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"<1 hr". Mix up your next date night with these awesome activities. For the full experience make sure you check out the
Married Fun Date Planner.
Arts & Culture
Your date night is about to get a whole lot more exciting when you give quilling a go. For those who don't know, quilling is a form of art where your design is created by roller or shaped strips of paper in often beautiful patterns. Allow your mind to run free and come up with as many different quilling possibilities as you can. Before you know it, you'll have dozens of quilling tasks already lined up. Seasoned quilling professionals and newbies alike can have all kinds of fun doing it with your spouse. Your spouse may not share your passion for quilling, and that in itself might offer up plenty of hilarious opportunities for laughter.
There are undoubtedly places all over the world that you'd like to go, but can't for one reason or the other. You may have always dreamed of seeing the pyramids in Egypt, but aren't able to. Going on a virtual tour is the next best thing, and it can be done in the comfort of your home. Both of you need to sit in front of the computer and then allow the magic of the internet to do its thing. Before long, you'll feel like you're right there, seeing the sights and sounds that you've always wanted to experience. For added fun, whip up some dishes eaten by the locals of the people native to where you're taking the tour. You'll then be able to see, hear, and taste the area, bringing it even closer to home.
You don't need a reason for a gift exchange other than to express your love for one another. A gift exchange can be a date in itself, or you can add it to another date idea to have the ultimate experience. Set a limit on how much money you want to spend on the gift. If you really want to go all out, then have a themed gift exchange. For example, if you're both Harry Potter fans, buy each other something that only a true-blue fan would know about. The purpose of a gift exchange isn't to have high expectations about what your husband or wife will buy you, but to enjoy giving each other something even if there's no particular occasion.
Personal Development
Everyone has a mental bucket list of sorts, and it's essential to clear off as many items as possible. It's good to express these desires by writing down your bucket list and it's the perfect thing to share with your spouse. As a date, write down individual lists or a shared list that you want to work on. You can even add categories or make separate lists that are themed. Then take your lists and plan dates around checking things off. Your bucket lists are going to change as you age, and you'll have to modify them accordingly. Always keep each other up-to-date as to what's on your bucket list so you can continue planning dates and checking things off together.
Parasailing combines a love of water, adventure, and the great outdoors. Going parasailing is a marvelous date for those who don't get to be outside enough. Also, if you're the type that seeks an adrenaline rush, there's no better way to get it than when you're high up parasailing. Try to find a parasailing company that can take both of you up at the same time. It will be so much fun to see how the other reacts while you're taking off and going up in the sky. The view from all the way up there is beautiful, and there is no better person to share it with than the person you love.
Taking a woodworking class or working on a project together is a great way to work on your bond. The project itself can vary in degrees of difficulty, and your abilities will grow over time. Each project you work on with each other will give you the skills and confidence to work on more complex things. You can sell the things you make, use them in your own home, or donate them to a local charity. No matter what you do with the final product, the real fun is always making it.
A kickball game with your spouse will immediately send you back to the days when you were in school. Be creative and come up with your own rules while playing kickball. You can take turns kicking the ball or turn it into a game like soccer. Take your ball and go to the park and enjoy some fun in the sun. If you take a picnic or some snacks, you can turn your kickball game into an outdoor extravaganza. It's always nice to spend some quality time with the person you love outside, and doing something healthy is a bonus.
Road cruising is probably not what you think it is, and it's a date idea for those of you who love reptiles, amphibians, and other critters that tend to make people jolt in fear or disgust. Or maybe you want to confront your fears or are just fascinated by the world around you. You will want to be careful though because some of the critters can be poisonous, and it can take someone knowledgeable to know which are which. It's best to find some back roads where you can drive slowly and look out your car window for the creatures. Take your smartphone with you so you can snap a few shots of anything that you see while you're cruising along looking for creepy crawlies.

