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Married Fun has all the date ideas! Read on to see all our date ideas tagged with
"just for fun". Mix up your next date night with these awesome activities. For the full experience make sure you check out the
Married Fun Date Planner.
Fun & Games
Water gun fights are a total blast on hot summer days. Load up your water gun and run around while squirting each other. You instantly feel like a child all over again when aiming your water gun at your spouse. It's impossible to do anything other than smile and giggle while you're spraying the person you love with water. If you really want to have a wild time, use cold water and really douse each other during a hot day. It's even more fun if you play cops and robbers and try to hide from each other. An unsuspecting blast of water is an instant laugh fest when you've been caught while hiding.
Food & Drink
Every week there are new products at your local supermarket. Big companies love to roll out new items because the public demands something different. A fun date at home is to try a few of these new products. You can find the products by either watching YouTube reviewers talk about the latest products or cruise the aisles at your local grocery store. Don't always buy things that you know both of you will like; instead, try some new foods. The big companies don't make duds, and you'll be surprised by how many of the new items that you like. Venture off into the unknown by trying new things and enjoy watching how the other reacts to them.
Playing tetherball is a date that will bring you back to your childhood instantly. Almost no one these days has a tetherball in their backyard, and that means you will have to go to a playground or a park to play. The fun thing about tetherball is that it takes nearly no skill to play, but it is so much fun to hit the ball and watch it go around. The simplicity of the game ensures that everyone will have a good time, and both of you will be able to play without any problems. No one has to be an experienced tetherball player to have a fantastic date playing the game. After you're done playing tetherball, a great add-on to your date is to either go to a restaurant or treat yourself to some dessert afterward.
Fun & Games
An escape room offers the type of excitement that couples rarely get to experience. You're given sixty minutes to get out of a room. You're given all the instructions you need, and it's up to you to find a way out. The excitement comes from only having an hour to get out of the room. The excitement builds as the time becomes shorter for you to solve the puzzle. Will you leave within the sixty minutes? Playing in an escape room improves your team working skills. By the time the sixty minutes are up, you'll be a well-oiled machine that can tackle anything that life throws your way. Escape rooms are usually done by small groups, so this makes a great double or group date.
Amateur or ham radio is an exciting way to connect with people all over the world. Every time you have a ham radio date, make a record of where the person is that you're talking to. Make it your goal to speak to people in as many states or countries as you can. The two of you can take turns talking to people and be a husband and wife duo. Try to find other couples from around the world who would like to have an amateur radio date night. It will be like a global double date or more if you can get several couples involved.
There's a whole world out there waiting for you to explore. Where will you go exploring? Have you ever thought about searching through caves? Maybe you could hike through forests to find old long-lost buildings. A great exploring date is to try to find run-down mansions in your city that belonged to people who were once rich and powerful. No matter where you are, there's plenty of rich history waiting for you to discover. Exploring is one of those date activities that becomes addictive, and you shouldn't be surprised if it's something that you want to do again.

Almost everyone these days has a favorite podcast. Why not sit behind the microphone and start your own podcast? You don't need any fancy equipment or audio editing software to create an amateur podcast. You can even use the microphone on a laptop or your smartphone to create a podcast. You can make your podcast a weekly, monthly, or a sporadic thing you do whenever you've got the free time. Your podcast might be only meant to entertain yourselves, friends, and family, or the entire world. The most important aspect here is to have fun. If you can achieve that, your podcasting date will be a success. There are free platforms that will host your podcast, or you can put the audio on YouTube and slap an image on the video so they will host it. Invite your friends and family to listen to your podcast or keep it so you can enjoy listening to it years from now. You don't need to be a professional radio announcer or edit the audio file in any way. Sometimes the best podcasts are those without a net and include all the imperfections that life can throw at us.
