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"small groups". Mix up your next date night with these awesome activities. For the full experience make sure you check out the
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There's a whole new world of reality out there. It's not just virtual reality or augmented reality. XR and extending reality are now within reach of the average person. If you're sitting at home wondering what to do, now is the perfect time to take advantage of distorting your reality. The world around you doesn't have to be what you see. You can enter a virtual world, and it will take you on an adventure like nothing else. Explore a reality that is different than what you know exists and turn it into a date. Changing your reality will change how you think about things, and it will also open up your relationship to a whole new world.
Causes & Service
Have you ever thought about becoming an organ donor? If not, it's something that everyone needs to talk about. The discussion would make for a perfect date night activity. It's a conversation every couple needs to have. Why not make a list of the pros and cons of donating your organs? It will be interesting to see which one of you wants to donate their organs. You might find out that both of you either want to donate or don't want to. The conversation will go into all sorts of unexpected areas, which is good because it'll give you a chance to get to know your spouse better.
Building a computer from scratch is a surprisingly fun activity. If you've never done it before you'll want to do some research and maybe as a friend for tips on getting the right hardware. You'll love the hands-on approach to building your own machine. It's best to turn building a computer into several dates. The first date can be you going through all of the parts that you need to buy. If you're going to buy the parts online, you can go ahead and do it. If you plan on buying your computer components locally, the trip to the electronics store can be a separate date. After you decide what components you want and get them, you can have your final date of building a computer. You both will be amazed by the computer you build, and you'll always think of the date when using the machine.
For those of you who don't know, rappelling is when you go down the side of a mountain using a rope. Think of rappelling as being the opposite of mountain climbing. Rappelling allows you to experience the height and beauty of a mountain without having the difficult journey of climbing up it. You get to bounce around on the rope until you're all the way down to the very bottom. Those couples who enjoy outdoor adventures will get the most out of rappelling. Rappelling does require some equipment and training, so do your research and determine the best way to be safe and have a great time. If you really want to turn your rappelling into something special, go camping afterward to get the most of being in the great outdoors.
One bathtub plus the two of you equals a magical evening. Light some candles, turn on some soft relaxing music and soak in a luxurious bubble bath. Allow yourselves to melt away in the sheer elegance of the warm water and the suds. Bubble baths are a great way to connect if you've been away for far too long. The two of you will be in the bathtub together so close that talking is a must. Feeding each other chocolates or fruit can add to the romantic undercurrents of taking a bubble bath together. This is definitely a great activity to indulge in from time to time with your spouse.
Causes & Service
Upcycling is a creative way to reuse items that would otherwise end up in a landfill. The fun thing to do is try to create all kinds of items from a variety of materials that otherwise would've been wasted. You can use your masterpieces at home, give them away, or even sell them on eBay or Etsy. Working side by side and allowing your creative juices flow is an awesome way to have a date that is both fun and serves a purpose. Upcycling will enable you to make the world a better place, and turning it into a date can make it an enjoyable experience.
Quite a few couples share a love of collecting items. Do both of you like to collect the same things? If so, then turn hunting the items into a date. If not, help build each other's collections together. You can go to flea markets, estate auctions, or garage sales to find the items you collect. Also, surfing eBay or Craigslist is a great way to find collectibles without leaving the house. Half of the fun of collecting isn't buying the items; it's trying to find them. You get to meet a lot of interesting people, and their stories are always so fun to hear. The adventure of collecting draws all kinds of people into the hobby, and the thrill of the hunt is what keeps couples seeking out collectibles on dates.
Going for a ride on a trolly is a great way to feel like you're instantly blasted back into the past. A trolly doesn't travel very fast, so the two of you will have plenty of time to observe what's going on outside the window. Whether it's called a trolly, a streetcar or a tram, the ride itself is a great date idea, but it's even better if you take it to a destination, such as a restaurant. A slow ride in a trolly is a wonderful experience, and it's made even better since you have plenty of time to enjoy it.
Fun & Games
Board games aren't only fun when it's cold or rainy outside; they're also the indoor perfect date night activity. Board games such as Monopoly take a long time, but games such as Connect Four are much quicker. A small investment in a few games can yield several great date nights. Pop some popcorn, crack open a two-liter of soda pop, and have yourself a good time playing games. You will have fun, but more importantly, you'll get to have time alone with your spouse. Any excuse to be alone is a good one in the busy world that we live in.
Fun & Games
Bungee jumping is an adrenaline junkie's dream come true. The feeling of falling towards the earth and then immediately being jolted back is something that words can't explain. The excitement, exhilaration, and fear are all things that quickly go through someone's mind as they're about to take the plunge. The sound of the others screaming as they plunge is something you will never forget. The rush is so intense that you may find yourselves trying to race each other back to the top to do it all over again.
