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Married Fun has all the date ideas! Read on to see all our date ideas tagged with
"practical". Mix up your next date night with these awesome activities. For the full experience make sure you check out the
Married Fun Date Planner.
Health & Wellness
Meditation is about so much more than sitting still, as you will learn on this date. Those who meditate learn how to control their emotions and to clear their mind. At first, it will feel that a mediation date leads up to not much of anything, but wait until it's over. You will feel refreshed and rejuvenated. A couple who meditates together grows together because you come out of it with a clear mind. You'll be able to work through your problems more efficiently, and the lines of communication are freer. It might not make sense until you've tried it, but once you have, your relationship will never be the same.
Personal Development
An exciting date idea is to sit down with each other and determine what 30-day challenges you want to try. Some of you might balk at the thought of doing anything difficult for 30 days. You should realize that most people fail to do the challenges completely, but that shouldn't deter you from giving it a shot. They're called challenges because that's exactly what they are. Visit different websites and come up with something that the two of you can do as a challenge. The most exciting thing about doing 30-day challenges with your spouse is to see that you can accomplish difficult things when you work together.
Personal Development
It's surprising the things that you know that your spouse doesn't. Maybe you know how to cook cuisine from a certain region in the world, or one of you loves to do woodwork. Why not turn date night into a moment where you teach each other how to do something? There are things that one of you can do that the other wishes they could. By teaching the other how to do something, you'll make your life easier and improve your household simultaneously. Life is a learning process, and there's no better teacher than the person you love more than anyone else.
Arts & Culture
Quilting is a fun way to spend some time together while also being productive. What better way to preserve the fun of your date than to have a quilt that you can hold onto forever? You can use your quilt, give it as a gift, or sell it to make money. A great idea would be to make a quilt, sell it on eBay, and donate the money to your favorite charity. Just imagine how a charity could use the money for a good cause. You could rarely turn a date into something that can impact so many people, but quilting is one of the opportunities to do that.
Arts & Culture
Handicraft allows your creative side to shine while making things that you can cherish. If both of you are the type who loves arts and crafts, a handicraft date is something you should do. Even if only one of you is into crafts, making a date out of handicraft is still a great idea. You can help each other, and it's these types of dates that enables couples to bond. You get to see your partner's creative personality in action, and you get to learn more about them. So, even if you don't think you're the creative type, have a handicraft date and get to know yourself and the person you love better. Something else that's great about doing handicraft is, you can give away the final product as gifts or sell them online at a place like Etsy.
Every car owner knows that they need to change their oil. Many car owners don't change the oil often enough in their cars. If the two of you have never changed a car's oil, you're in for a really exciting adventure. Changing the oil isn't difficult, but it can be messy for first-timers. If one of you has changed the oil before, none of it will be much of a surprise to you. The oil in your car is the lifeblood of your engine. It's surprising to see what the oil looks like, and the two of you are in for a real shock with this date. Wear old clothes and make sure to have plenty of rags nearby because changing your oil is messy even for those who are highly experienced.
Style & Fashion
Face it; you've got things in your wardrobe that haven't been in style for a long time. Now is the perfect time for both you and your spouse to go through your wardrobe and see what you need to get rid of and buy. Online shopping makes it easy, but for the ultimate date, go to a mall or a big box store where both of you can get what you need. Sure, the two of you won't find everything that you need at the same place. But it will be fun to see how the other shops for clothes. Men and women can be polar opposites when it comes to clothes buying, but you'll enjoy seeing how different the other is. Be open about your opinions of clothing options for each other and try stepping out of your comfort zone a little in your choices.
Causes & Service
No one likes the idea of ending up in a nursing home. Just imagine how difficult it must be for people who live there. You can make their lives better by visiting or volunteering your time. Nursing homes often have games for their residents to play, such as bowling or bingo. Volunteers often are the ones who put the games on, and it's a great date idea. You can turn your date into something that everyone in the nursing home can enjoy. If you don't have time for that, you can always visit people in the nursing home. If you have friends, family, or people from your church in a nursing home, visit them during a date.
