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Married Fun has all the date ideas! Read on to see all our date ideas tagged with
"night". Mix up your next date night with these awesome activities. For the full experience make sure you check out the
Married Fun Date Planner.
Sharing your hobbies with your spouse is a great way to connect and learn about each other. You can divide a date based on your hobbies into several dates. It doesn't matter how well you think you know your spouse; there's plenty about them that you don't know anything about. If you've been around a while, there are probably a lot of hobbies you used to have when you were younger that you can revive. Hobbies are usually done by ourselves, which means you rarely get to see your spouse participate in them. Learning what your spouse enjoys is always a fascinating experience, and you might also find yourself enjoying the hobby as well. Who knows, in the future the two of you might want to keep doing the hobby together.
Fun & Games
Glowsticking is a fantastic date idea for those who enjoy being outside after dark. It's also possible to use glow sticks inside, but you've got to be careful not to hit anything. To have fun while glowsticking you take the glow stick on a string in swing it around. The stick glows in the dark, and it looks incredible as it moves around. If you want to have even more fun on your glowsticking date, play some music and try to swing the glow stick to the beat. Play with the glow sticks while listening to various styles of music. Choose a style of music that you think goes least with glowsticking and try your best to make it work. Sometimes the most fun day you'll have glowsticking will be when you least expect it, and you discover a new way of playing with your glow sticks. Try to take some photos or videos of the light show that you put on and see what kind of art you can produce.
Fun & Games
You might find yourselves home alone on a rainy or snowy day where you can't do anything at all outside. Days like those are perfect for online quizzes. You can either do the same online quizzes and see who can answer the most questions or take them individually. It might be fun to see who gets the most correct answers if you both take the quiz at the same time. There are online quizzes that cover almost every topic you can think of, so there's no excuse for anyone who can't play them. You and your spouse are experts at something, and if you aren't, then getting the wrong answers can sometimes be more fun than guessing the right ones.
Health & Wellness
Learning CPR, the Heimlich maneuver or other lifesaving skills could very well save someone's life. Every person should know CPR, and that's why it's such a great date idea. Your local Red Cross, fire department or another organization, more than likely, has CPR classes or workshops that you can take or attend. You don't want to learn CPR from watching videos or by practicing on each other. You must have the dummy to practice on as well as qualified instructors, and whoever has the classes will have one of them. CPR isn't challenging to learn, and it will take you less than an hour to get it down pat. By the time you're done with the CPR class, you'll have a firm grasp on how to do it, and you'll also more than likely be certified as well.
Traveling by cable car is one of the most unique ways you'll ever get from point A to point B. You also get to see the mountainside and all its surroundings like you've never seen them before. If you live in a mountain community, then a cable car date is a must-do thing for every couple at least once. If you don't live anywhere near the mountains, plan a road trip or fly to the nearest mountain. The breathtaking view from the cable car is more than enough reason why you should travel far to take advantage of this spectacular date opportunity.
Events & Attractions
Few date ideas are as unique as the rodeo. The most fun way to enjoy a rodeo is by going there and seeing the action yourself. If you can't attend the rodeo during your date, don't sweat it. You can watch the rodeo on TV. It would be a total blast to serve up some Tex-Mex inspired dishes or snacks to watch while enjoying all the excitement. If you're an avid rodeo fan, you can cheer on your favorite athletes and see how well they do. The rodeo is an exciting sport that's so quick that it will make you regret blinking during your date.
Arts & Culture
The opera is a date night event that the ladies usually seem to enjoy a more than the men. But, there are plenty of operas that appeal to both sexes or you may be willing to sit through it as a special occasion for your wife. Pay a few extra dollars and get the binoculars so you can see what's going on. Unless you're sitting in the front row, it's hard to see what's going on the stage. The opera is far more entertaining when you can both see and hear what's going on. Also, the further back you sit, the cheaper the tickets are. If you're on a budget, sit in the back and take turns looking through the binoculars.
