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"<1 hr". Mix up your next date night with these awesome activities. For the full experience make sure you check out the
Married Fun Date Planner.
A cycling date has a way of turning into a reoccurring date activity because you'll love it so much. The feeling of your heart pumping, the fresh outdoors, and the sense of adventure is what biking is all about. Cycling is so good for your health and it's something that the two of you can do together. Beginner bike riders can search for flat surfaces or areas that are slightly downhill. As your stamina grows, you can then move onto more difficult terrain. You can add to your cycling date fun by making a pit stop at your favorite store for a bottle of water or a low-calorie drink to replenish the fluids that you lost during your bike ride. Exploring your city or the nearby countryside can be a wonderful experience for the two of you to share together.
Classes & Workshops
Art classes are fun for both artistic couples and those who aren't creative in the least. Sometimes those who are the least creative end up enjoying art classes the most because you discover a side of yourself that you didn't know existed. Art classes come in various forms, and you should be able to find some locally that are both paid and free. If you don't want to leave the house, you might be able to find some live streaming art classes for your date. If all else fails, check out YouTube and find some free art classes there that you can watch at any time. Save your art projects so you can remember your date or give them away as gifts so that the fun you two had impacts even more lives.
Berry picking gives you the opportunity to spend time together while also getting a good deal on tasty fruit. Usually, farms that allow you to pick your own berries sell the fruit at a discounted rate. You'll get to enjoy the great outdoors, breathe fresh country air, and spend some time together. If you get enough berries to preserve and enjoy over winter, you'll have a reminder of the fun you had on your fruit picking country date. For added fun, rush home right away and bake a pie using the fresh fruit you picked. This activity isn't just limited to berries, pick whatever fruits are available to you for your location and season, including berries, apples, peaches and more.
Events & Attractions
Book readings can be a fun date idea for many reasons. If the author of the book is the one reading it, you'll get insight as to what the person was thinking about while they wrote the book. The way they read the book, what things they emphasize, and their body language will provide useful information as to what the person was thinking about when they put pen to paper. If the author has a book signing event afterward, consider buying a copy of the book and having them sign it for you. The autographed book will be a memento of the date and the time you got to meet an author.
A brisk walk through nature does wonders for the mind and body. Nature trails exist in almost every city, and they aren't too difficult to find. You can live in a concrete jungle and still find a park that has a trail that you can enjoy. Be two love birds and hold hands as you're walking through nature. Try to identify the plants and animals that you see along the way. Look up at the clouds and tell the other what you think they look like. These are precious moments, and it only takes a little creativity to get the most out of them.
Watching extreme sports on TV is a date that will leave both of you on the edge of the couch, wondering what's going to happen next. There is a reason why they call them extreme sports, and that is because they are exciting. The best way to enjoy your television date is by making sure there are plenty of goodies to munch on while watching. You might settle for some chips, or take things the extra mile and make some snacks of your own. Some of you might want to turn this date into something truly spectacular, and the way you can do that is by ordering takeout food and having it delivered to you. Your extreme sports date can be as simple or as festive as you want and the great thing is, you don't have to leave the house to enjoy it.
Everyone out there has at least one good joke in them. Your local comedy club probably has an open mic night now and then. The two of you can go up as a team or individually and try your best to make people laugh. If you're too afraid to get up there yourself, enjoy how the scene unfolds as other people brave the microphone. You can have a date where you try out your jokes on the other person. Give each other tips on how to improve the jokes and polish them before hitting the stage. You'll need at least a couple minutes of material, but it's not that hard to come up with stuff. After you have your jokes ready, you're now on your way to making people bust a gut laughing. Telling jokes in front of an audience is an exhilarating experience, and it's something that both of you might want to do again.
Personal Development
There's plenty of money to be made online selling a wide variety of things. You can go to garage sales, flea markets, and closeout stores and find items to sell online. If you're the creative type, you can make stuff and sell it on a place like Etsy. If you prefer the auction route, you can sell almost anything on eBay. You can turn selling online into a family business if you want. It starts with having a couple of dates selling items online, and from there, it's anyone's guess as to how far your business will grow.
