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One of the worst things that can happen to a married couple is if they lose interest in one another in the bedroom. After all, sex and intimacy are two parts of marriage that are hardest to talk ...
If you’re a newlywed couple, then you’ve probably already been on your honeymoon - and enjoyed all of those intimate evenings, nights and mornings that go along with enjoying some private ...
Marriage is a wonderful thing, but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t room for improvement in your marriage. In fact, there are many things that you may be doing as a wife which are ...
Marriage is a wonderful thing - but like any relationship, there are ways that you can improve your marriage and make it stronger for both you and your wife in the long run. There are certain things ...
Love is one of the cornerstones of a successful marriage - that is certainly a no-brainer. But sometimes it is not always easy knowing how to express love for your wife in a way that strengthens and ...
People who are happily married know that you have to work at a good marriage. All relationships involve a little bit of work, but a good marriage shouldn’t be a full time job! Here are 7 simple ...
Love is one of the cornerstones of a successful marriage - that goes without saying, of course. But sometimes it is not always easy knowing how to love your husband in a way that improves your ...
Anniversaries are the perfect time to celebrate your relationship, whether you’re celebrating a 2 year anniversary or you’ve been married for 15 years. One thing is for certain: an ...
Remember back to when you were dating and engaged? Things were exciting and fun. Oftentimes after years of marriage we get into a little rut and things become routine and boredom sets ...
You may have heard about other couples scheduling sex and dismissed the idea as ridiculous - but did you know that scheduling sex is actually very beneficial for your marriage? It may seem like a ...
Looking for some fun date ideas and getting a little tired of Dinner and a Movie? After you've been married for a while it becomes more challenging to put together good ideas for date night ...
So, you’ve just gotten married and you’re wondering to yourself, “What’s next?” Well, I’ve got good news for you! Follow a few simple tips and you’ll have a ...
Sometimes going out for dinner and a movie starts to get old, especially if it's usually what you do on your regular date night. Even couples who haven't been married for that long might ...
Marriage is meant to last a life time - but in today's society divorce is all-too-common for many couples who are unprepared for handling the hardships they face during their marriage. The ...
You’ve walked down the aisle, said the vows, and filled out some paperwork. If you think that is the end of the adventures, then it’s time to buckle up and get ready for more. You have a ...
Marriage problems - they’re something that no couple wants to face, yet all married couples will face some type of conflict in their relationship at one time or another. Although marriage ...
Sometimes you want to have sex but you don’t exactly feel up to a romp that is akin to a hardy workout or a full-length marathon. When you’re feeling tired from work or simply just too ...
Are you looking to spice up your marriage bedroom? If so, you are not alone: when married couples find that their sex life is getting a bit too routine - in other words, stale and boring! - they can ...
If you’ve ever attempted a sex position with your spouse that didn’t quite work out - maybe it was too uncomfortable, maybe you weren’t flexible enough, one or both of you ...
If you and your spouse are newly married and you are still exploring your sex life in its earliest stages, then you may feel intimidated by some of the more advanced sexual positions that people talk ...
It should come as no surprise that two people living together, running a household, and possibly raising children are going to have some disagreements. Conflict is a normal part of every marriage. In ...
Getting remarried can come with a lot of unforeseen "baggage" from your previous marriage, and one of the most overlooked types of baggage is related to your sex life. When you are ...
It’s no secret that good sex is important to a good relationship. Lovemaking is one of the most basic ways that your relationship can encourage intimacy and closeness, so it’s important ...
Once you’ve been married for a while, you might notice friends or other couples getting in occasional jabs about how your sex life is going now that you’re married. There is an unfair ...
Romance shouldn’t be limited to just those special occasions marked on your calendar, like Valentine’s Day or your Wedding Anniversary. It’s easy to add romance to your relationship ...
Stuck at home with your spouse? Are you not able to go out because of money? Are you both working long hours and do not have the time or energy to go out? Don't have a babysitter for the kids? ...
Sometimes you are too busy to plan dates or spend time with the person that you love. Sometimes you do not have the extra cash to go out for a date night. Or you cannot get a babysitter on time for ...
We do not always have the money to go to that fancy restaurant, stay at an all-inclusive hotel for a weekend, or to go to a concert. There is always something else that requires more attention - ...
So, her big day is coming up! It would be a great idea for you to take the initiative and plan a special day or night for you and your sweetheart. You may not know where to start and that’s no ...
While most men are not very overelaborate when it comes to dates, taking your husband out for a birthday date can still be an incredible idea. You need to bear in mind that there are some things to ...
