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"1-2 hrs". Mix up your next date night with these awesome activities. For the full experience make sure you check out the
Married Fun Date Planner.
Traveling by cable car is one of the most unique ways you'll ever get from point A to point B. You also get to see the mountainside and all its surroundings like you've never seen them before. If you live in a mountain community, then a cable car date is a must-do thing for every couple at least once. If you don't live anywhere near the mountains, plan a road trip or fly to the nearest mountain. The breathtaking view from the cable car is more than enough reason why you should travel far to take advantage of this spectacular date opportunity.
Romance & Relationship
The day you got married changed your life forever. You love your spouse even more today than you did on that wonderful day. No one fully knows when they get married, the impact it will have on them. It is a great way to show your spouse how much they mean to you by renewing your wedding vows. The most important day of your life was the day you exchanged your wedding vows. Renewing your vows doesn't need to be as elaborate as when you got married. What you're trying to do more than anything else is to convey how special your spouse is to you and how much you value your marriage to them.
Estate sales are well known for having a little bit of everything. An estate sale is an auction where you bid on the items that come from someone's home. You're going through every little thing to see if there's something you want. Most people accumulate quite a bit of stuff over their lifetime, which usually means there's a wide variety of items to bid on. Sometimes walking around and looking at all the stuff is the most enjoyable part of the date. Though, if you have a few bucks to spare, the bidding process can be exciting. It's also a lot of fun to watch bidding wars between different people who want the same item. After you're done with checking out what's for sale head over to grab a quick bite to eat at a nearby restaurant you've never tried and talk about the cool stuff you saw or maybe even purchased.
Christmas lights and decorations can really bring the Christmas season alive. As a fun date idea, take a stroll through your own neighborhood or a drive anywhere else that you'd like. Take in the lights, decorations and even the feel of the cold air on your cheeks as you go. Setting up your own decorations can also be a fun activity. Setting up Christmas lights, no matter if it's inside your home or outside, is a two-person job. Why not turn this event into a date night activity? It's even more fun if you treat yourselves with a cup of hot chocolate after you're done. You'll think about the hot chocolate the entire time that you're stringing up the lights. Talk about some of your favorite Christmas memories from years gone by while you're putting up the lights. If you have children, then there are plenty of memories to talk about while you put up the lights.
Fun & Games
Putting together models is an exercise with your hand-eye coordination and also your patience. Couples who like to work with their hands will enjoy putting together many different kinds of models. Those of you who prefer aviation, automobiles, or trains all have something that you can work together to accomplish. The real fun of putting together models as a date isn't putting them together like what is shown on the box. The real fun begins when you decorate your model with a variety of decals and paint. Go out of your way to decorate your model to make it as unique as your relationship is.
Auto repair might seem like a strange date night until you learn how much a mechanic charges! This is a great idea for newlyweds without a lot of money or other couples who love to live frugally. There are many things that a couple can do in the garage that will save them quite a bit of money. Some expensive repair jobs are quite simple to do yourself. Doing so you'll save money, learn more about your car, and spend time with each other. Even something as simple as changing your windshield wiper blades can be adventurous and fun if you've never done if before. If you're unsure how to do something, watch YouTube videos and learn from others.
Classes & Workshops
Art classes are fun for both artistic couples and those who aren't creative in the least. Sometimes those who are the least creative end up enjoying art classes the most because you discover a side of yourself that you didn't know existed. Art classes come in various forms, and you should be able to find some locally that are both paid and free. If you don't want to leave the house, you might be able to find some live streaming art classes for your date. If all else fails, check out YouTube and find some free art classes there that you can watch at any time. Save your art projects so you can remember your date or give them away as gifts so that the fun you two had impacts even more lives.
Badminton is instant fun, no matter if you're a novice or a pro. The fun of badminton is that you get to run around while trying your best not to let the birdie hit the ground. Badminton can be played in your backyard, in a parking lot, or at the park. A game of badminton can last a few minutes, or you can make it an hours-long event. If you're short on time, head out into the backyard and hit the birdie around a little. If you have more time, make it a longer date and bring along a picnic and take a break and eat between your badminton sessions.