Fun & Games
Have you ever wanted to have your name in the record books? If so, breaking a record is a fantastic date idea for the couple who wants to cement their name in history. What type of record would you break? Unless you're a world-class athlete or genius you'll probably have to find something wacky or off the wall. You could try to set or break a record as a couple. If you don't go that route, then one of you can help the other overcome any obstacles that stand in between them and victory as they break a record. It's going to take quite a bit of hard work and dedication to break a record, and that's why you might want to break this up into several dates.
Arts & Culture

Reading poetry can be a fun addition to any date or could be a date all by itself. You can read poems written by others that you find online or in books. Each of you should search the internet for poems that you find enjoyable. For fun, try to convey what the poem is saying with your voice and body language. Act out parts of the poem to emphasize the meaning behind certain parts of it. Share them by standing up and reading the poems to each other. Try to capture the spirit of the written word and act out what you feel the poet had in mind. It's also fun to have a themed poetry reading night. For example, love might be a theme for one night, while sadness could be a theme for your next poetry reading date. Reading poetry can open up your emotions as nothing else can. A poetry reading date is about so much more than the poems; it's about how they make you feel. Get in contact with your inner selves during this date, and the two of you will grow as a couple. Literature can be a beautiful thing to experience together as a couple.
Personal Development
You're not going to learn a new language in one date. However, you can learn a few words. If the two of you like learning a new language, it can become a regular date night event. There are more than enough resources online to learn a language. If you learn a language like Spanish, you can visit your local Mexican restaurant and talk to the people working there. It begins with you learning a handful of words and then using them in real-world situations. It's also a lot of fun to use the words you learn at home throughout the day.
Playing football is a great way to get outside and enjoy the fresh air. If you know some other couples who need some exercise, get them together for a double or a triple date for even more fun. If it's just you and your spouse, you can still play around with the football by yourselves and have a lot of fun. How you would go about playing football with only the two of you is to run with the ball and see who can catch the other, or simply play catch. It might not be a good idea to do any serious tackling since someone can get hurt. Touch football is the best way to play without the risk of injury.
Arts & Culture

You've probably heard the song The 12 Days of Christmas before. If celebrating Christmas is a tradition you follow then 12 days of Christmas can be a great date activity. Traditionally the 12 Days of Christmas mark the Christmas celebration beginning on Christmas day. Each day celebrates an important event in Christianity. For your date activity you can learn about or celebrate these events. There are several additional takes on this tradition including the popular song. For this date activity you could use the theme of the gifts in the song in some way. See who can sing the song from start to finish without making any mistakes. Record yourselves singing the song so you can preserve the hilarity for years to come. Or why not try acting out the song or finding the items in your home or online? Turn the song into a scavenger hunt to see who can find the most items. There's also a way to use this theme to leave gifts for others on their doorsteps for each of the 12 nights leading up to Christmas. Make it more fun by being anonymous and trying to run away after ringing the doorbell without being caught. There are a lot of fun ways to enjoy the season. Above all else, enjoy the season and be thankful for the person you love.
Events & Attractions
Going to a planetarium offers you the chance to learn about the universe. There is so much in space that you and your spouse probably know very little about. Everything you see in the sky will come to life when you're at the planetarium. Each of you will walk away with new knowledge that will change the way you think about everything. We live in a universe filled with mystery, and there is no better way to discover it than by going to a planetarium. Discuss amongst yourselves after visiting the planetarium the things that you learned that you had no idea about before going there.
Pet stores are a lot of fun for many different reasons, so going to one is a great date idea. If you have a pet, then take it along with you if the store allows it. Take a walk and get some exercise along with your furry friend. If you don't have a pet, walk around the pet store and consider buying one. If you're a newly married couple, you might be surprised by what type of pet your partner chooses. Sometimes the funniest thing to do is to look around at the pets and see which one looks like your spouse. You'll both burst out laughing when you tell the other which animal you think they look like.
Fun & Games
How long has it been since you've played on a playground? The answer to that question is too long, and now is the perfect time to get on the swings and have some fun. Allow yourselves to be kids again, ride the swings, go down the slide, and play with a ball. Do all the things that you used to love to do as a child. You'll instantly be taken back in time when you were a child, and life was simpler. It will be interesting to see which of the toys that your spouse likes the most. The laughs and giggles will be uncontrollable when you're doing all the things you enjoyed when you were a child.