Health & Wellness
Being educated about first aid is something that comes in handy when you need it the most. You can learn a lot at events held by the Red Cross and other organizations. You can also turn to YouTube to learn how to administer a variety of first aid techniques. If you don't have a first aid kit in your home, go buy one or put one together. Everyone should know what to do in case of an emergency. A date learning the basics of first aid will give you the upper hand during an emergency or natural disaster. The first few minutes of a tragedy are when you prevent permanent injury or loss of a loved one. Knowing first aid cuts down on the likelihood of something terrible happening.
Classes & Workshops
Every couple can improve their cooking skills. Attending cooking classes is a great way for both of you to improve your skills in the kitchen. If you have children or are thinking about starting a family, the cooking classes will benefit them as well. Other than the obvious benefit of being able to make food that your kids will eat, you can teach your children what you learn, and they will pass it on as well. Families that cook their own food at home save a ton of money, are healthier, and they often go on to live more productive lives. Cooking is a great stress reliever, and it's something that benefits everyone when you sit down at mealtime and enjoy delicious food. The cooking classes you take will impact your life and the lives of others for years.
Arts & Culture
The fun thing about t-shirt design is that you can turn your hobby into a business. Brainstorm and try to come up with as many funny, witty, or off-the-wall t-shirt slogans and designs as possible. The two of you can even have a competition to see who sells the most shirts if you sell your shirts online. A really fun way to always remember your date is to design a shirt specifically for the moment. You'll have a memento of your enjoyable experience that you can cherish for a lifetime. Make sure you print up a shirt for each of you to wear out to your next great date.
Taking a woodworking class or working on a project together is a great way to work on your bond. The project itself can vary in degrees of difficulty, and your abilities will grow over time. Each project you work on with each other will give you the skills and confidence to work on more complex things. You can sell the things you make, use them in your own home, or donate them to a local charity. No matter what you do with the final product, the real fun is always making it.
Everyone always turns their head when they see a classic car rolling down the street. Couples can do everything from minor vehicle restoration to a full-blown restoration. If you're the type of couple who sees a hunk of rusted out metal and thinks it's a beautiful thing, then this is a date for you. The level of restoration you're able to do will depend on the skills and tools you have in the garage. Everyone can do little things like work with the interior or patch up some paint chips. If you're really good at turning a junker into a masterpiece, you might even consider starting a family business doing retro car restorations.
Food & Drink
Gardeners and fruit growers are always looking for ways to preserve their bountiful harvest. Even if you don't garden or grow anything yourself, you probably see all the fresh fruits and vegetables during harvest time and wish there was a way to preserve them. The best way to preserve the fruit of the land is by turning it into a date. You and your spouse can pickle, can, or make jam out of the season's best produce. If you want to turn your preserving date into something even better, give your products away as gifts. Everyone loves to receive homemade stuff as a gift because the best gift you can give anyone is something made with love.
Personal Development
Seminars and lectures might sound dry and dull, but it all depends on the subject! You might find a lecture at your local college about a topic that you and your spouse really enjoy. Churches often have guest speakers who give seminars free of charge that can be quite helpful in your spiritual growth. You can make your lecture or seminar date even more enjoyable by going out to eat before or after attending. You aren't going to be able to talk much while the person talks, so you may want to sit at a coffee shop or someplace else and discuss what the lecturer spoke about.
Classes & Workshops
Do you have an inner actor or actress waiting to come bursting out? If so, acting classes are more than just a date; they could be a path to something even bigger. Even if the two of you just like to watch movies and television, acting classes can be a lot of fun. You'll no doubt bust up laughing at trying your best to act out each scene. The skills that you learn can be used at home on future dates to act out scenes in your favorite movies. Acting is an art, and a date filled with allowing your artistic side to flourish is a healthy outlet that will benefit both of you greatly.