A date featuring a tour could be a number of things from taking a tour of a factory, a historical building, or riding a bus while a tour guide tells you about significant landmarks you pass. You can even go on a virtual tour online and see incredible things without ever having to leave your home. The tour's depth is up to you, but the one consistent thing is that you'll get to experience something new with your spouse. Take your date to the next level by finding places to take tours that interest both of you. It'll take a little work to find something that strikes both your fancies, but it's well worth the effort since dates like these tend to be highly memorable ones.
Fun & Games
Impersonations are always a total blast, and sometimes they're even funnier if you can't sound anything at all like the person. You and your spouse undoubtedly share a few favorite celebrities, politicians, or friends that have a unique way of talking. Try your best to imitate your favorite people, both verbally and physically. Impressions are one of those things that get better over time, and yours will improve if you have several impersonation date nights. For added fun, you can wear costumes like the character or imitate their body language while trying to sound like them. If you're not sure where to start, find online videos that can give you pointers and pick out a few celebrities to attempt to impersonate.
Classes & Workshops
Every couple can improve their cooking skills. Attending cooking classes is a great way for both of you to improve your skills in the kitchen. If you have children or are thinking about starting a family, the cooking classes will benefit them as well. Other than the obvious benefit of being able to make food that your kids will eat, you can teach your children what you learn, and they will pass it on as well. Families that cook their own food at home save a ton of money, are healthier, and they often go on to live more productive lives. Cooking is a great stress reliever, and it's something that benefits everyone when you sit down at mealtime and enjoy delicious food. The cooking classes you take will impact your life and the lives of others for years.
Whale watching requires andvanced planning and you usually need to order a package through a tour company. Whales never swim near the beach, and you've got to get a little far out there to see the action. A date out on the open water can be as thrilling as it is romantic. The smell of the saltwater, the sun beating down on you, and the sight of one of nature's most incredible species are all things that combine to create an atmosphere for the perfect date. Don't forget to bring your camera along so you can preserve the memories of your whale watching for years to come. If you're not sure if you might get sea sick you might want to try shorter boating excursions before attempting to go whale watching.
Unless your car just came off the showroom floor, it probably needs some automotive maintenance done to it. Taking your vehicle to the shop for routine maintenance is a hassle, and it's expensive. Turn auto maintenance into a date and have all kinds of fun in the process. Reward yourself with something great to eat after you're done to turn your auto maintenance date into something even more enjoyable. If you want to make your date even more enjoyable, take your vehicle for a spin after you perform maintenance on it. All your hard work will pay off when you're going down the road and enjoying the ride.
Causes & Service
No one likes the idea of ending up in a nursing home. Just imagine how difficult it must be for people who live there. You can make their lives better by visiting or volunteering your time. Nursing homes often have games for their residents to play, such as bowling or bingo. Volunteers often are the ones who put the games on, and it's a great date idea. You can turn your date into something that everyone in the nursing home can enjoy. If you don't have time for that, you can always visit people in the nursing home. If you have friends, family, or people from your church in a nursing home, visit them during a date.
You can turn a field hockey date into a one-on-one match or you can invite other couples to have fun along with you. If you're not familiar with field hockey, it's like ice hockey but not played on ice. You can play field hockey anywhere as long as you have a ball and sticks. Your back yard, a parking lot, or the park are all places where you can play field hockey. Make sure to have plenty of refreshments on hand during your field hockey date because all of that exercise will make you thirsty. Field hockey is great exercise, and it's a total blast when you're playing it against your spouse on a date.
