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Married Fun has all the date ideas! Read on to see all our date ideas tagged with
"outdoor". Mix up your next date night with these awesome activities. For the full experience make sure you check out the
Married Fun Date Planner.
Health & Wellness
Being educated about first aid is something that comes in handy when you need it the most. You can learn a lot at events held by the Red Cross and other organizations. You can also turn to YouTube to learn how to administer a variety of first aid techniques. If you don't have a first aid kit in your home, go buy one or put one together. Everyone should know what to do in case of an emergency. A date learning the basics of first aid will give you the upper hand during an emergency or natural disaster. The first few minutes of a tragedy are when you prevent permanent injury or loss of a loved one. Knowing first aid cuts down on the likelihood of something terrible happening.
A date featuring a tour could be a number of things from taking a tour of a factory, a historical building, or riding a bus while a tour guide tells you about significant landmarks you pass. You can even go on a virtual tour online and see incredible things without ever having to leave your home. The tour's depth is up to you, but the one consistent thing is that you'll get to experience something new with your spouse. Take your date to the next level by finding places to take tours that interest both of you. It'll take a little work to find something that strikes both your fancies, but it's well worth the effort since dates like these tend to be highly memorable ones.
There are several different ways that you can have a product testing date. The two of you could go to the store and buy several foods that you've never tasted before and give them a try. You could try to join a company that pays people to test products for them. You could even make a video of you and your spouse testing different products and share it on YouTube. It's easy to find a ton of things either online or at the store that you've never used before. Don't limit yourself to only food; you can also test household products, hair care products, or even perfumes. Be creative and try a few things that you know you'll bust a gut laughing because of how strange they are.
A stroll through your neighborhood might sound like an odd date at first. Everyone can use a little more exercise, and walking is a great way to get rid of stress. Walking also allows you to talk to each other. Finding the time to converse is becoming increasingly difficult these days for couples. An open line of communication is necessary for a healthy marriage. Hold hands, walk together like two teenagers in love, and enjoy the outdoors and the company of the person you love. Going for a walk is also free, so this is one of those dates that there's no excuse as to why you can't do it.
Arts & Culture
Festivals come around every year, and they offer an excellent opportunity for the perfect date. Set aside a few dollars to have yourself a good time when the festival is in town. Sometimes festivals are free, which means you won't need to shell out any money to go on a date there. But, you'll probably want to buy something to eat or at the very least a souvenir. Make sure to wear comfortable shoes since you'll probably do quite a bit of walking while you're at the festival. Local festivals are great because you get to enjoy everything that makes your community the wonderful place that it is.
Xpogo is taking pogo to an extreme. Yes, you can take pogo to an extreme, as you'll find out while watching Xpogo during a date. The pogo you knew and loved as a child has a new grown-up version and is best left to the professionals. Now you can do all kinds of tricks that you never thought were possible. A fun date idea is to watch people on YouTube doing Xpogo or if you're lucky, you can witness it in person.
The Olympics is always a must-see event. If you're fortunate enough to be there in person, it will be a remarkable, unforgettable experience. Don't worry if you can't attend the Olympics in person on your date. Watching the Olympics can be even more fun because you can prepare all kinds of snacks or even order a pizza to chow down on during the games. If you and your spouse are real sports fans, you can choose favorite athletes to see who will win. Want to take your date to the next level? Place friendly wagers on the outcomes of the games. For example, if your athlete wins, your spouse will have to do the laundry the next time.
Classes & Workshops
Art classes are fun for both artistic couples and those who aren't creative in the least. Sometimes those who are the least creative end up enjoying art classes the most because you discover a side of yourself that you didn't know existed. Art classes come in various forms, and you should be able to find some locally that are both paid and free. If you don't want to leave the house, you might be able to find some live streaming art classes for your date. If all else fails, check out YouTube and find some free art classes there that you can watch at any time. Save your art projects so you can remember your date or give them away as gifts so that the fun you two had impacts even more lives.
