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Married Fun has all the date ideas! Read on to see all our date ideas tagged with
"common". Mix up your next date night with these awesome activities. For the full experience make sure you check out the
Married Fun Date Planner.
Magic shows aren't just for kids, and they are the perfect date for the couple who needs to get out of the house. You will love seeing the look of surprise on your spouse's face when something outrageous happens. If you want to have a really exciting time, sit in the front row of the magic show. Magicians often ask for volunteers out of the front row. All the way home, you both will ask each other how the magician performed their tricks. All of the tricks that you see will be on the tip of your tongue for quite some time until you learn how they pulled them off.
Water skiing is an adventure waiting to happen when you're being pulled by a boat. It's such an enjoyable experience being outside surrounded by water as the boat pulls you along. It's always fun to watch your spouse's face while they're having the time of their life. It's instant excitement when the boat goes, and you're holding on for dear life. Those who enjoy being outside, the water, and plenty of sun will enjoy a fun-filled date of water skiing.
Events & Attractions
Community events are a great way to give back to the community. Usually, a community event will benefit the community somehow if nothing other than ginning up business for local merchants. Sometimes you can get lucky, and the event will be something specific that will directly help someone in your community. These are the dates when you don't care about how much things cost or if something is a good value. Go and enjoy yourselves on your date while supporting a good cause. If there are no current community events, consider putting one on yourselves and setting aside all the proceeds to a local charity with broad support from the community.
Fun & Games
A social media date is more fun than what most people probably realize. The way you turn social media into a date is by sitting next to each other on the couch and taking turns scrolling through your timeline. Do you know what your spouse looks at while on social media? You might learn quite a bit about them if you see what they're up to. Social media is loaded with everything, from humor to politics and everything in between. You might want to start your date with something light-hearted and see where it goes. Pop a bowl of popcorn and see where this date takes you because you never know when it comes to social media.
Food & Drink
A dinner cruise combines both boating and mealtime into one. The two of you will have plenty of opportunities to enjoy the deck before going down to eat your meal. If you're the type of couple who likes to see what's going on, try to sit near the window. The conversation will begin to flow as you're eating while floating down the river. The romantic side of a dinner cruise is that you get to savor a great meal while doing something that you may have never done before. Allow yourself to live in the moment and enjoy each other's company while being in the middle of a scenic spot.
Dodgeball isn't only a game played in gym during your grade school years. You can also play dodgeball as an adult. How would you turn dodgeball into a date? Well, the easiest way is to play against each other and see who can dodge the ball the best. You can take turns throwing the ball at each other. If you know of other couples who would be interested in playing dodgeball, you can turn it into a double date. You can even get all the married couples in your church or civic club to have a dodgeball date and have even more fun.
Going to a tennis match is a memorable day to experience because you get to see professionals at the top of their game. If you are a fan of tennis, you will enjoy watching the professionals that you see on television playing the game that you love. Tennis is an exciting game, and you never know what to expect when the world's top professionals are playing. You can make your tennis date even more memorable by dressing up and making sure that both of you stand out from the crowd. Wear your most fashionable summer attire and go out of your way to be the hottest looking couple sitting in the stands.
Traditions are such an essential part of who we are. If you have a family, it's always nice to teach your children about your traditions. Why not turn a date night into an evening of learning about your traditions and finding ways to preserve them? The memories that come about from reliving the traditions make the effort all that worthwhile. People from your past will spurt out of nowhere and, along with them, memories that you thought you forgot. Traditions have a way of dying in the modern technical era, but they don't have to. Preserve your past while also protecting your future by setting and doing traditions that have been passed on from generations past.
YouTube offers a plethora of free videos that cover almost everything you can think of. Watching online videos together is a fun way to relax and have some alone time with each other. Do you subscribe to some of the same channels? If so, watch your favorite videos together. It's also fun to search YouTube to find YouTubers that you've never watched before. Whatever topic you can think is probably available to watch on YouTube. Explore some new things that might have never been on your radar before. Who knows, you might stumble upon new activities that can later be turned into new date ideas.
