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"1-2 hrs". Mix up your next date night with these awesome activities. For the full experience make sure you check out the
Married Fun Date Planner.
Croquet offers the excitement of an outdoor sport along with the sun and fresh air that makes you feel healthy. Croquet is a game that you can play in your backyard or at the park. The game itself is simple to learn, and that's what makes it so much fun. You'll both get the hang of croquet after you've hit the ball around a couple of times. Croquet is fun to do as a group date if you know other couples who want to get outside and have some fun. You can compete against each other as couples and maybe even go for ice cream after you're done playing.
Events & Attractions
Those who care about their community and want to give back always have a great time at charity events. Sometimes they really roll out the red carpet for those who are willing to part ways with enough money for a good cause. Why not turn a date into something that you'll enjoy that will also help others? A gala of goodwill is what you'll enjoy, and it'll be one of those events that stick with you for a lifetime. Doing a good deed never feels better than when you get to share it with someone you love.
Arts & Culture
Going to a medieval festival is an excellent idea if you're the type of couple that likes to dress up. A knight in shining armor and a princess is what you two were meant to be. If you're not in the mood to dress up, then it's no big deal, you can still go to look at the costumes. Time has a way of harkening back to another era when you walk through the gates of a medieval festival. You'll see what life was like, how people dressed, and maybe even hear some of the old-time lingoes if you're lucky. Check out the shows and displays and pick something out from one of the shops to remember your fun medieval festival date.
Ghost towns hold such historical value that they are something that every history buff should visit. Going on a ghost town tour is one of the best ways to see one of these deserted towns and learn about its history. If you can't find a tour for whatever reason, don't hesitate to take a trip to a local ghost town. You will want to do as much research as possible about the town before you go there, so you have a full understanding of what you are about to see. Ghost towns are amazing in that they preserve life as it was even though time has flown by. You can get a feeling for what life was like when the town was bustling by the buildings and the remnants of the lives of the people who lived and worked in them.
Hiking is something you can do at your local park, or you can also do it in the wilderness. City parks are a sanctuary for city dwellers as they offer up a rare opportunity to see wildlife not far from the concrete jungle. All you need is a comfortable pair of shoes and the desire to walk to turn hiking into a great date. Bring along a lunch, and you've got yourself a picnic in the open outdoors. It's also fun to try to identify wildflowers and animals while you're going on a hike. For the more adventurous or athetic, pick a more difficult hike with a better payoff for finishing it.
Classes & Workshops
The feeling of the clay in your hands is both relaxing and soothing. Pottery classes are a lot like therapy sessions, and you always feel better afterward. Not only do you feel good and are in a better mood, but you walk out of the place with pottery that you can use. Save your pottery and put it up so you can always remember your date. The classes will teach you a lot, and who knows, pottery might be something that you end up getting into it more regularly. If it is, you might be able to turn your love of pottery into a profitable hobby or even a family business.
Whittling is a relaxing hobby that's best enjoyed on a front or back porch. All you need to for your whittling date is a piece of wood and a sharp knife. The wood can be found anywhere, and you might even consider using a fallen tree branch that you can find for free. The knife, well, you don't need a specialty whittling knife if you're not going to pursue this any further. If you think that this is something that might make for a great reoccurring date, invest a few bucks into a set of sharp knives that you can use for whittling. Allow your creativity to flow and see where your whittling will take you by see who can carve the best designs out of wood.
Fun & Games
Jazz is more than a type of music; it's a way of life. Going to a jazz club is a great way to introduce yourself to a new culture and possibly new music. If the two of you are jazz fans, then this is the perfect date for you. Live music is exciting in itself, and jazz is so unpredictable that you never know what's going to happen from one minute to the next. Listening to jazz is like a blast from the past since many performers stay true to their roots. Enjoy the music while you dine and talk. Dress up to make it even more fun.
Herping is where you go out into the wild searching for amphibians or reptiles. If you live in a rural area, you've probably been herping a time or two. If you haven't, herping is a great date idea for those seeking something slightly different. When you're herping you're not out to kill anything, you're out to appreciate, or photograph or possibly capture what you find. Be sure to follow local laws if you're planning on taking any wildlife you encounter. Those of you who live in hot and wet areas will have plenty of herping opportunities. Get yourself familiar with the reptiles and amphibians in your area, especially any venemous ones, so that you can identify them when you encounter them on your herping outing.
Drones are so much fun to fly, and that's why they've grown in popularity. You can fly a drone just about anywhere, including inside, if you're careful. The best place to fly a drone is an area with plenty of open skies. If both of you have drones, there are so many things you can do. You can have races; you can try to do stunts, or fly together and have fun. Many drones have cameras built in, so why not go exploring and capturing video of the beauty of your area? Going outside for a few minutes to fly your drone is as good of an excuse as any to get off of the couch and to enjoy being outside. If you're new to the hobby be sure to learn about any local laws or ordinances related to flying drones. Take your love of drones to the next level by getting your spouse involved in the hobby that you can't get enough of. Your drone dates will become a regular thing if your spouse enjoys them anywhere near as much as you do.
