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Married Fun has all the date ideas! Read on to see all our date ideas tagged with
"creative". Mix up your next date night with these awesome activities. For the full experience make sure you check out the
Married Fun Date Planner.
Fun & Games
Face painting is a lot of fun if you're at a park or an event where someone is offering to do it. However, the real fun is when you paint each other's faces. You can order face paint online, or it can be bought from any costume shop. Imagine the laughs when you see how your spouse painted your face. Will you be able to go outside without bursting out laughing? An artistic touch isn't needed since sometimes the funniest designs are made by those who have no creativity whatsoever.
Personal Development
Every individual and couple has hopes and dreams. A vision board or dream board enables you to envision your dreams in a way that puts them in pictures. For those who don't know what a dream board is, it's a collage where you put pictures of what you want your life to be like. You can have photos of what you hope your dream job is someday, the home you've always wanted to live in, or anything else you can think of. The focus of a dream board is always on the future. You're trying to represent what you want your future to be like visually. It will be both surprising and helpful to know what your spouse wants the future to be like to help them pursue it.
Computer programming for many people isn't only a profession; it's a way of life. However, you and your spouse don't need to be computer nerds to want to take up programming. Several computer languages are easy enough to learn that you can have a whole lot of fun with. If the two of you are programmers by profession, you can work on a project together while on a date. It might be a fun task to try to sell your project after it has been completed. You might also consider making your program open source so that the public can enjoy the fruits of your date for free.
Arts & Culture
Are you the type of couple who finds yourselves reading bumper stickers while you're out and about? If so, you're the perfect candidates to make your own bumper stickers! Designing a bumper sticker isn't all that difficult, and you can do it online for free. The fun part is to come up with something funny or witty to say on your bumper sticker. You can give out your finished bumper stickers to your friends, and you can also put them on your car. You'll laugh up a storm while you're creating bumper stickers that you think are funny. Creating bumper stickers is one of those dates that you can enjoy for weeks or even months later, when you look at what you produced.
Fun & Games
Building a snowman is a great wintertime date that will create memories that will last a lifetime. Decorate your snowman with all types of festive apparel, and don't forget to give him a carrot nose. Keep your smartphone handy so that you can snap a few pictures of the snowman to share on social media and remember your wintery date. If you really want to have a splendid snowman building date, have a cup of hot chocolate and a few cookies waiting for you after being done outside. Nothing warms your bones like a cup of hot chocolate, and a few cookies are the best way to end your date on a sweet note.
If you or another couple you know are thinking about having a baby soon or you see children in your future, then coming up with names is essential. Some couples spend countless days going through books and websites trying to come up with the perfect name. Many times, couples are unsure what their baby's name should be, and it takes time to come up with something they both can agree on. Get yourself some snacks, turn on some music, and have fun coming up with names. You can go through names off of the top of your head or look them up. The fun part is seeing which names your spouse likes and the ones that they refuse to give your child. The back story behind the names they won't accept can sometimes be more interesting than choosing a baby name.
Arts & Culture
Making tie-dye shirts and other things is a total blast and an excellent date idea. Before you know it, the two of you will be tie-dye experts and creating all kinds of intricate designs. The most fun thing to do is to try to come up with designs that are so wild they make your jaw drop. Turn your date night fun into a profitable hobby or side hustle by selling your tie-dyed clothing online. Tie-dyed clothing is one of those things that never seem to go out of style. Remember, you can tie-dye all kinds of things, and you're not limited to only shirts.
Romance & Relationship
Receiving a love note from your spouse is always a heart-melting experience. Why don't the two of you plan at least an hour date where you write love notes to each other? The first half of the hour is spent writing the note. After you're done writing, then comes the reading. It will be so romantic to see your spouse's heart flutter when they read your note. Save the notes so that you can read them years down the line. Love notes aren't only for those who are newly in love; they're much-needed items later on in the marriage as well. It's so important to do little things like writing down how you feel to keep a marriage strong. Sometimes we can forget how much our spouse loves us, and this is one of those ways of reminding each other.