Causes & Service
Fundraisers do all kinds of great things for the community. Helping others by raising money is a fantastic way to turn your date night into something that benefits so many people. There are so many different charities out there, and you can easily have several fundraising dates throughout the year. Set an individual goal or as a couple to see how much money you can raise. It will be exciting to see if you're able to make or break your goal. The harder you work, the more people will benefit from your date night. You'll be able to get away from the house, spend some quality time together, and change lives in the process. There aren't too many dates couples can go on in which all that can happen.
Romance & Relationship
If it's summertime and you're planning on going to the beach, a bikini wax is a must-do date. But don't be confused, bikini waxes aren't just so you can wear that swimsuit, he's sure to love the results from the waxing. If you're a very adventurous couple, you can do your own bikini waxes at home. You'll save money and won't have to go through the embarrassment of doing it at the spa. However, be warned that waxing your sensitive areas can be painful, and it might take a couple of times doing this to become experts. If you have the money and don't mind being a little embarrassed, both of you can go to the spa and get rid of that unwanted hair before hitting the beach.
Fun & Games
Adult activity books have become quite popular over the past few years. An adult activity book is something like a word find, coloring book, or any of a wide variety of other puzzles or workbooks. You can easily find these types of books at your local dollar store, bookstore or online. You turn it into a date by taking turns or working on the same thing together. You both can color the same picture or look through a word search to find words. Mazes are also fun, and they don't require much skill. Pop some popcorn, throw a pizza in the oven, or pop the top off of a bottle of soda and add to your adult activity book date. You'll be surprised by how a small addition of a snack can make your date all that much more fun.
Petting zoos tend to have cute furry animals that are so much fun to pet. Usually, the cost of entry into a petting zoo is a few dollars at the most. Going to a petting zoo is a great date idea if one or both of you are an animal lover. Make sure to take plenty of pictures of each other with the animals during your date. Looking back at the photos of you having so much fun at the petting zoo will be a total blast later on. The zoo's wide variety of animals ensures there is something that both of you will enjoy petting.
Fun & Games
Would You Rather is a fun game with all kinds of questions. Just type in "Would You Rather questions" in Google, and you'll find plenty of sites with questions on them. Also, you can find quite a few YouTube videos that provide lots of questions. The answers that you give are what make this game so much fun. You'll learn things about your spouse that you had no idea about. Some of the questions are so off the wall that it is impossible not to learn something new and interesting about them. If you enjoy your first date like this, plan another in the future and plan ahead by having new questions ready.
Personal Development
Video tutorials can teach you everything from how to create a web page to how to bake a cake from scratch. YouTube is the number one source of free video tutorials. Although there are plenty of paid tutorials that you can get if you want high-quality or hard to find information. If you can watch YouTube on your television, it would make the date an even better viewing event. The possibilities are endless when it comes to snacks and finger foods to eat while you watch the video tutorials. Learning how to do something new is always a great thing, and it's a lot more fun when you're doing it with your spouse. You'll be able to help each other when it comes time to put what you learned in the video to good use.
Is your house a mess? Does it look like a cyclone has burst through your home? If so, it's time for an organizing date. To make organizing a date, all you have to do is find an area of your home, garage, or shed that needs to be organized. You might have to go through things or simply move them around to make everything neat and tidy. Take breaks and have some snacks prepared to make the date even more enjoyable. You can make your organizing date more fun by making a game plan before you begin. Take before and after pictures so that you can show off your handiwork and brag to each other about the job you did.
Causes & Service
Every day there are people all over the world that need a helping hand. The relationship you have as a couple is strengthened when you make the lives of others better. A single act of kindness can have a ripple effect on you and the people you help. How do you find people to perform acts of kindness for? You can start by looking at the people in your life and asking yourself how you can help them. You can also ask people in your church or civic organization if they know of anyone you can help. The love you have as a couple can be magnified and turned into something truly spectacular when you work together to improve others' lives.
