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"1-2 hrs". Mix up your next date night with these awesome activities. For the full experience make sure you check out the
Married Fun Date Planner.
Hang gliding and paragliding offer what, for many, is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to explore their wild side. As a couple, there are undoubtedly things you want to cross off the list of things that you want to do. Hang gliding is on the list for many, and it's one of the most exciting things you'll ever do. Seeing the world from above while experiencing the freedom that only a bird enjoys is a thrilling experience. There are few dates that a married couple can go on that produce that type of long-lasting memories that hang gliding can. Find a beautiful location, prepare to be amazed, and take turns enjoying the stunning beauty of the earth.
Personal Development
Everyone has a mental bucket list of sorts, and it's essential to clear off as many items as possible. It's good to express these desires by writing down your bucket list and it's the perfect thing to share with your spouse. As a date, write down individual lists or a shared list that you want to work on. You can even add categories or make separate lists that are themed. Then take your lists and plan dates around checking things off. Your bucket lists are going to change as you age, and you'll have to modify them accordingly. Always keep each other up-to-date as to what's on your bucket list so you can continue planning dates and checking things off together.
Fun & Games
Setting up an Easter egg hunt is a fantastic date idea that you can share with others as well. You can hide Easter eggs while allowing neighbors or the children of members of your family to find them. You and your spouse will excitedly watch as the children try to find the eggs that you hide. You can also have an Easter egg hunt just for the two of you, and that would entail you hiding eggs so that your spouse can find them. However, a holiday like Easter is best enjoyed with other people, and that's why it is far more fun to invite others to hunt the eggs that you hide or to find another Easter egg hunt that you can attend.
It seems no matter how much you clean, everything is always dirty. Are you and your spouse neat freaks? If so, a date filled with cleaning is right up your alley. If not, your house could probably use a little extra attention. It will only take you a minute or two to think of all the things in your home that need cleaning. A great idea to turn your date into something spectacular is to offer to clean the home of someone who is disabled, elderly or otherwise could use the help. A cleaning date helping out someone is a great way to spend some time together and to make life better for someone else.
Food & Drink
A dinner date can be as low key or as fantastic as you want it to be. You can head to your favorite fast-food restaurant or go someplace that has tablecloths. Food courts at shopping malls can make for an awesome dinner date because both of you can choose what food you want. A dinner date can be a functional event where the two of you enjoy a meal after a hard day of work, or it can be a reason to celebrate. The important thing is that you're setting aside time that both of you can get together and enjoy the other's company. Eating a sack of burgers at the park can be just as enjoyable as dining in a bistro with a snooty waiter. Have fun, enjoy the meal, and allow the sparks to fly between the two of you.
Listening to podcasts might not sound like much of a date but it can actually be a total blast. First off, there are a ton of podcasts out there for you to listen to. If you've already got some podcasts picked out, you can stick with those or try to find something that the both of you will enjoy. If you want, you can find a topic that will help you grow, such as relationship advice, DIY and home maintenance tips or how to care for children. There really is an endless amount of free podcasts out there - take a little time to find something that interests you and enjoy listening to it together.
Events & Attractions
A volcano is a natural wonder of nature that is as dangerous as it is beautiful. If you've never seen a volcano up close, it makes for a perfect date. Guided tours are the best way to see a volcano since the tour guide can educate you about what you're seeing. It's also fun to ask the tour guide questions and learn about all the details about the volcano. The surrounding area of a volcano can be filled with all kinds of evidence from its last eruption. Pay close attention to the ground you're walking on since it might have been molten lava not that long ago.
Do you know what your zodiac sign is? If not, now is the perfect time to learn. Turn learning about your zodiac sign into a date, and you'll be surprised by all the stuff you didn't know. Many people believe that your zodiac sign plays a role in every aspect of your life. Whether you believe that or not it's interesting to see what the meaning behind you and your spouse's sign is and how your zodiac sign is said to affect you. You can debate back and forth if astrology is a bunch of hype or if there's something to it. It's a hotly contested subject, and it might end up carrying over into several dates.