Poems are a great way to express how you feel. A fantastic date idea is for the two of you to write a poem together. Maybe write a poem about the love the two of you share. The poem you write might be funny or have nothing at all to do with love. Don't worry about getting the poem's structure right or anything like that since that's not what's important. Get a pen and paper, and have yourself a blast. Writing a poem together can be done outside on a sunny day or inside on a rainy day. You can turn what would otherwise be a dreary wet day into one filled with romance when you talk about why you love the other so much. Or maybe instead of writing a poem together, each of you can write a love poem to the other. The poems you write can be cherished keepsakes forever.
Fun & Games
For those of you who don't know, letterboxing is like a version of hide and seek where you try to find boxes out in the wilderness and other places. The clues to where the boxes are located can be found on the Internet or in magazines. If you don't wish to use the Internet to find the boxes, you can set up your own search. How you would go about this is you would hide the box and give your spouse clues as to where they can find it. It will be exciting to see if your spouse can find the box with your hints. You might want to hide your first box in an easily accessible place so that the two of you can get the hang of playing this game. Future dates can be more thrilling by placing the box in a harder to find place once you have a full grasp of the gameplay.
Arts & Culture
The opera is a date night event that the ladies usually seem to enjoy a more than the men. But, there are plenty of operas that appeal to both sexes or you may be willing to sit through it as a special occasion for your wife. Pay a few extra dollars and get the binoculars so you can see what's going on. Unless you're sitting in the front row, it's hard to see what's going on the stage. The opera is far more entertaining when you can both see and hear what's going on. Also, the further back you sit, the cheaper the tickets are. If you're on a budget, sit in the back and take turns looking through the binoculars.
Events & Attractions
Nothing can make a cooped up couple feel young again like going to a theme park. What type of parks do you enjoy most? Maybe you're the type of couple who loves to go to a water park. Then again, you might be the type who enjoys going to Disneyland. If you really want to turn your theme park into a date you'll never forget, rent a room and stay there for the night. Almost all theme parks have a hotel on-site, and staying there will make the experience all that much more enjoyable. If you're on a budget, look for a hotel a little further away, pay close attention for deals or schedule your date during non-peak travel times when admission is cheaper.
Fun & Games
Temporary tattoos are a blast because you can see what you would look like with various tattoos without having to put anything permanent on your body. Everyone without tattoos always wonders what they would look full of tats. If you're not the type who would get a tattoo, going the temporary route is fantastic. You can get one tattoo or put them all over your body. A really fun thing to do during a temporary tattoo date would be to choose the tattoos for your spouse. Are you feeling mischievous or do you want to give your husband a frilly cute kitty tattoo? Maybe the husband will want to go all out and give his wife a face tattoo. You can do all kinds of things during this date and have a blast. Take a few pictures of yourself with the tattoos and freak your friends and family out. You don't have to tell them that your tattoos are temporary!
Fun & Games
Role-playing games enable you to get out of your shell and be someone else. You can discover sides of your spouse you never knew existed during a role-playing date. There are a wide variety of games that you can play, and some of them can even be found on the internet. A date of playing a role-playing game is usually less about the game and more about spending quality time together. Sometimes couples need a little nudge to relax and enjoy a little alone time. If it takes playing a game, then pull out the box or load up the app and have at it. Enjoy some snacks, order a pizza, or slurp down some fizzy sodas while playing a game that should bring you closer together.
Arts & Culture

You've probably heard the song The 12 Days of Christmas before. If celebrating Christmas is a tradition you follow then 12 days of Christmas can be a great date activity. Traditionally the 12 Days of Christmas mark the Christmas celebration beginning on Christmas day. Each day celebrates an important event in Christianity. For your date activity you can learn about or celebrate these events. There are several additional takes on this tradition including the popular song. For this date activity you could use the theme of the gifts in the song in some way. See who can sing the song from start to finish without making any mistakes. Record yourselves singing the song so you can preserve the hilarity for years to come. Or why not try acting out the song or finding the items in your home or online? Turn the song into a scavenger hunt to see who can find the most items. There's also a way to use this theme to leave gifts for others on their doorsteps for each of the 12 nights leading up to Christmas. Make it more fun by being anonymous and trying to run away after ringing the doorbell without being caught. There are a lot of fun ways to enjoy the season. Above all else, enjoy the season and be thankful for the person you love.