Arts & Culture
A date of needlepoint is an opportunity to relax and to clear your mind. Needlepoint enables you to unleash your creativity in an instantly visible way. You can turn needlepoint into a date by each of you going back and forth and working on the sample piece. If you're the type of couple who would rather work on your own projects, each of you can have your own needlepoint. Save the finished product to show everyone and remember the awesome needlepoint date you two enjoyed.
Fun & Games
A water balloon fight is a perfect answer for a sweltering hot summer day. Fill up as many balloons as you can with water before going outside. Each of you should have the same amount of balloons to make the competition fair. You can either run around and try to hit each other with the balloons or let loose as soon as you get outside. Change your clothes, go barefoot, and enjoy drenching each other under the hot summer sun. You will yell and scream with excitement as you chase each other around, trying to burst as many balloons as possible.
Personal Development
It's always fun to see who is the sharpest when playing brain games. You can play brain games online or buy a box game and play against each other. Turn your game date into something genuinely spectacular buy ordering pizza and wings or creating an over the top meal from scratch. Why not turn game night into a date with all the bells and whistles? The brain games will even be more exciting if you place a little wager on the game. If you have a meal, the loser has to take out the trash or do the dishes. The bet will make both of you play a little harder, making the outcome of the game even more exciting.
Arts & Culture
Are you the type of couple who finds yourselves reading bumper stickers while you're out and about? If so, you're the perfect candidates to make your own bumper stickers! Designing a bumper sticker isn't all that difficult, and you can do it online for free. The fun part is to come up with something funny or witty to say on your bumper sticker. You can give out your finished bumper stickers to your friends, and you can also put them on your car. You'll laugh up a storm while you're creating bumper stickers that you think are funny. Creating bumper stickers is one of those dates that you can enjoy for weeks or even months later, when you look at what you produced.
Arts & Culture
Everyone watches TV and movies and thinks that they can act as well as their favorite actors. An acting date will enable you to put your acting chops to the test. If you want to take your acting date to the next level, record the two of you acting, and share it on YouTube. If you're not feeling so adventurous, you can share what happened during your date with people you know. You can act out scenes from your favorite movies, go a notch higher and read Shakespeare, or make up your own script. Acting enables you to get in touch with your inner artist, and it also allows you to see another side of your spouse that you may have never seen before.
Romance & Relationship
Playing 21 questions isn't only a fantastic date idea; it's also a great way of getting to know your spouse a little better. It doesn't matter how long you've been married; there's still plenty of stuff for the two of you to learn about each other. You can find the 21 questions to ask by searching for them on the internet. Alternatively, you can also make up your own 21 questions. Why not order a pizza and munch on it while answering the questions? If it's a beautiful day outside, pack a lunch, head to the park, and answer all the questions while taking in some fresh air and sun.
Fun & Games
The first thing that probably comes to mind when you think of balloon twisting is clowns. As you probably know, clowns or others who are good at balloon twisting can make all kinds of things out of balloons. You can learn how to make all kinds of things out of balloons by watching a couple of YouTube videos. You can buy the balloons required for twisting at almost any party shop or even online. The balloons used for twisting are inexpensive, and that's why this is a fun date idea nearly all couples can do. You can create all kinds of balloon figures and give them to neighborhood children or kids in your family. All kids love balloons, and they like them even more if they're in fun shapes. If you're planning on twisting your own balloon creations, make sure you have the pump too, blowing up these balloons can be very difficult without it.
Causes & Service
It always seems like there's an election right around the corner. Have you ever thought about turning voting day into a date? Most people vote close to home, so you're never too far away from the voting booth. You can walk to the polling station and get a little fresh air. Why not go out to eat after you're done voting? If that isn't your cup of tea, then bring a picnic and find someplace to eat. The act of voting itself can be turned into a date. Voting is a duty that doesn't have to be dull and boring. You can turn it into a fun date, and the two of you can talk about the issues on the way to vote and after you've voted. The debate the two of you have may end up being more entertaining than what you see on those cable news channels.