Events & Attractions
Every city has tourist attractions that you can visit. The tourist attractions in your area might include museums, theaters, and amusement parks. Search online to see what are the most popular tourist hot spots in your area. Sometimes people who live their whole lives in an area end up forgetting all about the special places in their backyard. If that's the case for you, it will be a lot of fun to revisit the places you haven't been to in a while. Touristy places are always fun because everyone likes to roll out the red carpet for out of towners and locals alike who are looking to have a good time.
The circus is fun for all ages. Seeing the clowns, the animals, and all the hijinks is a total blast. The circus is best enjoyed with plenty of snacks and refreshing beverages. If you're lucky, one of the clowns will ask you to join them in their fun. A fun-filled evening is what you'll have when the circus comes to town. Sometimes during intermission, the clowns will pose with the audience, and they might have some animals with them too. Pay to have your picture taken so that you can always remember the great time the two of you had at the circus.
Romance & Relationship
Almost every couple needs to spend more time in the bedroom. Let's face it, time in the bedroom is precious, and most couples don't get enough of it. Games are a fun way to create the type of sparks needed to turn your love life into a wildfire. The game itself is only a vehicle for allowing each other to feel closer to each other. Take some time out to laugh, have fun, and enjoy each other's company. Allow the conversation to flow and see where things go. You'll be surprised by how quickly the moment will heat up, and you'll feel like you were just married all over again.
Extreme sports are even more exciting when you get to watch it in person. Watching your favorite extreme sports athletes perform at their very best is more thrilling when you can cheer them on. Going to an extreme sporting event is a fantastic day to experience that will create memories that last a lifetime. If you really want to have fun, cheer for your favorite athletes at the top of your lungs. Who knows, if the sporting event is broadcast on television, you might hear yourself cheering while watching.
What is spelunking? Spelunking or caving is where you walk through or explore a cave. Usually, spelunking is done with a group that is led by someone experienced with the cave. Trekking through a cave can be dangerous, so make sure you're prepared and with the right people. The interesting thing about walking in a cave is that you get to walk through the earth's history. It's hard to believe that areas like these exist all over the world beneath our feet. If the cave has a gift shop, you might want to consider buying a souvenir, so you always have something to remember your cave excursion date.
Fun & Games
Table tennis is a great indoor sport that you can play all year long. Nothing gets your heart rate up like batting the ball back and forth while playing ping-pong. If you want to turn your table tennis date into something spectacular, place a little wager or the outcome of the game. Maybe say the loser has to do laundry for a week or another chore around the house. You'll be surprised by how intense each of you plays when you know something is on the line.
A soccer date can be a head to head battle, or you can just kick the ball around. Playing soccer is great exercise, and it also gets you out of the house. Soccer is one of those games that's easy to play but difficult to master. You can have several soccer dates and still have something to learn. Take your soccer ball, go to the park, and have fun kicking it around. Try to learn some footwork or soccer tricks. Bring along with you some water, sports drinks, and a sack lunch and turn it into a date and a picnic.
Causes & Service
Being able to help your local homeless population is something that many people strive to do. Sadly, there will always be homeless people who need a place to stay. Someone has to volunteer to work at the shelters, and it's an excellent opportunity for a date. A date working at a homeless shelter? Why not? You are giving back to the community and also spending time together. There is no better way to enjoy each other's company while doing something positive. Many of the people you help will go on to live productive lives. The help you give them will have a ripple effect that lasts generations. For many, homelessness is the result of circumstances that are out of their control, and your help will change their lives forever.
City tours can be fun dates. You can either do a tour of your own city or another further away. No matter how long you've lived in your city, there are still plenty of things that you don't know. A city tour will open up your eyes to many things that you never knew about the place that you call home. City tours are also fun during the holidays if they go all around town looking at the decorated houses and businesses. Take your city tour date to another level by going out to eat afterward. You may want to make videos on your phone to remember what the tour guide teaches you. The videos would also be fun to show people when you talk to others about your date.