Food & Drink
Brunch is a meal that is best enjoyed during those mornings when you wake up closer to lunchtime. What is brunch? Brunch is a combination of breakfast and lunch. A brunch date can be an enjoyable way to kickstart your day without having to worry about who's going to cook and do the dishes at home. The perfect brunch date is going to a place that either serves brunch or breakfast until late. Some restaurants serve breakfast all day long, and that means you can eat brunch anytime you want. Do a little research online to see what restaurants would be the best choice for your brunch date so you can enjoy yourself as much as possible.
Fun & Games
Quoits is an old-time game where you toss rings made out of metal or rope around pegs. The hope is to get the rings to land on the pegs. Quoits is a fun outdoor game that you can enjoy on bright sunny days. Every couple needs an excuse to get outside and enjoy a little fresh air. A quoits date is as good of a reason as any to get outside and to get a little sunlight. If you really want to have even more fun, bring along a sack lunch or a picnic. Take a break from playing quoits and eat your meal, and then get right back to competing against each other.
Fun & Games
Would You Rather is a fun game with all kinds of questions. Just type in "Would You Rather questions" in Google, and you'll find plenty of sites with questions on them. Also, you can find quite a few YouTube videos that provide lots of questions. The answers that you give are what make this game so much fun. You'll learn things about your spouse that you had no idea about. Some of the questions are so off the wall that it is impossible not to learn something new and interesting about them. If you enjoy your first date like this, plan another in the future and plan ahead by having new questions ready.
A conworlding date can be as complex or as simple as you want it to be. For those who don't know what conworlding is, it's where you make up your own world. The two of you can sit down on the couch and make up your own world and all that goes with it. Do you want to make horses fly? Maybe you've always wanted people to live underwater. No matter how zanny it may sound, you can make anything a reality in your world. You might want to write down your conworlding adventure to build upon it during your next date. After a few dates, your make-believe world will be more complex than the space we're living in now.
Going to a soccer game can be a really fun thing to do on a date with your spouse. No one gets more excited about their team, than soccer fans do. If you have never been to a soccer game in person before, be prepared to hear lots of cheering from passionate fans every time something happens on the field. Soccer is a fast-paced game that can leave you feeling mesmerized by all of the action. Try your best to help each other follow the action on the field so that you know what's going on as it happens.
Fun & Games
Crashing a party is as much fun as it sounds. How do you crash a party? There are two ways to crash a party - either attend a party uninvited and try to fly under the radar or attend on that you've been invited to and do something so wild that people will never forget. Let's say that you know someone who is having a birthday party. Maybe you and your spouse dress up as your favorite cartoon characters and surprise everyone at the party. Don't do anything dangerous or illegal of course. The whole point is to surprise the guests so that they never forget the party. Be over the top, loud, or whatever it takes to make sure that you leave a lasting impression on the party's guests.
Fun & Games
Games for couples can come in many different forms. Some games that are made for couples are super sexy, and they will make you want to turn out the lights and enjoy some alone time together. Other games are more challenging and are all about testing your skills. Your mood and nothing else should determine the type of game that you play. Sometimes couples need a little motivation to get into the bedroom, and a sexy game can do that. A date of sexy games can be enhanced with finger foods, chocolate, or by setting a romantic mood. If the game you're playing isn't sexy, you can still enjoy some snacks and your favorite beverages to make your gameplay more enjoyable.
X Games are one of those events that are fun to watch, no matter if you can be there in person or you're just watching on television. Sure, it might be more fun to be where all the action is, but the camera angles on TV give you a much better view of what's happening. There are so many different fun things to watch when it comes to X Games. No matter what sports you are into as a couple, you'll find something that interests you when it comes to X Games. Watching X Games is the perfect night in date if you have plenty of snacks to munch on. If you really want to go out of your way, prepare some finger foods or order takeout to make the games even more exciting to watch.
