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"night". Mix up your next date night with these awesome activities. For the full experience make sure you check out the
Married Fun Date Planner.
Fun & Games
Have you ever wanted to have your name in the record books? If so, breaking a record is a fantastic date idea for the couple who wants to cement their name in history. What type of record would you break? Unless you're a world-class athlete or genius you'll probably have to find something wacky or off the wall. You could try to set or break a record as a couple. If you don't go that route, then one of you can help the other overcome any obstacles that stand in between them and victory as they break a record. It's going to take quite a bit of hard work and dedication to break a record, and that's why you might want to break this up into several dates.
Arts & Culture
Some people take up painting as a means of self-expression and relaxation. Painting can be an inexpensive date idea that can reap all kinds of rewards. Allow your inner artist to flourish and paint what you've been bottling up for so long. It might be interesting for the two of you to work on the same project. You can either take turns painting or ask the other for input on what to paint next. If one of you is an artist while the other is not, have the master teach the apprentice how painting is done. If you want to kick up your painting date a few notches, you can both watch a famous art instructor like Bob Ross and follow along as he tells you what to do. There are tons of online tutorials or local classes that will have you painting something more than stick figures in no time.
Personal Development
There are all kinds of free personality tests that you can take online. It will be so funny to see your spouse's reaction to some of the questions. It'll be even more eye-opening when they see the results of their personality test. Pop some popcorn, pour a glass of soda and see where the questions take you. Usually, the questions take you down a path where the two of you will be chatting it up in no time flat. The real fun of a personality test isn't the test itself; it's spending time with each other. Sometimes you need a little nudge in the right direction to sit down and smell the roses, and a personality test is as good of an excuse as any.
Arts & Culture
Making tie-dye shirts and other things is a total blast and an excellent date idea. Before you know it, the two of you will be tie-dye experts and creating all kinds of intricate designs. The most fun thing to do is to try to come up with designs that are so wild they make your jaw drop. Turn your date night fun into a profitable hobby or side hustle by selling your tie-dyed clothing online. Tie-dyed clothing is one of those things that never seem to go out of style. Remember, you can tie-dye all kinds of things, and you're not limited to only shirts.
Going for a nice relaxing drive is a great way to spend some quality time with your spouse. Hitting the open road offers up many opportunities for conversation and closeness that you otherwise would not be able to obtain on your own. A driving date can consist of taking a stroll through town or hitting the road and taking the highway and seeing where it ends up. A driving date is made even more enjoyable if you go out for a bite to eat. You can visit a drive-in restaurant or get fast food and eat it in your car. Sometimes a great way to end a driving date is to find a secluded area and relax while listening to music and allow the conversation to go wherever it may. Who knows, you might even be able to sneak a kiss while you're parked.
House sitting is a fun way to get out of your own home and experience new places. When you house site for someone else you agree to watch over their home while they are away. House sitting can feel like you're staying in a hotel if you have the right mindset. Take a look around their house and ask each other what you like and don't like about it. Get suggestions from each other on how you can improve your own home. House sitting isn't a difficult task, and that means you will have plenty of time together. If done right you can combine house sitting and travel for a neat way to experience new places while keeping your travel costs down.
Fun & Games
There are two ways you can turn caricatures into a date. The first way is to make caricatures of each other. If you go that route, try your best to make caricatures that are as funny as possible. It's always a good laugh to see your spouse's reaction when seeing themselves in a silly looking picture. You can take your caricature date a step further by finding a caricature artist at many large events to draw your pictures. During the summer months and when it's not cold outside, artists sometimes hang out at parks and draw caricatures of people for money. A professional can make you both look funny, and you'll have your caricature to remember your fun-filled park adventure.
Going bowling allows you to roll a ball towards pins while wearing funny looking shoes. Don't worry if you're the type who only throws gutter balls; the score doesn't matter when you're bowling. Somehow a game of bowling always turns into lots of laughs by the time the game is done. Also, bowling alleys are famous for having all kinds of snacks like nachos and deliciously greasy food. You can throw a few strikes and have a guilty pleasure all on the same date. Check with your local bowling alley if they have discounts during the day or other times. You may also want to avoid playing during the times when leagues are there since it might be difficult to get a lane. Many alleys also offer cosmic or other types of bowling with black lights, popular music and more.