Going to a tennis match is a memorable day to experience because you get to see professionals at the top of their game. If you are a fan of tennis, you will enjoy watching the professionals that you see on television playing the game that you love. Tennis is an exciting game, and you never know what to expect when the world's top professionals are playing. You can make your tennis date even more memorable by dressing up and making sure that both of you stand out from the crowd. Wear your most fashionable summer attire and go out of your way to be the hottest looking couple sitting in the stands.
You don't need a reason for a gift exchange other than to express your love for one another. A gift exchange can be a date in itself, or you can add it to another date idea to have the ultimate experience. Set a limit on how much money you want to spend on the gift. If you really want to go all out, then have a themed gift exchange. For example, if you're both Harry Potter fans, buy each other something that only a true-blue fan would know about. The purpose of a gift exchange isn't to have high expectations about what your husband or wife will buy you, but to enjoy giving each other something even if there's no particular occasion.
Is your house a mess? Does it look like a cyclone has burst through your home? If so, it's time for an organizing date. To make organizing a date, all you have to do is find an area of your home, garage, or shed that needs to be organized. You might have to go through things or simply move them around to make everything neat and tidy. Take breaks and have some snacks prepared to make the date even more enjoyable. You can make your organizing date more fun by making a game plan before you begin. Take before and after pictures so that you can show off your handiwork and brag to each other about the job you did.
Who doesn't love magic tricks? If you have a magic shop in your area, a trip there can be a fun date in itself. If you don't have such a shop, don't sweat it, YouTube is full of videos to teach you how to do magic tricks. Each of you can learn a trick and dazzle the other by pulling it off flawlessly. Magic is one of those things that can make you feel like a kid, no matter how old you are. It's always fun to be amazed by something that appears to show up out of thin air. If you really want to have a spectacular date, invite some guests over and put on a husband and wife magic show with all the new tricks that you've learned.
Playing baseball is a fun date that doesn't cost much if anything. There are so many different ways that you can turn baseball into a fantastic date. You can either find an established co-ed baseball or softball league or just find some friends or family to play with for fun. If you can't put a whole team together you can also play catch or hit the ball around together. Batting cages are also another option if you're looking to improve your game or just have some fun. If one of you is better at catching or hitting than the other they can help teach the other person. There are a lot of options out there, go ahead and play some baseball on your next date.
Arts & Culture
Making your own Christmas cards is a great way to spend some time together as a couple. By making your own Christmas cards, you'll spread holiday cheer in a way that is as unique as you are as a couple. Your friends and family will love receiving your one-of-a-kind Christmas cards. You can turn creating Christmas cards into multiple dates. You can create your Christmas cards and then prepare them to be sent off. Taking your Christmas cards to the post office can be another date. Walk to the post office if weather permits or go out to eat to celebrate sending off your Christmas cards.
There are two typical ways that you can turn motocross into a date, and they are by watching it on television or attending an event in person. If you're fortunate enough to go to a motocross sporting event, it will definitely be a date you never forget. Watching it on television can be just as much fun considering you can make your own snacks to eat while enjoying the races. If you're really a big-time motocross fan, you can whip up some snacks with your favorite driver's number on them. Take a little extra money with you on your motocross date so you can buy a souvenir, so you always have something to remember the evening by.
Xpogo is taking pogo to an extreme. Yes, you can take pogo to an extreme, as you'll find out while watching Xpogo during a date. The pogo you knew and loved as a child has a new grown-up version and is best left to the professionals. Now you can do all kinds of tricks that you never thought were possible. A fun date idea is to watch people on YouTube doing Xpogo or if you're lucky, you can witness it in person.
There are several ways you can go house shopping and which you choose depends on how much time and money you have. Cruising around looking for sale signs in front yards is an excellent way of seeing what houses are on the market. You can even go for a walk in your neighborhood and check to see if there are any houses for sale. Setting up a meeting with a realtor is more appropriate if you're more intent on buying a home. Discuss what you like and dislike about the houses to learn what your spouse's dream home is. Remember, this isn't just for serious buyers, this is a fun activity to just dream about your future together.