Gravestone rubbing is where you take a piece of paper and rub a pencil over the tombstone to make an imprint of it. There are several different ways you can turn gravestone rubbing into a date. You both can visit the cemeteries where your relatives are buried and rub their gravestones. Another great idea is to find dead celebrities, famous people, or business people in your area and rub their gravestones. Rubbing a gravestone is harmless, and you won't harm the grave in any way. Do a little research online to find local people of interest and visit their graves.
Arts & Culture

You've probably heard the song The 12 Days of Christmas before. If celebrating Christmas is a tradition you follow then 12 days of Christmas can be a great date activity. Traditionally the 12 Days of Christmas mark the Christmas celebration beginning on Christmas day. Each day celebrates an important event in Christianity. For your date activity you can learn about or celebrate these events. There are several additional takes on this tradition including the popular song. For this date activity you could use the theme of the gifts in the song in some way. See who can sing the song from start to finish without making any mistakes. Record yourselves singing the song so you can preserve the hilarity for years to come. Or why not try acting out the song or finding the items in your home or online? Turn the song into a scavenger hunt to see who can find the most items. There's also a way to use this theme to leave gifts for others on their doorsteps for each of the 12 nights leading up to Christmas. Make it more fun by being anonymous and trying to run away after ringing the doorbell without being caught. There are a lot of fun ways to enjoy the season. Above all else, enjoy the season and be thankful for the person you love.
Everyone out there has at least one good joke in them. Your local comedy club probably has an open mic night now and then. The two of you can go up as a team or individually and try your best to make people laugh. If you're too afraid to get up there yourself, enjoy how the scene unfolds as other people brave the microphone. You can have a date where you try out your jokes on the other person. Give each other tips on how to improve the jokes and polish them before hitting the stage. You'll need at least a couple minutes of material, but it's not that hard to come up with stuff. After you have your jokes ready, you're now on your way to making people bust a gut laughing. Telling jokes in front of an audience is an exhilarating experience, and it's something that both of you might want to do again.
Fun & Games
A watch party is a great double date idea for married couples who want to go out on a date with others, but don't want to or can't leave. A watch party is where you watch TV, streaming or other videos with friends, either together or virtually. You could also do the same thing with YouTube videos and comment about them over a video app like Skype. The whole point is, you and another couple are watching something together and discussing or commenting on it. Where you watch the videos or the type of content is irrelevant. A watch party is a great way for couples to spend time with people they haven't seen in a while and want to have light-hearted fun in the process.
Arts & Culture
Some people take up painting as a means of self-expression and relaxation. Painting can be an inexpensive date idea that can reap all kinds of rewards. Allow your inner artist to flourish and paint what you've been bottling up for so long. It might be interesting for the two of you to work on the same project. You can either take turns painting or ask the other for input on what to paint next. If one of you is an artist while the other is not, have the master teach the apprentice how painting is done. If you want to kick up your painting date a few notches, you can both watch a famous art instructor like Bob Ross and follow along as he tells you what to do. There are tons of online tutorials or local classes that will have you painting something more than stick figures in no time.
Auctions are great places to find unique items and also hidden treasures. You can probably find an auction house in or around your city or town or you an head online for virtual auctions. A good auction is one that has a variety of household items along with everything else that you can imagine. Auctions sometimes also have concession stands where you can get a bite to eat to make the entire experience more enjoyable. Roam around the auction house and see what is going up on the auction block. Give each other a set amount of money and try to find something that you like. The real excitement of an auction is the bidding process. It's so much fun to watch your spouse in the heat of the moment during a bidding war. If your spouse wants something bad enough, their animal side will come out, and a bidding war will take place.