Romance & Relationship
A relationship advice date can take form in many different ways. If you've been married for a while, you are an expert at relationships. You could offer advice through support groups at your church, you could make videos and share them on YouTube, or you could even collectively give advice to couples on Reddit. The avenues for you to give relationship advice are almost endless. Those of you who have been married for a long time know that couples need all kinds of advice to keep them together. There isn't a week that goes by that isn't full of landmines, and you will be able to help other couples avoid the misery that comes along with stepping on one of them. And whether you're newlyweds or been married for decades it's always good to take in relationship advice and look for ways to improve your own relationship.
Fun & Games
Would You Rather is a fun game with all kinds of questions. Just type in "Would You Rather questions" in Google, and you'll find plenty of sites with questions on them. Also, you can find quite a few YouTube videos that provide lots of questions. The answers that you give are what make this game so much fun. You'll learn things about your spouse that you had no idea about. Some of the questions are so off the wall that it is impossible not to learn something new and interesting about them. If you enjoy your first date like this, plan another in the future and plan ahead by having new questions ready.
Karaoke is an instant hit if you're the type who loves to have a good time and consider yourself a music lover. You and your spouse will be smiling and laughing up a storm while the two of you sing your favorite songs. Sometimes the best karaoke sessions are when you mess up the song so bad that you can't stop laughing while trying to sing. If you're too shy to sing at a karaoke bar, watch everyone else while they give it a shot. You can also buy the equipment and have fun at home. You can download tracks from the internet to create all kinds of karaoke-themed fun.
Arts & Culture
Metalworking is an interesting date idea because it produces something that lasts a lifetime. Metalwork could include small trinkets or jewelry or large pieces that weigh several pounds or more. It's not advised that you rush to a local machine shop and start to work on a lathe right away. In fact, you'd be better off trying to find an introductory course or something along those lines. You could also find a local metal worker in your area who would be willing to allow you to sit with them and maybe even help out while they work. If you do metalworking as a profession, the possibilities are endless for this as a date idea. You can work together with your spouse to create something truly unique, and who knows, you might even be able to sell it as well.
Health & Wellness
Prepping has taken a life of its own in recent years. Many people take emergency preparedness seriously, and they do everything they can to be prepared in case something happens. How prepared are you for an emergency? A fun date idea is to go through your home and see what you need to improve on. If you don't know where to start, check out or other online resources. You'll be surprised by the areas that you lack preparedness in. You can also make a list of things that you need to buy or do for the next date night when you take things a step further. The world can be a crazy place sometimes, why not put in a little effort getting yourselves prepared?
There are quite a few online streaming services that allow you to make playlists. Spotify is by far the largest of the sites that allow you to make and share your playlists with everyone and to build off of the existing playlists made by others. The fun thing about turning making playlists into a date is that you can share them. If your spouse has different musical tastes than you, it will be exciting to listen to what they think is good. Don't think that your playlist is limited to music since some sites allow you to make playlists of podcast clips, stand up comedy, and even nature sounds. Be creative, and try your best to create playlists that are as unique as your interests are.
Fun & Games
Crossword puzzles can be bought at any dollar store for a buck or two at the most. Sometimes working your noodle gets you in the mood for other things. The fun thing about crossword puzzles is that you can ask each other the clues. If you don't know the answer, you can cheat and look online. Crossword puzzle books come in a variety of difficulty levels, and you can build your way up. Not only are you spending quality time with each other, but you both learn something as well. For added enjoyment, take the crossword puzzle book outside and turn your fun into an outdoor date.
Camping is more than just a few hour date, it's something that takes most of the day or more. Camping can be free or a low-cost dating idea that gets you away from it all. If you're the type that likes to live off the land, then camping is a fantastic date idea. You can go hiking, enjoy the fresh air, and spend every waking minute with each other. Many couples who enjoy the great outdoors feel that camping strengthens their relationship, and they notice stronger lines of communication after the camping adventure is over. Established campgrounds offer a way for inexperienced campers to have access to things such as running water, toilets, and other amenities that some might consider a necessity even when roughing it. Either way you go, camping is a fun date idea, especially for married couples.