Almost everyone these days has a favorite podcast. Why not sit behind the microphone and start your own podcast? You don't need any fancy equipment or audio editing software to create an amateur podcast. You can even use the microphone on a laptop or your smartphone to create a podcast. You can make your podcast a weekly, monthly, or a sporadic thing you do whenever you've got the free time. Your podcast might be only meant to entertain yourselves, friends, and family, or the entire world. The most important aspect here is to have fun. If you can achieve that, your podcasting date will be a success. There are free platforms that will host your podcast, or you can put the audio on YouTube and slap an image on the video so they will host it. Invite your friends and family to listen to your podcast or keep it so you can enjoy listening to it years from now. You don't need to be a professional radio announcer or edit the audio file in any way. Sometimes the best podcasts are those without a net and include all the imperfections that life can throw at us.
Miniature golf has many common names such as mini golf, goofy golf, putt-putt golf or crazy golf. Mini golf is fun no matter what season it is. Mini golf can be played indoors or outdoors, so it might not even matter what the weather conditions are. Also, skill isn't required to play miniature golf. A date can quickly turn into a giggle-fest when two people play mini golf. The ball has a way of getting caught up in the craziest of traps, and it's fun trying to get yourself out of them. Try not to take the game too seriously and enjoy being together. If the mini-golf joint has a snack bar, get something to eat after hitting the ball around.
Blogging is a date activity that can quickly turn into a passion, or better yet, a career. You can start a free blog or use a paid host, so you have total control over it. The first thing you need to do is decide what you want to blog about. Maybe you want a family blog where you talk about everything that's going on. The blog's purpose may only be to connect your family members, so they know what's happening in your life. Set aside one evening a week or a month and create a blog post together. Blogging can be quite an enjoyable experience, and it can also be profitable, depending on the topic you're writing about.
Classes & Workshops
The feeling of the clay in your hands is both relaxing and soothing. Pottery classes are a lot like therapy sessions, and you always feel better afterward. Not only do you feel good and are in a better mood, but you walk out of the place with pottery that you can use. Save your pottery and put it up so you can always remember your date. The classes will teach you a lot, and who knows, pottery might be something that you end up getting into it more regularly. If it is, you might be able to turn your love of pottery into a profitable hobby or even a family business.
If you want to play pool, then you've got to be careful where you go. A roughneck bar might not be the ideal place for an evening game of billiards. Pool halls, bowling alleys, and even some restaurants have pool tables. Don't worry if you're any good at playing pool; sometimes it's more fun to play if you're terrible. Do learn the rules of the game though - 8-ball, 9-ball, whatever game interests you. Fire up the jukebox if they have one and just have fun. The two of you will laugh up a storm when one of you misses the cue ball. It's not about who wins the game; it's all about how much fun you have when you play pool.
Personal Development
Who doesn't love the idea of understanding and being able to communicate is secret codes? There are a lot of codes and languages that you can learn for fun. What about having secret codes with the person you love? Set aside some time for a cryptography date where the two of you make your own secret codes. Try to make some codes that cause you to burst out laughing. Get a couple of small frozen pizzas, some takeout, or a bag of chips to make your cryptography date even more fun. How seriously should you take this? It's actually not a bad idea to have a few secret codes amongst couples so that you can say things without anyone know what you're talking about. Everyone needs a way to tell their spouse they have spinach in their teeth without bringing attention to it by everyone in a public setting.
Causes & Service
Upcycling is a creative way to reuse items that would otherwise end up in a landfill. The fun thing to do is try to create all kinds of items from a variety of materials that otherwise would've been wasted. You can use your masterpieces at home, give them away, or even sell them on eBay or Etsy. Working side by side and allowing your creative juices flow is an awesome way to have a date that is both fun and serves a purpose. Upcycling will enable you to make the world a better place, and turning it into a date can make it an enjoyable experience.