Windsurfing is more than an excuse to get out there on the water; it's also a great way to spend the day with the person you love. Both of you can go windsurfing at the same time, or you can use the same board and take turns. The fun thing about windsurfing is, it's exciting, and it gets you closer to nature. Being out on the open water is fantastic, and being able to do it with your spouse makes it even better. Make your windsurfing date even better by turning it into a mini-vacation. Get a hotel room near the beach and hit the waves over the weekend to create an outdoor experience with memories that will last forever.
A little fun in the sun is a great way to relax and get a tan at the same time. Sunbathing is also an excellent way to get the lines of communication going. You're not doing anything other than lying in the sun. Take this opportunity to talk to each other and to catch up on what's going on. Don't forget the suntan lotion, or you might end up getting burned. A radio or your smartphone is all you need for a little background noise for your suntanning date. You don't need to go anywhere special to sunbathe, your backyard or someplace secluded are great places if you don't have a beach or lake nearby.
Those of you who are seeking new ways to improve your health can turn XC running into a regular date activity. XC running is cross country running, and it gets you out of the house and on the move. Busy couples these days have a difficult time squeezing in enough exercise along with trying to spend some time together. An XC running date will enable you to be together and get some much-needed exercise in the process. You don't need much for your XC running other than a comfortable pair of running shoes. Buy each of yourselves a good pair of running shoes, and you can have cross country running dates as long as the weather permits.
Arts & Culture
The opera is a date night event that the ladies usually seem to enjoy a more than the men. But, there are plenty of operas that appeal to both sexes or you may be willing to sit through it as a special occasion for your wife. Pay a few extra dollars and get the binoculars so you can see what's going on. Unless you're sitting in the front row, it's hard to see what's going on the stage. The opera is far more entertaining when you can both see and hear what's going on. Also, the further back you sit, the cheaper the tickets are. If you're on a budget, sit in the back and take turns looking through the binoculars.
Have you ever wondered what happens to the organic matter that you throw away in the trash? It goes to the landfill and rots. Every day you throw away things that shouldn't end up in a landfill. A great thing to do is to start composting, and you can turn it into a date. Getting everything ready might take a couple of dates. First you need to make the composting bin. You can buy the bin already made or make your own from scratch using plans found on the internet. Once everything is ready, every day you simply toss the things able to be composted in a special container inside your kitchen and you eventually take it outside to your bin. Your composting bin will need to be occasionally turned, and you can turn that into a date along with any gardening that you do with the compost.
Scuba diving is the perfect date night for those who live near the ocean. If you don't live near the ocean, then going scuba diving is a great weekend vacation. Hop on a plane and go to the nearest clear ocean and go in for a dip. The beauty of the ocean awaits those who are adventurous enough to dive into it. The look on your faces will be priceless as you see things in real life that you've only seen on television.
The fun thing about playing hacky sack is that you never know where it is going to land. Use your body, your feet, and anything else other than your hands to pass the hacky sack from each other. A really fun thing to do is to play hacky sack at your local park and see if anyone wants to join in. Hacky sack is a game that you can quickly learn, and after a few sessions you'll start to get the hang of it. A hacky sack doesn't cost very much money, and you can have months, if not years of fun with it. A quick game of hacky sack can occur in your backyard, a nearby parking lot, or anywhere where you can kick this sack without worrying about it damaging something. Even a hallway can be the perfect place for a hacky sack game if the weather doesn't permit you to go outside.
A little fun in the sun goes a long way when you're standing on a surfboard. Catching some waves is a great date idea if the two of you love to be out in the water. No two waves are the same, and every time either of you is riding one, it's like a brand new experience. You can take turns using the surfboard, or you can both rent boards and surf at the same time. You will laugh for years about the big wave that got away. There's always one crash that sticks out, and it'll be even funnier if both of you biff at the same time.