Personal Development
A fitness challenge is a great date idea that can eventually lead to so much more. You start with one date focused on fitness, and then it snowballs into a life of its own. The health of a couple is vital since, as time goes on, how in shape and healthy you are will determine the quality of your life. If you have a family, then you must be in tip-top shape to take care of everyone. A fitness challenge reminds both the husband and wife that their health is essential for their family's longevity. Fitness challenges are a great way to motivate a healthy lifestyle and what better cheerleader and coach than your own spouse.
Food & Drink
A dinner date can be as low key or as fantastic as you want it to be. You can head to your favorite fast-food restaurant or go someplace that has tablecloths. Food courts at shopping malls can make for an awesome dinner date because both of you can choose what food you want. A dinner date can be a functional event where the two of you enjoy a meal after a hard day of work, or it can be a reason to celebrate. The important thing is that you're setting aside time that both of you can get together and enjoy the other's company. Eating a sack of burgers at the park can be just as enjoyable as dining in a bistro with a snooty waiter. Have fun, enjoy the meal, and allow the sparks to fly between the two of you.
Causes & Service
Doing something good for someone else is always a great way to spend your time. Why not turn doing good deeds for others into your next date? What kind of good deeds can you do? You can take an elderly person's dog for a walk. Why not go to the store and buy groceries for someone who is disabled? Sometimes the best thing you can do for others is to spend some time with them. You and your spouse could sit on the porch and talk to someone who never gets any visitors. Look for opportunities where you can pay it forward and do good deeds for others and turn them into dates that will be enjoyable for both of you and the person on the receiving end.
A fashion show is a collision of modern expression and art in a way that's easily presentable to the public. Ask your spouse which outfits they liked the best and why. Also, ask them what they think are the worst outfits. It'll be fun to see if the two of you like the same outfits or something entirely different. Fashion shows often have food and other attractions that you can enjoy as well. Who knows, the two of you may end up meeting a famous model, and if so, you'll always have that to remember your fashion show date with. For a sexy variation on this theme, put on your own fashion show for each other. Dress up however you'd like and strut your own stuff down the runway at home.
It seems that dogs never get enough exercise. Taking your dog for a walk is a great date idea since it gets everyone involved some much-needed exercise. You can take your dog for a walk around where you live or take them to a park. Turn your dog walking date into something extra special by going to a pet store that allows pets inside. Tell your dog that it can have any treat or toy they choose. It'll be so much fun watching your dog go excitedly go through the aisles trying to find something they want to take home.
Axe and knife throwing take the type of mental focus that can help melt the stress away. It's impossible to focus on anything other than what you're throwing when you have a sharp object that you're trying to stick into something. You and your spouse can have a competition to see who can throw the axe or knife better. Take a slice of a log and make it your goal to get as close to the center of it as possible. If you don't have a log lying around, make a target out of a piece of wood. The person who gets closest to the center can have bragging rights for the rest of the evening on who is the better thrower.
Romance & Relationship

Communication is always an issue in a marriage. Setting aside a little time for something like learning about "love languages" is a must. Author Gary Chapman wrote in his book The Five Love Languages about the ways that people express and receive love. Taking the surveys can be eye opening as you gain insight into how your spouse (and yourself) prefers to be shown love. After you've determined your love languages you'll be more aware of the way you express love within your relationship. Sitting down next to each other and speaking about what makes you feel loved is a great way to express your feelings. It's not always easy to get mushy, but let the words flow. Allow your heart to do all the talking, and you'll find the right words to say. It's okay to feel uncomfortable talking about you feel on the inside, what isn't okay is bottling it up. Allow your heart to gush and say whatever it is that your feeling. Love is a beautiful thing but it requires nurture and attention. You need to educate yourselves on the 5 love languages to ensure that you're expressing love in the ways that your spouse cherishes most.
Skateboarding is the type of date that you will never forget for as long as you live. Riding a skateboard is difficult, but there are so many different things that you can do while standing on the board. Watch a few YouTube videos to get ideas on what type of tricks beginners can do on skateboards. It will take you a little time to get used to the feeling of the wheels under your feet as you go down the sidewalk. It might be a good idea to hold each other's hands, in the beginning, to learn how to balance yourself on the skateboard. For the sake of having a safe date, you may want to invest in at least a helmet and/or some kneepads to protect yourself from falling.