A bonfire is a great way to signal that autumn has finally arrived. Though, you can have a bonfire during almost any time of the year. Gather sticks and tree limbs that are lying on the ground before the bonfire. You can make a separate date out of preparing for the bonfire since it does take quite a bit of wood. A bonfire is best at nighttime so that you can see the flames dance as they illuminate the night sky. Bring along some marshmallows to roast and some apple cider if you're going after the full autumn effect.
The fun thing about playing hacky sack is that you never know where it is going to land. Use your body, your feet, and anything else other than your hands to pass the hacky sack from each other. A really fun thing to do is to play hacky sack at your local park and see if anyone wants to join in. Hacky sack is a game that you can quickly learn, and after a few sessions you'll start to get the hang of it. A hacky sack doesn't cost very much money, and you can have months, if not years of fun with it. A quick game of hacky sack can occur in your backyard, a nearby parking lot, or anywhere where you can kick this sack without worrying about it damaging something. Even a hallway can be the perfect place for a hacky sack game if the weather doesn't permit you to go outside.
Aeromodeling is remote controlled airplanes that you fly somewhat like drones. Before drones, people flew remote-controlled airplanes. As a couple, you can do this by taking turns flying a plane, or you each can have your own. If you're already familiar with drones, aeromodelling isn't going to seem very new to you. It will be different in the sense that you're going to be flying old-timey airplanes. Aviation buffs and those who like spending time outdoors will enjoy this date the most. Take your plane to the park or another area where you can get a running start and take off. Don't be surprised if aeromodelling turns out to be a date you do repeatedly because flying these fun planes can be very addictive.
Arts & Culture
Everyone always dreams of what it would be like to learn how to play an instrument. There are several different ways you can turn learning how to play an instrument into a date. You could always buy a second-hand instrument and learn how to play it by watching YouTube videos. If you have the money to buy each of you an instrument, that would be better. It would be best if you both could get lessons from a professional and learn how to play. It's up to you how serious you want to take it. Don't forget to make videos of your progression and the two of you playing a song.
Fun & Games
Quoits is an old-time game where you toss rings made out of metal or rope around pegs. The hope is to get the rings to land on the pegs. Quoits is a fun outdoor game that you can enjoy on bright sunny days. Every couple needs an excuse to get outside and enjoy a little fresh air. A quoits date is as good of a reason as any to get outside and to get a little sunlight. If you really want to have even more fun, bring along a sack lunch or a picnic. Take a break from playing quoits and eat your meal, and then get right back to competing against each other.
Every car owner knows that they need to change their oil. Many car owners don't change the oil often enough in their cars. If the two of you have never changed a car's oil, you're in for a really exciting adventure. Changing the oil isn't difficult, but it can be messy for first-timers. If one of you has changed the oil before, none of it will be much of a surprise to you. The oil in your car is the lifeblood of your engine. It's surprising to see what the oil looks like, and the two of you are in for a real shock with this date. Wear old clothes and make sure to have plenty of rags nearby because changing your oil is messy even for those who are highly experienced.
Gardening is an activity both of you can do during a date and enjoy the benefits for months to come. Who doesn't love eating fresh produce straight from the garden? Another great date idea is to preserve your bountiful harvest together by canning and freezing everything after you've picked it. A jar of preserves is a wonderful gift, and the two of you can whip up a batch in your kitchen with the fruits of your labor in the garden. You can turn your backyard into a garden or even a windowsill if you're in an apartment, and outdoor space is at a premium.
Fun & Games
Making igloos and snow forts are the perfect winter dates that are sure to create memories that last forever. Make sure to snap plenty of pictures of your snow creation process as well as the final result so you can look back at it during the warm summer months and remember what you did while the snow was falling. To make your snow date even more satisfying, fill a thermos full of hot chocolate to drink while working in the snow. The hot drink will warm your chilled bones and enable you to spend more time outside working on your snowy project together. Don't be surprised if this activity turns into a snowball fight!
Playing tetherball is a date that will bring you back to your childhood instantly. Almost no one these days has a tetherball in their backyard, and that means you will have to go to a playground or a park to play. The fun thing about tetherball is that it takes nearly no skill to play, but it is so much fun to hit the ball and watch it go around. The simplicity of the game ensures that everyone will have a good time, and both of you will be able to play without any problems. No one has to be an experienced tetherball player to have a fantastic date playing the game. After you're done playing tetherball, a great add-on to your date is to either go to a restaurant or treat yourself to some dessert afterward.
