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"night". Mix up your next date night with these awesome activities. For the full experience make sure you check out the
Married Fun Date Planner.
A mountaineering date is where you climb a mountain. It sounds simple enough, but depending on the mountain, it can be one of life's greatest challenges. If you're new to mountaineering, it's best to start small and work your way up to the big mountains. It's also a good idea to have an experienced climber with you, so you don't risk your life going up or down the mountain. Climbing a mountain can be one of life's greatest, most exhilarating challenges, and it's something that can bring you closer as a couple. Something happens when you're high up on a mountain, and you get to experience nature on a level that most people can only dream of.
Events & Attractions
There are so many reasons why a book signing is a great date idea. First off, anything that gets you to read more is a fantastic thing. Beyond all that, when you go to a book signing, you get to meet the author. The hope is that the author is someone famous and they will sign your book for you. Book signings involve plenty of waiting, and you don't get much time with the author. You should think in advance what you want to say to the author and what you want them to write while autographing your book. If you're allowed, have your spouse take a picture to have an additional memento to remember your date with a famous writer.
Romance & Relationship
Almost every couple needs to spend more time in the bedroom. Let's face it, time in the bedroom is precious, and most couples don't get enough of it. Games are a fun way to create the type of sparks needed to turn your love life into a wildfire. The game itself is only a vehicle for allowing each other to feel closer to each other. Take some time out to laugh, have fun, and enjoy each other's company. Allow the conversation to flow and see where things go. You'll be surprised by how quickly the moment will heat up, and you'll feel like you were just married all over again.
Aircraft spotting is a hobby that many people have that can be turned into a date. The easiest way to spot aircraft is by being near the airport. If you don't live near an airport, go online to see when and where the nearest planes, helicopters or other aircraft are to you. You should be able to see at least a few planes per day no matter where you live. However, you'll have the best results if you go near an airport. Some people prefer to hang out near small airports, while others prefer large commercial airports' excitement. Go to both types of airports on separate dates and see which of them you enjoy the most. Since you're up close to the aircraft take some photos that you can admire after your date is over.
Arts & Culture
Your date night is about to get a whole lot more exciting when you give quilling a go. For those who don't know, quilling is a form of art where your design is created by roller or shaped strips of paper in often beautiful patterns. Allow your mind to run free and come up with as many different quilling possibilities as you can. Before you know it, you'll have dozens of quilling tasks already lined up. Seasoned quilling professionals and newbies alike can have all kinds of fun doing it with your spouse. Your spouse may not share your passion for quilling, and that in itself might offer up plenty of hilarious opportunities for laughter.
Romance & Relationship
Anyone familiar with the 36 questions that lead to love knows the type of impact they can have on a relationship. Originially designed as a social experiment between strangers, these 36 questions can help improve the relationship of married couples too. Typically, it takes people about 45 minutes to ask and answer the 36 questions. That means if both of you were to ask the other the 36 questions, it would be the perfect activity for date night. That's hardly enough time for a date, but you can stretch out the questions. Maybe ask to follow up questions or reflect on the answers after both of you are done. The main takeaway from this is that you learn something new about your spouse while having a good time. Some of the answers they give will blow you away, and you'll learn so many more things about the person you love. Good communication is vital to healthy relationships and the 36 questions are a great way to open up to each other even more.
Fun & Games
A jigsaw puzzle is a lot of fun to put together yourself, but it's even more fun when you do it as a date. Get a puzzle with as many pieces as you can find at the store to make this date even more challenging. Kick the fun off by searching for all the corner and border pieces. After you put together the corners and borders, work your way to the center of the puzzle. It will be interesting to see how long it takes both of you to put the puzzle together. Putting puzzles together is very relaxing and can feel almost therapeutic. When you're all done you can mount the picture onto cardboard or wood if you want to keep it as a memento of your date.
Miniature golf has many common names such as mini golf, goofy golf, putt-putt golf or crazy golf. Mini golf is fun no matter what season it is. Mini golf can be played indoors or outdoors, so it might not even matter what the weather conditions are. Also, skill isn't required to play miniature golf. A date can quickly turn into a giggle-fest when two people play mini golf. The ball has a way of getting caught up in the craziest of traps, and it's fun trying to get yourself out of them. Try not to take the game too seriously and enjoy being together. If the mini-golf joint has a snack bar, get something to eat after hitting the ball around.