Arts & Culture
Nothing says autumn like carving a pumpkin. It doesn't matter if your date is near Halloween or not, carving a pumpkin is a fantastic way to spend a little time with each other. If you really want to turn your pumpkin carving date into something even more enjoyable, clean up pumpkin seeds and bake them in the oven. Fresh roasted pumpkin seeds are a delicious treat, and it will make your pumpkin carving date even that much more enjoyable. If you have the extra money lying around, you can buy two pumpkins and each carve your own to allow your creative sides to run wild.
Leathercrafting is a lost art, but there's still plenty of date night fun to be had. A cheap way to get into leathercrafting is by buying scraps of leather from your local tannery. Also, local leather workers might be willing to sell you any scraps they have. If all else fails, you can buy leather online to work with at home. You should already have something in mind that you'd like to make out of leather. Maybe you want to make a belt, pants, or a wallet. The two of you will be able to make more advanced things out of leather after you've made several dates out of it. Leatherwork is a unique date idea that can be a lot of fun for the both of you.
Classes & Workshops
Classes that teach you how to paint are a great date idea because it's a skill that you can have with you for the rest of your life. Also, painting classes may introduce you to a local artist who you would've otherwise not known. You'll enjoy looking over the shoulder of someone who knows what they're doing. There's nothing like watching a professional paint. Don't think that you're painting is limited to only what you do in the classroom on your date. You can take your skills and use them to create paintings for years to come.
Arts & Culture
Dying eggs is a lot of fun because you get to eat your artwork after you're done. If you are an artistic couple, you can create all kinds of decorative eggs. A date of dying eggs can result in quite a few gifts that you can give to your friends and family. If Easter is right around the corner, a basket of dyed eggs is a perfect gift. Also, don't forget to take a few pictures of your eggs to share with your friends and family online. If you want to get even more creative, you can dye the eggs and also paint them. Use your imagination and allow it to run while you come up with all kinds of new designs and dye patterns that are sure to amaze anyone who looks at your eggs.
Your financial future as a married couple is extremely important. Saving and investing are the ways you can financially prepare for old age and to create a lifestyle that you're comfortable with. An exciting date activity would be to choose a handful of possible things to invest in and then do research for them using the internet. For example, you could research investing in Bitcoin, commodities, or lesser-known stocks. Have some takeout food delivered to you and your date will not only benefit your future but will even be more enjoyable. Going over your portfolio's performance is always a great date idea, and it's also something you should do regularly.
You probably spend more time in your bedroom than in any other room in the house. A bedroom makeover is something you should do every once in a while to keep things fresh. A bedroom makeover can consist of cleaning and rearranging things or going all out and replacing everything that you can. Changing things up can really improve the feel. Take the opportunity to make your bedroom a little more sexy. If you're in for a wild experiment, allow your spouse to design the entire makeover. Allow your spouse to choose the bedsheets, the furniture, and whatever else you're willing to give them the power to change. You might be in for a jaw-dropping experience when you see how your spouse wants your bedroom decorated.
Going to a soccer game can be a really fun thing to do on a date with your spouse. No one gets more excited about their team, than soccer fans do. If you have never been to a soccer game in person before, be prepared to hear lots of cheering from passionate fans every time something happens on the field. Soccer is a fast-paced game that can leave you feeling mesmerized by all of the action. Try your best to help each other follow the action on the field so that you know what's going on as it happens.
Taking a woodworking class or working on a project together is a great way to work on your bond. The project itself can vary in degrees of difficulty, and your abilities will grow over time. Each project you work on with each other will give you the skills and confidence to work on more complex things. You can sell the things you make, use them in your own home, or donate them to a local charity. No matter what you do with the final product, the real fun is always making it.
Causes & Service
Going to an animal shelter can be a great date if the two of you are looking for a new pet to adopt. You can also volunteer at an animal shelter which is a great way to give back to the community and to share your love of animals on a date. Animal shelters are always in need of volunteers, and it's an excellent way for the two of you to spend some time together. During your volunteering date, you'll spend time with each other and take care of some of society's neediest animals. Knowing that you're improving the lives of animals while also spending quality time with the person you love makes this a no brainer date idea for many married couples.
