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"outdoor". Mix up your next date night with these awesome activities. For the full experience make sure you check out the
Married Fun Date Planner.
Fun & Games
Temporary tattoos are a blast because you can see what you would look like with various tattoos without having to put anything permanent on your body. Everyone without tattoos always wonders what they would look full of tats. If you're not the type who would get a tattoo, going the temporary route is fantastic. You can get one tattoo or put them all over your body. A really fun thing to do during a temporary tattoo date would be to choose the tattoos for your spouse. Are you feeling mischievous or do you want to give your husband a frilly cute kitty tattoo? Maybe the husband will want to go all out and give his wife a face tattoo. You can do all kinds of things during this date and have a blast. Take a few pictures of yourself with the tattoos and freak your friends and family out. You don't have to tell them that your tattoos are temporary!
Axe and knife throwing take the type of mental focus that can help melt the stress away. It's impossible to focus on anything other than what you're throwing when you have a sharp object that you're trying to stick into something. You and your spouse can have a competition to see who can throw the axe or knife better. Take a slice of a log and make it your goal to get as close to the center of it as possible. If you don't have a log lying around, make a target out of a piece of wood. The person who gets closest to the center can have bragging rights for the rest of the evening on who is the better thrower.
Causes & Service
Being in service to others means that you do whatever they need help with. You might offer your time to take someone to the doctor, clean their home, or walk their dog. Sometimes what people need is something that requires two more or to get the job done. By turning servicing the community into a date, you'll improve others' lives while spending time together. You will feel great about yourself and as a couple if you can do something that will make someone's life better. Even small tasks like doing laundry, raking leaves, or sitting down and talking to someone can significantly impact their life.
Tree climbing is a date activity that can make you feel like a kid again. Seeing how high up each of you can climb in the tree is the exciting part. How high can you get before looking down is too scary? Snap a couple of pictures of each other while you're high up in the trees. No one will ever believe that the two of you decided to have a tree-climbing date. Big sturdy trees are the best to climb that are healthy and have plenty of branches to grab onto.
A fun game to play at the botanical garden is to try to identify as many of the plants as possible without looking at their name. Since indoor botanical gardens are open all year round, going there during the winter is a great date idea. You'll feel like you're walking around in a warm country as you look at all the plants. A trip to the botanical garden can be an all-day date if you plan it right. Some gardens have benches, and you can even eat lunch there. Consider donating to your local botanical garden if a nonprofit organization runs it. If you donate, then your date will benefit everyone in your community.
Going to a golf match enables you to see the professionals in action. If you start your date early, you might be able to get close to the ropes and have an even better view of the professionals as they work the course. Golfers tend to be a little more relaxed than other professional athletes, and you might be able to get an autograph if you're lucky. If you want to have even more fun during your golf date, each of you can choose a player that you think will win and cheer them on as the game continues, or even have a little friendly wager between the two of you.
Fun & Games
There's a whole world of improvisation games waiting for couples to discover them. Although improvisation games are mainly geared toward actors and performers they can be fun games for others as well. A quick Google search will produce dozens of games that you can play right away. Everyone has a hidden actor or comedian in them. Playing improvisation games unleashes your creative side while spending time together as the perfect date. Preserve your improvisation games date forever by making a video of your acting skills. The two of you will laugh uncontrollably years down the line when you watch the video of your date.
Going on a cruise is an excuse to pamper yourself to the max. Enjoy all the amenities that a cruise has to offer, such as delicious food, a relaxing spa, and a magnificent view. Cruise trips can last hours, days, or even weeks. Have you ever thought about going on a weekend cruise as a date? If not, it's something that you should consider. No one knows how to roll out the red carpet and make the ordinary person feel extraordinary like a cruise company does. You will feel like royalty, and the two of you will finally be able to spend some quality time together in a stress-free environment.
Hit the slopes and go down them together while snowboarding. Snowboarding is indeed something that you can only do during certain times of the year. But you can also take a short vacation and hit the powder that way too. Going down a mountain while on a snowboard is one of the most exciting things you'll ever experience. You will want to do it all over again by the time you're at the bottom of the hill. Watching each other's faces as you go down the mountain will offer many priceless memories since no one can hide their excitement while snowboarding.
For a fun date you can either watch wrestling, or the two of you can wrestle each other! If you plan on wrestling each other, try to have some rules in place, or your date will get out of control quickly. A husband and wife wrestling is a great way to enjoy a little closeness with each other. It sounds crazy, but wrestling allows you to get close and be near each other. You're not going to want to hurt each other or perform any moves like you see professional wrestlers do. However, tussling around on the floor or bed is more than okay. The goal is to get up close and personal on a wrestling date and see where things go. Married couples who lack intimacy might find that wrestling ignites a spark in their intimate relationship that sometimes seems fizzled out.