Food & Drink
Building a gingerbread house is a delicious activity that produces excitement as no other date can. You can share your gingerbread house with friends and family after you're done building it. Your gingerbread house can be as elaborate or as simple as you want it to be. The most fun thing about building a gingerbread house might be eating your final product. Make sure to take quite a few pictures of your gingerbread house to remember how delicious your date was. Share the photos on social media to make everyone jealous about your confectionary filled date.
Arts & Culture
The world of 3D printing is exploding right now, and it's such a fascinating time. Your 3D printing date could be broken down into two dates. The first date you design your product and find someone to make it for you. If you go the local route, you can pick up your design during your second date. The fascinating thing about 3D printing is, you can make almost anything. You can create something functional or a piece that is pure art. Who knows, maybe what you make will turn out to be great gifts for those you love, or you might even decide to turn it into a business. The cost of buying a 3D printer has come down significantly, so if you enjoy it enough you might consider purchasing your own.
Health & Wellness
For those of you who don't know, canicross is cross country running - with dogs. Basically, you go take your dog for a run. If you have two dogs, it's a lot of fun to do on a date. You and your spouse take your dogs to the park or some area where they can run on a leash and allow them to stretch their legs and have a good time. As a pet owner, you always have to be concerned about your dog, not getting enough exercise. The same can be said about you and your spouse not getting enough exercise. A canicross date is good exercise for everyone involved, and that's what makes it such an enjoyable experience.
A "staycation" is a lot like a vacation, but you never leave your home. You take a vacation in your own home or perhaps a nearby hotel, and you forget all about work and everything else. Couples can enjoy all kinds of staycation events, such as having themed days where the entire day is focused on something. For example, the first day of your staycation is Mexican themed, and you eat Mexican food and even watch Spanish television shows. The most important part of your staycation is that you're not doing anything and the two of you are able to relax and enjoy your time together.
Going to a golf match enables you to see the professionals in action. If you start your date early, you might be able to get close to the ropes and have an even better view of the professionals as they work the course. Golfers tend to be a little more relaxed than other professional athletes, and you might be able to get an autograph if you're lucky. If you want to have even more fun during your golf date, each of you can choose a player that you think will win and cheer them on as the game continues, or even have a little friendly wager between the two of you.
Health & Wellness
An obstacle course will let you know right away all about the physical abilities of your spouse. It's surprising by the time you're done with the obstacle course how you feel the areas on your body that need the most improvement. It will be interesting to see which of you are in the best shape. If you want to take your obstacle course date to the next level, time yourself and see who can go through the course the fastest. If you do the obstacles several times, you'll eventually get good at them and will be able to complete the course faster and faster.
Fun & Games
If it's wintertime and there's plenty of snow on the ground, it's time for a snowball fight! How can you look at all that snow and not want to pack it into a ball and throw it at your spouse? If you really want to have a fantastic snowball fight date, fill up a thermos full of hot chocolate to drink while you're outside. Take a break from trying to hit each other with snowballs and drink a cup of hot chocolate and warm your bones. Nothing tastes better than a steaming cup of hot chocolate when there's snow on the ground.
Riding dirt bikes is a great date for anyone who has a sense of adventure or is looking for something out of their comfort zone. You can take turns riding a single dirt bike on your date, or you can rent two of them. If you really enjoy your date, you might consider buying a couple of dirt bikes so you can do this activity more often. Riding the bikes are fun, but it's equally as fun enjoying being outside. Take a break riding so you can make some videos of each other on the dirt bike. You'll want to make sure to preserve this date so you can watch it decades later.
Croquet offers the excitement of an outdoor sport along with the sun and fresh air that makes you feel healthy. Croquet is a game that you can play in your backyard or at the park. The game itself is simple to learn, and that's what makes it so much fun. You'll both get the hang of croquet after you've hit the ball around a couple of times. Croquet is fun to do as a group date if you know other couples who want to get outside and have some fun. You can compete against each other as couples and maybe even go for ice cream after you're done playing.