Arts & Culture
Handicraft allows your creative side to shine while making things that you can cherish. If both of you are the type who loves arts and crafts, a handicraft date is something you should do. Even if only one of you is into crafts, making a date out of handicraft is still a great idea. You can help each other, and it's these types of dates that enables couples to bond. You get to see your partner's creative personality in action, and you get to learn more about them. So, even if you don't think you're the creative type, have a handicraft date and get to know yourself and the person you love better. Something else that's great about doing handicraft is, you can give away the final product as gifts or sell them online at a place like Etsy.
Snow skiing is an excellent way for a married couple to enjoy winter together. Hitting the slopes is a fun way to get a healthy dose of excitement in your lives. Also, going to a resort is a fun way to take a weekend trip and enjoy yourselves. There's something extra fun about going into a resort for a cup of hot chocolate after you've been out in the cold. If you really want to have a good time, race while going down the hill. You'll end up having several races because the loser won't want to stay the loser for long. Before the two of you know it, you'll both have gone down the hill several times, and the day will be all but over.
Fun & Games
If there's an event coming up that requires a party, planning for it is a must. Can you really turn party planning into a date? Why not? You can plan the party out longhand on a piece of paper or use an electronic device to make it much easier. You could turn an evening at the park into a party planning date and even have a picnic. You'll have to get together with your spouse to plan the party; you might as well turn it into a date. Even a pan of freshly baked brownies and a glass of milk can turn planning a party into a date that the two of you can enjoy.
A little fun in the sun is a great way to relax and get a tan at the same time. Sunbathing is also an excellent way to get the lines of communication going. You're not doing anything other than lying in the sun. Take this opportunity to talk to each other and to catch up on what's going on. Don't forget the suntan lotion, or you might end up getting burned. A radio or your smartphone is all you need for a little background noise for your suntanning date. You don't need to go anywhere special to sunbathe, your backyard or someplace secluded are great places if you don't have a beach or lake nearby.
Extreme sports are even more exciting when you get to watch it in person. Watching your favorite extreme sports athletes perform at their very best is more thrilling when you can cheer them on. Going to an extreme sporting event is a fantastic day to experience that will create memories that last a lifetime. If you really want to have fun, cheer for your favorite athletes at the top of your lungs. Who knows, if the sporting event is broadcast on television, you might hear yourself cheering while watching.
Fun & Games
Every now and then, everyone needs to let their hair down and have a little old-fashioned fun. A skipping stones date allows you to do just that, and it's so incredibly relaxing. How exactly do you skip stones? First you find some small, flat rocks, they'll skip across the water best. Once you have a good rock to toss out there, try to throw it hard and fast, at a low angle (as parallel to the water as possible). This will allow you to skip them across the water. Ponds and lakes work best for skipping stones, and you'll get the hang of it after a while. You'll be surprised by how many times you can get the stone to skip across the water. It won't be long until you're able to skip the stone a pretty far distance. For added fun, have a competition to see who can get the most skips in, get the highest skip, skip the largest rock, etc.
Whittling is a relaxing hobby that's best enjoyed on a front or back porch. All you need to for your whittling date is a piece of wood and a sharp knife. The wood can be found anywhere, and you might even consider using a fallen tree branch that you can find for free. The knife, well, you don't need a specialty whittling knife if you're not going to pursue this any further. If you think that this is something that might make for a great reoccurring date, invest a few bucks into a set of sharp knives that you can use for whittling. Allow your creativity to flow and see where your whittling will take you by see who can carve the best designs out of wood.
Hit the slopes and go down them together while snowboarding. Snowboarding is indeed something that you can only do during certain times of the year. But you can also take a short vacation and hit the powder that way too. Going down a mountain while on a snowboard is one of the most exciting things you'll ever experience. You will want to do it all over again by the time you're at the bottom of the hill. Watching each other's faces as you go down the mountain will offer many priceless memories since no one can hide their excitement while snowboarding.