Food & Drink
Going out to eat on a breakfast date is a nice change of pace. Sometimes married couples are so busy they don't have time to spend with each other in the evening. If both of you go to work at the same time, a breakfast date makes perfect sense. If you can't do it during the week, going during the weekend on a day you both have off is a great alternative. Breakfast is served at so many restaurants these days, from fast food joints to sit down places with a menu. There is no better way to start the day than to share a meal with the person who you love more than anyone in the world. Breakfast dates are a fantastic way to sneak in some time for bonding during a period of the day most people overlook.
Fun & Games
A good old-fashioned pillow fight is a fun date activity that can quickly turn into something far more exciting. How can you not laugh like a hyena while pillow fighting? The goal here isn't to hurt each other; it's to see how many good hits you can get in. Before you know it, you'll be laughing and having a ball. The best pillow fights always happen when you're in pajamas. Set aside a few minutes before bed to have a pillow fight, and don't be surprised if you end up laughing so hard you turn red in the face.
Events & Attractions
If you live near the ocean, you have plenty of lighthouses all around. It's funny how many people who live near the coast have never been inside a lighthouse. Visiting a lighthouse is a great idea for those who live near the coast. What if you don't live anywhere near the coast? Hop on a plane and enjoy a weekend getaway date near the ocean. Not only will you get away from it all, but you'll get to tour one of the most fascinating things that's near the sea. People don't realize it, but lighthouses are still a vital part of the transportation of people and goods, and that's what makes them so interesting. If you're able to tour the lighthouse and climb to the top bring your camera - you might have a rare opportunity to get some great photos.
A bonfire is a great way to signal that autumn has finally arrived. Though, you can have a bonfire during almost any time of the year. Gather sticks and tree limbs that are lying on the ground before the bonfire. You can make a separate date out of preparing for the bonfire since it does take quite a bit of wood. A bonfire is best at nighttime so that you can see the flames dance as they illuminate the night sky. Bring along some marshmallows to roast and some apple cider if you're going after the full autumn effect.
Fun & Games
Temporary tattoos are a blast because you can see what you would look like with various tattoos without having to put anything permanent on your body. Everyone without tattoos always wonders what they would look full of tats. If you're not the type who would get a tattoo, going the temporary route is fantastic. You can get one tattoo or put them all over your body. A really fun thing to do during a temporary tattoo date would be to choose the tattoos for your spouse. Are you feeling mischievous or do you want to give your husband a frilly cute kitty tattoo? Maybe the husband will want to go all out and give his wife a face tattoo. You can do all kinds of things during this date and have a blast. Take a few pictures of yourself with the tattoos and freak your friends and family out. You don't have to tell them that your tattoos are temporary!
Fun & Games
Playing air hockey is so much fun. Your local arcade probably has an air hockey table, but a restaurant might as well. The most fun thing about air hockey is you get to play a long time for the money. It takes only a few moments for both of you to become skilled enough at playing air hockey, where each point takes quite a while to score. The look on each other's faces while you're hitting the puck back and forth will be priceless no matter what's going on in your life. Air hockey immediately takes away all of your stress and enables you to focus on having a good time during your date.
The thrill of being high in the sky and jumping out of a plane is something that the two of you will never forget. A skydiving date is one that you'll always remember. If it's your first time jumping out of a plane, you'll probably have to jump with instructors. Skydiving is an adrenaline junkie's dream come true, and it also gives you a view of the planet that most people never see. The period of free-floating is one of the most beautiful things a person can experience, and you'll get to share it with the person you love the most.
Bird watching is a date idea that can be done in the country or the city. Parks are great places to look for birds since they usually have plenty of wooded areas. Hiking trails are the perfect spots, and they are easy to walk through. If you live in the city, not near any wooded areas, it's still possible to go out and try to spot birds. Try to guess what species the bird is. If you have any problems figuring out what the bird is, snap a picture of it and upload it to Google Images. Google might be able to tell you what the bird is.