It doesn't matter what time of year it is; there's always some yard work that needs to be done. Two people can get the job done faster than one, and you can turn your outdoor chores into a date. You can turn it into an even more fun date by planning ahead and making some tasty drinks to enjoy if you're working on a hot day. Lemonade is a refreshing drink that will add some joy to your work. If you really want to treat yourselves for a job well done, eat some ice cream after doing the yard work. You might even consider planting a small garden so the two of you can have more enjoyable dates in the great outdoors.
Arts & Culture
Everyone always dreams of what it would be like to learn how to play an instrument. There are several different ways you can turn learning how to play an instrument into a date. You could always buy a second-hand instrument and learn how to play it by watching YouTube videos. If you have the money to buy each of you an instrument, that would be better. It would be best if you both could get lessons from a professional and learn how to play. It's up to you how serious you want to take it. Don't forget to make videos of your progression and the two of you playing a song.
Classes & Workshops
Tennis is one of those games that you can play indoors or outdoors. There's no excuse why you as a couple can't play tennis. Tennis is one of the best sports for two players and therefore a great date activity. If you're total newbies, then tennis classes are a definite help. Have a date where you attend one or more tennis classes and work hard to improve your game. You can challenge each other while playing tennis and even have friendly wagers. Competitive couples and those who like to stay on the go will enjoy playing tennis. Couples need to find new and creative ways to ensure they stay active, and playing tennis is an excellent way of staying on the move.
Causes & Service
All neighborhoods need cleaning up. Why not get together with your neighbors and have a neighborhood clean-up event? If that's not your cup of tea, try to find an elderly or disabled person who needs some help cleaning up their property. A date helping clean your block will make everyone happy. All of your neighbors will think of you when they see how clean everything is. You have to live in your neighborhood, and if it's clean, you'll enjoy spending more time outside. A clean neighborhood is a happy neighborhood, and that's why this is a fantastic way to spend a date night.
Causes & Service
Fundraisers do all kinds of great things for the community. Helping others by raising money is a fantastic way to turn your date night into something that benefits so many people. There are so many different charities out there, and you can easily have several fundraising dates throughout the year. Set an individual goal or as a couple to see how much money you can raise. It will be exciting to see if you're able to make or break your goal. The harder you work, the more people will benefit from your date night. You'll be able to get away from the house, spend some quality time together, and change lives in the process. There aren't too many dates couples can go on in which all that can happen.
Auto repair might seem like a strange date night until you learn how much a mechanic charges! This is a great idea for newlyweds without a lot of money or other couples who love to live frugally. There are many things that a couple can do in the garage that will save them quite a bit of money. Some expensive repair jobs are quite simple to do yourself. Doing so you'll save money, learn more about your car, and spend time with each other. Even something as simple as changing your windshield wiper blades can be adventurous and fun if you've never done if before. If you're unsure how to do something, watch YouTube videos and learn from others.
Personal Development
If you've never been to church before, it's a great place to go. If you are a member of a church, then there are all kinds of activities you can attend. If it's near the holidays, there's always something going on. An active church will have events all the time, and usually, they're free to join. You can enjoy the festivities or volunteer and donate your time to a good cause. Church activities always make for a great date idea because it allows you to spend time with your spouse, and it also strengthens your relationship with your God or your spirituality.
Food & Drink
Candy making is a delicious date idea that can spread happiness far and wide. You can savor your hard work for days and weeks to come by eating the candy you make. What's even better than eating your candy is giving it away as gifts. The holidays are a great time to make candy and give it to your friends, family, and neighbors. The look on your loved ones' faces when they receive your homemade candy gift will be priceless. Take pictures of the candy you make and share them on social media. If you're really getting into it, see if you can't sell your candy. If you really want to go all out during your candy making date, record it and share your fun on YouTube or with people you know.