Going on a cruise is an excuse to pamper yourself to the max. Enjoy all the amenities that a cruise has to offer, such as delicious food, a relaxing spa, and a magnificent view. Cruise trips can last hours, days, or even weeks. Have you ever thought about going on a weekend cruise as a date? If not, it's something that you should consider. No one knows how to roll out the red carpet and make the ordinary person feel extraordinary like a cruise company does. You will feel like royalty, and the two of you will finally be able to spend some quality time together in a stress-free environment.
Fun & Games
The fourth of July or any other event with fireworks makes for a great date night. If you're lucky, you might be able to watch the fireworks from your home. If not, then bring a blanket, something soft to sit on, and maybe a snack. Sometimes there are food vendors near fireworks shows that sell tasty treats. Turn your fireworks date night into something spectacular by getting some food to munch on while watching the colors burst into the sky. Try to find out the exact time of the show, so you don't miss out on any of the action. If fireworks are legal in your area even better - shooting fireworks off yourself can be tons of fun on date night.
Something magical happens when it gets dark outside, and the city you live in begins to light up. A drive through your city at night opens up a new world that you rarely see if you're never out late. Pay attention to all the signs and how your favorite stores and restaurants look when they're illuminated. The world comes alive at night, and there's no better proof of that than when the neon lights start to flicker. Point out which signs are your favorite and try to guess which ones your spouse might like the most. Try to find a little extra elevation for an even more beautiful scene.
Fun & Games
Costumes can bring out a side of a couple that they never knew existed. You can dress up as your favorite cartoon characters, athletes, or celebrities. Your costume date can consist of creating the costume, buying the costume, or simply wearing it. If you're feeling adventurous, level up your date night by wearing your costume out in public. Imagine the look on a friend's face if you both were to show up at their place of employment while dressed up in your costumes. There is so much fun to be had with a costume date, and you can also turn it into several dates. Making or buying the costume can be one date, and wearing it can be another date.
Causes & Service
No one likes the idea of ending up in a nursing home. Just imagine how difficult it must be for people who live there. You can make their lives better by visiting or volunteering your time. Nursing homes often have games for their residents to play, such as bowling or bingo. Volunteers often are the ones who put the games on, and it's a great date idea. You can turn your date into something that everyone in the nursing home can enjoy. If you don't have time for that, you can always visit people in the nursing home. If you have friends, family, or people from your church in a nursing home, visit them during a date.
If you have old bread lying around a trip to the park to feed the ducks is an awesome date idea. The ducks will be so happy to see you and your bread. Each of you can feed the ducks, and it will be fun to watch how the other reacts. Taking pictures or making videos of your duck feeding date is also a lot of fun since you can share them with friends and family. If there are no ducks nearby you can probably find some pigeons or wild birds who would be just as happy to help you have a fun date. Sometimes a relaxing date like feeding the ducks at the park is the perfect way for two people to get out of the house and enjoy some quality time together.
Watching the sunset is a great way to relax and unwind after a busy day. There's something so romantic about watching the sun go down while darkness begins to blanket the area. Get a blanket and sit out in the grass and look up towards the heavens as the day starts to dwindle. Take this moment and share why you love each other so much. Talk about the things that make the other special or just hold each other. Use this as a brief moment to enjoy the beauty of Mother Nature and to allow yourselves to enjoy being alone.
Health & Wellness
Makeovers are necessary from time to time because well get stale in our beauty and wardrobe choices. Have you ever thought about letting your spouse choose your clothes or hair style for you? A makeover might consist of changes to clothing, hair styles or how she does her makeup. It sounds as crazy as it is because you never know what they are going to choose for you. Go to the store and allow each person to buy one outfit for the other. You will be shocked and probably amazed by what your spouse thinks you'll look the best in. Work together on how to improve each others appearance. This is a great way to open up lines of communication that you may have never considered.
