business during a date? Sure, you can. The way you start a business during a date is by laying the groundwork. It all starts with an idea. If you've been married long you've surely had discussions about thinks you'd like to invent or existing ideas that really need some improvement. Maybe you discuss what type of business you want to start. If it's an online business, you can move onto buying your domain and web hosting. After doing all that, then you can move on to creating your website and so forth. It will take you several dates to start a business, but there's nothing wrong with that. No one expects that you start a successful business in a few hours.
Events & Attractions
The fair is so much fun, and it's a special thing since it only comes once a year. You can enjoy the animals, rides, and food. You can't go to the fair without stuffing yourself silly full of sweet, salty, and greasy foods. A fun thing to do on your date is to choose what foods or rides you think your spouse will enjoy the most. Don't forget to take a few pictures of yourselves and everything else at the fair, so you have something to remember this awesome date with. Going to the fair has to be a yearly date activity that no couple should miss.
A "staycation" is a lot like a vacation, but you never leave your home. You take a vacation in your own home or perhaps a nearby hotel, and you forget all about work and everything else. Couples can enjoy all kinds of staycation events, such as having themed days where the entire day is focused on something. For example, the first day of your staycation is Mexican themed, and you eat Mexican food and even watch Spanish television shows. The most important part of your staycation is that you're not doing anything and the two of you are able to relax and enjoy your time together.
A little fun in the sun is a great way to relax and get a tan at the same time. Sunbathing is also an excellent way to get the lines of communication going. You're not doing anything other than lying in the sun. Take this opportunity to talk to each other and to catch up on what's going on. Don't forget the suntan lotion, or you might end up getting burned. A radio or your smartphone is all you need for a little background noise for your suntanning date. You don't need to go anywhere special to sunbathe, your backyard or someplace secluded are great places if you don't have a beach or lake nearby.
A little fun in the sun goes a long way when you're standing on a surfboard. Catching some waves is a great date idea if the two of you love to be out in the water. No two waves are the same, and every time either of you is riding one, it's like a brand new experience. You can take turns using the surfboard, or you can both rent boards and surf at the same time. You will laugh for years about the big wave that got away. There's always one crash that sticks out, and it'll be even funnier if both of you biff at the same time.
No matter what time of year it is, you can go swimming. If it's summertime, then hitting the beach or a public pool is a lot of fun. During the colder months, there are several different places where you can go swimming indoors. Gyms, hotels, and even the YMCA usually have indoor pools that are open all year long. Swimming is a great activity because it relaxes while also providing a great source of exercise. It's next to impossible not to have fun when you're swimming together and enjoying the water. If you're swimming at the beach, bring lunch with you and turn it into a picnic after you're done having fun in the sun.