Health & Wellness
For those of you who don't know, canicross is cross country running - with dogs. Basically, you go take your dog for a run. If you have two dogs, it's a lot of fun to do on a date. You and your spouse take your dogs to the park or some area where they can run on a leash and allow them to stretch their legs and have a good time. As a pet owner, you always have to be concerned about your dog, not getting enough exercise. The same can be said about you and your spouse not getting enough exercise. A canicross date is good exercise for everyone involved, and that's what makes it such an enjoyable experience.
Libraries are about so much more than only books these days. You can read newspapers, magazines, and use the internet. Sometimes sitting at the library is an excellent way to relax and not be disturbed. What would you do on a date at the library? A fun thing to do is to try to find a book that you think your spouse will like. Be creative and find an author that you don't think that they've ever read before. You'll learn so much about your spouse when you're at the library and seeing what they like to read.
Volleyball is an exciting sport to watch on television, and it is a fantastic date idea. Watching volleyball is so much fun because you never know what the outcome is going to be. Each volley can be more exciting than the last and it can be so much fun to see how long the players can go without the volley coming to an end. Have plenty of snacks, ice cream, or whatever both of you like on hand to munch on while watching TV. If both of you consider yourselves to be volleyball aficionados, you might want to prepare a special meal to celebrate watching the big event. If you are fans of a particular team, show your team spirit by decorating your living room or wearing the colors of your favorite team.
Fun & Games
No matter where you live, there are opportunities to act like a tourist. What does it mean to act like a tourist? It means that you do things that tourists do like go sightseeing, eat at new restaurants, go to museums that you've never been to before. See what tourists do when they visit where you live and do some of the same things. You may be surprised at all the popular attractions you have nearby that you have never experienced. If you live in a small town, you can always go to the next town over and act like a tourist there. Acting like a tourist is a fun date you can do for a few hours or turn it into an all-day affair.
Personal Development
Audiobooks are an enjoyable way to get the information from a book without having to read it. Also, if you buy a copy of a book, only one of you can read it at a time. With an audiobook, both of you can listen to it at the same time. Why not have one night a week where you sit down and listen to an audiobook together? You could also make it a part of your drive during your other dates together. Have some snacks ready and get comfy on the couch and spend time enjoying a good story. It will be worth the audiobook's cost if the two of you can enjoy each other's company. If you have a few hours per week to have an audiobook date, you might finish a book or two a month.
Fun & Games
Temporary tattoos are a blast because you can see what you would look like with various tattoos without having to put anything permanent on your body. Everyone without tattoos always wonders what they would look full of tats. If you're not the type who would get a tattoo, going the temporary route is fantastic. You can get one tattoo or put them all over your body. A really fun thing to do during a temporary tattoo date would be to choose the tattoos for your spouse. Are you feeling mischievous or do you want to give your husband a frilly cute kitty tattoo? Maybe the husband will want to go all out and give his wife a face tattoo. You can do all kinds of things during this date and have a blast. Take a few pictures of yourself with the tattoos and freak your friends and family out. You don't have to tell them that your tattoos are temporary!
Personal Development
Who doesn't love the idea of understanding and being able to communicate is secret codes? There are a lot of codes and languages that you can learn for fun. What about having secret codes with the person you love? Set aside some time for a cryptography date where the two of you make your own secret codes. Try to make some codes that cause you to burst out laughing. Get a couple of small frozen pizzas, some takeout, or a bag of chips to make your cryptography date even more fun. How seriously should you take this? It's actually not a bad idea to have a few secret codes amongst couples so that you can say things without anyone know what you're talking about. Everyone needs a way to tell their spouse they have spinach in their teeth without bringing attention to it by everyone in a public setting.