Events & Attractions
If you live near the ocean, you have plenty of lighthouses all around. It's funny how many people who live near the coast have never been inside a lighthouse. Visiting a lighthouse is a great idea for those who live near the coast. What if you don't live anywhere near the coast? Hop on a plane and enjoy a weekend getaway date near the ocean. Not only will you get away from it all, but you'll get to tour one of the most fascinating things that's near the sea. People don't realize it, but lighthouses are still a vital part of the transportation of people and goods, and that's what makes them so interesting. If you're able to tour the lighthouse and climb to the top bring your camera - you might have a rare opportunity to get some great photos.
City tours can be fun dates. You can either do a tour of your own city or another further away. No matter how long you've lived in your city, there are still plenty of things that you don't know. A city tour will open up your eyes to many things that you never knew about the place that you call home. City tours are also fun during the holidays if they go all around town looking at the decorated houses and businesses. Take your city tour date to another level by going out to eat afterward. You may want to make videos on your phone to remember what the tour guide teaches you. The videos would also be fun to show people when you talk to others about your date.
Couples retreats aren't only for married couples who are going through rough patches in their relationships. A couple's retreat offers guidance and advice that any couple can make use of. Some retreats last a weekend or longer, and it's like you're on vacation. The nice thing about going on a retreat is that you get to spend time together. All relationships require work, and this is a great date idea that you can use to strengthen yours. There is no such thing as the perfect relationship, and everyone can benefit from the teachings of a couple's retreat getaway.
Fun & Games
For those of you who don't know, playing cornhole is where you toss bean bags through a hole in a board. You can either make your own cornhole board and bags or buy them online. You can play cornhole inside your home, but it's even more fun to play outside. The further away you are from the board, the more challenging it becomes. The goal is to get as many bags in the hole as possible. You can have a lively competition where the loser has to wash dishes in the evening. It won't be long before the two of you are laughing and having fun while trying to get the bag into the hole. cornhole is such a simple game, but that's what makes it fun to play. Anyone can play cornhole, but it's tough to master, and that's why you'll want to keep playing to improve your skills. Invite a couple of other couples to your cornhole date activity and compete as teams for even more fun.
Arts & Culture

You've probably heard the song The 12 Days of Christmas before. If celebrating Christmas is a tradition you follow then 12 days of Christmas can be a great date activity. Traditionally the 12 Days of Christmas mark the Christmas celebration beginning on Christmas day. Each day celebrates an important event in Christianity. For your date activity you can learn about or celebrate these events. There are several additional takes on this tradition including the popular song. For this date activity you could use the theme of the gifts in the song in some way. See who can sing the song from start to finish without making any mistakes. Record yourselves singing the song so you can preserve the hilarity for years to come. Or why not try acting out the song or finding the items in your home or online? Turn the song into a scavenger hunt to see who can find the most items. There's also a way to use this theme to leave gifts for others on their doorsteps for each of the 12 nights leading up to Christmas. Make it more fun by being anonymous and trying to run away after ringing the doorbell without being caught. There are a lot of fun ways to enjoy the season. Above all else, enjoy the season and be thankful for the person you love.
Inline skating is fun because it gives you a chance to enjoy the great outdoors together. Parks are great places to go rollerblading, but anywhere with a sidewalk will do. Couples seeking ways to increase their cardiovascular exercise can take advantage of all of the movement rollerblading offers. Rollerblading is fun, no matter if you're a novice wearing protective gear or experienced pros who aren't afraid to shred up the scene to have a good time. For an added treat, stop at your favorite ice cream shop while rollerblading and treat yourself with something cold and sweet. If you already have the gear you can rollerblade in a ton of different places. If you need to rent gear you'll need to find a place near you that can provide what you need.
Dodgeball isn't only a game played in gym during your grade school years. You can also play dodgeball as an adult. How would you turn dodgeball into a date? Well, the easiest way is to play against each other and see who can dodge the ball the best. You can take turns throwing the ball at each other. If you know of other couples who would be interested in playing dodgeball, you can turn it into a double date. You can even get all the married couples in your church or civic club to have a dodgeball date and have even more fun.