A great date idea for a young couple is to plant a tree. Sure, couples of all ages can enjoy planting a tree, but there's something special about it when a young couple does it or when you move to a new place. Just think about how you'll be able to look at the tree years later and watch it grow. The tree will grow just like the love between you and your spouse does. Every year you can plant a new tree to symbolize your love and to make the world a better place. Those trees will be like your love; they will stand the test of time.
Thrift stores often promote good causes and offer significant savings at the same time. The reason why many people shop at a thrift store is that everything is so much cheaper. So, if you want to have fun at the thrift store, give each other a budget to buy something for the other. A budget of five or ten dollars can get quite a bit of stuff at a thrift store. If you're unsure what your spouse might buy, tell them to meet you at the cash register before checking out. You might want to look over what each other picked to make sure that it's something you want. Thrift stores are also great places to find stuff from your childhood, and playing with old toys might add a little excitement to your date night.
Arts & Culture
Making your own Christmas cards is a great way to spend some time together as a couple. By making your own Christmas cards, you'll spread holiday cheer in a way that is as unique as you are as a couple. Your friends and family will love receiving your one-of-a-kind Christmas cards. You can turn creating Christmas cards into multiple dates. You can create your Christmas cards and then prepare them to be sent off. Taking your Christmas cards to the post office can be another date. Walk to the post office if weather permits or go out to eat to celebrate sending off your Christmas cards.
Sharing your hobbies with your spouse is a great way to connect and learn about each other. You can divide a date based on your hobbies into several dates. It doesn't matter how well you think you know your spouse; there's plenty about them that you don't know anything about. If you've been around a while, there are probably a lot of hobbies you used to have when you were younger that you can revive. Hobbies are usually done by ourselves, which means you rarely get to see your spouse participate in them. Learning what your spouse enjoys is always a fascinating experience, and you might also find yourself enjoying the hobby as well. Who knows, in the future the two of you might want to keep doing the hobby together.
Events & Attractions
The fair is so much fun, and it's a special thing since it only comes once a year. You can enjoy the animals, rides, and food. You can't go to the fair without stuffing yourself silly full of sweet, salty, and greasy foods. A fun thing to do on your date is to choose what foods or rides you think your spouse will enjoy the most. Don't forget to take a few pictures of yourselves and everything else at the fair, so you have something to remember this awesome date with. Going to the fair has to be a yearly date activity that no couple should miss.
A little weekend getaway or a full-blown vacation are both great ideas for a date. If you don't have that much free time to work with, go on an evening road trip. The whole point is, get out there with the person you love and enjoy some scenery. Traveling is something couples do to learn about each other. You get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and allow each other to explore who you really are. Traveling is always more about learning about yourselves than it is about sightseeing. You never come back the same person as you left when you travel. Your relationship will change, and you will know each other on a much deeper level after traveling together.
Food & Drink
Making s'mores is so much fun. Eating the s'mores is a whole different experience. The roasting of the marshmallows is fun in itself. There's something about sticking a marshmallow on a stick and roasting it that is such an enjoyable experience. Conversations have a way of spiraling into something truly magical when you're around the campfire. Don't worry; you can roast marshmallows outside your home over a charcoal grill if needed. You can take your s'mores inside or enjoy them while out in the open fresh air. Anytime is a good time to whip up a batch of s'mores and turn it into a delicious date.
Going to a block party or even throwing a block party yourself is fun for the entire neighborhood. Why would you turn your date night into a party for everyone? Why not? There might be a reason you want to celebrate or just want to get the whole neighborhood together. If you're going to have a block party as a date, you'll probably want to notify the police beforehand. The police should be aware that there will be quite a bit of people going from house to house and having a good time. You wouldn't want your date to turn into an out of control party that makes the headlines in the newspaper the following day.