Are you worried about what to do for your next date? How can I ‘dress to impress’ they say? How do you feel about outdoor camping with a surprise? A wonderful evening out on a boat ...
Keeping the fire alive is so important when it comes to marriage. Romance is something people often overlook after they get married. Couples have a tendency to think that romance dies off after they ...
A fun date doesn't have to be a fantasy when you're married. Some think as soon as you walk down the aisle, the dates dry up. Date night is different when you're married, but that ...
Going out on a date seems impossible at times when you're married. Do you have children? If so, then the idea of going out on a date almost sounds ridiculous. Should it sound ridiculous? No, it ...
Cheap dates don't make you a cheapskate. Not by a long shot. If you're married and have kids, then you know how tight you've got to stretch a dollar. Sometimes couples who don't have ...
It’s hard for married couples to make time for each other. It’s even harder if you have children. Do you remember what date night was like before you got married? You might have gone to a ...
What are the best sex positions? The answer will depend on many different things! It is true that there are no universal best sex positions, as everyone has different preferences in regards to ...
Pornography may or may not seem like a serious issue to you, but pornography can actually have significant negative effects on your marriage and even your sex life. The following are the most ...
Weight gain - whether it is your own or your spouse’s - is unfortunately one of the most common contributors to divorce. Weight gain can cause a variety of problems in your marriage, ranging ...
A lack of commitment in your marriage isn’t just frustrating: it’s actually one of the most common contributors to divorce. Lack of commitment can cause an array of problems in your ...
Substance abuse is one of the most common contributors to divorce. Substance abuse can significantly impact your marriage for the worse, which is why it is important to handle substance abuse ...
Domestic violence is one of the most common contributors to divorce. If there is domestic violence in your married relationship, it is important that you know how to handle the situation. The ...
Friends may grow apart with time - but spouses shouldn’t! Unfortunately, many married couples find themselves growing apart; growing apart is actually one of the most common contributors to ...
Abuse is one of the most common contributors to divorce. If there is abuse in your marriage, you need to know how it can impact your marriage - and what to do if it exists in your marriage. The ...
When married couples have problems or issues related to their sex lives, they can turn to sex therapy in order to improve their married sex life and in turn, help strengthen their marriage. In some ...
Couples therapy can be beneficial to many couples, whether they are actively going through a conflict or they find themselves retreading the same problems every so often, leading to arguments or ...
Marriage counseling can help strengthen your marriage, help you and your spouse resolve problems, and help ensure that your marriage lasts for many long and happy years - hopefully your whole life. ...
Sometimes it seems like life is keeping you too busy for anything outside of work, eat, sleep - and repeat. Unfortunately, this type of busy schedule affects more than just your ability to do ...
A sexless marriage is frustrating for both spouses. But what do you do when your wife isn’t interested in sex? The following tips will help you understand what may cause a sexless marriage and ...
A sexless marriage can be a frustrating situation for both spouses. But what do you do when your husband is no longer interested in sex? The following tips will help you understand what may cause a ...
Once you have kids, it won’t be long before you’ll hear what will become a familiar jab from friends: "So, how’s the sex life?" Unfortunately, there is truth behind this ...
Sometimes, you’re just not in the mood for sex. But when "sometimes" becomes "usually", it can lead to damage in your marriage and your relationship. When you’re not ...
It’s a problem that many relationships face at one time or another: your wife wants more sex and you don’t. But what do you do when you and your wife’s libidos don’t match up? ...
It’s an all too common problem: your husband wants to have more sex than you do. But what do you do when you have a mismatched libido in the bedroom? If you want your marriage to stay strong, ...
Intimacy is one of the core foundations of any good marriage. Whether it’s sex, kissing, or even just cuddling on the couch, physical touch and affection are some of the most beautiful ways ...
If you have never had sex before you probably don't have a good idea of what to expect. If you have had sex, but not with your new spouse, you know most of the drill but everyone is different, ...
Do you genuinely understand your husband’s sexual needs? It is easy - and common - to become complacent in relation to the sexual aspect of your marriage. However, if you want your relationship ...
Do you actually understand your wife’s sexual needs? It’s easy to become complacent when it comes to the sexual aspect of your marriage, but if you want your relationship to stay strong ...
It’s been a few years since you’ve been married - maybe two, maybe five, maybe twenty. Time has passed and you simply don’t feel the same connection you did when you two were ...
When you first fell in love with your spouse, you no doubt felt that thrill of the "chase" that came with falling in love, becoming a couple, and finally committing to one another. Yet that ...