Classes & Workshops
Attending dance classes is a great date idea for many different reasons. First off, dancing is fun. It's also an excellent exercise, and it's in some cases better than going to the gym. Dancing also promotes intimacy between the two of you. Dancing is something that you and your spouse can do for the rest of your life. What you learn today in the classes you'll be able to do for years down the line. A dancing class date will get you out of the house, you'll be near other couples, and you'll enjoy yourself. The greatest thing about learning how to dance is, it's something you can do at home. Turn on some music, get close, and slow dance while allowing yourselves to live in the moment. Your dance classes will take a life of their own, which is why this is such a fantastic date idea.
Personal Development
Ted talks are not only fun to watch, but they are so informative. You will learn so much by watching ted talks with your spouse. Turn your ted talks date into a dinner date and eat while listening to what they say. After you're done listening, talk about what you just heard. Every couple can find something they find interesting when it comes to Ted talks. There are few things that a couple can do that will change how they think about things like listening to Ted talks. Your world will be open, and you'll grow as a couple after listening to Ted talks.
We are living in an increasingly automated world. There are several household tasks that you can automate. Did you know some robots can vacuum your floors? You can set up the lights to turn on so that your house isn't dark when you come home. You can even automate the coffee brewing process, so you have a fresh cup in the morning. With a smart thermostat you can control the temperature in your house by the sound of your voice or hundreds of miles away. Don't you think it's about time that machines helped improve the quality of your life? Turn it into a date and find new appliances and turn your home into a place that only the Jetsons could've envisioned.
Break out your old clothes and your tools and get to work doing those home renovations that you've been putting off. Doing activities such as home improvement does a lot more than making your house a more livable place; it also strengthens your relationship. You're bound to get into situations where you get on your spouse's nerves. Somehow you work through those situations, and as a couple, you become stronger on the other side. If you're new to DIY projects, start doing small tasks, and work your way up to professional level remodeling.
Financial planning is something people rarely like to do because it's not exciting. However, every couple needs to sit down and think about where their money is going. What is your financial future, and where do you want to be in the next five years? The only way you know the answer to these questions is by sitting down and planning for your financial future. Therefore a financial planning date is a must, and there are so many ways you can spruce it up so it's not entirely dull. Turn your date into an enjoyable experience by making sure you have plenty of snacks or maybe even taking a break in between discussing your financial future to enjoy a great meal. You have to get through this, and the more serious you take it now, the fewer worries you'll have down the line.
In many cities, the weekends are hot days for garage sales. You can easily spend an entire Saturday going from garage sale to garage sale, finding all kinds of goodies. Here is a little fun thing you can do to turn going to garage sales into a date. Try to find at least one item that you think the other would like. It doesn't have to cost much; you can set a limit of a couple of dollars on the item. You'll be surprised by the items that your spouse thinks that you will like. Seeing the items your spouse chooses gives insight into what type of person they think you are.
Classes & Workshops
A picture is worth a thousand words, and a photo lasts a lifetime. A date that includes photography classes is sure to stay with you for the rest of your life. By taking photography classes during your date, you will be able to capture moments in time like never before. You can have one photography class date or several. Those of you who are seeking more advanced photography skills will want to take more than one class. That's okay; every couple can use a few more dates.
Arts & Culture
Making your own Christmas cards is a great way to spend some time together as a couple. By making your own Christmas cards, you'll spread holiday cheer in a way that is as unique as you are as a couple. Your friends and family will love receiving your one-of-a-kind Christmas cards. You can turn creating Christmas cards into multiple dates. You can create your Christmas cards and then prepare them to be sent off. Taking your Christmas cards to the post office can be another date. Walk to the post office if weather permits or go out to eat to celebrate sending off your Christmas cards.