Classes & Workshops
It seems that home improvement and DIY types of shows are a big hit right now. You and your spouse might watch those programs and be in awe of what they do. If so, then home improvement classes are a fantastic date idea for you. The classes will teach you how to do repairs in your home to improve the quality of your life. Not only will you enjoy living in your home more, but you'll also save a ton of money by not having to pay people to do these things for you which are easier than you think to do.
Personal Development
It's always fun to see who is the sharpest when playing brain games. You can play brain games online or buy a box game and play against each other. Turn your game date into something genuinely spectacular buy ordering pizza and wings or creating an over the top meal from scratch. Why not turn game night into a date with all the bells and whistles? The brain games will even be more exciting if you place a little wager on the game. If you have a meal, the loser has to take out the trash or do the dishes. The bet will make both of you play a little harder, making the outcome of the game even more exciting.
Arts & Culture
Drawing on the sidewalk with chalk is so much fun, and you can do it just about anywhere. The great thing about sidewalk chalk is that you can easily wash it away or wait for the rain to make your artwork disappear. You can have a sidewalk chalk drawing date on the sidewalk outside of where you live, you can do it at the park, or anywhere where there is a big slab of cement. Make sure that you have your smartphone handy to take pictures of your sidewalk art and share them online with your friends and family. If you can find sidewalk chalk artists near you be sure to check out their artwork and be amazed at what you can create with just a few sticks of chalk.
Romance & Relationship
A date with nothing but hugs and kisses? Why not?! Can you ever get too many hugs and kisses? A lack of physical attention is something that happens in many marriages. You sometimes find yourself too busy for even a peck on the cheek. Why not set aside a little time for a few hugs and a whole lot of kisses? Couples who kiss usually have more robust immune systems, and their bonds become stronger as well. Sometimes it's nice to get physical with your spouse and to show them how much you love them. It's okay to get wild when you kiss, you're married, and sometimes husbands and wives need to let loose and have an old-fashioned make-out session.
Fun & Games
Ice blocking is, by far, one of the most unique dates a married couple will ever encounter. What is ice blocking? Ice blocking is where you sit on a block of ice and slide down a hill on it. Think of ice blocking like you were sledding, except you're on a block of ice, and there is no snow. You will have to buy or make a block of ice that is big enough to sit on to slide down the hill. You don't need anything other than the ice and a folded up towel to sit on, which makes this date idea fairly simple and cheap. Try to go down the hill as many times as you can before the ice melts.
Fun & Games
Impersonations are always a total blast, and sometimes they're even funnier if you can't sound anything at all like the person. You and your spouse undoubtedly share a few favorite celebrities, politicians, or friends that have a unique way of talking. Try your best to imitate your favorite people, both verbally and physically. Impressions are one of those things that get better over time, and yours will improve if you have several impersonation date nights. For added fun, you can wear costumes like the character or imitate their body language while trying to sound like them. If you're not sure where to start, find online videos that can give you pointers and pick out a few celebrities to attempt to impersonate.
Personal Development
Who doesn't love the idea of understanding and being able to communicate is secret codes? There are a lot of codes and languages that you can learn for fun. What about having secret codes with the person you love? Set aside some time for a cryptography date where the two of you make your own secret codes. Try to make some codes that cause you to burst out laughing. Get a couple of small frozen pizzas, some takeout, or a bag of chips to make your cryptography date even more fun. How seriously should you take this? It's actually not a bad idea to have a few secret codes amongst couples so that you can say things without anyone know what you're talking about. Everyone needs a way to tell their spouse they have spinach in their teeth without bringing attention to it by everyone in a public setting.
Catching a baseball game on TV is a fantastic date idea for those who don't feel like leaving the house. Watching a game on television allows you to see the players up close as you would never be able to in a stadium. Another great aspect of watching the game at home is that you can eat all kinds of snacks and prepare your own food, which costs a fraction of what you would pay at the stadium. Decorate your living room in the spirit of your favorite team, and don't be shy about cheering them on when they are at-bat. Watching your favorite baseball team at home is exciting because you can let loose without caring what other people think.