Holidays are a wonderful time to give gifts. In general, there is a certain theme to the gifts that you give on holidays, as each holiday is intended to celebrate a different occasion or event. Here ...
It's never too early to think about Mother’s Day. Whether you want to honor your own mother - or the mother of your children, one of the most thoughtful gifts you can give is for ...
Keeping and maintaining the love and romance alive in a marriage is important. Sure, things change after marriage. What with new responsibilities such as work and kids taking up most of our ...
You may have heard the phrase "sex starts in the kitchen" before, and you may have wondered what exactly that means. Well, husbands, listen up! This important knowledge could just ...
It’s time to bust that stereotype that married couples can’t have fun for good. Not only can married couples have plenty of fun - whether you’ve been married 6 months, 6 years or 60 ...
Just because the two of you walked down the aisle and exchanged rings doesn’t mean that dates are done. Now the two of you have established some expectations and have a partner with whom you ...
Date night is something many people think is reserved for - well, dating couples! But having a date night is just as important for married couples, if not more important in terms making sure that a ...
As humans, we are constantly seeking ways to communicate with each other. Married couples are unique because the channel of communication between husband and wife is one of total transparency. The ...
As a married couple, you may have heard someone bring up the suggestion of marriage counseling for when you and your spouse are having some problems. But what is marriage counseling, exactly? And do ...
Marital infidelity. It’s a phrase that no married person wants to hear, but it’s an unfortunate reality that some marriages are broken up by acts of infidelity on the part of one or both ...
Does your marriage lack intimacy? There are many couples out there who find that the intimacy in their marriage isn’t meeting their needs. When this happens, it can cause marital problems and ...
One of the most common reasons why some marriages fall apart is unresolved conflict. Conflict is impossible to avoid in marriage or any relationship; where the trouble comes in is when you have too ...
Proper communication is one of the foundations of a successful marriage. Yet many people don’t realize the importance of communication until it is too late, and their marriage has been ...
Is your bedroom romantic? Chances are, if you’re like most married couples, then your bedroom is probably less than an ideal place for romance. There might be dirty socks on the floor, your ...
So... you’ve finally tied the knot. Now what? If you’re like many newly-weds, you may be wondering what you are supposed to do now that you are married. It’s something that every ...
Foreplay can be an important part of sexual intimacy. It helps a couple warm up and get ready for the main event. Even though it is often overlooked, foreplay can be vital, especially at times for ...
Spending time in your bedroom with your spouse is one of the most intimate times for a married couple. Whether you are newly-weds or have been married for a long time, it's important for couples ...
Every married couple knows the importance of sex and intimacy in a good marriage. But there’s an important variable that often gets skipped when making time for lovemaking: foreplay. Now you ...
Is your married sex life feeling bland, boring, and dull around the edges? If so, you are not alone - and you’re also not out of luck! There are many ways that you and your spouse can turn a ...
One of the most important parts of your marriage is learning to understand what your husband wants - and what he needs as well. Knowing what husbands want is integral to a happy, successful and ...
Marriage is the commitment and promise to spend the rest of your lives together - but that doesn’t mean that marriage doesn’t change your relationship dynamic over time. Over time, ...
An affair is something that no one wants to experience in their marriage - and there are actually some ways that you can ensure that your marriage doesn’t fall into the traps and pitfalls that ...
When is the last time that your wife went out with her girl friends? Once you’re married, sometimes it can be hard to make time for friends, even the girls that your wife used to spend so ...
When is the last time that your husband went out with the guys? Once you’re married, sometimes it can be hard to make time for friends - even the guys that your husband used to spend so ...
When was the last time you and your spouse went out on a group date? If you’re like most people, then the answer is likely in the ballpark of “uhh, when we were still dating?” ...
One of the most common subjects to come up in a marriage is the idea of romance and gender roles. Who should take the lead, so to speak, when it comes to romance? The husband - or the wife? ...
"Put your spouse first." It’s something that you’ve probably heard, but understanding this complex phrase is different from simply hearing it. What does it mean to put your ...
Are you going on a regular date night with your spouse? A regular date night is the cornerstone of a happy, healthy relationship. Date nights keep your relationship fresh while keeping your romance ...
As a husband, it’s important for you to know what your wife needs and wants if you want to have a long, successful and happy marriage. The following is an essential guide to your wife’s ...
Going out on dates with your spouse can be exciting, fun and very romantic; but what do you do when you’re out of date ideas or you’re looking for ideas fit for a special occasion? ...
If you want your relationship to be loving and long-lasting, then you need to know how to fulfill that often-talked-about-but-rarely-explained role of "woman of his dreams." If you want to ...