Fun & Games
Crashing a party is as much fun as it sounds. How do you crash a party? There are two ways to crash a party - either attend a party uninvited and try to fly under the radar or attend on that you've been invited to and do something so wild that people will never forget. Let's say that you know someone who is having a birthday party. Maybe you and your spouse dress up as your favorite cartoon characters and surprise everyone at the party. Don't do anything dangerous or illegal of course. The whole point is to surprise the guests so that they never forget the party. Be over the top, loud, or whatever it takes to make sure that you leave a lasting impression on the party's guests.
Watching the sunset is a great way to relax and unwind after a busy day. There's something so romantic about watching the sun go down while darkness begins to blanket the area. Get a blanket and sit out in the grass and look up towards the heavens as the day starts to dwindle. Take this moment and share why you love each other so much. Talk about the things that make the other special or just hold each other. Use this as a brief moment to enjoy the beauty of Mother Nature and to allow yourselves to enjoy being alone.
Arts & Culture
Everyone watches TV and movies and thinks that they can act as well as their favorite actors. An acting date will enable you to put your acting chops to the test. If you want to take your acting date to the next level, record the two of you acting, and share it on YouTube. If you're not feeling so adventurous, you can share what happened during your date with people you know. You can act out scenes from your favorite movies, go a notch higher and read Shakespeare, or make up your own script. Acting enables you to get in touch with your inner artist, and it also allows you to see another side of your spouse that you may have never seen before.
Going rafting is an adventure in itself. Rafting can be a date that lasts a few hours or the entire day if you want. Some rafters might stop along the way and go fishing. Cooking your catch near the bank of the river is a fantastic treat. However, just going down the river in the raft is more than enough fun. Enjoy the scenery, the fresh air, and spending the day with your spouse. Try to take breaks to talk if the water is calm enough that you don't have to stay so focused that it's impossible to say a word. The conversation has a way of flowing like the river water once you're out there and enjoying yourself.
Fun & Games
Playing air hockey is so much fun. Your local arcade probably has an air hockey table, but a restaurant might as well. The most fun thing about air hockey is you get to play a long time for the money. It takes only a few moments for both of you to become skilled enough at playing air hockey, where each point takes quite a while to score. The look on each other's faces while you're hitting the puck back and forth will be priceless no matter what's going on in your life. Air hockey immediately takes away all of your stress and enables you to focus on having a good time during your date.
Road cruising is probably not what you think it is, and it's a date idea for those of you who love reptiles, amphibians, and other critters that tend to make people jolt in fear or disgust. Or maybe you want to confront your fears or are just fascinated by the world around you. You will want to be careful though because some of the critters can be poisonous, and it can take someone knowledgeable to know which are which. It's best to find some back roads where you can drive slowly and look out your car window for the creatures. Take your smartphone with you so you can snap a few shots of anything that you see while you're cruising along looking for creepy crawlies.
Fun & Games
A unique date idea for any married couple is to go to a trampoline park. You've probably never thought of having a date on a trampoline. The trampolines at a park are safe, and they have fences that keep everyone in. You don't have to worry about bouncing off the trampoline and ending up in the hospital while on your date. If you plan on going out to eat as part of your date, save it for after you've spent a few hours jumping up and down. All the bouncing around might make you feel a little queasy after eating. A date at the trampoline park will be something you remember forever.
People watching is a free and fun activity that a married couple can do almost anywhere. Go to a park, shopping mall, or anywhere else people congregate. Watch the people and make comments to each other about the people that you see. It's a bad idea to make fun of people or to say anything that would hurt their feelings if they heard you. Pay attention to what the people are wearing, their hairstyles, and body types. Humans are the most interesting creatures on the planet, and there's nothing more fun than watching what they look like and do while in public.
Causes & Service
Donating blood is a great way to give back to the community while spending some time with each other. Try to have the nurse sit the two of you next to each other so you can talk while giving blood. Relax and enjoy yourself while you give blood. For some couples, a blood donation date is the only time they can relax and not worry about doing anything else. Sometimes it takes something out of the ordinary to make a couple pause the world around them for a brief moment. Other than the initial prick, giving blood is a date idea that helps you feel good about helping others who need it. Or if you're in need of a little cash look into donating plasma as well.
Fun & Games
Water gun fights are a total blast on hot summer days. Load up your water gun and run around while squirting each other. You instantly feel like a child all over again when aiming your water gun at your spouse. It's impossible to do anything other than smile and giggle while you're spraying the person you love with water. If you really want to have a wild time, use cold water and really douse each other during a hot day. It's even more fun if you play cops and robbers and try to hide from each other. An unsuspecting blast of water is an instant laugh fest when you've been caught while hiding.