Riding in a horsedrawn carriage feels like a blast from the past. The two of you can sit back in the carriage while enjoying this old fashioned elegance. Imagine what it would've been like for royalty in the past to travel the same way as you go down the street. Use this moment to silently reflect on what makes your love for each other so special. Times like these don't require much creativity since you can look around and see what's so incredible about the moment. The sound of the horses walking, the closeness of the two of you sitting together, and the open-air aspect of the carriage all create a romantic atmosphere that is unique to itself.
Some believe that watching soccer on TV is better than being in the stands among all the rowdy fans. Turning watching soccer on television into a date is a fantastic idea for those who consider themselves to be a fanatic of the sport as well as those new to it. Your dates don't have only to be sitting in front of the television; you can also prepare a special meal or make homemade snacks such as chips and salsa to make watching the game even more enjoyable. Since you're watching the big game at home, feel free to yell if your team scores to show your team pride.
Romance & Relationship
Receiving a love note from your spouse is always a heart-melting experience. Why don't the two of you plan at least an hour date where you write love notes to each other? The first half of the hour is spent writing the note. After you're done writing, then comes the reading. It will be so romantic to see your spouse's heart flutter when they read your note. Save the notes so that you can read them years down the line. Love notes aren't only for those who are newly in love; they're much-needed items later on in the marriage as well. It's so important to do little things like writing down how you feel to keep a marriage strong. Sometimes we can forget how much our spouse loves us, and this is one of those ways of reminding each other.
Watching football is one of those things that so many people are passionate about. Are you the type of couple who loves to root for a team? Maybe you'd like to go to a restaurant and watch the game there while enjoying chicken wings and all kinds of finger foods. If you'd rather stay at home, then put the game on the TV and enjoy the excitement. Watching the game at home enables you to whip up some tasty snacks yourselves, and you can also share the cooking duties to make it less work for each of you. You can enjoy this date idea with just the two of you or why not host a watch party with a few other couples?
Events & Attractions
Every city has tourist attractions that you can visit. The tourist attractions in your area might include museums, theaters, and amusement parks. Search online to see what are the most popular tourist hot spots in your area. Sometimes people who live their whole lives in an area end up forgetting all about the special places in their backyard. If that's the case for you, it will be a lot of fun to revisit the places you haven't been to in a while. Touristy places are always fun because everyone likes to roll out the red carpet for out of towners and locals alike who are looking to have a good time.
The fun thing about playing hacky sack is that you never know where it is going to land. Use your body, your feet, and anything else other than your hands to pass the hacky sack from each other. A really fun thing to do is to play hacky sack at your local park and see if anyone wants to join in. Hacky sack is a game that you can quickly learn, and after a few sessions you'll start to get the hang of it. A hacky sack doesn't cost very much money, and you can have months, if not years of fun with it. A quick game of hacky sack can occur in your backyard, a nearby parking lot, or anywhere where you can kick this sack without worrying about it damaging something. Even a hallway can be the perfect place for a hacky sack game if the weather doesn't permit you to go outside.
Health & Wellness
Yoga can be done at home or in a class. Some couples might not feel comfortable doing yoga in front of strangers, so doing it home might be the best solution. There are many yoga instructors on YouTube who are more than willing to show you the ropes. If doing yoga at home, each of you will need a mat. Make sure to wear the appropriate attire for all of the stretching you'll be doing. It's okay if you're not able to do all of the poses, yoga is something that you get better at over time. Have a chat after your yoga session is over, and you'll be surprised by how effortlessly the conversation flows after a mind-clearing workout. This activity can be done just once or can be done more often to achieve all the benefits yoga has to offer.
Fun & Games
A corn maze is the perfect autumn getaway. Usually, corn mazes are either free or very low cost. Do you go in together as a team or see who can make their way out on their own? The team approach is best if you're on a date. At the end of the maze, the farmer might have cider and donuts as a snack. Take a few bucks along with you in case there are treats available at the end of the maze. Corn mazes typically aren't difficult to figure out, but they usually have at least one tricky situation in them. Don't be surprised if a stroll through a corn maze leads to smooching.
Everyone out there has at least one good joke in them. Your local comedy club probably has an open mic night now and then. The two of you can go up as a team or individually and try your best to make people laugh. If you're too afraid to get up there yourself, enjoy how the scene unfolds as other people brave the microphone. You can have a date where you try out your jokes on the other person. Give each other tips on how to improve the jokes and polish them before hitting the stage. You'll need at least a couple minutes of material, but it's not that hard to come up with stuff. After you have your jokes ready, you're now on your way to making people bust a gut laughing. Telling jokes in front of an audience is an exhilarating experience, and it's something that both of you might want to do again.