Fun & Games
Nothing brings out the smiles and giggles during a date quite like bumper cars. Bumping into each other becomes addictive, and it's something that you can't stop doing. Bumper cars are fun because each of you gets to drive your own vehicle. You can chase each other, bump into each other, or even try to race. You can't help but have a great time when you're driving around trying to avoid (or cause!) a collision. Don't be surprised when the two of you want to do it again after the bumper cars come to a stop, and you know your time is up.
Personal Development
Everyone has fears, and you should get over them. Married people probably have different fears, but you might share something similar. Do you both fear heights? If so, it might be a good idea to go to the highest building you can find. Conquering your fears is an important part of personal growth. If you can both conquer the same fear at once, you'll get over a mountain that most don't. You will grow as a couple if the two of you can overcome your fears, and that will have a lasting impact on your relationship. Sit down together and make a list of your fears. Then discuss which ones you'd like to tackle with each other's help.
A relaxing date at home of knitting is more fun than it probably sounds. You and your spouse can make a variety of things with nothing more than a few knitting needles and some yarn. You can knit a blanket to keep you warm in the winter. You could also knit a sweater. You might even consider donating your date night knitting stuff to charity or sell it online on eBay or Etsy. No matter what you do with the final product, you'll enjoy spending time with the person you love while enabling your creative side to flourish.
Health & Wellness
Makeovers are necessary from time to time because well get stale in our beauty and wardrobe choices. Have you ever thought about letting your spouse choose your clothes or hair style for you? A makeover might consist of changes to clothing, hair styles or how she does her makeup. It sounds as crazy as it is because you never know what they are going to choose for you. Go to the store and allow each person to buy one outfit for the other. You will be shocked and probably amazed by what your spouse thinks you'll look the best in. Work together on how to improve each others appearance. This is a great way to open up lines of communication that you may have never considered.
Personal Development
You're not going to learn a new language in one date. However, you can learn a few words. If the two of you like learning a new language, it can become a regular date night event. There are more than enough resources online to learn a language. If you learn a language like Spanish, you can visit your local Mexican restaurant and talk to the people working there. It begins with you learning a handful of words and then using them in real-world situations. It's also a lot of fun to use the words you learn at home throughout the day.
No matter what time of year it is, you can go swimming. If it's summertime, then hitting the beach or a public pool is a lot of fun. During the colder months, there are several different places where you can go swimming indoors. Gyms, hotels, and even the YMCA usually have indoor pools that are open all year long. Swimming is a great activity because it relaxes while also providing a great source of exercise. It's next to impossible not to have fun when you're swimming together and enjoying the water. If you're swimming at the beach, bring lunch with you and turn it into a picnic after you're done having fun in the sun.
Fishing is a fun way to enjoy the great outdoors and to get some tasty food for free. Fishing itself is fun, and it gives you a chance to sit down next to each other and be a couple. Also, if you're the type who likes to catch what they cook, you can have a feast near the water. Remember, it's called fishing and not catching, so you might not have anything to eat on your date. The point of fishing isn't always to catch fish, but to spend time with the person you love. These precious moments are what your bond is built upon, and they are needed for a strong, lasting relationship. There aren't many things that can get you to forget about the hustle and bustle of your life like fishing. It's a great way to relax with the one you love.
Fossil hunting is like going back in time and piecing together what life was like long before you were here. Do a little research beforehand to know what type of fossils you should expect in your area. If you can, travel to an area well known for having fossils. Digging up the fossils is only half the fun because you've got to identify what you dug up. The first thing you do is try to determine what part of the animal you discovered. After that, then you move on to trying to figure out what animal the bones came from. The exciting thing is, you might be holding onto the bones of a dinosaur that hasn't seen the light of day for millions of years.
Food & Drink
Fondue is the perfect treat for cold weather or any time when you want to have a date night inside with the person you love. You can do chocolate or cheese fondue and dip all kinds of stuff in it. You can dip fruit, bread, or anything you can imagine. The magic of a fondue pot is that you get to enjoy creamy deliciousness at home. Turn your date night into a memorable experience by putting the fondue pot on the floor and feed each other delicious treats from it.