Ecotourism is one of those date ideas that might only be possible for a limited time in some areas. Sometimes nature takes control over a place and changes it forever. A few ecotourism ideas would be to visit the rain forest, check out some pristine waterways, and to climb the tallest mountain near you. Many of the most beautiful places on earth, as well as its creatures, are threatened by human overuse and exploitation, and due to things like climate change, some may be gone in your lifetime without intervention. Ecotourism gives you a chance to see these areas and support the locals to preserve their earthly treasures with the money you spend.
Feng shui is all about decorating your home so that the energy flows. If you're into feng shui, you already know what it is. A feng shui date idea will help you transform the energy in your home and, in turn, your life. Feng shui has a way of being the focal point of a person's life, even if they don't intend on it. If you've never been involved with feng shui, give it a try and see how it will change things. You may end up spending several hours working on the feng shui in your home over the next few months to ensure that the energy there is exactly what you want it to be.
You probably spend more time in your bedroom than in any other room in the house. A bedroom makeover is something you should do every once in a while to keep things fresh. A bedroom makeover can consist of cleaning and rearranging things or going all out and replacing everything that you can. Changing things up can really improve the feel. Take the opportunity to make your bedroom a little more sexy. If you're in for a wild experiment, allow your spouse to design the entire makeover. Allow your spouse to choose the bedsheets, the furniture, and whatever else you're willing to give them the power to change. You might be in for a jaw-dropping experience when you see how your spouse wants your bedroom decorated.
Fun & Games
The world of robotics is ever increasing and becoming more exciting. You can build simple robots at home with kits that are easily found online. You could take your love of robotics to a whole new level by going on a factory tour and seeing robots in action. A fun robotics date idea might be for each of you to search YouTube for the best robot videos you can find and then share them. Watch the videos you stumble upon over a hot fudge sundae while the two of you talk about why the videos are so incredible. If your spouse loves robotics as much as you do, you'll melt faster than the ice cream while watching the videos.
Fun & Games
A Halloween party is a date that enables you to show off your creative side. If you're throwing the party yourselves start with making some spooky invitations. Search online or even make up your own Halloween games. If you're the type of couple who likes to make your own costumes, your party will even be more exciting. It doesn't matter if you buy or make your costume, what does matter is that you're enjoying this fabulous time of year. Make sure to snap a few photographs of both of you in your costumes to remember this date for years to come. It might also be a good idea to take pictures of everyone so you can always remember the party you threw on Halloween.
Do you know what your zodiac sign is? If not, now is the perfect time to learn. Turn learning about your zodiac sign into a date, and you'll be surprised by all the stuff you didn't know. Many people believe that your zodiac sign plays a role in every aspect of your life. Whether you believe that or not it's interesting to see what the meaning behind you and your spouse's sign is and how your zodiac sign is said to affect you. You can debate back and forth if astrology is a bunch of hype or if there's something to it. It's a hotly contested subject, and it might end up carrying over into several dates.
Martial arts are a great thing to know because you can use them to protect yourself. Beyond self-protection, martial arts are a great form of exercise. Many martial arts enthusiasts live to a ripe old age, and it's because of all the exercise and healthy life choices involved. You can attend classes as a couple and learn together. If you're an adventurous couple, you can do a little martial arts on each other. You can teach each other some moves or do some wrestling. Your martial arts dates will be unique in that you're learning something new that will last a lifetime. The maneuvers and exercises that you learn during your martial arts training will stick with you for the rest of your life. You can turn your martial arts date into something even more spectacular by practicing what you learn at home on future dates.
Health & Wellness
If the two of you have a date in a sensory deprivation tank, you'll never come back the same. You might think that floating in salt water in a dark tank while having your senses deprived of everything doesn't sound like it would be life-altering. Anyone who has ever been in a sensory deprivation tank knows how much it changes everything. If you haven't had this experience yet, now's the time to give it a try. After you're done, talk to each other and discuss the immediate changes. You will be surprised by how almost identical your reactions are to this profoundly odd and satisfying experience.