You probably spend more time in your bedroom than in any other room in the house. A bedroom makeover is something you should do every once in a while to keep things fresh. A bedroom makeover can consist of cleaning and rearranging things or going all out and replacing everything that you can. Changing things up can really improve the feel. Take the opportunity to make your bedroom a little more sexy. If you're in for a wild experiment, allow your spouse to design the entire makeover. Allow your spouse to choose the bedsheets, the furniture, and whatever else you're willing to give them the power to change. You might be in for a jaw-dropping experience when you see how your spouse wants your bedroom decorated.
Building a website is a two-person job, and you can quickly turn it in a date night extravaganza. If you've never built a site, don't worry, it's not that difficult. There are simple website builders that allow you to focus on the content of your site and not the mechanics behind it. The fun part will be deciding what to put on your website. Will you make your site a storefront, a personal homepage, or something, unlike anything anyone has ever seen before? Explore your interests and allow each other plenty of room for creativity so that the site reflects their personality.
Feng shui is all about decorating your home so that the energy flows. If you're into feng shui, you already know what it is. A feng shui date idea will help you transform the energy in your home and, in turn, your life. Feng shui has a way of being the focal point of a person's life, even if they don't intend on it. If you've never been involved with feng shui, give it a try and see how it will change things. You may end up spending several hours working on the feng shui in your home over the next few months to ensure that the energy there is exactly what you want it to be.
A date of sewing may not be what it seems at first. You can sew things such as homemade teddy bears and give them to charity. You can obviously turn mending your clothes into a great cost-saving date. You can buy patterns and material to make almost anything on your sewing date. If you don't have a sewing machine, don't sweat it, sewing is something you can also do by hand. You might find that sewing together not using a machine is a much more enjoyable date. If you're new to sewing, it's best to buy a couple of thimbles to save your fingers from getting poked. You don't want your fingers to turn into a pin cushion during your date!
Arts & Culture
Some people take up painting as a means of self-expression and relaxation. Painting can be an inexpensive date idea that can reap all kinds of rewards. Allow your inner artist to flourish and paint what you've been bottling up for so long. It might be interesting for the two of you to work on the same project. You can either take turns painting or ask the other for input on what to paint next. If one of you is an artist while the other is not, have the master teach the apprentice how painting is done. If you want to kick up your painting date a few notches, you can both watch a famous art instructor like Bob Ross and follow along as he tells you what to do. There are tons of online tutorials or local classes that will have you painting something more than stick figures in no time.
Fun & Games
Imagine how much fun it will be ten or twenty years down the line to open a time capsule that you create today? To create a time capsule, all you do is put into it the things that you feel are important now. A time capsule is a snapshot into the period that it was created. You are offering a window into what it was like during this time during your marriage. You or your children can open it in the years to come, and it will be a fantastic thing to behold. Put your time capsule in a safe place after you're done creating it, so nothing happens to it over the years. This can be a great tradition for couples and families.
Arts & Culture
The world of 3D printing is exploding right now, and it's such a fascinating time. Your 3D printing date could be broken down into two dates. The first date you design your product and find someone to make it for you. If you go the local route, you can pick up your design during your second date. The fascinating thing about 3D printing is, you can make almost anything. You can create something functional or a piece that is pure art. Who knows, maybe what you make will turn out to be great gifts for those you love, or you might even decide to turn it into a business. The cost of buying a 3D printer has come down significantly, so if you enjoy it enough you might consider purchasing your own.
Causes & Service
Upcycling is a creative way to reuse items that would otherwise end up in a landfill. The fun thing to do is try to create all kinds of items from a variety of materials that otherwise would've been wasted. You can use your masterpieces at home, give them away, or even sell them on eBay or Etsy. Working side by side and allowing your creative juices flow is an awesome way to have a date that is both fun and serves a purpose. Upcycling will enable you to make the world a better place, and turning it into a date can make it an enjoyable experience.
Fun & Games
Putting together models is an exercise with your hand-eye coordination and also your patience. Couples who like to work with their hands will enjoy putting together many different kinds of models. Those of you who prefer aviation, automobiles, or trains all have something that you can work together to accomplish. The real fun of putting together models as a date isn't putting them together like what is shown on the box. The real fun begins when you decorate your model with a variety of decals and paint. Go out of your way to decorate your model to make it as unique as your relationship is.