Fun & Games
Playing games in your yard offers the opportunity to have fun while not having to go very far at all. Badminton, corn hole and lawn darts are a few games that you can play in your yard. Getting some fresh air and moving your body is always a great way to spend some of your free time. If you've got a competitive spirit, then yard games are right up your alley. Make friendly wagers with each other or try to get more points than the other for bragging rights. Playing any game is much more fun when you have someone who you can compete against.
Gardening is an activity both of you can do during a date and enjoy the benefits for months to come. Who doesn't love eating fresh produce straight from the garden? Another great date idea is to preserve your bountiful harvest together by canning and freezing everything after you've picked it. A jar of preserves is a wonderful gift, and the two of you can whip up a batch in your kitchen with the fruits of your labor in the garden. You can turn your backyard into a garden or even a windowsill if you're in an apartment, and outdoor space is at a premium.
Fun & Games
For those of you who don't know, playing cornhole is where you toss bean bags through a hole in a board. You can either make your own cornhole board and bags or buy them online. You can play cornhole inside your home, but it's even more fun to play outside. The further away you are from the board, the more challenging it becomes. The goal is to get as many bags in the hole as possible. You can have a lively competition where the loser has to wash dishes in the evening. It won't be long before the two of you are laughing and having fun while trying to get the bag into the hole. cornhole is such a simple game, but that's what makes it fun to play. Anyone can play cornhole, but it's tough to master, and that's why you'll want to keep playing to improve your skills. Invite a couple of other couples to your cornhole date activity and compete as teams for even more fun.
Causes & Service
Habitat for Humanity does so many good things for our society. Donating your time as a couple to Habitat for Humanity is a fantastic way to give back to your community while also going out on a date. Don't worry if neither of you is a carpenter or can build a home, many tasks need to be completed, and people can do them with no experience. For example, you might clean up the construction site or help in another way. Though, if you can help build the house, it will be a fantastic feeling. Every time the two of you go by the home that you helped build, you will always remember your date. The best dates are always those that benefit the most, and few dates can benefit your community like donating your time and talents to Habitat for Humanity.
Dodgeball isn't only a game played in gym during your grade school years. You can also play dodgeball as an adult. How would you turn dodgeball into a date? Well, the easiest way is to play against each other and see who can dodge the ball the best. You can take turns throwing the ball at each other. If you know of other couples who would be interested in playing dodgeball, you can turn it into a double date. You can even get all the married couples in your church or civic club to have a dodgeball date and have even more fun.
If you or another couple you know are thinking about having a baby soon or you see children in your future, then coming up with names is essential. Some couples spend countless days going through books and websites trying to come up with the perfect name. Many times, couples are unsure what their baby's name should be, and it takes time to come up with something they both can agree on. Get yourself some snacks, turn on some music, and have fun coming up with names. You can go through names off of the top of your head or look them up. The fun part is seeing which names your spouse likes and the ones that they refuse to give your child. The back story behind the names they won't accept can sometimes be more interesting than choosing a baby name.
Rugby is a game like football that most Americans have never experienced. If you know much about Rugby, you're more multicultural than most. If you're unsure of what the game is, do a quick search on YouTube for it. Learning how to play Rugby is fairly easy, and the two of you will have all kinds of fun on your date, either trying to play the game or watching a game in person or in videos. If you want to increase the amount of fun you have, the best way to do it is by inviting couples to play along with you. A rugby double date or more will be a total blast, and you'll be able to connect with other couples.
Fun & Games
Frisbee golf is where you throw a frisbee and try to hit several different targets on a course. The game resembles golf in the sense that you play 9 or 18 holes. You can play frisbee golf without a course, but it's a lot of work. You either want to set up your own course or see if there is a frisbee golf course in your area. Alternatively, you can set up a miniature course where there are only a few targets. If you have a big back yard or live not far from a wooded area, setting up a small course isn't too tricky, and you'll be able to get a few holes in during your date. Frisbee golf is a fun activity that most couples have yet to try.
Road cruising is probably not what you think it is, and it's a date idea for those of you who love reptiles, amphibians, and other critters that tend to make people jolt in fear or disgust. Or maybe you want to confront your fears or are just fascinated by the world around you. You will want to be careful though because some of the critters can be poisonous, and it can take someone knowledgeable to know which are which. It's best to find some back roads where you can drive slowly and look out your car window for the creatures. Take your smartphone with you so you can snap a few shots of anything that you see while you're cruising along looking for creepy crawlies.