Boxing, kickboxing and MMA are huge right now and any of them can be a great date. You can watch a fight on TV or go all out and attend the fight in person. Going to an arena is much more memorable and you can enjoy all the action as it happens. If you're planning on watching the fight on TV you can plan a whole date around it - get snacks, some takeout, and plenty of soda. This is a fun date activity for just the two of you or you can invite another couple or two over to share the fun (and the cost) of the fight or food.
Classes & Workshops
Attending dance classes is a great date idea for many different reasons. First off, dancing is fun. It's also an excellent exercise, and it's in some cases better than going to the gym. Dancing also promotes intimacy between the two of you. Dancing is something that you and your spouse can do for the rest of your life. What you learn today in the classes you'll be able to do for years down the line. A dancing class date will get you out of the house, you'll be near other couples, and you'll enjoy yourself. The greatest thing about learning how to dance is, it's something you can do at home. Turn on some music, get close, and slow dance while allowing yourselves to live in the moment. Your dance classes will take a life of their own, which is why this is such a fantastic date idea.
Fun & Games
Playing with a yo-yo is something that can make you feel like a kid in no time flat. A yo-yo is a cheap toy, and the two of you can each have your own. Go to YouTube and watch a few videos on how to do yo-yo tricks. You'll quickly see that even a beginner can do at least half a dozen tricks within a few minutes. The real fun happens after you've practiced a little longer and you've learned several more tricks. Make videos of each other doing tricks and share them with your friends and family. A yo-yo is an old-fashioned toy without any of the bells and whistles that we're accustomed to in our high-tech world. That in itself is another reason to consider a yo-yo date since it will keep the two of you from just looking at a screen all the time.
Fun & Games
The fourth of July or any other event with fireworks makes for a great date night. If you're lucky, you might be able to watch the fireworks from your home. If not, then bring a blanket, something soft to sit on, and maybe a snack. Sometimes there are food vendors near fireworks shows that sell tasty treats. Turn your fireworks date night into something spectacular by getting some food to munch on while watching the colors burst into the sky. Try to find out the exact time of the show, so you don't miss out on any of the action. If fireworks are legal in your area even better - shooting fireworks off yourself can be tons of fun on date night.
Avid readers know how much fun a book club can be. How can you turn your book club membership into a date? You both need to read the same book and then talk about it. Sit around and discuss what you think is going on with the book. Sometimes it's best to talk about the book after both of you are done reading it because you don't want to risk hearing any spoilers. You can also agree to stop at the same place every week and then discuss what you read. Book clubs offer interesting reading suggestions that couples might otherwise overlook, and discussing what you read is always an enjoyable experience. Create your own little club with just the two of you or find another club that you can attend together.
Romance & Relationship
Lingerie shopping is as fun for him as it is for her. Can shopping for lingerie be considered a date? Sure. In all fairness, the guy might feel a little uneasy about being in a store that sells nothing but frilly underwear. If you're searching for a date night to remember, this is it. Go into the lingerie store, and each of you pick out what you think is the sexiest outfit. Both the husband and the wife will be shocked when they see what the other thinks of as being sexy. Get both outfits if you can afford them and take them home for a little added excitement. Remember, lingerie shopping is always a 2-part date!
Health & Wellness
For those of you who don't know, canicross is cross country running - with dogs. Basically, you go take your dog for a run. If you have two dogs, it's a lot of fun to do on a date. You and your spouse take your dogs to the park or some area where they can run on a leash and allow them to stretch their legs and have a good time. As a pet owner, you always have to be concerned about your dog, not getting enough exercise. The same can be said about you and your spouse not getting enough exercise. A canicross date is good exercise for everyone involved, and that's what makes it such an enjoyable experience.
Health & Wellness
Supporting the YMCA is excellent because by doing so you do a number of good things for your community. Going to the YMCA is a great way to stay healthy and get rid of some stress. Couples who work out together tend to be healthier and happier. Anyone who has ever worked out in a gym knows that it's always great to have someone there to help you. A date at the YMCA is a wonderful chance for you two to spend some time together and also help each other become physically fit. Some YMCA locations have indoor swimming pools and other activities such as table tennis that you can enjoy as well. Look up your local YMCA to find out more.
