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One of the worst things that can happen to a married couple is if they lose interest in one another in the bedroom. After all, sex and intimacy are two parts of marriage that are hardest to talk ...
If you’re a newlywed couple, then you’ve probably already been on your honeymoon - and enjoyed all of those intimate evenings, nights and mornings that go along with enjoying some private ...
You may have heard about other couples scheduling sex and dismissed the idea as ridiculous - but did you know that scheduling sex is actually very beneficial for your marriage? It may seem like a ...
Sometimes you want to have sex but you don’t exactly feel up to a romp that is akin to a hardy workout or a full-length marathon. When you’re feeling tired from work or simply just too ...
Are you looking to spice up your marriage bedroom? If so, you are not alone: when married couples find that their sex life is getting a bit too routine - in other words, stale and boring! - they can ...
If you’ve ever attempted a sex position with your spouse that didn’t quite work out - maybe it was too uncomfortable, maybe you weren’t flexible enough, one or both of you ...
If you and your spouse are newly married and you are still exploring your sex life in its earliest stages, then you may feel intimidated by some of the more advanced sexual positions that people talk ...
Getting remarried can come with a lot of unforeseen "baggage" from your previous marriage, and one of the most overlooked types of baggage is related to your sex life. When you are ...
It’s no secret that good sex is important to a good relationship. Lovemaking is one of the most basic ways that your relationship can encourage intimacy and closeness, so it’s important ...
Once you’ve been married for a while, you might notice friends or other couples getting in occasional jabs about how your sex life is going now that you’re married. There is an unfair ...
What are the best sex positions? The answer will depend on many different things! It is true that there are no universal best sex positions, as everyone has different preferences in regards to ...
Sometimes it seems like life is keeping you too busy for anything outside of work, eat, sleep - and repeat. Unfortunately, this type of busy schedule affects more than just your ability to do ...
A sexless marriage is frustrating for both spouses. But what do you do when your wife isn’t interested in sex? The following tips will help you understand what may cause a sexless marriage and ...
A sexless marriage can be a frustrating situation for both spouses. But what do you do when your husband is no longer interested in sex? The following tips will help you understand what may cause a ...
Once you have kids, it won’t be long before you’ll hear what will become a familiar jab from friends: "So, how’s the sex life?" Unfortunately, there is truth behind this ...
Sometimes, you’re just not in the mood for sex. But when "sometimes" becomes "usually", it can lead to damage in your marriage and your relationship. When you’re not ...
It’s a problem that many relationships face at one time or another: your wife wants more sex and you don’t. But what do you do when you and your wife’s libidos don’t match up? ...
It’s an all too common problem: your husband wants to have more sex than you do. But what do you do when you have a mismatched libido in the bedroom? If you want your marriage to stay strong, ...
Intimacy is one of the core foundations of any good marriage. Whether it’s sex, kissing, or even just cuddling on the couch, physical touch and affection are some of the most beautiful ways ...
If you have never had sex before you probably don't have a good idea of what to expect. If you have had sex, but not with your new spouse, you know most of the drill but everyone is different, ...
Do you genuinely understand your husband’s sexual needs? It is easy - and common - to become complacent in relation to the sexual aspect of your marriage. However, if you want your relationship ...
Do you actually understand your wife’s sexual needs? It’s easy to become complacent when it comes to the sexual aspect of your marriage, but if you want your relationship to stay strong ...
You may have heard the phrase "sex starts in the kitchen" before, and you may have wondered what exactly that means. Well, husbands, listen up! This important knowledge could just ...
Foreplay can be an important part of sexual intimacy. It helps a couple warm up and get ready for the main event. Even though it is often overlooked, foreplay can be vital, especially at times for ...
Spending time in your bedroom with your spouse is one of the most intimate times for a married couple. Whether you are newly-weds or have been married for a long time, it's important for couples ...
Every married couple knows the importance of sex and intimacy in a good marriage. But there’s an important variable that often gets skipped when making time for lovemaking: foreplay. Now you ...
Is your married sex life feeling bland, boring, and dull around the edges? If so, you are not alone - and you’re also not out of luck! There are many ways that you and your spouse can turn a ...
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