Martial arts are a great thing to know because you can use them to protect yourself. Beyond self-protection, martial arts are a great form of exercise. Many martial arts enthusiasts live to a ripe old age, and it's because of all the exercise and healthy life choices involved. You can attend classes as a couple and learn together. If you're an adventurous couple, you can do a little martial arts on each other. You can teach each other some moves or do some wrestling. Your martial arts dates will be unique in that you're learning something new that will last a lifetime. The maneuvers and exercises that you learn during your martial arts training will stick with you for the rest of your life. You can turn your martial arts date into something even more spectacular by practicing what you learn at home on future dates.
Historical sites litter the globe, and there are more than you can ever see during your lifetime. Why not find a historical site near where you live and visit it on a date? No matter where you are, there are plenty of historical sites that are sure to fascinate you. Learning history from a book or a movie is fun, but it's completely different when you go to where the event happened. Being there in the flesh changes your perspective, and you will grow as a couple as you begin to learn about your surroundings. What you learn you'll pass on to other generations, and that means your date will live long past when it happened.
Have you ever thought of dressing up as your favorite cartoon, movie or game character? There are two ways you can turn cosplay into a date, and that is to dress up as separate characters or to dress up as a team. If the two of you are into something particular, each of you can dress up as a character from it. You can attend a costume party, surprise some friends with your costumes, or walk around town and see how people react. If none of that suits your fancy, you can always stay at home and act out scenes for your characters while all dressed up. Cosplay can also be a fun dimension to add to your bedroom routine.
Arts & Culture
A musical theatre date can be something as fancy as catching a Broadway show or watching a play put on by your local church. No matter if you live in a small town or a major metropolitan city, there is always some kind of theatre going on. You might have to pay attention to the local showtimes more closely if you live in a small town because musical theatre could only be a once a year type of thing. If you want to really make your musical theatre date even more special, go out to eat before or after the performance. Dates featuring musical theatre are often memorable because you'll talk about what you saw for years to come.
Boxing, kickboxing and MMA are huge right now and any of them can be a great date. You can watch a fight on TV or go all out and attend the fight in person. Going to an arena is much more memorable and you can enjoy all the action as it happens. If you're planning on watching the fight on TV you can plan a whole date around it - get snacks, some takeout, and plenty of soda. This is a fun date activity for just the two of you or you can invite another couple or two over to share the fun (and the cost) of the fight or food.
Romance & Relationship
Receiving a love note from your spouse is always a heart-melting experience. Why don't the two of you plan at least an hour date where you write love notes to each other? The first half of the hour is spent writing the note. After you're done writing, then comes the reading. It will be so romantic to see your spouse's heart flutter when they read your note. Save the notes so that you can read them years down the line. Love notes aren't only for those who are newly in love; they're much-needed items later on in the marriage as well. It's so important to do little things like writing down how you feel to keep a marriage strong. Sometimes we can forget how much our spouse loves us, and this is one of those ways of reminding each other.
Arts & Culture
Singing in a choir is an uplifting experience, and it is a wonderful thing to share with your spouse as a date. Churches are the most common places where you can sing in a choir. There are many date opportunities for you to sing in the choir. For example, choir practice, choir at church services, or you could even get together the choir to sing at a place like a nursing home. Practicing at home is also fun if you are in the choir and need to brush up a little bit before singing with everyone else. You will be amazed by how invigorating both of you feel after your choir date because singing enables you to let go of your emotions and temporarily forget about everything in the world around you.
Fishing is a fun way to enjoy the great outdoors and to get some tasty food for free. Fishing itself is fun, and it gives you a chance to sit down next to each other and be a couple. Also, if you're the type who likes to catch what they cook, you can have a feast near the water. Remember, it's called fishing and not catching, so you might not have anything to eat on your date. The point of fishing isn't always to catch fish, but to spend time with the person you love. These precious moments are what your bond is built upon, and they are needed for a strong, lasting relationship. There aren't many things that can get you to forget about the hustle and bustle of your life like fishing. It's a great way to relax with the one you love.