Fun & Games
Augmented reality is fun because it adds to the world as you know it. What is augmented reality? It's where you use a smartphone or another electronic device that shows the world around you differently than what it is. Augmented reality usually takes the form of games, and they are a lot of fun to play with your spouse. You will be surprised to see the new world around you, and your spouse's reaction to it will be priceless. Try several games to see which ones you enjoy best. The best games are those you go outside and play, but there are a few indoor games that you can enjoy during those times when the weather doesn't permit you to go out.
Going to a hockey game is a date night idea for two people who love to watch people play on the ice. Bring a little extra cash so you can enjoy a bite to eat and a soda while watching the big game. The fun thing to do is to ask the other which team they think will win. Throw down a friendly wager if you disagree. Ask each other what you think the final score will be, and it'll be exciting to see who is right. Hockey is a fast-paced game where the fans let loose, and sometimes people act wild. The look on your face when your spouse goes crazy will be priceless.
The polar bear plunge is where you jump into a body of water during the wintertime. You jump into a lake or a pond when it's cold and then go swimming. You might just find that you're jumping out faster than you jumped in. Make sure you do this safely and be prepared with towels and anything else you'll need to get warm and dry. It used to be thought that entering cold water like that was good for your immune system. If there's one thing that's for sure, plunging into ice-cold water will make you come alive as nothing else will. You will always remember the look on each other's faces (and accompanying gasps or screams) when they entered the water and then came out. Challenge each other to do this fun activity which you'll likely remember forever.
Romance & Relationship
Anyone familiar with the 36 questions that lead to love knows the type of impact they can have on a relationship. Originially designed as a social experiment between strangers, these 36 questions can help improve the relationship of married couples too. Typically, it takes people about 45 minutes to ask and answer the 36 questions. That means if both of you were to ask the other the 36 questions, it would be the perfect activity for date night. That's hardly enough time for a date, but you can stretch out the questions. Maybe ask to follow up questions or reflect on the answers after both of you are done. The main takeaway from this is that you learn something new about your spouse while having a good time. Some of the answers they give will blow you away, and you'll learn so many more things about the person you love. Good communication is vital to healthy relationships and the 36 questions are a great way to open up to each other even more.
Causes & Service
It always seems like there's an election right around the corner. Have you ever thought about turning voting day into a date? Most people vote close to home, so you're never too far away from the voting booth. You can walk to the polling station and get a little fresh air. Why not go out to eat after you're done voting? If that isn't your cup of tea, then bring a picnic and find someplace to eat. The act of voting itself can be turned into a date. Voting is a duty that doesn't have to be dull and boring. You can turn it into a fun date, and the two of you can talk about the issues on the way to vote and after you've voted. The debate the two of you have may end up being more entertaining than what you see on those cable news channels.
Playing tetherball is a date that will bring you back to your childhood instantly. Almost no one these days has a tetherball in their backyard, and that means you will have to go to a playground or a park to play. The fun thing about tetherball is that it takes nearly no skill to play, but it is so much fun to hit the ball and watch it go around. The simplicity of the game ensures that everyone will have a good time, and both of you will be able to play without any problems. No one has to be an experienced tetherball player to have a fantastic date playing the game. After you're done playing tetherball, a great add-on to your date is to either go to a restaurant or treat yourself to some dessert afterward.
Enjoying the great outdoors while being out on the water is what kayaking is all about. You can either both be in the same kayak or go down the stream in separate kayaks. Kayaking takes very little skill, and even an outdoor novice can get the hang of it in a mere matter of minutes. Kayaking is an excellent form of exercise; it enables you to be close to nature and spend time with your spouse. For the ultimate kayaking date, go exploring, pack a lunch and enjoy a picnic while out in the middle of nowhere.