Events & Attractions
Nothing can make a cooped up couple feel young again like going to a theme park. What type of parks do you enjoy most? Maybe you're the type of couple who loves to go to a water park. Then again, you might be the type who enjoys going to Disneyland. If you really want to turn your theme park into a date you'll never forget, rent a room and stay there for the night. Almost all theme parks have a hotel on-site, and staying there will make the experience all that much more enjoyable. If you're on a budget, look for a hotel a little further away, pay close attention for deals or schedule your date during non-peak travel times when admission is cheaper.
Tidepooling is a lot of fun because you never know what's going to be in the water. If you're new to the beach, then finding areas where the tide pools are is a lot of fun. Anything that gets you to walk on the beach and near the water is a total blast. It's rare, but sometimes you can find all kinds of fish or maybe even a crab in a tide pool. If nothing else, it's fun to go on a date and walk around in the water without wearing any shoes. Be sure to look up the local laws and rules on the wildlife that may be present. But have fun, splash the water and have a great time enjoying your day at the beach.
Fun & Games
Making igloos and snow forts are the perfect winter dates that are sure to create memories that last forever. Make sure to snap plenty of pictures of your snow creation process as well as the final result so you can look back at it during the warm summer months and remember what you did while the snow was falling. To make your snow date even more satisfying, fill a thermos full of hot chocolate to drink while working in the snow. The hot drink will warm your chilled bones and enable you to spend more time outside working on your snowy project together. Don't be surprised if this activity turns into a snowball fight!
Horseback riding connects humans and animals in a way that few things can. A horse is a majestic animal, and many city folks have no idea of how real these words are. Inexperienced couples can receive horseback riding lessons before heading off to the big trail. The real fun happens when the two of you can connect with the animals. When you share a bond with the horses, that's when your date takes a turn. You'll understand why people have been so fond of horses after just one horseback ride. Every horse has its own personality, and you'll learn that the longer you're taking it for a ride.
Causes & Service
No matter what the current economic situation is like, there are always those who need financial assistance. Helping others and giving back to the community is a great way to spend some quality time with your spouse. You can either host the donation drive or participate in it. If your church has a canned food drive, for example, both of you can collect donations and put them away to be redistributed later. Don't limit yourself to just physical or monetary donations since some people are more willing or able to part with one over the other.
Volleyball is an excellent workout activity that often also gets you outside. There are two ways you can turn this sport into a fun date night adventure. The first would be to ask an existing game of volleyball if you can join. You and your spouse can be on opposing teams or whatever the other players are up for. Another way to play volleyball would be to compete with each other directly. If you have a volleyball and there's an unoccupied net, then compete against each other. Wear appropriate clothing and bring along a couple of bottles of water for the maximum amount of fun.
Snow skiing is an excellent way for a married couple to enjoy winter together. Hitting the slopes is a fun way to get a healthy dose of excitement in your lives. Also, going to a resort is a fun way to take a weekend trip and enjoy yourselves. There's something extra fun about going into a resort for a cup of hot chocolate after you've been out in the cold. If you really want to have a good time, race while going down the hill. You'll end up having several races because the loser won't want to stay the loser for long. Before the two of you know it, you'll both have gone down the hill several times, and the day will be all but over.
Causes & Service
All neighborhoods need cleaning up. Why not get together with your neighbors and have a neighborhood clean-up event? If that's not your cup of tea, try to find an elderly or disabled person who needs some help cleaning up their property. A date helping clean your block will make everyone happy. All of your neighbors will think of you when they see how clean everything is. You have to live in your neighborhood, and if it's clean, you'll enjoy spending more time outside. A clean neighborhood is a happy neighborhood, and that's why this is a fantastic way to spend a date night.
Hang gliding and paragliding offer what, for many, is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to explore their wild side. As a couple, there are undoubtedly things you want to cross off the list of things that you want to do. Hang gliding is on the list for many, and it's one of the most exciting things you'll ever do. Seeing the world from above while experiencing the freedom that only a bird enjoys is a thrilling experience. There are few dates that a married couple can go on that produce that type of long-lasting memories that hang gliding can. Find a beautiful location, prepare to be amazed, and take turns enjoying the stunning beauty of the earth.
Food & Drink
A dinner cruise combines both boating and mealtime into one. The two of you will have plenty of opportunities to enjoy the deck before going down to eat your meal. If you're the type of couple who likes to see what's going on, try to sit near the window. The conversation will begin to flow as you're eating while floating down the river. The romantic side of a dinner cruise is that you get to savor a great meal while doing something that you may have never done before. Allow yourself to live in the moment and enjoy each other's company while being in the middle of a scenic spot.