For a fun date you can either watch wrestling, or the two of you can wrestle each other! If you plan on wrestling each other, try to have some rules in place, or your date will get out of control quickly. A husband and wife wrestling is a great way to enjoy a little closeness with each other. It sounds crazy, but wrestling allows you to get close and be near each other. You're not going to want to hurt each other or perform any moves like you see professional wrestlers do. However, tussling around on the floor or bed is more than okay. The goal is to get up close and personal on a wrestling date and see where things go. Married couples who lack intimacy might find that wrestling ignites a spark in their intimate relationship that sometimes seems fizzled out.
Fun & Games
If you know what LARPing is, then you already know it's a great date idea. For those of you who don't know what LARPing is, it's a live action role-playing game where you can create your own characters. You create the character from the ground up, and that's what makes it so much fun to play. It will be interesting to see what kind of character your spouse comes up with. You might want to hold off showing the other what your characters look like until you're done creating them. The look on your spouse's face when you reveal the character will be priceless. The expression on their face will make you want to create an even wilder character the next time you do LARPing as a date.
Fun & Games
A good old-fashioned pillow fight is a fun date activity that can quickly turn into something far more exciting. How can you not laugh like a hyena while pillow fighting? The goal here isn't to hurt each other; it's to see how many good hits you can get in. Before you know it, you'll be laughing and having a ball. The best pillow fights always happen when you're in pajamas. Set aside a few minutes before bed to have a pillow fight, and don't be surprised if you end up laughing so hard you turn red in the face.
Causes & Service
Do you know someone in the hospital, serving in the military or maybe someone lonely or down on their luck? If so, making a care package for them is a great idea. If you belong to a church, you can ask your pastor if there are people who you can make care packages for. Making care packages during a date night will bring you closer together while also doing something great for other people. Any time that you can combine your energy to make lives better for others is a great date. Your compassion for others will improve your life and strengthen your relationship.
Romance & Relationship
A second honeymoon is a perfect idea for couples married for a while, especially those who want to rekindle their marriage. A second honeymoon date can be as extravagant as you want it to be. Do you want to go all out and have the honeymoon you've ever dreamed of? Maybe your ideal honeymoon date would be to hole up in a local hotel and order takeout food. It's your honeymoon date, and the most important thing is that you find a way to enjoy it. Why not have a second honeymoon and take a little time out of your lives to appreciate each other?
Fun & Games
A deck of cards can provide endless hours of fun. Put away anything that distracts you and sit on the floor and play cards. It doesn't matter if you're playing a simple game like Go Fish or a complicated game like poker. If you're not familiar with many card games, search online and you'll find dozens with simple rules. It's not winning and losing that matters, it's the amount of fun that you have. Snacks and cold drinks add to the enjoyment of playing cards together. If you want to kick your hard game up a notch order a pizza or buy a frozen one at the store and turn it into a card and pizza party.
Arts & Culture

Reading poetry can be a fun addition to any date or could be a date all by itself. You can read poems written by others that you find online or in books. Each of you should search the internet for poems that you find enjoyable. For fun, try to convey what the poem is saying with your voice and body language. Act out parts of the poem to emphasize the meaning behind certain parts of it. Share them by standing up and reading the poems to each other. Try to capture the spirit of the written word and act out what you feel the poet had in mind. It's also fun to have a themed poetry reading night. For example, love might be a theme for one night, while sadness could be a theme for your next poetry reading date. Reading poetry can open up your emotions as nothing else can. A poetry reading date is about so much more than the poems; it's about how they make you feel. Get in contact with your inner selves during this date, and the two of you will grow as a couple. Literature can be a beautiful thing to experience together as a couple.
Personal Development
Searching for a job can be a tedious thing if you're bummed out about being unemployed. It's also difficult to search all the sites to ensure that you don't miss a job opportunity. Turn your job search into a date to get more eyeballs searching for the career of your dreams and to make it a more enjoyable experience. Each of you needs to break out your smartphone or hop onto the computer and look at what jobs currently are available. Have plenty of snacks and refreshing beverages ready, so the searching doesn't bore you out. Snuggle up next to each other on the couch while searching the job sites and enjoy the warmth and comfort of being together.