Do you like it when your spouse smells good? If so, a date of perfume or cologne shopping is something the two of you will love. Most stores sell both perfume and cologne, and those are the stores that you should go to. How about you take your date to the next level and shop for a scent without your spouse being by your side? If you're leery of your spouse possibly not wanting to wear the scent, check with them before you go through the checkout aisle. It will be exciting to see what scent your spouse chooses and if it's something that you can stand to have on your skin.
Causes & Service
No matter what the current economic situation is like, there are always those who need financial assistance. Helping others and giving back to the community is a great way to spend some quality time with your spouse. You can either host the donation drive or participate in it. If your church has a canned food drive, for example, both of you can collect donations and put them away to be redistributed later. Don't limit yourself to just physical or monetary donations since some people are more willing or able to part with one over the other.
Christmas lights and decorations can really bring the Christmas season alive. As a fun date idea, take a stroll through your own neighborhood or a drive anywhere else that you'd like. Take in the lights, decorations and even the feel of the cold air on your cheeks as you go. Setting up your own decorations can also be a fun activity. Setting up Christmas lights, no matter if it's inside your home or outside, is a two-person job. Why not turn this event into a date night activity? It's even more fun if you treat yourselves with a cup of hot chocolate after you're done. You'll think about the hot chocolate the entire time that you're stringing up the lights. Talk about some of your favorite Christmas memories from years gone by while you're putting up the lights. If you have children, then there are plenty of memories to talk about while you put up the lights.
There are many reasons why someone wants to reduce their electric bill from wanting to cut back on carbon emissions to saving money. Every day you waste an enormous amount of electricity. Go through your home and try to identify all of the ways that you're wasting electricity. It won't be long until you've found several things that are draining cold hard cash from your wallet. After identifying which appliances are wasting electricity, come up with a game plan to stop it from happening. The solution may be to turn off the appliance or do a little research to find appliances that use much less energy. Spending a little time upfront can reap benefits month after month that you can put towards your next date night out.
Causes & Service
Are you a couple who has strong political convictions? If so, political canvassing can help your cause. Politics on the retail level is all about bumping shoulders and burning shoe leather. If the two of you feel strongly about the same candidates or causes, volunteering your time and turning it into a date is a great idea. You'll feel a sense of accomplishment, and you'll also get to spend time with the person you love more than anyone else in this world. You'll always remember your date fondly if your efforts helped push your cause or candidate over the top. If you're lucky you might even get to hobnob with some well known people giving you great stories to talk about for years.
Arts & Culture
A date of needlepoint is an opportunity to relax and to clear your mind. Needlepoint enables you to unleash your creativity in an instantly visible way. You can turn needlepoint into a date by each of you going back and forth and working on the sample piece. If you're the type of couple who would rather work on your own projects, each of you can have your own needlepoint. Save the finished product to show everyone and remember the awesome needlepoint date you two enjoyed.
Riding in an airboat is a fun way to see and experience an area such as a swamp or wetland. The average couple reading this won't have their own airboat or be able to drive one themselves. None of that is a big deal because if you live in an area where people use airboats, you'll be able to find someone who will rent it out and take you all over. You can ask the boat captain to be like a tour guide and tell you about all the things you pass through. You might also be able to ask the captain to stop the boat for you to go fishing or frog hunting. If nothing else, he might be able to stop the boat so the two of you can snap some pictures or maybe even have a picnic.
The thrill of being high in the sky and jumping out of a plane is something that the two of you will never forget. A skydiving date is one that you'll always remember. If it's your first time jumping out of a plane, you'll probably have to jump with instructors. Skydiving is an adrenaline junkie's dream come true, and it also gives you a view of the planet that most people never see. The period of free-floating is one of the most beautiful things a person can experience, and you'll get to share it with the person you love the most.
Fun & Games
Video games from yesteryear offer a unique opportunity to go back in time without having to leave your home. A retrogaming date activity could be playing games from your childhood or even going back further in time, depending on your age. You can buy the consoles for future retrogaming dates, or you can download the games and play them on your mobile devices for some immediate fun. If you have a retrogaming date, snacks like cheesy flavored corn chips and soda pop are a must. You can't play video games without getting your fingers dirty with cheese dust from the chips.
Causes & Service
Being in service to others means that you do whatever they need help with. You might offer your time to take someone to the doctor, clean their home, or walk their dog. Sometimes what people need is something that requires two more or to get the job done. By turning servicing the community into a date, you'll improve others' lives while spending time together. You will feel great about yourself and as a couple if you can do something that will make someone's life better. Even small tasks like doing laundry, raking leaves, or sitting down and talking to someone can significantly impact their life.
A relaxing date at home of knitting is more fun than it probably sounds. You and your spouse can make a variety of things with nothing more than a few knitting needles and some yarn. You can knit a blanket to keep you warm in the winter. You could also knit a sweater. You might even consider donating your date night knitting stuff to charity or sell it online on eBay or Etsy. No matter what you do with the final product, you'll enjoy spending time with the person you love while enabling your creative side to flourish.