Ice skating is typically a winter event, but you can do it indoors at rinks. Most places that offer ice skating also have skates that you can rent. Renting is a good option since you don't have to invest in buying a pair of skates. The look on both of your faces will be priceless as the two of you try your best to stand up on the skates. It takes a few minutes, but you'll get the hang of ice skating before you know it. Watch what other people are doing and learn from them as you skate around the rink. Ice skating isn't as difficult as it looks, and it only takes a few minutes to (mostly) learn how to keep your balance.
Arts & Culture
Dying eggs is a lot of fun because you get to eat your artwork after you're done. If you are an artistic couple, you can create all kinds of decorative eggs. A date of dying eggs can result in quite a few gifts that you can give to your friends and family. If Easter is right around the corner, a basket of dyed eggs is a perfect gift. Also, don't forget to take a few pictures of your eggs to share with your friends and family online. If you want to get even more creative, you can dye the eggs and also paint them. Use your imagination and allow it to run while you come up with all kinds of new designs and dye patterns that are sure to amaze anyone who looks at your eggs.
Magic shows aren't just for kids, and they are the perfect date for the couple who needs to get out of the house. You will love seeing the look of surprise on your spouse's face when something outrageous happens. If you want to have a really exciting time, sit in the front row of the magic show. Magicians often ask for volunteers out of the front row. All the way home, you both will ask each other how the magician performed their tricks. All of the tricks that you see will be on the tip of your tongue for quite some time until you learn how they pulled them off.
Thrift stores often promote good causes and offer significant savings at the same time. The reason why many people shop at a thrift store is that everything is so much cheaper. So, if you want to have fun at the thrift store, give each other a budget to buy something for the other. A budget of five or ten dollars can get quite a bit of stuff at a thrift store. If you're unsure what your spouse might buy, tell them to meet you at the cash register before checking out. You might want to look over what each other picked to make sure that it's something you want. Thrift stores are also great places to find stuff from your childhood, and playing with old toys might add a little excitement to your date night.
Causes & Service
No one likes the idea of ending up in a nursing home. Just imagine how difficult it must be for people who live there. You can make their lives better by visiting or volunteering your time. Nursing homes often have games for their residents to play, such as bowling or bingo. Volunteers often are the ones who put the games on, and it's a great date idea. You can turn your date into something that everyone in the nursing home can enjoy. If you don't have time for that, you can always visit people in the nursing home. If you have friends, family, or people from your church in a nursing home, visit them during a date.
Health & Wellness
Going for a quick run is a great exercise, and it's also a fantastic way to spend some time with each other. Before your running date, scout out an area that is safe to run. If you're a regular runner, you won't have a problem finding a place to run. If you're living in a big city, a park is probably your best bet to find a safe running space. Bring along some fruit or water bottles and take a break during your running date to spend a little time with each other. If you're feeling up to it, you can have a little competition to see who can run the furthest without getting winded. Running not only is a fantastic one-time date idea but a healthy lifestyle that will reward you for years if you can turn it into a habit.
Arts & Culture
The ballet is an extra special treat for any couple who loves dance and live music. Discuss with your spouse after the ballet what you think they were trying to get across. Usually, art has a message, and it's sometimes more subtle than others. Also, talk about which scenes you enjoyed the most. It will be fun to see if the two of you enjoyed the same scenes or different ones. Dance is a complicated art form, and it can be interpreted in many different ways. The more complex the ballet is, the more room there is for each of you to interpret it differently.
Watching extreme sports on TV is a date that will leave both of you on the edge of the couch, wondering what's going to happen next. There is a reason why they call them extreme sports, and that is because they are exciting. The best way to enjoy your television date is by making sure there are plenty of goodies to munch on while watching. You might settle for some chips, or take things the extra mile and make some snacks of your own. Some of you might want to turn this date into something truly spectacular, and the way you can do that is by ordering takeout food and having it delivered to you. Your extreme sports date can be as simple or as festive as you want and the great thing is, you don't have to leave the house to enjoy it.