Classes & Workshops
Tennis is one of those games that you can play indoors or outdoors. There's no excuse why you as a couple can't play tennis. Tennis is one of the best sports for two players and therefore a great date activity. If you're total newbies, then tennis classes are a definite help. Have a date where you attend one or more tennis classes and work hard to improve your game. You can challenge each other while playing tennis and even have friendly wagers. Competitive couples and those who like to stay on the go will enjoy playing tennis. Couples need to find new and creative ways to ensure they stay active, and playing tennis is an excellent way of staying on the move.
Romance & Relationship
Aphrodisiacs are exciting because they get you in the mood for all kinds of things. Some of the most common foods said to be aphrodisiacs are chocolate, artichokes, figs, oysters, asparagus, strawberries, watermelon, and spicy chili peppers. There are also a ton of less common foods, herbs, etc. that are known for their aphrodisiacal properties. A quick Google search is all it takes to come up with several to try out. You might consider having this date in the bedroom because trying out aphrodisiacs too much may make you end up there anyway.
Laser shows are always amazing, and it's stunning to see what they can do with lasers. Usually, laser shows and music go together hand in hand. Laser shows are best viewed at night, so you might want to turn this into a dinner and evening event. Whisper into each other's ear when you see a new shape and say what you think it is. It'll be next to impossible not to bust out laughing when your spouse observes something utterly different than what you do.
Arts & Culture
Back in the old days blacksmithing was a way of life for many people. Today, blacksmithing is a fun hobby that can be turned into a great date. You're probably going to want to go to a blacksmith and ask if you can try your hand at it. Make sure you educate yourself on how to safely do blacksmithing before attempting it. If you're really seeking out adventure, you can try heating up metal and pounding it out yourself. You both can take turns pounding the hot metal to make whatever you want out of it. Keep the item that you make during your blacksmithing date, so you always have a memento of the great time both of you shared.
Personal Development
Everyone has a mental bucket list of sorts, and it's essential to clear off as many items as possible. It's good to express these desires by writing down your bucket list and it's the perfect thing to share with your spouse. As a date, write down individual lists or a shared list that you want to work on. You can even add categories or make separate lists that are themed. Then take your lists and plan dates around checking things off. Your bucket lists are going to change as you age, and you'll have to modify them accordingly. Always keep each other up-to-date as to what's on your bucket list so you can continue planning dates and checking things off together.
Health & Wellness
Detoxing and cleansing is a vital part of your health. Your body needs to cleanse itself from time to time. Why not turn your detox into a date? Both of you can detox at the same time - that will come in handy if you feel any unwanted side effects. You can help each other out and encourage your spouse if they hit any rough patches. Detoxing isn't the easiest thing to put your body through, but you feel so much better afterward. Turn your cleansing date into something you do every few months for optimal health.
Fun & Games
Have you ever wanted to have your name in the record books? If so, breaking a record is a fantastic date idea for the couple who wants to cement their name in history. What type of record would you break? Unless you're a world-class athlete or genius you'll probably have to find something wacky or off the wall. You could try to set or break a record as a couple. If you don't go that route, then one of you can help the other overcome any obstacles that stand in between them and victory as they break a record. It's going to take quite a bit of hard work and dedication to break a record, and that's why you might want to break this up into several dates.
Arts & Culture
Photography is a fun hobby that you can share with your spouse. The enjoyable aspect of having a photography date isn't only taking the pictures but also finding interesting locations. If you have camera equipment great, but if you don't, then it's no big deal. The camera on your smartphone is probably good enough for taking amateur pictures. Try your best to scour your local area for the most exciting photo opportunities. If you really want to take your photography date to the next level, share your pictures on social media. The two of you will love to see how many people like your photos and to read the comments left by your followers.
A great date idea for a young couple is to plant a tree. Sure, couples of all ages can enjoy planting a tree, but there's something special about it when a young couple does it or when you move to a new place. Just think about how you'll be able to look at the tree years later and watch it grow. The tree will grow just like the love between you and your spouse does. Every year you can plant a new tree to symbolize your love and to make the world a better place. Those trees will be like your love; they will stand the test of time.
Personal Development
Social clubs are a great way to rub shoulders with people in your community. Visiting a club is a great date idea because it will give both of you a chance to get to know new people. Beyond the advantage of getting yourself out there, you can also have quite a bit of fun. Couples who enjoy mingling with others will enjoy getting social at a club. Try your best to make as many connections as possible while at the club because they will help further your life down the line. The more people you know, the higher the likelihood it is that you'll succeed at anything.
Fun & Games
Texting games can be fun, especially if you're not near your spouse. Texting allows couples to talk with each other, no matter where they are. Be creative and come up with games that the two of you can play. You can ask each other trivia questions, historical questions, or whatever that you're both into. Go online and get the questions and answers to transition from one question to the next quickly. Just remember, there's to be no cheating during your texting date. If you don't know the answer, say so, and move on. Your spouse will catch on if you're cheating, and it will add an odd dynamic to the game.