Wearing ugly sweaters is a trend, and it's not going to go away anytime soon. How do you turn ugly sweaters into a date? You can go out wearing ugly sweaters and see how people react to them. Also, you can go shopping for ugly sweaters. The ugliest sweaters are usually found online, but you never know what your local second-hand shops are going to have. Sometimes thrift stores are the final destination for a sweater that is so ugly no one wants to wear it. Seek out the ugliest sweaters you can find and then have fun taking pictures of yourselves wearing them in all kinds of situations.
Fun & Games
There's a whole world of improvisation games waiting for couples to discover them. Although improvisation games are mainly geared toward actors and performers they can be fun games for others as well. A quick Google search will produce dozens of games that you can play right away. Everyone has a hidden actor or comedian in them. Playing improvisation games unleashes your creative side while spending time together as the perfect date. Preserve your improvisation games date forever by making a video of your acting skills. The two of you will laugh uncontrollably years down the line when you watch the video of your date.
A fashion show is a collision of modern expression and art in a way that's easily presentable to the public. Ask your spouse which outfits they liked the best and why. Also, ask them what they think are the worst outfits. It'll be fun to see if the two of you like the same outfits or something entirely different. Fashion shows often have food and other attractions that you can enjoy as well. Who knows, the two of you may end up meeting a famous model, and if so, you'll always have that to remember your fashion show date with. For a sexy variation on this theme, put on your own fashion show for each other. Dress up however you'd like and strut your own stuff down the runway at home.
Personal Development
Everyone has fears, and you should get over them. Married people probably have different fears, but you might share something similar. Do you both fear heights? If so, it might be a good idea to go to the highest building you can find. Conquering your fears is an important part of personal growth. If you can both conquer the same fear at once, you'll get over a mountain that most don't. You will grow as a couple if the two of you can overcome your fears, and that will have a lasting impact on your relationship. Sit down together and make a list of your fears. Then discuss which ones you'd like to tackle with each other's help.
Classes & Workshops
Classes that teach you how to paint are a great date idea because it's a skill that you can have with you for the rest of your life. Also, painting classes may introduce you to a local artist who you would've otherwise not known. You'll enjoy looking over the shoulder of someone who knows what they're doing. There's nothing like watching a professional paint. Don't think that you're painting is limited to only what you do in the classroom on your date. You can take your skills and use them to create paintings for years to come.
Health & Wellness
Makeovers are necessary from time to time because well get stale in our beauty and wardrobe choices. Have you ever thought about letting your spouse choose your clothes or hair style for you? A makeover might consist of changes to clothing, hair styles or how she does her makeup. It sounds as crazy as it is because you never know what they are going to choose for you. Go to the store and allow each person to buy one outfit for the other. You will be shocked and probably amazed by what your spouse thinks you'll look the best in. Work together on how to improve each others appearance. This is a great way to open up lines of communication that you may have never considered.
Classes & Workshops
You can't be a happy couple if both of you aren't healthy. The first step to becoming healthy is by being active and exercising. Going to fitness classes on your date nights is a great idea since they will help you get fit. You'll also remember the exercises they teach you, and you'll be able to do them at home. If you have fitness classes once or twice a week, you can have exercise dates at home for the rest of the week. Just a handful of fitness class sessions paired with other healthy life choices can spur into something so much bigger in a short period.
Arts & Culture
A date of needlepoint is an opportunity to relax and to clear your mind. Needlepoint enables you to unleash your creativity in an instantly visible way. You can turn needlepoint into a date by each of you going back and forth and working on the sample piece. If you're the type of couple who would rather work on your own projects, each of you can have your own needlepoint. Save the finished product to show everyone and remember the awesome needlepoint date you two enjoyed.
Going to a soccer game can be a really fun thing to do on a date with your spouse. No one gets more excited about their team, than soccer fans do. If you have never been to a soccer game in person before, be prepared to hear lots of cheering from passionate fans every time something happens on the field. Soccer is a fast-paced game that can leave you feeling mesmerized by all of the action. Try your best to help each other follow the action on the field so that you know what's going on as it happens.