Classes & Workshops
Do you have an inner actor or actress waiting to come bursting out? If so, acting classes are more than just a date; they could be a path to something even bigger. Even if the two of you just like to watch movies and television, acting classes can be a lot of fun. You'll no doubt bust up laughing at trying your best to act out each scene. The skills that you learn can be used at home on future dates to act out scenes in your favorite movies. Acting is an art, and a date filled with allowing your artistic side to flourish is a healthy outlet that will benefit both of you greatly.

Almost everyone these days has a favorite podcast. Why not sit behind the microphone and start your own podcast? You don't need any fancy equipment or audio editing software to create an amateur podcast. You can even use the microphone on a laptop or your smartphone to create a podcast. You can make your podcast a weekly, monthly, or a sporadic thing you do whenever you've got the free time. Your podcast might be only meant to entertain yourselves, friends, and family, or the entire world. The most important aspect here is to have fun. If you can achieve that, your podcasting date will be a success. There are free platforms that will host your podcast, or you can put the audio on YouTube and slap an image on the video so they will host it. Invite your friends and family to listen to your podcast or keep it so you can enjoy listening to it years from now. You don't need to be a professional radio announcer or edit the audio file in any way. Sometimes the best podcasts are those without a net and include all the imperfections that life can throw at us.
Food & Drink
Candy making is a delicious date idea that can spread happiness far and wide. You can savor your hard work for days and weeks to come by eating the candy you make. What's even better than eating your candy is giving it away as gifts. The holidays are a great time to make candy and give it to your friends, family, and neighbors. The look on your loved ones' faces when they receive your homemade candy gift will be priceless. Take pictures of the candy you make and share them on social media. If you're really getting into it, see if you can't sell your candy. If you really want to go all out during your candy making date, record it and share your fun on YouTube or with people you know.
A night filled with dancing is a great way to get exercise and be close to each other. Sometimes it's fun to practice new dance moves at home before hitting the dance floor. You can easily turn a night out dancing into an incredible date if you also add a meal to it. Dinner and dancing have always been a fantastic date night combo, and it gives you the chance to burn off the calories you just ate. Slow dances are lovely because they allow you to connect while creating a romantic atmosphere. If you're not much of a dancer and don't know where to begin, check out YouTube for countless tutorials on every kind of dancing you can imagine. After you've been out a few times you may just find that you have a new go-to date night plan.
Personal Development
Seminars and lectures might sound dry and dull, but it all depends on the subject! You might find a lecture at your local college about a topic that you and your spouse really enjoy. Churches often have guest speakers who give seminars free of charge that can be quite helpful in your spiritual growth. You can make your lecture or seminar date even more enjoyable by going out to eat before or after attending. You aren't going to be able to talk much while the person talks, so you may want to sit at a coffee shop or someplace else and discuss what the lecturer spoke about.
Whittling is a relaxing hobby that's best enjoyed on a front or back porch. All you need to for your whittling date is a piece of wood and a sharp knife. The wood can be found anywhere, and you might even consider using a fallen tree branch that you can find for free. The knife, well, you don't need a specialty whittling knife if you're not going to pursue this any further. If you think that this is something that might make for a great reoccurring date, invest a few bucks into a set of sharp knives that you can use for whittling. Allow your creativity to flow and see where your whittling will take you by see who can carve the best designs out of wood.
Personal Development
Almost every couple will go through a career change at some point in their marriage. Turn that quest for a new career into a date. Order some takeout food and sit on the couch while the two of you brainstorm about the best job for the other person. Make a list and try to include a few off the wall suggestions that might be worthwhile to pursue. Sometimes success happens when you think outside the box. Your spouse knows you better than anyone else, and they might be able to point you in a direction that you were unable to go on your own.
Fun & Games
Video games from yesteryear offer a unique opportunity to go back in time without having to leave your home. A retrogaming date activity could be playing games from your childhood or even going back further in time, depending on your age. You can buy the consoles for future retrogaming dates, or you can download the games and play them on your mobile devices for some immediate fun. If you have a retrogaming date, snacks like cheesy flavored corn chips and soda pop are a must. You can't play video games without getting your fingers dirty with cheese dust from the chips.