Arts & Culture
Nothing says autumn like carving a pumpkin. It doesn't matter if your date is near Halloween or not, carving a pumpkin is a fantastic way to spend a little time with each other. If you really want to turn your pumpkin carving date into something even more enjoyable, clean up pumpkin seeds and bake them in the oven. Fresh roasted pumpkin seeds are a delicious treat, and it will make your pumpkin carving date even that much more enjoyable. If you have the extra money lying around, you can buy two pumpkins and each carve your own to allow your creative sides to run wild.
Every town, big or small, has places where a couple can go sightseeing. Are you into old homes? Maybe you and your spouse are the types who like to go for a drive in the country. Big cities offer sight seeing attractions such as shopping districts, areas with old buildings, and hipster attractions. Sometimes the best sightseeing adventures are those where you discover new places in the city you live in. Areas of historical value are fun and educational places to visit. If you live in a touristy area, there might be tours you can take with guides who will educate you along the way.
Fun & Games
Water gun fights are a total blast on hot summer days. Load up your water gun and run around while squirting each other. You instantly feel like a child all over again when aiming your water gun at your spouse. It's impossible to do anything other than smile and giggle while you're spraying the person you love with water. If you really want to have a wild time, use cold water and really douse each other during a hot day. It's even more fun if you play cops and robbers and try to hide from each other. An unsuspecting blast of water is an instant laugh fest when you've been caught while hiding.
Causes & Service
Doing something good for someone else is always a great way to spend your time. Why not turn doing good deeds for others into your next date? What kind of good deeds can you do? You can take an elderly person's dog for a walk. Why not go to the store and buy groceries for someone who is disabled? Sometimes the best thing you can do for others is to spend some time with them. You and your spouse could sit on the porch and talk to someone who never gets any visitors. Look for opportunities where you can pay it forward and do good deeds for others and turn them into dates that will be enjoyable for both of you and the person on the receiving end.
Fun & Games
Costumes can bring out a side of a couple that they never knew existed. You can dress up as your favorite cartoon characters, athletes, or celebrities. Your costume date can consist of creating the costume, buying the costume, or simply wearing it. If you're feeling adventurous, level up your date night by wearing your costume out in public. Imagine the look on a friend's face if you both were to show up at their place of employment while dressed up in your costumes. There is so much fun to be had with a costume date, and you can also turn it into several dates. Making or buying the costume can be one date, and wearing it can be another date.
Food & Drink
A quick lunch date is a fantastic way to put a little pep in your step during the workday. The two of you can meet up at your favorite restaurant or whatever is close by. If you both work different shifts, that might mean you don't get to see each other very often. A lunch date is perfect because it will allow you to get together and see each other. The best restaurants to go to for a lunch date are those that have lunch specials because those places tend to cater to people in a hurry. The lunch specials are meals that are prepared quickly and are often sold at a great price.
Arts & Culture
Jewelry making is as much of a skill as it is an art form. It's hard to imagine that it's possible to turn a date into a work of art. You can do just that when you make jewelry. If the two of you are into fashion, then jewelry making is an acceleration of what you already love. Turn your date into profit or show off your hard work when you're out and about. Either way, you'll not only have something you can show from your date, but you'll gain insightful knowledge on how to do something in a highly profitable trade. Making jewelry for each other can be a great way to give each other mementos and fun conversation starters among friends, family and even strangers at the grocery store.
Fun & Games
The first thing that probably comes to mind when you think of balloon twisting is clowns. As you probably know, clowns or others who are good at balloon twisting can make all kinds of things out of balloons. You can learn how to make all kinds of things out of balloons by watching a couple of YouTube videos. You can buy the balloons required for twisting at almost any party shop or even online. The balloons used for twisting are inexpensive, and that's why this is a fun date idea nearly all couples can do. You can create all kinds of balloon figures and give them to neighborhood children or kids in your family. All kids love balloons, and they like them even more if they're in fun shapes. If you're planning on twisting your own balloon creations, make sure you have the pump too, blowing up these balloons can be very difficult without it.