Axe and knife throwing take the type of mental focus that can help melt the stress away. It's impossible to focus on anything other than what you're throwing when you have a sharp object that you're trying to stick into something. You and your spouse can have a competition to see who can throw the axe or knife better. Take a slice of a log and make it your goal to get as close to the center of it as possible. If you don't have a log lying around, make a target out of a piece of wood. The person who gets closest to the center can have bragging rights for the rest of the evening on who is the better thrower.
Personal Development
Mind mapping is creating a diagram where you have something in the center, and you have things pointing to it that are similar. Mind mapping focuses on correlations between different things and what's at the center. You start with the center of focus and build up everything around it. Mind mapping can be a fun date because it can help you become more organized, and it can also give you an insight into how your spouse thinks. Sometimes it's fun to have a mind mapping date and see how your spouse puts together thought processes to understand how they compute things.
Fun & Games
Bingo is an exciting game that is perfect for any date night. It's probably not the most exciting game for two, so find a few extra couples or a place where lots of people will be playing. Also, if you end up playing bingo in a church, you're giving back to the community. Pay close attention to your spouse as they think they're getting closer and closer to winning. Your spouse won't be able to contain their excitement, and it'll be super fun to watch. Who knows, you might win some money while playing bingo. The fun isn't just in the winning; it's in the excitement when the numbers are called, and you hope that your spots will be picked.
Fun & Games
Tossing horseshoes allows you to get exercise while you enjoy being outside. You'll have a ton of fun while encouraging your spouse to toss the horseshoe onto the spike. Laughing is something that both of you do when you miss the target by a mile. Playing horseshoes doesn't take much skill, but it's a challenging sport to perfect. Take turns tossing the horseshoes and keep score to see who performs better. Before you know it, you'll have to game down pat, and the two of you will become competitors.
Fun & Games
Role-playing games enable you to get out of your shell and be someone else. You can discover sides of your spouse you never knew existed during a role-playing date. There are a wide variety of games that you can play, and some of them can even be found on the internet. A date of playing a role-playing game is usually less about the game and more about spending quality time together. Sometimes couples need a little nudge to relax and enjoy a little alone time. If it takes playing a game, then pull out the box or load up the app and have at it. Enjoy some snacks, order a pizza, or slurp down some fizzy sodas while playing a game that should bring you closer together.
Arts & Culture
Calligraphy is a beautiful way of writing. If you don't know how to write calligraphy it's simple and inexpensive to learn. A calligraphy date can turn into something magical if you create something that you can give to someone you love. Why not create a fancy birthday card for someone and surprise them with it? You can also create something with elegant writing on it and put it on your wall. Create a poem together about your love and make it look beautiful by writing it in calligraphy. Or write each other love notes or anniversary notes to deliver later. The words will have more meaning when you take so much time to write them beautifully.
Gravestone rubbing is where you take a piece of paper and rub a pencil over the tombstone to make an imprint of it. There are several different ways you can turn gravestone rubbing into a date. You both can visit the cemeteries where your relatives are buried and rub their gravestones. Another great idea is to find dead celebrities, famous people, or business people in your area and rub their gravestones. Rubbing a gravestone is harmless, and you won't harm the grave in any way. Do a little research online to find local people of interest and visit their graves.
Fun & Games
Did you know that you can rent segways at locations near many parks? You can, and that's why you see so many people riding segways near parks. It usually only costs a few dollars to rent a segway, which makes them such a great date idea. The two of you can each rent segways and then go around the park riding them. It won't take you long to figure out how to ride a segway. A few moments is all it takes, and the two of you will be zipping around the park trying to outdo each other.
Sometimes for one reason or another, you might find yourself far away from your spouse. Just because there is a distance between you and your spouse doesn't mean you can't go on a date. You might even distance yourselves a little just to try out a cyber date. You can use a free service such as Skype to talk to each other over the Internet using your webcam. If you really want to have fun, you can both order take-out food, and it will be like you are eating at a restaurant. It's also fun to watch the same television show together while on the Internet to see how the other reacts to surprising events. There are lots of services popping up for having watch parties where the shows you're watching are synched for both of you. Being apart is a good way to appreciate more the time you have together, so give it a try some time.
It seems that dogs never get enough exercise. Taking your dog for a walk is a great date idea since it gets everyone involved some much-needed exercise. You can take your dog for a walk around where you live or take them to a park. Turn your dog walking date into something extra special by going to a pet store that allows pets inside. Tell your dog that it can have any treat or toy they choose. It'll be so much fun watching your dog go excitedly go through the aisles trying to find something they want to take home.