Arts & Culture
Quilting is a fun way to spend some time together while also being productive. What better way to preserve the fun of your date than to have a quilt that you can hold onto forever? You can use your quilt, give it as a gift, or sell it to make money. A great idea would be to make a quilt, sell it on eBay, and donate the money to your favorite charity. Just imagine how a charity could use the money for a good cause. You could rarely turn a date into something that can impact so many people, but quilting is one of the opportunities to do that.
Fun & Games
Science experiments are one of those things that always catch you off guard. The world is an odd place, and science experiments prove it. You can learn what science experiments to do from surfing the internet or buying science experiment kits. No matter if you take the DIY approach or buy a kit, you're bound to have a good time. No two science experiments are alike, and both of you will learn so much from doing them. Unleash your inner geek and learn about the world around you by performing experiments.
Classes & Workshops
Everyone loves to doodle regardless if you consider yourself an artist or not. By attending drawing classes, you can sharpen your skills while spending some time with your spouse. Allowing your mind's eye to flourish and create new things is always a wonderful experience. Expose your inner artist and see where it takes you by going to a couple of drawing classes. After a couple of classes learning how to draw better, set up a date to draw pictures of each other. It would be interesting to see how your spouse views you, and you'll both laugh at the drawings each of you make.
Fun & Games
Temporary tattoos are a blast because you can see what you would look like with various tattoos without having to put anything permanent on your body. Everyone without tattoos always wonders what they would look full of tats. If you're not the type who would get a tattoo, going the temporary route is fantastic. You can get one tattoo or put them all over your body. A really fun thing to do during a temporary tattoo date would be to choose the tattoos for your spouse. Are you feeling mischievous or do you want to give your husband a frilly cute kitty tattoo? Maybe the husband will want to go all out and give his wife a face tattoo. You can do all kinds of things during this date and have a blast. Take a few pictures of yourself with the tattoos and freak your friends and family out. You don't have to tell them that your tattoos are temporary!
A stroll through a city park is as good for the mind as it is the body. Put on some comfortable shoes, wear loose-fitting clothing, and put one foot in front of the other and enjoy the great outdoors. Not only are you getting a healthy dose of exercise, but going for a walk on a date night is an excellent way of opening the lines of communication. Don't forget to hold hands while the two of you are walking; it will increase the likelihood that you talk to each other. Sometimes dates like this aren't about the activity, but the opportunity to spend some quality alone time together.
Classes & Workshops
Every couple can improve their cooking skills. Attending cooking classes is a great way for both of you to improve your skills in the kitchen. If you have children or are thinking about starting a family, the cooking classes will benefit them as well. Other than the obvious benefit of being able to make food that your kids will eat, you can teach your children what you learn, and they will pass it on as well. Families that cook their own food at home save a ton of money, are healthier, and they often go on to live more productive lives. Cooking is a great stress reliever, and it's something that benefits everyone when you sit down at mealtime and enjoy delicious food. The cooking classes you take will impact your life and the lives of others for years.
A conworlding date can be as complex or as simple as you want it to be. For those who don't know what conworlding is, it's where you make up your own world. The two of you can sit down on the couch and make up your own world and all that goes with it. Do you want to make horses fly? Maybe you've always wanted people to live underwater. No matter how zanny it may sound, you can make anything a reality in your world. You might want to write down your conworlding adventure to build upon it during your next date. After a few dates, your make-believe world will be more complex than the space we're living in now.
Fun & Games
A night in playing video games is fun, no matter if it's a bone-chilling winter day or if it's so hot outside that you'll melt. There are a ton of ways to play video games these days, but the biggest and best games are best played on a dedicated game console like an Xbox, Playstation or Wii. Two-player video games are so much fun, and they are a total blast when married couples play them. Have you ever thought about getting a game where the two of you can compete against the other? Sports games are great since they allow players to compete. Though there are other games where you can compete or even help each other out, it doesn't matter if one is a gamer and the other isn't; it usually doesn't take long to pick up a game well enough to be an asset on the battlefield or a capable opponent on a racetrack.