Arts & Culture

You've probably heard the song The 12 Days of Christmas before. If celebrating Christmas is a tradition you follow then 12 days of Christmas can be a great date activity. Traditionally the 12 Days of Christmas mark the Christmas celebration beginning on Christmas day. Each day celebrates an important event in Christianity. For your date activity you can learn about or celebrate these events. There are several additional takes on this tradition including the popular song. For this date activity you could use the theme of the gifts in the song in some way. See who can sing the song from start to finish without making any mistakes. Record yourselves singing the song so you can preserve the hilarity for years to come. Or why not try acting out the song or finding the items in your home or online? Turn the song into a scavenger hunt to see who can find the most items. There's also a way to use this theme to leave gifts for others on their doorsteps for each of the 12 nights leading up to Christmas. Make it more fun by being anonymous and trying to run away after ringing the doorbell without being caught. There are a lot of fun ways to enjoy the season. Above all else, enjoy the season and be thankful for the person you love.
Riding in an airboat is a fun way to see and experience an area such as a swamp or wetland. The average couple reading this won't have their own airboat or be able to drive one themselves. None of that is a big deal because if you live in an area where people use airboats, you'll be able to find someone who will rent it out and take you all over. You can ask the boat captain to be like a tour guide and tell you about all the things you pass through. You might also be able to ask the captain to stop the boat for you to go fishing or frog hunting. If nothing else, he might be able to stop the boat so the two of you can snap some pictures or maybe even have a picnic.
Personal Development
There are all kinds of free personality tests that you can take online. It will be so funny to see your spouse's reaction to some of the questions. It'll be even more eye-opening when they see the results of their personality test. Pop some popcorn, pour a glass of soda and see where the questions take you. Usually, the questions take you down a path where the two of you will be chatting it up in no time flat. The real fun of a personality test isn't the test itself; it's spending time with each other. Sometimes you need a little nudge in the right direction to sit down and smell the roses, and a personality test is as good of an excuse as any.
Going to a block party or even throwing a block party yourself is fun for the entire neighborhood. Why would you turn your date night into a party for everyone? Why not? There might be a reason you want to celebrate or just want to get the whole neighborhood together. If you're going to have a block party as a date, you'll probably want to notify the police beforehand. The police should be aware that there will be quite a bit of people going from house to house and having a good time. You wouldn't want your date to turn into an out of control party that makes the headlines in the newspaper the following day.
A trip to a national park is a great adventure. After you get to the park, that's when the real fun begins. There's hiking, fishing, rafting, bird watching and other outdoor activities that are enjoyable at a national park. Some parks even allow you to go camping. The fun you have in a national park can last a few hours or even a few days. Bring along a picnic for a short stay or camping gear for a weekend adventure. National parks usually have free or low-cost entry fees. Be sure to follow all the laws and rules for any activities that you may be doing. The fresh air, nature, and togetherness that you share will make for such an enjoyable experience. Nature has a way of bringing people together and stripping away all the negative things about life, so you can enjoy each other for who you are.
There's something so undeniably romantic about going on a gondola ride. It's like a blast from the past as the person guides you through the canal. It will take but a mere matter of moments before you're able to comprehend what's going on fully. After you get adjusted, that's when the sparks begin to fly. Romance will be in the air, and you'll hold hands for the entire evening after you get off the gondola. The perfect way to end a gondola date is by going to an Italian restaurant or anywhere where the two can eat a quiet meal while being left alone.
Ecotourism is one of those date ideas that might only be possible for a limited time in some areas. Sometimes nature takes control over a place and changes it forever. A few ecotourism ideas would be to visit the rain forest, check out some pristine waterways, and to climb the tallest mountain near you. Many of the most beautiful places on earth, as well as its creatures, are threatened by human overuse and exploitation, and due to things like climate change, some may be gone in your lifetime without intervention. Ecotourism gives you a chance to see these areas and support the locals to preserve their earthly treasures with the money you spend.
Events & Attractions
The renaissance faire is a blast from the past like few people ever experience. You can dress up as someone from medieval days or just go for the show. A renaissance faire date is a blast for those into this time period and those couples who like to experience new things. Every time you go to a renaissance faire, you notice something new about the time period that takes you by surprise. Some people really go over the top, and you can too with your costume and even your accent if you're in the mood to make it more fun.