Fun & Games
A trip to the arcade is about more than just going down memory lane. The arcade is a great place to have all kinds of fun. Try to find two-player games that each of you can play together. Don't limit yourself to only video games since most arcades also have games of skill. Air hockey is a fun game to play, and you get quite a bang for your buck. Skee ball is another game where you can take turns or compete against each other to see who can get the highest score. Games of skill are great because you can collect tickets and redeem them for all kinds of toys you can have fun with later.
Ice skating is typically a winter event, but you can do it indoors at rinks. Most places that offer ice skating also have skates that you can rent. Renting is a good option since you don't have to invest in buying a pair of skates. The look on both of your faces will be priceless as the two of you try your best to stand up on the skates. It takes a few minutes, but you'll get the hang of ice skating before you know it. Watch what other people are doing and learn from them as you skate around the rink. Ice skating isn't as difficult as it looks, and it only takes a few minutes to (mostly) learn how to keep your balance.
Inline skating is fun because it gives you a chance to enjoy the great outdoors together. Parks are great places to go rollerblading, but anywhere with a sidewalk will do. Couples seeking ways to increase their cardiovascular exercise can take advantage of all of the movement rollerblading offers. Rollerblading is fun, no matter if you're a novice wearing protective gear or experienced pros who aren't afraid to shred up the scene to have a good time. For an added treat, stop at your favorite ice cream shop while rollerblading and treat yourself with something cold and sweet. If you already have the gear you can rollerblade in a ton of different places. If you need to rent gear you'll need to find a place near you that can provide what you need.
You and your spouse probably have slightly different tastes in music. You also probably listen to different music in the car or on your phone while doing various activities. A good date idea is to settle down for the evening and listen to music. Take turns playing songs that each of you enjoys. It will be fun to see if your spouse has any new musical interests or is still listening to the stuff you're familiar with. You might also want to try to venture off into different genres of music to see if there's anything new that both of you find enjoyable. YouTube is a great free site to explore music since you can listen to almost everything there. Familiarize yourselves with each other's favorites and explore new music together. If you're using a streaming service why not create a playlist of music that you both love and can listen to again and again?
Don't knock it until you've tried it... Dumpster diving can result in a memorable date if you know the right dumpsters to dive in. The worst dumpsters to look for stuff in are going to be those from restaurants and grocery stores. Try to find dumpsters from high-end stores if you want to score the good stuff. The two of you can hop into the dumpster and look around while trying your best to find all the goodies. You might want to consider taking turns and someone being outside of the dumpster so you can keep an eye out for garbage trucks. The last thing you want is your dumpster diving date to end wrongly by a garbage truck coming and tossing both of you into the back of it.
For those of you who don't know, hydroflighting is like those jet packs that propel you in the water. You strap a device onto you, and two streams of water jolt you up to make it kind of look like you're flying. If you live anywhere near the beach, you should be able to find someone offering hydroflight without any problems. There's something magical about seeing someone shoot up into the air by the power of water. If you decide to go on a hydroflight, make sure you have a camera or your smartphone ready to take plenty of pictures and videos of the excitement to share with others.
There's a whole new world of reality out there. It's not just virtual reality or augmented reality. XR and extending reality are now within reach of the average person. If you're sitting at home wondering what to do, now is the perfect time to take advantage of distorting your reality. The world around you doesn't have to be what you see. You can enter a virtual world, and it will take you on an adventure like nothing else. Explore a reality that is different than what you know exists and turn it into a date. Changing your reality will change how you think about things, and it will also open up your relationship to a whole new world.
A conworlding date can be as complex or as simple as you want it to be. For those who don't know what conworlding is, it's where you make up your own world. The two of you can sit down on the couch and make up your own world and all that goes with it. Do you want to make horses fly? Maybe you've always wanted people to live underwater. No matter how zanny it may sound, you can make anything a reality in your world. You might want to write down your conworlding adventure to build upon it during your next date. After a few dates, your make-believe world will be more complex than the space we're living in now.