Fun & Games
There are two great ways to play video games - you can hit up your local arcade or you can play games at home. If you have a game console, then go ahead and make the most of it. If not, don't sweat it, since you can use your smartphone to play games. The two of you can take turns and see who does better. You'll be surprised by how involved you are in the other's gameplay. It won't be long until you are jerking back in excitement when your spouse jumps on the ledge or has an ill-fated encounter with a bad guy. If your game collection is old and boring try renting a few new games or finding free games to play on your phone, tablet or PC.
UNESCO world heritage sites are places where you can turn a date into an unforgettable experience. You've seen these sites in books, movies, and on the internet. Why not see them in person and turn it into a date? Take your smartphone with you so you can read up about the site before you get there. Don't forget to take plenty of pictures and videos while you're there to share with your friends and family. No one knows how long UNESCO world heritage sites will last or if they'll continue to be open to the public, so that means you should try your best to see them while you can.
Health & Wellness
Going for a quick run is a great exercise, and it's also a fantastic way to spend some time with each other. Before your running date, scout out an area that is safe to run. If you're a regular runner, you won't have a problem finding a place to run. If you're living in a big city, a park is probably your best bet to find a safe running space. Bring along some fruit or water bottles and take a break during your running date to spend a little time with each other. If you're feeling up to it, you can have a little competition to see who can run the furthest without getting winded. Running not only is a fantastic one-time date idea but a healthy lifestyle that will reward you for years if you can turn it into a habit.
Personal Development
Touring a university might not sound like the most exciting date idea, but it can be a practical date idea if either one of you is thinking about going to school. Or if you're not looking for educational opportunities, almost every university has a history that is as unique as its students. You might have lived in your city your entire life and not know all there is to know about your local university. Take a university tour with your spouse and discover the rich heritage of the educational facility or learn about the benefits of pursuing your education there. If you've got some extra cash laying around, buy a sweatshirt or two for each of you to remember your university tour. If either of you went to the university, it would make the tour much more enjoyable. You'll be able to tell your spouse all about what happened when you were in school.
Arts & Culture
Everyone has a smartphone these days, and along with it is a video camera. Have you ever thought about it to make a short movie? The first thing you need to do is to write a short script for your film. Why not set up a few dates? The first date can be writing your script while the second and third could be for filming and editing the movie itself. If you're feeling adventurous, you can adlib the entire film from start to finish. If you go that route, you can skip writing a script and go straight to work filming your movie. For added fun, share your video on YouTube with your friends and family and see how they react to it.
There's something so undeniably romantic about going on a gondola ride. It's like a blast from the past as the person guides you through the canal. It will take but a mere matter of moments before you're able to comprehend what's going on fully. After you get adjusted, that's when the sparks begin to fly. Romance will be in the air, and you'll hold hands for the entire evening after you get off the gondola. The perfect way to end a gondola date is by going to an Italian restaurant or anywhere where the two can eat a quiet meal while being left alone.
Watching golf on TV allows you to see the sport like few people do in real life. Professional golfers are incredibly talented, and the close-up shots that the camera provides are like nothing else. Whether you're into golf or not so much, watching it on television is a great idea for a date. You can go back and forth and pretend that you are giving the golfer advice on how they can improve their game. You can even pretend to be their caddy and suggest what golf clubs they should use for the next shot. Don't forget to have plenty of snacks and refreshing beverages ready because you will want to snack and drink while watching all of the golfing excitement.
Fun & Games
Playing games in your yard offers the opportunity to have fun while not having to go very far at all. Badminton, corn hole and lawn darts are a few games that you can play in your yard. Getting some fresh air and moving your body is always a great way to spend some of your free time. If you've got a competitive spirit, then yard games are right up your alley. Make friendly wagers with each other or try to get more points than the other for bragging rights. Playing any game is much more fun when you have someone who you can compete against.
Health & Wellness
Detoxing and cleansing is a vital part of your health. Your body needs to cleanse itself from time to time. Why not turn your detox into a date? Both of you can detox at the same time - that will come in handy if you feel any unwanted side effects. You can help each other out and encourage your spouse if they hit any rough patches. Detoxing isn't the easiest thing to put your body through, but you feel so much better afterward. Turn your cleansing date into something you do every few months for optimal health.
Break out your old clothes and your tools and get to work doing those home renovations that you've been putting off. Doing activities such as home improvement does a lot more than making your house a more livable place; it also strengthens your relationship. You're bound to get into situations where you get on your spouse's nerves. Somehow you work through those situations, and as a couple, you become stronger on the other side. If you're new to DIY projects, start doing small tasks, and work your way up to professional level remodeling.