The entire goal of paintball is to see how many times you can hit your target. Who is your target? Well, it's you and your spouse! If shooting each other is too much for either of you to handle, then you can do a little target practice. It will be fun to see who can hit the target the most with the paintballs. If you're feeling adventurous, then hunt each other in a warlike manner until all of your paintballs are gone. The winner will be the person who has the least amount of paint on them. There's something so fun about shooting each other with paintballs that it might become a regular date night activity. If you have your own equipment you can play with just the two of you or a small group of friends. Or if not, find a place that offers paintball and provides everything you need including the venue itself.
Causes & Service
Being in service to others means that you do whatever they need help with. You might offer your time to take someone to the doctor, clean their home, or walk their dog. Sometimes what people need is something that requires two more or to get the job done. By turning servicing the community into a date, you'll improve others' lives while spending time together. You will feel great about yourself and as a couple if you can do something that will make someone's life better. Even small tasks like doing laundry, raking leaves, or sitting down and talking to someone can significantly impact their life.
Health & Wellness
Meditation is about so much more than sitting still, as you will learn on this date. Those who meditate learn how to control their emotions and to clear their mind. At first, it will feel that a mediation date leads up to not much of anything, but wait until it's over. You will feel refreshed and rejuvenated. A couple who meditates together grows together because you come out of it with a clear mind. You'll be able to work through your problems more efficiently, and the lines of communication are freer. It might not make sense until you've tried it, but once you have, your relationship will never be the same.
Getting away for the weekend is more than just a fantastic date idea, it's also a much-needed stress reliever for couples. Fill up the gas tank on your car and go on a mini-adventure or take a short flight to a destination where you can let your hair down. Choose a romantic getaway where the two of you can be alone and enjoy the area where you're staying. Short vacation dates like these can do wonders for a relationship by strengthening your bond and keeping everything exciting. If you have kids this can offer a much-needed break from them and an opportunity for the two of you to focus on - you. A quick trip can produce lifelong memories, and the impact of the vacation can ripple throughout your relationship.
Food & Drink
People live busy lives, and sometimes it's hard to prepare a home-cooked meal during the week. Have you ever thought about turning a night of cooking into a date? You can make several meals at once over a few hours if the two of you chip in on the work. You cook the food and then freeze it to eat later on during the week. Think of your date night meals as frozen TV dinners with the most crucial ingredient in them, which is love. You can eat healthily all week long, and it will be because of the time you shared during your date night cooking spree.
For those of you who don't know, rappelling is when you go down the side of a mountain using a rope. Think of rappelling as being the opposite of mountain climbing. Rappelling allows you to experience the height and beauty of a mountain without having the difficult journey of climbing up it. You get to bounce around on the rope until you're all the way down to the very bottom. Those couples who enjoy outdoor adventures will get the most out of rappelling. Rappelling does require some equipment and training, so do your research and determine the best way to be safe and have a great time. If you really want to turn your rappelling into something special, go camping afterward to get the most of being in the great outdoors.
Going canoeing can be an all-day adventure or something you do for a few hours. For the ultimate canoeing date, bring along a lunch and eat it in the wilderness. The summer months are the best time to go canoeing, but it's an activity that you can do as long as the weather is nice. Each of you will have fun learning how to row in sync with each other. It takes a little practice, but before too long, you'll be rowing together in a matter of no time. Canoeing enables you to connect to the great outdoors while also enjoying a few precious moments together.
Binge-watching a new series is a great way to catch up with a show that you've never seen before. Get some snacks, a few refreshments, and plan on doing nothing all day but enjoy sitting in front of the TV. Binge-watching television shows is great if the weather outside is too messy or cold to do something else. If you really want to turn your binge-watching date into something spectacular, order a pizza and have a feast while watching your favorite shows. A few hours in front of the TV together is good because it allows you to have some precious downtime that couples usually don't get enough of.