A little fun in the sun is a great way to relax and get a tan at the same time. Sunbathing is also an excellent way to get the lines of communication going. You're not doing anything other than lying in the sun. Take this opportunity to talk to each other and to catch up on what's going on. Don't forget the suntan lotion, or you might end up getting burned. A radio or your smartphone is all you need for a little background noise for your suntanning date. You don't need to go anywhere special to sunbathe, your backyard or someplace secluded are great places if you don't have a beach or lake nearby.
Unless your car just came off the showroom floor, it probably needs some automotive maintenance done to it. Taking your vehicle to the shop for routine maintenance is a hassle, and it's expensive. Turn auto maintenance into a date and have all kinds of fun in the process. Reward yourself with something great to eat after you're done to turn your auto maintenance date into something even more enjoyable. If you want to make your date even more enjoyable, take your vehicle for a spin after you perform maintenance on it. All your hard work will pay off when you're going down the road and enjoying the ride.
Quite a few couples share a love of collecting items. Do both of you like to collect the same things? If so, then turn hunting the items into a date. If not, help build each other's collections together. You can go to flea markets, estate auctions, or garage sales to find the items you collect. Also, surfing eBay or Craigslist is a great way to find collectibles without leaving the house. Half of the fun of collecting isn't buying the items; it's trying to find them. You get to meet a lot of interesting people, and their stories are always so fun to hear. The adventure of collecting draws all kinds of people into the hobby, and the thrill of the hunt is what keeps couples seeking out collectibles on dates.
Those of you who are seeking new ways to improve your health can turn XC running into a regular date activity. XC running is cross country running, and it gets you out of the house and on the move. Busy couples these days have a difficult time squeezing in enough exercise along with trying to spend some time together. An XC running date will enable you to be together and get some much-needed exercise in the process. You don't need much for your XC running other than a comfortable pair of running shoes. Buy each of yourselves a good pair of running shoes, and you can have cross country running dates as long as the weather permits.
Wakeboarding is a little like water skiing, but you use a board instead of skis. Any couple who loves to spend time on the water or who likes excitement should give wakeboarding a try. The look on your spouse's face as the boat starts to go quickly in the water will be priceless. The faster the boat goes, the more exciting it will be for both of you. It's next to impossible not to feel excited when you hear your spouse yelling in excitement. You might end up fighting over who will go next since you'll both want to go again and again. You will want to save your wakeboarding date forever, and that's why you need to make sure to take some videos and still shots of all the excitement.
Arts & Culture

Reading poetry can be a fun addition to any date or could be a date all by itself. You can read poems written by others that you find online or in books. Each of you should search the internet for poems that you find enjoyable. For fun, try to convey what the poem is saying with your voice and body language. Act out parts of the poem to emphasize the meaning behind certain parts of it. Share them by standing up and reading the poems to each other. Try to capture the spirit of the written word and act out what you feel the poet had in mind. It's also fun to have a themed poetry reading night. For example, love might be a theme for one night, while sadness could be a theme for your next poetry reading date. Reading poetry can open up your emotions as nothing else can. A poetry reading date is about so much more than the poems; it's about how they make you feel. Get in contact with your inner selves during this date, and the two of you will grow as a couple. Literature can be a beautiful thing to experience together as a couple.
Traveling by cable car is one of the most unique ways you'll ever get from point A to point B. You also get to see the mountainside and all its surroundings like you've never seen them before. If you live in a mountain community, then a cable car date is a must-do thing for every couple at least once. If you don't live anywhere near the mountains, plan a road trip or fly to the nearest mountain. The breathtaking view from the cable car is more than enough reason why you should travel far to take advantage of this spectacular date opportunity.
You and your spouse probably have slightly different tastes in music. You also probably listen to different music in the car or on your phone while doing various activities. A good date idea is to settle down for the evening and listen to music. Take turns playing songs that each of you enjoys. It will be fun to see if your spouse has any new musical interests or is still listening to the stuff you're familiar with. You might also want to try to venture off into different genres of music to see if there's anything new that both of you find enjoyable. YouTube is a great free site to explore music since you can listen to almost everything there. Familiarize yourselves with each other's favorites and explore new music together. If you're using a streaming service why not create a playlist of music that you both love and can listen to again and again?
Fun & Games
A unique date idea for any married couple is to go to a trampoline park. You've probably never thought of having a date on a trampoline. The trampolines at a park are safe, and they have fences that keep everyone in. You don't have to worry about bouncing off the trampoline and ending up in the hospital while on your date. If you plan on going out to eat as part of your date, save it for after you've spent a few hours jumping up and down. All the bouncing around might make you feel a little queasy after eating. A date at the trampoline park will be something you remember forever.