Fun & Games
An escape room offers the type of excitement that couples rarely get to experience. You're given sixty minutes to get out of a room. You're given all the instructions you need, and it's up to you to find a way out. The excitement comes from only having an hour to get out of the room. The excitement builds as the time becomes shorter for you to solve the puzzle. Will you leave within the sixty minutes? Playing in an escape room improves your team working skills. By the time the sixty minutes are up, you'll be a well-oiled machine that can tackle anything that life throws your way. Escape rooms are usually done by small groups, so this makes a great double or group date.
Both free and paid concerts offer up exciting live entertainment that is suitable for any date night. Keep an eye out to see if your favorite band is coming to town. Don't just hold out for your favorite bands though, the experience is worth it for any music that you enjoy. You can turn a concert night into a whole event. Go out to eat, have a little dessert, and then go to the concert. If you can't do all that, then going to the concert is enough. Some couples might not want to go if they can't afford front row seats, but that shouldn't be a concern. Sometimes it's best to be further away from the stage because it can be too noisy.
Everyone out there has at least one good joke in them. Your local comedy club probably has an open mic night now and then. The two of you can go up as a team or individually and try your best to make people laugh. If you're too afraid to get up there yourself, enjoy how the scene unfolds as other people brave the microphone. You can have a date where you try out your jokes on the other person. Give each other tips on how to improve the jokes and polish them before hitting the stage. You'll need at least a couple minutes of material, but it's not that hard to come up with stuff. After you have your jokes ready, you're now on your way to making people bust a gut laughing. Telling jokes in front of an audience is an exhilarating experience, and it's something that both of you might want to do again.
Christmas lights and decorations can really bring the Christmas season alive. As a fun date idea, take a stroll through your own neighborhood or a drive anywhere else that you'd like. Take in the lights, decorations and even the feel of the cold air on your cheeks as you go. Setting up your own decorations can also be a fun activity. Setting up Christmas lights, no matter if it's inside your home or outside, is a two-person job. Why not turn this event into a date night activity? It's even more fun if you treat yourselves with a cup of hot chocolate after you're done. You'll think about the hot chocolate the entire time that you're stringing up the lights. Talk about some of your favorite Christmas memories from years gone by while you're putting up the lights. If you have children, then there are plenty of memories to talk about while you put up the lights.
Fun & Games
Yarn bombing is where you take yarn and cover outdoor objects with it in artistic ways. Be creative and search for things that would look so out of place if they were covered in yarn. The more unique the item is, the more fun it is to cover with yarn. If you're really feeling adventurous, you can crochet around the item you're yarn bombing. The fun thing to do here is for both of you to search for things that you can yarn bomb. If you want to go out of your way, yarn bomb a friend who will think it's hilarious to see an item of theirs covered in yarn. The look on their face will be priceless when they see what you've done. Just search online for some inspiration on what you might do.
Arts & Culture
Metalworking is an interesting date idea because it produces something that lasts a lifetime. Metalwork could include small trinkets or jewelry or large pieces that weigh several pounds or more. It's not advised that you rush to a local machine shop and start to work on a lathe right away. In fact, you'd be better off trying to find an introductory course or something along those lines. You could also find a local metal worker in your area who would be willing to allow you to sit with them and maybe even help out while they work. If you do metalworking as a profession, the possibilities are endless for this as a date idea. You can work together with your spouse to create something truly unique, and who knows, you might even be able to sell it as well.
Personal Development
Who doesn't love the idea of understanding and being able to communicate is secret codes? There are a lot of codes and languages that you can learn for fun. What about having secret codes with the person you love? Set aside some time for a cryptography date where the two of you make your own secret codes. Try to make some codes that cause you to burst out laughing. Get a couple of small frozen pizzas, some takeout, or a bag of chips to make your cryptography date even more fun. How seriously should you take this? It's actually not a bad idea to have a few secret codes amongst couples so that you can say things without anyone know what you're talking about. Everyone needs a way to tell their spouse they have spinach in their teeth without bringing attention to it by everyone in a public setting.