Fun & Games
Role-playing games enable you to get out of your shell and be someone else. You can discover sides of your spouse you never knew existed during a role-playing date. There are a wide variety of games that you can play, and some of them can even be found on the internet. A date of playing a role-playing game is usually less about the game and more about spending quality time together. Sometimes couples need a little nudge to relax and enjoy a little alone time. If it takes playing a game, then pull out the box or load up the app and have at it. Enjoy some snacks, order a pizza, or slurp down some fizzy sodas while playing a game that should bring you closer together.
You and your spouse probably have slightly different tastes in music. You also probably listen to different music in the car or on your phone while doing various activities. A good date idea is to settle down for the evening and listen to music. Take turns playing songs that each of you enjoys. It will be fun to see if your spouse has any new musical interests or is still listening to the stuff you're familiar with. You might also want to try to venture off into different genres of music to see if there's anything new that both of you find enjoyable. YouTube is a great free site to explore music since you can listen to almost everything there. Familiarize yourselves with each other's favorites and explore new music together. If you're using a streaming service why not create a playlist of music that you both love and can listen to again and again?
Computer programming for many people isn't only a profession; it's a way of life. However, you and your spouse don't need to be computer nerds to want to take up programming. Several computer languages are easy enough to learn that you can have a whole lot of fun with. If the two of you are programmers by profession, you can work on a project together while on a date. It might be a fun task to try to sell your project after it has been completed. You might also consider making your program open source so that the public can enjoy the fruits of your date for free.
Arts & Culture
The fun thing about t-shirt design is that you can turn your hobby into a business. Brainstorm and try to come up with as many funny, witty, or off-the-wall t-shirt slogans and designs as possible. The two of you can even have a competition to see who sells the most shirts if you sell your shirts online. A really fun way to always remember your date is to design a shirt specifically for the moment. You'll have a memento of your enjoyable experience that you can cherish for a lifetime. Make sure you print up a shirt for each of you to wear out to your next great date.
Romance & Relationship
Marriage takes effort and all marriages could benefit from a little extra attention. That's a truth that many married couples aren't willing to admit. You can always strengthen your marriage, and it's not as difficult as it sounds. A marriage workshop is an ideal date for those who want to improve the quality of their relationship. You will learn vital tasks that will go a long way in helping you strengthen your bond, learn how to diffuse situations, and be a reliable partner. You can't put a dollar value on such information, and it will stay with you for ever.
Romance & Relationship
If you're expecting a baby anytime soon, a babymoon is a great way to get away, especially if it's your first child. Newly expecting parents have no idea what they're in for. Take this opportunity now, and take a load off of your feet while you can. A vacation now is the right idea since it will become much harder to take vacations for quite some time. Your babymoon can be as simple as a staycation where you stay at home or as elaborate as flying to another country. Since your babymoon will be the last big vacation you take for a while, make it memorable! Your babymoon will be a date like no other. You'll remember your babymoon for years to come, and that's what will make it so special.
Is your house a mess? Does it look like a cyclone has burst through your home? If so, it's time for an organizing date. To make organizing a date, all you have to do is find an area of your home, garage, or shed that needs to be organized. You might have to go through things or simply move them around to make everything neat and tidy. Take breaks and have some snacks prepared to make the date even more enjoyable. You can make your organizing date more fun by making a game plan before you begin. Take before and after pictures so that you can show off your handiwork and brag to each other about the job you did.
Sporty couples and those seeking to get more exercise in their lives should consider a handball date. Handball can mean different things to different people, depending on where they live. In the U.S. handball is another name for the game called wallball or American handball. This is a really simple game that only requires a small rubber ball and a wall and it can be played fine with just 2 people. If you're a competitive couple who likes to challenge each other, give handball a try. In other parts of the world handball is a team sport that you're more likely to watch on TV. It's sort of like soccer, but you use your hands instead of your feet to get the ball into the goal and can be very exciting to watch.