The entire goal of paintball is to see how many times you can hit your target. Who is your target? Well, it's you and your spouse! If shooting each other is too much for either of you to handle, then you can do a little target practice. It will be fun to see who can hit the target the most with the paintballs. If you're feeling adventurous, then hunt each other in a warlike manner until all of your paintballs are gone. The winner will be the person who has the least amount of paint on them. There's something so fun about shooting each other with paintballs that it might become a regular date night activity. If you have your own equipment you can play with just the two of you or a small group of friends. Or if not, find a place that offers paintball and provides everything you need including the venue itself.
Events & Attractions
A haunted house is as spooky as they come. It doesn't matter where you live; there are haunted houses. Typically, most haunted houses are only open during the autumn around Halloween. Sometimes haunted houses are put on by local churches or civic groups with a theme in mind. The real haunted houses will scare you to your very core. If you're prepared to get freaked out and scared like you've never been scared before, go to a quality haunted house during a date. Just don't be surprised if you come out the other end shaking like a leaf.
There are several different ways that you can have a product testing date. The two of you could go to the store and buy several foods that you've never tasted before and give them a try. You could try to join a company that pays people to test products for them. You could even make a video of you and your spouse testing different products and share it on YouTube. It's easy to find a ton of things either online or at the store that you've never used before. Don't limit yourself to only food; you can also test household products, hair care products, or even perfumes. Be creative and try a few things that you know you'll bust a gut laughing because of how strange they are.
Fun & Games
The trick to turning a scavenger hunt into a date is making a list before you go out. The list that you create should have quite a few hard to find items on it. You can turn to the internet to find a list, and that might be the best option. The goal here is to locate hard to find items that will take you some time. The fun is working hard to find the items and where the journey leads you. Try to come up with items that will be hard to find that will require teamwork to pull it off. The more you have to rely on each other, the more the two of you will enjoy it.
The one thing that every dog owner can agree on is that their pet doesn't get enough exercise. A great date idea that benefits you, your spouse as well as the family pet is going to the dog park. It's a fantastic opportunity to start talking with each other, and things have a way of spiraling from there. Your dog will be happy since they rarely get to go out, and the two of you will feel refreshed after an evening of talking. Enjoy the fresh air, the other dogs, and the sense of togetherness all three of you share.
Classes & Workshops
It seems that everyone wants to learn how to play guitar. Almost every music shop has guitar classes. You can call, go online, or visit the shop where you bought your guitar and ask if they give lessons. You and your spouse can attend the classes together. It's best that you both have your own guitar, but you can take turns learning if you only have one. After your guitar class, the really fun thing to do is to go home and jam together with what you just learned. A couple of classes are all it takes to learn the basics and be able to strum a tune on your guitar.
Those of you who are seeking new ways to improve your health can turn XC running into a regular date activity. XC running is cross country running, and it gets you out of the house and on the move. Busy couples these days have a difficult time squeezing in enough exercise along with trying to spend some time together. An XC running date will enable you to be together and get some much-needed exercise in the process. You don't need much for your XC running other than a comfortable pair of running shoes. Buy each of yourselves a good pair of running shoes, and you can have cross country running dates as long as the weather permits.
A day at the beach is the perfect date, and there are a million things you can do. You can work on your tan, go for a quick dip, or even collect seashells. Bring a sack lunch with you and turn your beach date into a picnic. Find a secluded area and enjoy cuddling on the beach while you talk about whatever comes to mind. A beach is a romantic place that is filled with so many possibilities. All you need is a blanket and a sunny day to have fun. Small things like walking barefoot while the waves come crashing onto the beach are a lot of fun and offer plenty of enjoyable moments.
Traditions are such an essential part of who we are. If you have a family, it's always nice to teach your children about your traditions. Why not turn a date night into an evening of learning about your traditions and finding ways to preserve them? The memories that come about from reliving the traditions make the effort all that worthwhile. People from your past will spurt out of nowhere and, along with them, memories that you thought you forgot. Traditions have a way of dying in the modern technical era, but they don't have to. Preserve your past while also protecting your future by setting and doing traditions that have been passed on from generations past.