If you want to play pool, then you've got to be careful where you go. A roughneck bar might not be the ideal place for an evening game of billiards. Pool halls, bowling alleys, and even some restaurants have pool tables. Don't worry if you're any good at playing pool; sometimes it's more fun to play if you're terrible. Do learn the rules of the game though - 8-ball, 9-ball, whatever game interests you. Fire up the jukebox if they have one and just have fun. The two of you will laugh up a storm when one of you misses the cue ball. It's not about who wins the game; it's all about how much fun you have when you play pool.
Going to a basketball game is a dream come true for anyone who loves the sport. There are so many date opportunities when it comes to basketball that couples can enjoy. You can go to a high school basketball game, a college game, or see the professionals in action. No matter who you see play, it will be exciting to watch the players do what they do best. Sometimes it is more enjoyable to watch local players since they are not showing off for the camera. Bring a little extra money with you if you would like to enhance your date by enjoying snacks such as popcorn and drinking things such as soda pop.
There's a whole new world of reality out there. It's not just virtual reality or augmented reality. XR and extending reality are now within reach of the average person. If you're sitting at home wondering what to do, now is the perfect time to take advantage of distorting your reality. The world around you doesn't have to be what you see. You can enter a virtual world, and it will take you on an adventure like nothing else. Explore a reality that is different than what you know exists and turn it into a date. Changing your reality will change how you think about things, and it will also open up your relationship to a whole new world.
YouTube offers a plethora of free videos that cover almost everything you can think of. Watching online videos together is a fun way to relax and have some alone time with each other. Do you subscribe to some of the same channels? If so, watch your favorite videos together. It's also fun to search YouTube to find YouTubers that you've never watched before. Whatever topic you can think is probably available to watch on YouTube. Explore some new things that might have never been on your radar before. Who knows, you might stumble upon new activities that can later be turned into new date ideas.
Events & Attractions
Monster trucks might not come around all too often, and that in itself makes for a fantastic date opportunity. Get yourself a hot dog and a soda pop and enjoy watching the huge trucks bounce off of cars while racing to the finish. The action is always intense, and the names and designs of the trucks are often outrageous. The sound of the exciting announcer is more than enough reason to watch monster trucks. Choose a favorite truck and research it before you arrive. The trucks are the personalities of the event, and some of them are larger than life.
Avid readers know how much fun a book club can be. How can you turn your book club membership into a date? You both need to read the same book and then talk about it. Sit around and discuss what you think is going on with the book. Sometimes it's best to talk about the book after both of you are done reading it because you don't want to risk hearing any spoilers. You can also agree to stop at the same place every week and then discuss what you read. Book clubs offer interesting reading suggestions that couples might otherwise overlook, and discussing what you read is always an enjoyable experience. Create your own little club with just the two of you or find another club that you can attend together.
Food & Drink
Couples who consider themselves animal lovers are the ones who enjoy going to the animal cafe the most. What is an animal cafe? An animal cafe is a restaurant where you eat your meal near or accompanied by animals. The owner of the cafe determines the type of animals you eat near or some even allow you to bring your own pet. You can pet the animals and get to know them a little better before or after your meal. The fun part is that you express your love of animals, which most people don't get to do these days. Make sure you have your camera ready to capture the priceless expression on your spouse's face when something funny happens with the animals.
DIY projects often require two people, and that's what makes them perfect for date nights. You can build your DIY projects from the ground up, or you can go to a place like Ikea and buy boxed projects that only need to be assembled. Look online for inspiration and tips on how to accomplish your plans. It's good to do DIY projects to strengthen your bond as a couple and also to spruce up your living quarters. A new dresser or a fresh coat of paint on the walls can make a huge difference in how you feel when you're at home. You'll save money by doing it yourself, and you'll also have a sense of accomplishment. If you want to turn your DIY date into something phenomenal, treat yourself with pizza or other takeout food after your project is complete.
There are quite a few online streaming services that allow you to make playlists. Spotify is by far the largest of the sites that allow you to make and share your playlists with everyone and to build off of the existing playlists made by others. The fun thing about turning making playlists into a date is that you can share them. If your spouse has different musical tastes than you, it will be exciting to listen to what they think is good. Don't think that your playlist is limited to music since some sites allow you to make playlists of podcast clips, stand up comedy, and even nature sounds. Be creative, and try your best to create playlists that are as unique as your interests are.
Events & Attractions
If you live in a major metropolitan area, there are always all kinds of events that make for great date ideas. If it's an election year, you know there's going to be plenty of politicians holding rallies, and it would be exciting to see them in person. Conferences, workshops, and seminars can also be fun dates. An easy way to see what's going on is to visit the site of a convention center and see what their schedule is. You never know who you're going to see at these events, and that's what makes them so exciting.