One of the cornerstones of a good relationship is knowing how to be the man of your wife’s dreams; knowing how to embody the type of man that your wife wants to be with is one of the best ways ...
Married life can be very challenging even if you have a great relationship as a base. While your marriage can be very stable now, it’s always good to keep reinforcing the foundation to ensure ...
Married life doesn’t have to be the misery business that a lot of media makes it out to be. Marriage is a partnership with your very best friend, after all. With that in mind, there are some ...
Getting married is the first step towards building and spending the rest of your lives together. But there are a lot of things about marriage that don’t get discussed by the general public - ...
Deciding on a wedding gift can be a bit nerve-wracking, especially if you want to make sure that your gift is actually appreciated and not just tossed in a box and forgotten about. Unfortunately, ...
Bad habits are something everyone must deal with at some point or another, but some bad habits can actually hurt your marriage, and it’s these types of marriage-harming bad habits that you need ...
Infertility is a circumstance that many couples must face. Facing infertility can be a daunting prospect, but when you approach the prospect of infertility together, you will be able to come out ...
There is an old cliché that says “it’s not the gift that counts, but the thought behind it.” And while this may very well be true, it doesn’t stop people of all walks ...
Husbands, when is the last time you asked your wife out on a date? Or when is the last time you actually took her out on a date? If you're struggling to come up with the answer to either of these ...
It’s often not long after tying the knot that couples have to put their parenting shoes on. Couples often tend put the kids first and place the marriage relationship on the back ...
One of the best ways to improve your married life is by having date nights often. Now, a question which people often have is how often your should have a date night. The rule of thumb is at least ...
Unique gifts are a great way to show your husband or wife that you care and are thinking about them. Whether it is for a birthday, holiday or other special event, giving unique gifts can show that ...
There are many reasons why most people seek out the married life. Marriage is good for individuals, families and society in general. For these reasons both government and religion support marriage. ...
With all the advancements of modern technology and the increased use of smartphones, life has become easier for us. There is an app for just about everything and marriage is no exception. ...
There is an app for just about everything now, and that's no joke. Whether you want a tracker for sleep, diet, and exercise, an app that has meditations, or one that reminds you to water your ...
Have Lives Outside of Marriage It might be a little surprising that one of the best ways to have the best married life is to in fact have a life outside of the marriage. This doesn't mean have ...
Wedding anniversaries are a traditional way to celebrate the anniversary of the wedding date, and there are many traditions associated with wedding anniversaries. Commonly, two of the most ...
What would you say if you were asked to write one hundred things you love about your wife? When ten happily married men were asked to do so, they had more than a hundred things to write and when ...
The day you say, "I do" to the love of your life is often a dream come true. It is a statement that reflects your desire to face the future with him or her, and to make the most ...
What does romance mean to you? Is it going out to dinner with your better half and then taking both your favorite desserts to-go so that the two of you can eat it at home while watching your favorite ...
Avoid the Valentine’s Day Hassle Far too often, the thought of Valentine’s Day brings feelings of anxiety and frustration instead of feelings of love and happiness. The great emphasis ...
Keeping the flame alive in a relationship can be challenging after a few years of marriage because life events tend to get in the way. You make everything else a priority and suddenly years have gone ...
Do you share many common interests with your spouse, or does he or she have completely different passions, hobbies, and beliefs than yours? Compatibility has nothing to do with common interests. In ...
All relationships differ from couple to couple, but what makes a healthy, happy marriage is forming a trusting and positive partnership. But it doesn’t just happen overnight. It takes work, ...
When I was a child, I remember my little sister asking my parents why they always got to go out and "have all the fun" while we had to stay home with the babysitter and just go to bed. ...
Father's Day gifts are opportunities for you to share your love and appreciation with your father, or your spouse as the father of your children, in a way that is thoughtful and personal. Your ...
There's a popular saying that "couples who travel together, stay together." While we don't know whether or not there is scientific proof for this statement, it is true that ...
Anyone who has been married for a long time probably has a story about a less-than-memorable anniversary. Perhaps one of you forgot, or both of you were busy with work or family. Sometimes ...
Ladies, does this sound familiar? After finally getting your toddler down for a nap, you spend twenty minutes cleaning the kitchen before realizing that the elementary school gets out early today and ...
The happiest couples actively work toward bringing positivity into their relationships. They are also inclined to gloss over the bad stuff and focus on the happy times they’ve had since the day ...
Having a family can take a toll on a couple. You both have to ensure that your kids are taken care of, house chores are done, and work is prioritized. After tying the knot, most couples are blessed ...
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