Health & Wellness
For those of you who don't know, acroyoga combines yoga and acrobatics. Also written as acro yoga and acro-yoga, acroyoga requires two people, and that's what makes it such a fantastic date idea. You can easily find an acroyoga class by searching Google. Just type in acroyoga + your city to find classes in your area. If you can't find classes or wish to practice at home, do a simple search on YouTube for videos to instruct you on how to do acroyoga by yourselves. Any date that gets your blood flowing and focusing on exercise is a good thing. If you really want to kick your acroyoga date into high gear, follow it up with some healthy snacks. After a couple of acroyoga dates you'll begin to feel the difference, and your dates will end up being a regular routine to stay fit.
Personal Development
Every couple has a couple of things that they find interesting as all getout. If you're fortunate, your spouse shares many of the same interests as you do. If that's the case, a research or study date is something that you'll really enjoy. The research can take place online, or you might want to trek out and gather facts in the real world. Local museums and your library are places where you can go on your date to get the information you need for your research. Don't be surprised if your research date ends up turning into something that you do for months, if not years to come. Gathering information is addictive, and you'll want to learn about the subject as much as you can. What will you do with all your research? Start a blog? Write a book? Start a business? Solve world hunger? Learning is a noble pursuit with many options of how to put your information to good use.
There are several different ways that you can have a product testing date. The two of you could go to the store and buy several foods that you've never tasted before and give them a try. You could try to join a company that pays people to test products for them. You could even make a video of you and your spouse testing different products and share it on YouTube. It's easy to find a ton of things either online or at the store that you've never used before. Don't limit yourself to only food; you can also test household products, hair care products, or even perfumes. Be creative and try a few things that you know you'll bust a gut laughing because of how strange they are.
Personal Development
Can you really start a business during a date? Sure, you can. The way you start a business during a date is by laying the groundwork. It all starts with an idea. If you've been married long you've surely had discussions about thinks you'd like to invent or existing ideas that really need some improvement. Maybe you discuss what type of business you want to start. If it's an online business, you can move onto buying your domain and web hosting. After doing all that, then you can move on to creating your website and so forth. It will take you several dates to start a business, but there's nothing wrong with that. No one expects that you start a successful business in a few hours.
The thing that makes refinishing furniture such a satisfying date is that you can look back at the product of your hard work and enjoy it. You can set up an initial date looking for the furniture that you will be refinishing. Some of you might be surprised that you can find furniture sitting out on the street waiting for the trash to pick it up or a great place to find inexpensive pieces of furniture to refinish is flea markets or thrift stores. You will always remember your furniture refinishing date every time you look at the furniture that the two of you worked so hard to refinish. You can also resell your refinished furniture for a profit or donate it to charity to help out local causes.
Do you like it when your spouse smells good? If so, a date of perfume or cologne shopping is something the two of you will love. Most stores sell both perfume and cologne, and those are the stores that you should go to. How about you take your date to the next level and shop for a scent without your spouse being by your side? If you're leery of your spouse possibly not wanting to wear the scent, check with them before you go through the checkout aisle. It will be exciting to see what scent your spouse chooses and if it's something that you can stand to have on your skin.
If you or another couple you know are thinking about having a baby soon or you see children in your future, then coming up with names is essential. Some couples spend countless days going through books and websites trying to come up with the perfect name. Many times, couples are unsure what their baby's name should be, and it takes time to come up with something they both can agree on. Get yourself some snacks, turn on some music, and have fun coming up with names. You can go through names off of the top of your head or look them up. The fun part is seeing which names your spouse likes and the ones that they refuse to give your child. The back story behind the names they won't accept can sometimes be more interesting than choosing a baby name.
A community garden is an excellent place for those who want to raise fruits and vegetables but don't have a place to do so where they live. Some community gardens donate the food to the poor or to food banks. You might consider starting a community garden with other members of your church and donate the bountiful harvest. Gardening allows you to eat fresh foods at a fraction of the cost that you'd pay at the supermarket. Also, gardening is great exercise, and it's quality time spent outside with your spouse. Eat better, get more exercise, and enjoy a lungful of clean, fresh air by having a gardening date with your spouse. You can also give away your harvest as gifts since everyone loves fresh produce, but many can't afford it.