Sometimes for one reason or another, you might find yourself far away from your spouse. Just because there is a distance between you and your spouse doesn't mean you can't go on a date. You might even distance yourselves a little just to try out a cyber date. You can use a free service such as Skype to talk to each other over the Internet using your webcam. If you really want to have fun, you can both order take-out food, and it will be like you are eating at a restaurant. It's also fun to watch the same television show together while on the Internet to see how the other reacts to surprising events. There are lots of services popping up for having watch parties where the shows you're watching are synched for both of you. Being apart is a good way to appreciate more the time you have together, so give it a try some time.
Fun & Games
Setting up a DIY photobooth is a super simple task, thanks to modern-day technology. All you need is a digital camera - either a standalone camera or the camera on your phone, tablet or laptop. If you want to print out the pictures, you can use your own printer. However, you don't actually need a printer, you can use a printing service or send the photos to everyone over the internet. Be creative and make all kinds of props for your photobooth. You might even want to set up themes such as vacation, retro, or wildlife scenes. The photos you produce in your booth will provide lasting memories of all the fun you had on your date.
You and your spouse probably have slightly different tastes in music. You also probably listen to different music in the car or on your phone while doing various activities. A good date idea is to settle down for the evening and listen to music. Take turns playing songs that each of you enjoys. It will be fun to see if your spouse has any new musical interests or is still listening to the stuff you're familiar with. You might also want to try to venture off into different genres of music to see if there's anything new that both of you find enjoyable. YouTube is a great free site to explore music since you can listen to almost everything there. Familiarize yourselves with each other's favorites and explore new music together. If you're using a streaming service why not create a playlist of music that you both love and can listen to again and again?
Arts & Culture
A date of needlepoint is an opportunity to relax and to clear your mind. Needlepoint enables you to unleash your creativity in an instantly visible way. You can turn needlepoint into a date by each of you going back and forth and working on the sample piece. If you're the type of couple who would rather work on your own projects, each of you can have your own needlepoint. Save the finished product to show everyone and remember the awesome needlepoint date you two enjoyed.
Food & Drink
Making s'mores is so much fun. Eating the s'mores is a whole different experience. The roasting of the marshmallows is fun in itself. There's something about sticking a marshmallow on a stick and roasting it that is such an enjoyable experience. Conversations have a way of spiraling into something truly magical when you're around the campfire. Don't worry; you can roast marshmallows outside your home over a charcoal grill if needed. You can take your s'mores inside or enjoy them while out in the open fresh air. Anytime is a good time to whip up a batch of s'mores and turn it into a delicious date.
Fun & Games
Attending a costume party during a holiday such as Halloween is a great date idea. If it's nowhere near Halloween, you can always throw a costume party at your home. Be creative and help each other make the perfect costume. Don't forget to snap a few pictures of each other while wearing your costume so that you can remember this night for a lifetime. You get a window into your spouse's mind when you see what they make their costume out of. If you really want to have a blast, go someplace while wearing your costume and see how people react. Get a little extra mileage out of your costumes by bring them to Comicon or home for just the two of you to enjoy.
Fun & Games
Texting games can be fun, especially if you're not near your spouse. Texting allows couples to talk with each other, no matter where they are. Be creative and come up with games that the two of you can play. You can ask each other trivia questions, historical questions, or whatever that you're both into. Go online and get the questions and answers to transition from one question to the next quickly. Just remember, there's to be no cheating during your texting date. If you don't know the answer, say so, and move on. Your spouse will catch on if you're cheating, and it will add an odd dynamic to the game.
Fun & Games
Impersonations are always a total blast, and sometimes they're even funnier if you can't sound anything at all like the person. You and your spouse undoubtedly share a few favorite celebrities, politicians, or friends that have a unique way of talking. Try your best to imitate your favorite people, both verbally and physically. Impressions are one of those things that get better over time, and yours will improve if you have several impersonation date nights. For added fun, you can wear costumes like the character or imitate their body language while trying to sound like them. If you're not sure where to start, find online videos that can give you pointers and pick out a few celebrities to attempt to impersonate.
Taking a woodworking class or working on a project together is a great way to work on your bond. The project itself can vary in degrees of difficulty, and your abilities will grow over time. Each project you work on with each other will give you the skills and confidence to work on more complex things. You can sell the things you make, use them in your own home, or donate them to a local charity. No matter what you do with the final product, the real fun is always making it.