Hitting the links on a bright, beautiful sunny day is an excellent getaway for those who want some alone time. You can either go on the range and hit some balls or play as many holes as possible. There are so many opportunities for couples to talk while they're playing golf. The game itself often is the backdrop for the conversation that takes place. As you go from hole to hole, the conversation has a way of flowing. As a well-established couple, good communication can sometimes be difficult, and hitting the golf course is an excellent excuse to spawn some great conversations.
Arts & Culture

Reading poetry can be a fun addition to any date or could be a date all by itself. You can read poems written by others that you find online or in books. Each of you should search the internet for poems that you find enjoyable. For fun, try to convey what the poem is saying with your voice and body language. Act out parts of the poem to emphasize the meaning behind certain parts of it. Share them by standing up and reading the poems to each other. Try to capture the spirit of the written word and act out what you feel the poet had in mind. It's also fun to have a themed poetry reading night. For example, love might be a theme for one night, while sadness could be a theme for your next poetry reading date. Reading poetry can open up your emotions as nothing else can. A poetry reading date is about so much more than the poems; it's about how they make you feel. Get in contact with your inner selves during this date, and the two of you will grow as a couple. Literature can be a beautiful thing to experience together as a couple.
The carnival might come to town only once a year, but when it's around it's the perfect date. You already know when the carnival is coming to town long before it ever does. Ask your boss for the day off, and the two of you can have fun like teenagers. Ride the rides, eat the food, and take selfies while doing all sorts of things. The fair is the one place where everyone feels the same no matter how old you are. Try to ride at least one thing that makes the two of you freak out. You'll always remember the time that you almost wet yourself because the ride was too scary.
Food & Drink
Hitting up your local coffee shop or juice bar is a great date idea for married couples. If you want to kick up your date a few notches, get something sweet to go along with your drinks. Most coffee shops have cookies, donuts, or other pastries that you can enjoy while sipping on your coffee. The old school donut shops are so much fun because they usually have delicious fresh donuts and bottomless cups of coffee. The quality of coffee at restaurants has increased over the years, and even fast-food restaurants now have good enough coffee to enjoy during a date.
Personal Development
Every couple has a couple of things that they find interesting as all getout. If you're fortunate, your spouse shares many of the same interests as you do. If that's the case, a research or study date is something that you'll really enjoy. The research can take place online, or you might want to trek out and gather facts in the real world. Local museums and your library are places where you can go on your date to get the information you need for your research. Don't be surprised if your research date ends up turning into something that you do for months, if not years to come. Gathering information is addictive, and you'll want to learn about the subject as much as you can. What will you do with all your research? Start a blog? Write a book? Start a business? Solve world hunger? Learning is a noble pursuit with many options of how to put your information to good use.
Health & Wellness
For those of you who don't know, acroyoga combines yoga and acrobatics. Also written as acro yoga and acro-yoga, acroyoga requires two people, and that's what makes it such a fantastic date idea. You can easily find an acroyoga class by searching Google. Just type in acroyoga + your city to find classes in your area. If you can't find classes or wish to practice at home, do a simple search on YouTube for videos to instruct you on how to do acroyoga by yourselves. Any date that gets your blood flowing and focusing on exercise is a good thing. If you really want to kick your acroyoga date into high gear, follow it up with some healthy snacks. After a couple of acroyoga dates you'll begin to feel the difference, and your dates will end up being a regular routine to stay fit.
Food & Drink
A quick lunch date is a fantastic way to put a little pep in your step during the workday. The two of you can meet up at your favorite restaurant or whatever is close by. If you both work different shifts, that might mean you don't get to see each other very often. A lunch date is perfect because it will allow you to get together and see each other. The best restaurants to go to for a lunch date are those that have lunch specials because those places tend to cater to people in a hurry. The lunch specials are meals that are prepared quickly and are often sold at a great price.